HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-08-13, Page 8ter• ree-eit The Party the lee, press e day i Betel Liher. otay I tievra eveut Merit the p gagai that atio tion pectS and s have not e, strid them prest 40/ Part is nn that in dr Can full criti eanc sucb. a tri TI frid coot ed list cani eacl . Car ' Dot mat bas Bri sim def. dot • mW ees -Err 1 I Dr ths 111 fr, pet act no' cot wi• wi pr otl is ad to iti es tr tit re pi st re tr tt. tt 8 MINOR LOCALS.. -Olinton's tax rate for this year is 29% mill*. r --Civic Holiday Wingham on Wed- nesday, August 19th -Last Monday night's rain was wet - aimed after the long dry spell of weath- er. 1 -Wingham fall fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 24th and 25th, --The Lucknow Sentinel staff is holi- slaying this week and the paper will not be issued. -Last Sunday was the hottestt day a the year 1914, according to the Gov- ernment weather bureau report. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. -In our report of the Standing Field Crop Competition last week we omitted the name of Gilmore Bros, of Turn- berrya who had a score of 8134 points. -The Merchants Brokerage Co. has purchased the dry goods atock of J. H. Baker, which was recently damaged by fire. The store is being repaired, and the stock overhauled, before reopened to the public. -Mr. T. J. McLean has been award- ed the contract of putting in aconsider- able amount of sewer in Brussels. Mr. McLean has already started on the work and it will take considerable time to complete the contract, -Not a money order can be secured throughout the length and breadth of Canada to -day for any destination out- side of the North American continent. A notice to this effect was received at the post office on Saturday. ` -Mr. R. J. Dobie has purchased the 86 -acre farm in Morris township on the Dluevale road from Mr, Joseph M. Smith. Mr. Dobie will take possession on the 1st of September. We are sorry to loose Mr. and Mrs. Dobie and family as residents of Wingham. Governed His Feel - "1 eau always sympathize w 1 t the man who is down." "What are you, a charity worker." "Oh, no." "Just your hu- man Instincts?" "Well, 1 mate court plaster," How Ho Likes It. "My busband says be doesn't see that there is any work to be done in the house." "That's the way with most men." "What is?" "Wby, they want the work all done Up end kept out of sight while they tire around." • e • Good !dee. 4- ' • "It is raining pitchforks." , "What!" "Pact." "When it elears up 111 tell you what let's do."' "Start an Implement shop." Explained. "What is meant by the term 'art - "Artist" oyes.. "Well, he la an artist who can make a rain want what he doesn't want." All Things Come Round. "You look serene." ain.waiting," "Wbat for?" "Ali things." "Allow me tO eongratulate you upon your grasp el the situation." Of Course, "Did you say he made a desperate struggle against adverse fate?" erzeg.,, "Was it really adverse fate?" "If it hadn't been, he wouldn't need to struggle against it." A Hint. "Whore irt your hat, map?" "Irlven't 1 got it our "Cestaitily not." "OI), 5'es, I have. That is the one I i)avon from you at the last election." • No $eatt, "Kam Peterbyr' "We nre friends of long standing." "Ion f standing, eh?" "Yee; we ride borne on the etreet car together." - Simpler Way. "Soaker thiuks his wife bas isecoed sight." "Seeond nothing, She cap smell it on hls breath." Seems So. "151d yott ever see egg* so blgb?" "Awful, Unit itr "Yon would* think they were laid In si tree," • VIE wroarrAm TIRES. AUTIST 13, 1911 NA DRU- GO COD LIVER 011 soofOrtao 'XrennanoannostononentInionnenninnek Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY I T Put up in two sizes 5oc, and $1 .00 J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM HORN CAMPBELL -In Kinloss, on August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Campbell, a deughter. LAVIS-At St. Helens on August a, to Mr. and Mrs. Levis, a son. HOWSON-In Wingham, on August Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Howson; a son. MARRIED TWAIALEY -BEGLEY-At the home of the bride's parents, nearBelfast, on July 29th, by the Rev. Mr. Bridgette. Ella Twamley and Mr. Earl Begley of Lucknow. CAMPBELL -DARROW-At the manse, Lucknow, on August 4th, Rev. J. S. Duncan, Mrs. G. Campbell and John Darrow, both of Lucknow. DIED. CATHERS-In Howick, on Aug. 1st, Mrs. John Gathers, Orange Hill, aged 79 years. 111.1•1111100•0) ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line Lor first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. WANTED -Good general servant Apply at the TIMES office. WANTED -A good general servant girl. Apply to Mrs. Peter Fisher. .Now's the time to buy your wall pap- er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big sttick of select from et lowest prices. REER. All accounts o mg me ust be paid by August 22th, jz thevill be put in- to court as I anlg town, E. Bj 1T1RT, Diagonal Rd. FARM FOR SAL -175 acres; one mile from. Bluevale and three miles from Wingham. Apply to Rosman Bros., Biuevale. NOTICE -I will be in W'''-gli";-m until Friday evening to recei payment of acconuts. Accoun&t paid by that time will be placed Th other hands for collection. ALEX. Yonsio. FOR SALE -A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar and coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good garden. Apply to P. G. Sparlipg, Min- nie street or at his office, Salt_Block. NOTICE -Having dispos of my busi- ness, all accounts oiving. me roust be paid by August 21st. riri1l be at home every day until t date, Prompt settlement requested Wt. BRECKENRIDGE ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Ity eery, stock and fixtures a�1t 521700.00, Profits this year near! 1500.00; will do better next year. I take 10 to 25 acres farm land clos to Wingham in part payment. 4t Box 10, WINGHAM T s. LOST -On or about Ally 30t.:i dark red cow 5 years old, due to e e about Aug. lst; had small eru ed horns with one shell off one • n. Anyone giving information lea ng to her re- covery will be suitably rewarded. FIELD Baos, , Win m. Men arid women in all loe 1" by large Canadian Mail Order • ease to show samples to heir • ends and neighbors', position w I 515 weakly for few hours wor spare time. Sample ease futhishefree. TIIE CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION, Windsor, Ontario. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 metes hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out-huildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, I3luevale. OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham FARM FOR SALE. 100 acrss in the Township of Kinloss, about one mile from Whitechurch, This farm will be sold at a bargain. For particulars appy to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont. DRAY. BUS1NES,S Having purchased the Dray Business frora Win, Breekenridge, I am prepared to take icare eft business in this line. Your perk will be given careful and promPtattention. A share of your patronage solicited. Robt—. M—cGEE • Phone 10 •Why Not See Mrs. S. f. Gibson Soo Mrs. S. F. Gibson 84 Son head the company have obtained a e reputation in this work:- Thie4Teck and Goitre, Can -rs, Tumo7 Gall Stone, Gravel, Pil in wors •orm, in- ternal and exte al, C , Bunions successfully and elute cured with- out operations, s a, Bronchitis, Best Blood Puri , Deafness, Rup- tures, Hair Restored, unsolicited testi- monies from all over the continent, correspondence invited, Mail orders promptly attended to. Send for sample box of my celebrated Pile Salve. Mrs, S. F. Gibson will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, AUGUST 19th Mrs. S. F. Gibson 81 Son Eye Specialist 95 Norfolk St, Guelph "Eyes Tested Free." SCRANTON COAL (Not Imitation) Buffalo, N.Y., July 80, 1914 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, Otit. Dear Sir: Replying to your enquiry of the 28th. We Hand our own coal just ()a- side the city of Scranton. We own and operate mine colleries in the heart of the Scranton district, and our coal is the equal of any, and superior to many, both in preparation and quality, Trustingthis will be satisfactory. We thank you for enquiry and will be pleased tfo receive your orders. Yours very truly, THORNE, NEAT, & CO. per T. Byrne, Northern Sales Mgr, Cantelon on -WE Wirral Dominion Express Co.'s Offiee Many -thousand Farnfliborers Wanted itOR HAIIVES1'11e0 IN itteSteetia CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." I "RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG $18.00 PROM WINNIPEG , GOING DATES Ituseitttok-. reel mi swots. xinestet, sbottot toteetontron 'and nest to Agilds and tt Bto, Nita% Ott, to an esitrua a mono a. ,._ Ailiiti it istea.„ merkturtaegtosan of Ringer, Bbarit„ ko and Itentralf, te tho rroolnoes of Ado tut ISM— Itnt In rigout, .04tggi,lhetirgt LW,' Rent:nor nod *ant to .AMIda And It no, nio, oot.,to on poibto An IVRanItOtost said to nettlIO* nOtikto In SWAM,. Otannonn An Alberto, Maud itst-irront4rissatioes feet ot Elogaton,- ingttbOt tjtkonod RonfrOtt, bt irbo Province. of • at o and • tiebto. ot, MI DOUIDOI X*IdabRobtt and to rennin tiolta Inanokat• •SM. Vedt...t0,40•treletat XX. tato:eyries- • 0. nOn`PItHY, D.P.A., C. .1111.0'spinte., , , W. A. $ANDER8OI, Town Agent J. 11. BgtIatt, Station Agent PISSIONIMPIlomoimmossiammommor. Wonderfully Low Prices on Ladies' Wear Summer Goods House Furnishings For the Balance of Angust Two Extra Special Val- ues in Women's and Misses' Rain Coats $12.50 Value for $8,75 This Coat is made from fine English Covert cloth "perfectly rubberized, Sung fitting collar, set in sleeves and side pockets. 56.50 value for 53.95. Sizes 84 to 40 and Misses 14 to 20 years. Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats of Charm- ing Style. Half Priced and Below. 19 of this season's newest styles anliscloths in the Nortia- way make, on sale this week. Values from 510,00 to $20.00 at 25 per cent. saving. Ladies' Whitewear Underskirts, Gowns, Drawers, and Corset Covers, many broken lines to choose from. On sale at 25 per cent. saving. Long Silk Gloves 69c per pair White, black, Pink, cham- pagne and blue, double tipped, sizes 6 to The. 36 inch Black, Guaran- teed Messaline Silk, $1.25 value for 98c A most reliable dress Silk. dyed in the skein, richly finished and a deep full black, a silk that can be depended on for " good wear. Save Money Buying House • Furnishings Now Rugs and Squares Velvet, Wilton, Axzninster, Tapestry, etc. Haudsome, oriental designs suitable for all rooms. Sizes 214x3, 3x334, 4x 4g at a saving of 20 per cent. .1111.1=1,1•••• 114=111011•••••10.=•0141 Effective Curtains and Drap- ing Materials, scrim and flow- ered Nets, prices 15c to 51.00 per yard. Linoleums, Matting Window Shade e and Poles at special prices. • KING BROS mourimmorniaammosammosia CC:MAMIE,' 44:7.)..14. ILA • We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W. Coal Co's Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering this coal for sate are merely °freeing an imitation. The following letter will bear us out in this connection: - Buffalo, N.Y., July 6, 1914 Mr. J. A. McLean, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: — Replying to your inquiry in regard to ship- ments of genuine D.L. & W, Scranton Coal, in Wing - ham. We absolutely control the mining, selling, and shipment of this coal, and it can only be purchas- ed from this office for shipment into your territory. In the last ten years we have neither sold nor made shipments to anyone in Wingham but your- self, and we will not do so in future, without first publishing in your local newspapers a notice to this effect over our name. You are, therefore, the only retailer at Wingham who can supply the genuine D. L. &. W., Scranton Coal. Trusting that this is satisfactory, we are, Very truly yours, The Delaware, Lackawnna & Western Coal Co. E. H. Read, Sales Agent. , imenioesemei ti 1 IVJE cif -3E .14L 111 DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD sesivit~011~4.10011.0410 SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE APE SPECIALIAZING 0.111110,44,11.11441111414141011111411114144444.,•4444$4644114.1414,114411116, 1 Everybody i s Reading WAR NEWS! and therefore no one can be expected to spend much time reading advertisements, you must wear boots however and we have a few short words to say to You which it will pay you to read,, no matter how serious the War News THIS town and vicinity is being flooded astzsual with city catalogues and without any "if" "and" "or- about it, permit us to state that we • sell shoes (no matter what kind) at exactly the same price as quoted in "city catalogues" and in addition to that we sew all rips and tack all soles on shoes bought from us free of charge. IN CASE you see a shoe you like in any cata- logue, in nine cases out of ten we have it and do not forget our prices are never more than those quoted in city catalogues. For Ladies , Willis & Co: Sole Agents 1111.114,441011/11.11411110441,11.11,11 • 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES owleineolono Henry T. 'Thomson "The Ileuse 0/ Quality" Phone 9 Past Service. Orree Delivery sioor$1011.00*****04110601000** ANNUAL SALE OF Summer Goods Beginning Saturday, Aug. 15th Ending Saturday, August 29th Crum's Prints 10c. All White Waists as follows: - Regular $1.25 Waist for Regular 1.50 Waist for Regular 1.75 Waist for Regular 2.00 Waist for 85c. $1.10 1.30 1.50 other Waists at similar prices. Men's and Boys' Suits • and Hats 25 per cent. Discount Carpets and Rugs 20 per cent. Discount No Goods Charged at These Prices Produce of All Kinds Taken agetr Am MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills 1410.NE 89. WINGITAIVI, ONT. t -a-aiaa ,