HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-11-06, Page 221 *vr11. 1 hu..,.,,1.. , .1.•11.19 1111,1114,s jun, I,' ,vW V, n.•Iss,,, ,11....11.,•.I .,111 General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted OPERATOR IN TRAINING The Municipality of South Huron is seeking a highly motivated individual for the position of Operator in Training. This position will be part of the team responsible maintaining the Water and Wastewater systems during the summer, and for operating plow equipment for the clearing snow from roadways during winter operations. The ideal (andidate must be willing to begin training towards MOE class one water / wastewater operator certifications, and will have equipment operation experience, a Class'DZ' Drivers license and be in good physical condition. The successful (andidate will be required to obtain a MOE OIT for water and wastewater within their probationary period. Starting wage will be based on the experience and qualifications of the successful candidate. Please submit a resume to the attention of Michael Dilullo, Manager of Corporate Services on or before 3:30 p.m. - Friday November 22nd, 2013, • to the Municipality of South Huron Municipal Office; • or can be mailed to 322 Main Street South, PO. Box 759, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6; • o► a mailed to mattlI ML11►>11rO.)ca • or faxed to 519-235-3304; We thank all that ripply however only those individuals selected for an interview will he contacted. Municipality of South Huron 1 5 19-235-0310 ENSALL ISTRICT 0 -OPERATIVE Yard Operator / Line Processor 1lensall District ('o-opcmthe Inc. is a local supplier of aprricuhural products and has leen in business for over 75 yearn. We are currrntb seeking int energetic indis idual to juin our I lensall I cam. Position Summary The "Yard Opx'nlhn•Processor•' will he able to %%Ork ssith 11111111101 .upx•rvrsiun rued must Ise conscientious and work in ;t sate manner. It is expected that the Yard 1)penunr 1 Me Pr iecssol skill clean, blend, dr , control storage, hag product, grade, and pr(x'cs 'ship agricultural product,. 1'011 Hurst be able 10 perform maintenance, maintain accurate reconss and pro%ide excellent customer service. Position Criteria The successful individual will hale the rthiltb to organi/e and pi bo. ii j i- their work load In n 9n1e and efficient manner in a fast paced environment. You must he coordinated and huge the uhi1 is no trouble shoot and make small repair'. I'.xperienee dealing with the public and pros Ming cuperior customer sen ice is required. Knowledge of computer so►hsare is considered a plus Education: (irade 12, 11 degree in Aptri•husiness or similar practical experience preferred. Experience: 1\so years' experience in an agricultunll cnvimnnlcnt preferred. Wo offer the successtLl candidate col peinisc wages, benefits, training and a caring and supportive work environment, Please check out oto wehsite at w ss ss .lids on.1 a Method of Application All qualified applicants air ins Red to upirb aur this position by providing a cover letter and Ii\1I111C fe; 4111 !Ionian Re:alrve Manager I Icnsnll District (o -operative I Davidson !his e, I Icnsnll, (hnt, NOM 1X0 Ii11U111: ,joh(A.11&,Q11,Vil "•iiquai Opportunit) Employer" "Proud to le farmer Ow•ncvhr 111.04111h in ail %O1. am!) unlrthine wit( i.2fin an into sex 11211... nhh red Condos/Lofts /Twnhse-Rent NEW AD GRAND BEND TOWNHOUSE 2 bdrm, 3 baths, 2 parking spots, main Moor, a/c, dock, washor A dryer. Avail Nov. 1 $800 mth . utitIlies. 519.868.4588 Storage Space for Rent STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square foot of stackablo storago por 48' trailer Short and long torm rates, pickup and delivery. Call TTK Transport Inc. Goderich, Ontario, 519.524-4331. General Help Wanted FULL-TIME position available at farrow to foodor pig unit. Farm located In Zurich aroa. Call 519-872-3484. Training WANTED: FIREARMS STUDENTS Our noxt "One Stop" Firearms Course is in Dashwood on Nov 16, 17 and 23rd Advanced regis- tration only. Email: guntostOhay not or call Terry Romphf at 519-237-3248 Cleaning LAMBTON CLEAN- ING SERVICE: steam cleaning. of carpets and upholstery Thorough cleaning Fast drying Call Nils Swonson• 519-296-4721 Custom Work CUSTOM TRUCKING Grain hauling - short or long distnncos. Call Sunrise Ag Services at 519.274.5369. Handyman ALL KINDS of repairs and prolocts. Over 20 years experlerlCO 111 carpentry and proporty malntonalco Sorvrnq Grand Bend to Bay- field. ayfield. Call or text Paul 519-318-2368 Services Offered HONEY DO Property MauNonanco Grass cutting, trim• ming, loaf cloanup and removal. Snow blow- ing Dump truck. chipper and loaf vacu- um Toady for your cloanup propel. CaII Glenn Pfnft 519-237-3835. 1-�- .rats. a i (7 7-1__i.,L:"Z•,4 Wednesday, November 6, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 21 Snow Removal SNOW PLOWING Stray! Snow Management Residential and C011111101 011 snow plowing, Baling available, Insured Call to quote. Graixl Rend, 519494 8877 Lewis Snow Removal Bide The Bayfield Moadows sub -division haroby ro• quest proposals for the salochon of a qualulod. profossalnal. Insurod snow runloval comp• any for tho romoval of tho snow for our town homes Bids aro due by 11 AM FST, Novenlbor 15. 2013. Please contact Adam at adurand0Icc.on cn or 519.955.1780 Accounting 8 Tax Services BOOKKEEPING SERVICES AVAILABLE rax Tann is corning near. Are you ready lot your Ac• countam'f I aro enuring computorlrod or rnanu• al bookkeeping services to small tarsi - flosses Fxporionce and proficlonl In all as• pocts of financial month entries A/P. A/R, Payroll, Govorn- mont remittances, Invoicing, month end reports, reconciliation, collections Currontty use Quick books and can adapt to othor ac• counting programs Accounting diploma re ceived. I am offering part time services, 1 or 2 days per week or month, or however long it takos 10 update your monthly financial statomonts 10 onsuro yoar and numbers are nccurato and hasslo troe Your office or my office Willing In travel throughout Lambtoruron or Middlesex counties For further information, ploaso send omall to shirloymOotlink ca Referonces avallablo yl)urfiir nwmentSca l4a/ANp you' nUM•tonN. 1-888-786-7821 n0l.wnwown ,004%Mnwr10Ml c• Coming Events Coming Events GODERICH IODE Christmas House Tour Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Novem- ber 9 and 10. Five enticingly decorated homes. Refreshments. Tickets $15: Godo - rich rnorchants, IODE members. Phone 519-524-1788. Obituaries Obituaries GINGERICH, Gladys Almada (Baechler) - Poacofully, surrounded by hor family, Gladys Almeda (Baechler) Gingorich of Zurich. wont to hor eternal homo, at t3luowator Rost Horne, Zurich, on Saturday, Novombor 2, 2013, in hor 88th year. Beloved wile of the late Nott Gingorich (2012). Dear mothor of Catherine and Gerald Shantz of R. R. 3, Zurich and Mary Ellen and Neil Skinner of Sherwood Bark, AB. Loving grandmother ot Sonya and Brad Croon, Stovon Shantz and Loah and aloromy Hyder and groat -grandmother ot Christopher Green and Kaitlyn Groom. Dear sistor and sistor-in-law of Vorda Baochlor, Irma and Floyd Buehler, Mary Baochlor, Lonnis and Marjorie Gingorich, Della Mao Gascho, Dorothy and Loonard Bowman, Holon and Koith Gingorich, Ida Gingorich and Stanloy Saudor. Prodecoasod by hor parents Solomon and Leah (Schwarizontrubor) Baochter, ono brothor Bill Baochlor. two sisters Eva (Clarence) Gascho, Gertrude (Oliver) Steckle, brother - in -laws Earl (Melinda) Gingorich, Lorne (Bernice) Gingorich, Kon Gascho, Alvin Gingorich, Ray Gingorich and sisters-in- law, Elda (Elton) Bondor, Doroon (Earl) Dosch, Gladys Saudor, Dorothy Saudor and Bernice Gingerich. Visitation in the J. M. MCBEATH FUNERAL HOME, 49 Goshon SI. N., Zurich on Wodnosday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tho funeral sorvico will bo conducted on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 11 a.m. at Zurich Mennonite Church. Pastor Kon Gatley officiating. Interment Zurich Mennonite Comotory. Memorial contributions may be made to the Mennonite Central Committee or tho Bluowater Rest Home. Condoloncos forwarded through www.jmmcbeathfunoralhomo.com A tree will be planted as a living memorial to Gladys Gingerich Network 1 TISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! /am•w.M.r,w,f*o,,,.4,510,aw 1.3,II'Nn1,AN.n 1 ()(01661 r/lll NOW MAW MI ed MOM r1M,rw•1 100000. Owe rem pen/ in Community H•wep•p4,1 . 11019 001401. 001 64,6 Ml 0,1•6 N ORM.. CIN144,1 11 w M MN 1•N .401 4,1110 MN I *1 l,4. 4,r IN 1.•A MMNM.• • 1 N , • vow. gnu now NI 010.4 nv 1911.,.) wowrn 0.11010 COmmu04 N•atee* w *, 1p•. 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