Lakeshore Advance, 2013-11-06, Page 54 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 6, 2013 oiilnlon www. Iakeshoreadvance,cam Llkosboro Advanco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: Iakoshore.advance@sunmedia.ca SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Comp my NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/ Advertising Manager noil.clifforddsunnledia.ca LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Fditor Iakeshore.advance40sunmedla.ca MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales inark.stephen4ttsunmedia.ca KATHY YOUNG Typosetting/Classitieds Iakoshoro.ads¢Dsunmedia ca www.lakeshoreadvance.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $42 00 440.00 r 2 BSI) Two year $78 00 (74 311 , 3.721 Publications Mad Agreement No 40064683 RETURN UNDFIIVERARLF CANADIAN ADDRESSES 10 LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PO Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Rend ON NOM 1 TO For any non deliveries or delivery concerns phone: 519-238.5383 e-mail Inkeshore.adv ancotesunmedia ca Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) aro to be sent to 1 aAeshore Advance al the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that In the event of n typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates We tit Anowlydge the ILwnr lai.uppnrt 4)(1ho l;nvornment of Canada dtrnuµli thel'enadlnn Periodical fund (t I'P) iii aur p ihll.hingactivitles. ' 1a11 l(ia Aocna Menthe( M the tlensAnn C mmunny Newspaper Aces latex) and the Marto Comm' outyNewgwnersAsse ixtxwr editorial Christmas comes early -shop at home Shop local. 'that is not just a catch phrase. Shopping local builds a stronger local econ- omy. When you shop with local mer- chants, more of your money stays close to home; supporting the place we live, work and play. this weekend Christmas Comes early represents what Bayfield, Grand Bend and Forest have to offer. This is not only a great opportunity to support your local merchants but to cash in on some great buys -being a step ahead for the upcoming Christmas season. Experi- ence amazing discounts at locally owned stores, restaurants, boutiques, and more! We know, through research for every $100 spent in a locally owned or independent busi- ness, $68 returns to the community through expenditure. Spend the same amount at a national retailer, and only $43 comes back. Spend it on-line, and the local community receives $0. It all starts with you. Canadian small businesses join a 'buy -local campaign' to keep shop- pers at home all year round. Check out local media outlets this week for details on the upcoming Christmas Comes Early --in your community. Lynda 1lillntan-Rapley letters to the editor Spaghetti dinner immediately following SHDHS annual Pops concert Dear Editor, EXETER -'Ihe South Huron District I ligh School Mttsic Program is excited to announce a new tradition beginning at the 2013 annual Pops Concert on Sunday, November 17th. The Executive Music Council is busy planning a spaghetti dinner to follow this concert, as a fundraiser for the Senior Band trip to Vancouver for MusicIest Nationals in May. The concert will be from 3-5pm with the dinner following immedi- ately after. Tickets bought in advance are $10 for adults and $5 for children, but are still available at the door for $12/adult and $6/child. The dinner includes spaghetti, Caesar salad, rolls, drinks, dessert, and cof- fee/tea. 'Ihe meal will he served in the cafe- teria at South Huron District High School, and be served by senior music students and members of the community. The concert before the dinner is free, while donations are greatly appreciated. It will feature all the bands at SHDIIS, as well as premiere the new Junior Concert Band, directed by Ms. Carolyn Regier. All of the proceeds of this dinner go straight to the Senior Band's trip to MusicFest Nationals, taking place in Van- couver. Fifty-one students will be flying over the Rockies with five chaperones to partici- pate in the national competition. More information is available by contact- ing Mr. Isaac Moore, SHDI IS Music Teacher and Band Director at 519-777-4875 or by email at isaamoori ine.com. Audrey Koster Media Liaison SHDHS Muslc Council LET'S MAKE CANCER HISTORY Canadian Cancer Society Societe l'illlalllenlle d11 cancer f or information .(bout cancer, services or to make a donation i•888.939.3333 • www.cancer.ca Dr. Robert Phillips and Rae Ellen, Survivor letters to the editor Logic of pedestrian crosswalks questioned Dear Editor, With reference to the article in the 23/10/2013 issue, Monte McNaugton said about I Iwy 21 through Grand Bend. It is a very dangerous stretch of road. 1 ant hoping that somebody can explain to me the logic of putting pedestrian cross -walks at two of the busiest parts of this road. 'lite one at the beer store is only half a block from '- the main stop light. Both are positioned in the middle of several busy accesses to and from businesses on both sides of the highway. If these crossings are needed, which 1 dis- pute, they should have been placed where on- coming traffic will have a better chance of seeing them. In these locations, drivers, many not from this area, are looking for where to turn in to the retail businesses on either side of the highway. l can only see traffic being made worse, and I suspect there will be accidents. John Kerr Grand Bend Closing Veterans' Affairs offices was "shameful" Dear Editor, To Prime Minister Harper: Your decision to close nine Veterans' Affairs offices across the country "to offer services in a more effective and efficient manner" is absolutely shameful and reprehensible! You should take a step hack and think about it again. Canadian veterans sacrificed their health and their lives - and continue to do so - to pro- tect the democratic process that allowed you to become Prime Minister. Do you think maybe you owe them some W thing? 1 know I do. You must reverse this cold-hearted decision and increase the funding to Veterans' services across Canada; and it should he done before Remembrance Day. Oh, and if you're looking for "efficiencies the Senate would be a good place to start. Karen Carter Petroiia LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lakeshore Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification. Anonymous letters will not he published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions Including letters for clarification, style and length. Letters must he signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.