HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-10-23, Page 2424 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Southampton Art SchoollGallery an example for other municipalities QMI Agency What's been becoming quite evident over the last couple of years is that the future and growth of art institutions has become about networking. Members of the Eco- nomic Development Com- mittee of the Municipality of Lambton Shores, consist- ing of members deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg, artist Barry Richman and David Shaw, a retired Ivey Business School faculty member, travelled to San- geen Shores on Oct. 4 for a tour oldie Southampton Art School and Gallery. 'There, the three individuals explored the business struc- ture of the Tong -established art institution, in hopes of establishing an educational centre in Langton Shores. "We have been aware of the success of Southampton Art School and Gallery for a number of years," said Rich- man in an interview on Oct. 4. "We are looking into the long-term similar kinti of project in the 1,anlbton Shores area so we have done a lot of committee meeting work and think we have vision of where we want to go." Richman said they don't want to pioneer the centre, but would rather listen to people like Michael Hills, vice-president of the South- ampton Arts Society. Hills has 15 years of experience within the organization, and because of his success- ful events, the committer has turned to Ilius for advice to point then( in the right direction to "avoid some mistakes we other- wise would make," said Richman. During the tour given by I lilts, the committee mem- bers were told the many aspects that make the school's business structure so unique and successful. From the historical build- ing aspect, municipal sup- port, volunteer board of directors and the artist's community, the Southamp- ton Art School and Gallery is an economic benefit to Saugeen Shores and the community. "I think the association NORI\IAN B. PICK1?LI, LAW FIIU\1 58 South Street, Goderich 519-524-8335 Norman Pickell's 5-yeilr term as Integrity Commissioner of Nunavut has ended. Norman has now returned to bring a full-time lawyer and mediator based in Huron County. Norman is pleased to announce that Mr. Aron Dillard, who articled for Norman for the past year, was called to the Bar of Ontario in September 2013. Aron has joined the Norman B. I'ickell Fitly Firm as a lawyer. Aron's primary focus is in the areas of real estate, wills and business/corporate law. Norman is also pleased that Ms, loans Mandril has joined the law firm as an articling student, having graduated from Western university, London, Ontario rio in lune 2(113. loans will In. assisting Norman in the areas of wills, estates and Mediation. For mote information annul %vit;lt we do as lawyers null nu'11iaU,ts, !)lease visit nen w1'hsite: www.normanl)i(;ke11.(:o1n between the art gallery and the school itself is an important thing that we've learned from being here," said Richman. I le said they also learned the impor- tance of a strong board. "With the right components, the right people on the hits, with the vari- ety of business skills and experience, to be able to cover all the areas that are needed is very wise," Davis Dagg added. 1 tilts listed in an entail several other aspects of the gallery that make it so unique including the long established history and strong leadership. "The Southampton Art School was established in 1957 by Owen Sound resident Bert I lenderson and an advi- sory committee of A.Y. Jackson, Law - ren 1'. !lurk, Alex Colville and Arthur !.ismer,, he said. The gallery's artist support, the art society membership, directors, the artist's community such as the Shore- line Artists and the community's sup- port, are all other contributions to the unique operations of the gallery. "'she Southampton Arts Society has an endowed fund with the Commu- nity Foundations of Grey Bruce," I lilts said, adding, "the fund and our association with Community bounds tions Grey Bruce allows the organiza- tion to be in the position of receiving large financial gifts within a profes- sionally managed organization and portfolio." 'Ihe 770 stridents who attended the various classes at the art school in 2012 also provided a direct economic benefit to the community by general ing it revenue of approximately $500,000 for accommodations, meals and retail spending, !fills said. Ile also said the location of the art institution at the Old Southampton Town hall and Art School itt the likt sr: LEGION ere: BRANCH 498, GRAND BEND BINGO Tuesday - 7pm (Age of Majority Only) MEAT DRAWS Fridays 5pm - 7pm FREE WI -FI TO ALL PATRONS ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, October 26th 3-6pm "McADAMS ROAD SHOW" "You're only a stranger here once." EVERYONE WELCOME Hall Rentals call the Legion at 519-238-2120 Pictured outside the Southampton Art School are Michael Hills, vice-president of tho Southampton Arts Society, David Shaw, Elizabeth Davis Dagg and Barry Richman. centre of Southanlpon's plain inter section, plays it huge role in the economic benefit. "'Ihert' has never been a more diffi- cult 11111e 11) Ot11' corllllltltlity with so many vacant store fronts and Spaces available," said 1 tills. "Any business environment today is competitive and ever- changing and is particularly challenging for the arts, specifically art instruction and sale of original art:' Davis I)agg said sbr is I)leased that .. 1. 40COUNT CRAFT SHOW G.D.C.I. 260 South St., Oodorich Sat., Nov.2 9am-4pm Admission 53.00 Over 80 vendors! Day caro & cafe available. For more into contact Brenda 519-524-7353 I lilts has been open to talking with the committee about the organization's successes and its economic Ilenefits to the municipality. "'There is a lot ut value in working ('OOI)t'lati\'t'IV, Ilt't\Vl►1'king anti (him, int; on the strengths from different areas," 1)avis Dagg continued. "1 ret Minty sense (here area lot of simtil,n i ties (bet\veen the two municipalities), so there definitely could be potel►tial to helping and supporting each other in the future ventures,., "I think the (art school) is piobably one ill the most valuable things that you could support in \vhattever \vay that you can locally here," she added. New to (;rand Bend and area? 1lad a New Batey? Gerling ((Married" First Time (;rnndparents:' Starting a Business? Be sure to call... j�:1.('OM1: ilt ��YY A( ION"„ ti,.H 1,710 Faye Vali ()tiff 519-238-8048 1-866-87.I-994 I Wrlrontr \V.1)'.1,n h,1s Ilcr ):ills and infurntnlo,tt on hrlt;tll 1,1 ( 11;ln,l Rend sent hu.ntr..r1. www.wefronu'\v.t►ton cn