HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-10-23, Page 1616 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Faye Van Oss
For 11 years Faye Van Oss has
been the Grand Bend and Exeter
Welcome Wagon representative.
She has received many awards for
her efforts. Faye says the great-
est challenges or obstacles are al-
ways being out there for the public. Using the highest standard of
business practices and company policies, and doing lots of sales
and visits for evcryhrxty. Faye was named the national Welcome
Wagon Representative of the Year and Community of the Year
for Grand Bend. The Welcome Wagon program includes Hirth
of Baby, Fifty Plus Visits (First-time grandparents), Community
Welcome, Brides to Be and Business Professional welcomes. She
stays current with the Welcome Wagon by getting more and more sponsors in my beautiful
basket here for Grand Bend and Exeter. "As the economy changes everyone out there needs
more advertising and with Welcome Wagon we can give that personal touch to everybody by
doing a horse visit and talking about their business to all the people in our programs that we
offer to the puhlic," says Faye. 'What makes Welcome Wagon unique is the hours are flexible,
and what you put into your work is what conies out of it. It all depends on you as a individual.
If you want to succeed,
you can always make it
Sues 1930
10060 Jennison Crescent
Grand Bend, Ontario NOM1TO
519-238-8048 • fvanoss@hay.net • www.welcomewagon.ca
Donna Hoffman
Amanda Gadsby
Donna Hoffman, as co-owner with her husband Jim, manages the family tuncnrl home the way it has been
known tsar. with its personal and caring services since Jim's firther Harry opened in 1941. 1 kr personality and
compassionate nature that assists a lankly during their time of grief have been commented on tnmo families that
have experienced them first hand. As a wife, mother, grandmother, funeral home owner and assistant her
experiences are truly an asset to the' T. {tarry 11°11111mi & Sons Funeral Moine.
Amanda Gadsby, I3ScFSc, a graduate of "Trent University and Humber College, joined the 1'. Hairy
Hoffman & Sons family operated Funeral Home as a newly licensed funeral director, in the spring of 2013. She
comes to Dashwood from Oil Springs atter completing a one year internship with Smith Funeral Monne &
Family Centre in Sarnia, where she gained valuable experience in Pre -Arrangements and At -Need Services. As
a graduate, Dean's 1lonour Roll, of Humber College in Toronto, Amanda brings with her comprehensive
knowledge of current funeral services and options being offered to our families. She has already received client
reviews that have indicated "she is what we expected as part of the llotlmtm tradition"
Grand Bend ilia*
O►sera 11•00 l+ Arts Chem/let al Conwnace
Susan Mills is the manager at the Grand Bend & Area ('hamper of
Commerce. This office has been in existence since 1957 and Susan
has 22 -years experience in retail sales, marketing and public relations.
"We're a small Chamber that provides traditional ('hamper services
(member events, member communications, group benefits etc.) ANI)
Tourism Services. Most Chambers don't handle Tourism Services,"
she explains.
Susan ?Hills In the challenge category, Susan says her impulse is to take a project
Manager and move full -speed until it's done. "I've learned to slow down,
consult stakeholders and integrate feedback, so results are inclusive of
others' contributions and ultimately result in a better project."
Social media are the newest tools in the marketing toolbox. "I wouldn't build a house with just
a hammer, likewise I use multiple marketing tools for effective marketing campaigns."You can't
heat a good conference and targeted, digitally published hlogs or newsletters for the latest trends
and information to stay current. she explains.
Open -summer months 10am-6pm, 7 -days a week. Sept. to May. Noon to 4pm, 6 -days a week.
141 Crescent St., Grand Bend
www.grandbendtaurism.com 519.238-2001
Shirley Parkinson has owned the Pet Stop for mor' than three
years and she loves her customers.
„Because of the seasonal population, 1 strive for regular
clientele helping and working with my customers." Matching
prices and dietary foods are something that is key to this business.
As the economy changes, she tries to provide high quality food at affordable prices. As
far as balancing work and hone, Shirley says she works hard and enjoys life. "Enjoy
what you do at all times."
The Pet Stop is open year round
Open Mon — Thus 10-5, Fri 8-5, Sat 10-5, Sun & 1lolidays 10-3
8 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend www.thepetstop2010.ca
Shirk) I'arkinsoii
7 days a week and is always willing to accommodate
Feldenkraite Movement for All x.terftlltniikrali
For the past ten years Karen Bowes -Sewell Inas taught Feldenkrais
Movement for All. ('lasses in the Feldenkrais Method speed up recovery
from injury and surgery and reduce chronic pain by spieadmg the Mork
of daily activities throughout the whole body. The work is unique be-
cause n fOCUSes on the relationship between movement and thought, and
therefore increases mental avateness and cream aty along with physical
"'The I eldenkrus Method is a new therapeutic form, so my biggest chal-
lenge has been to introduce it Io the public as I build my practice. Word
of mouth and public workshops ate essential. and I ha'e recently begun to use email to share audio
recotdtngs of classes with my students so they can repeat them at home. 1 retired tout years ago Iioin
university teaching and was a prolessional dined ht'1,11: that, so 1 have good work skills. Mainly
though, l know my professional work produces ss ondei put, long-lasting benefits, and I ant thrilled to he
able to otter it in beautiful Grand Bend."
(stoup class Thins. 9-10 8.111 at St. John's Anglican Church by -the -lake rn (stand Bend I also see clients
for private sessions by (appointment.
BOW'es-SCS' t'11
8375 Goosentarslt 1 ine, RR 112 (;rand Bend
Decorating & Flooring Centre
Bernice Spradhlow graduated from Sheridan College, in Oakville in
1989, as an Interior Designer, and has been working in the field since
1987. Grand Bend Decorating has been in business in (stand Vend
for 38 years. They have knowledgeable and friend service and that,
she says is key. A challenge for Bernice is competing with the Big
Box stores in the larger centers, and people owning cottages In this
area, bringing their pnxtuct5 111h1 eon11actors tions (hear 110111c town.
"'frying to make people aware "Small 'Town" does not swan "Small
Business"As a business discovery, Bernice saps thcv hal to cut hack
when the econoln\' became soft. "We chose to close oral Forest store
after it had been in business fur 27 yea's. We are itis'. eoncentrthng
011 Our (stand Bend Location media has become vett' tlipor
taut, clients bring ul phones with photos to work from. Corporate
advetising• is very hig with Benjamin Nloote they stay cadent with media
and trade shows. And Bei nice peas a talc tot balancing Wolk and honk
they are a tainily business and (hey don't take their work home.
(rand Bend Decorating is a year round business open Monday
88111- 5pm, Saturday gam bpm.
48 Ontario St, ti., (;rand Band
Bernice Spratlhro'.1
Inferior Designer l
('(►lour ('onxultant
Bntjemin Moore
Of Our Local Business �/Women J
Faye Van Oss
For 11 years Faye Van Oss has
been the Grand Bend and Exeter
Welcome Wagon representative.
She has received many awards for
her efforts. Faye says the great-
est challenges or obstacles are al-
ways being out there for the public. Using the highest standard of
business practices and company policies, and doing lots of sales
and visits for evcryhrxty. Faye was named the national Welcome
Wagon Representative of the Year and Community of the Year
for Grand Bend. The Welcome Wagon program includes Hirth
of Baby, Fifty Plus Visits (First-time grandparents), Community
Welcome, Brides to Be and Business Professional welcomes. She
stays current with the Welcome Wagon by getting more and more sponsors in my beautiful
basket here for Grand Bend and Exeter. "As the economy changes everyone out there needs
more advertising and with Welcome Wagon we can give that personal touch to everybody by
doing a horse visit and talking about their business to all the people in our programs that we
offer to the puhlic," says Faye. 'What makes Welcome Wagon unique is the hours are flexible,
and what you put into your work is what conies out of it. It all depends on you as a individual.
If you want to succeed,
you can always make it
Sues 1930
10060 Jennison Crescent
Grand Bend, Ontario NOM1TO
519-238-8048 • fvanoss@hay.net • www.welcomewagon.ca
Donna Hoffman
Amanda Gadsby
Donna Hoffman, as co-owner with her husband Jim, manages the family tuncnrl home the way it has been
known tsar. with its personal and caring services since Jim's firther Harry opened in 1941. 1 kr personality and
compassionate nature that assists a lankly during their time of grief have been commented on tnmo families that
have experienced them first hand. As a wife, mother, grandmother, funeral home owner and assistant her
experiences are truly an asset to the' T. {tarry 11°11111mi & Sons Funeral Moine.
Amanda Gadsby, I3ScFSc, a graduate of "Trent University and Humber College, joined the 1'. Hairy
Hoffman & Sons family operated Funeral Home as a newly licensed funeral director, in the spring of 2013. She
comes to Dashwood from Oil Springs atter completing a one year internship with Smith Funeral Monne &
Family Centre in Sarnia, where she gained valuable experience in Pre -Arrangements and At -Need Services. As
a graduate, Dean's 1lonour Roll, of Humber College in Toronto, Amanda brings with her comprehensive
knowledge of current funeral services and options being offered to our families. She has already received client
reviews that have indicated "she is what we expected as part of the llotlmtm tradition"
Grand Bend ilia*
O►sera 11•00 l+ Arts Chem/let al Conwnace
Susan Mills is the manager at the Grand Bend & Area ('hamper of
Commerce. This office has been in existence since 1957 and Susan
has 22 -years experience in retail sales, marketing and public relations.
"We're a small Chamber that provides traditional ('hamper services
(member events, member communications, group benefits etc.) ANI)
Tourism Services. Most Chambers don't handle Tourism Services,"
she explains.
Susan ?Hills In the challenge category, Susan says her impulse is to take a project
Manager and move full -speed until it's done. "I've learned to slow down,
consult stakeholders and integrate feedback, so results are inclusive of
others' contributions and ultimately result in a better project."
Social media are the newest tools in the marketing toolbox. "I wouldn't build a house with just
a hammer, likewise I use multiple marketing tools for effective marketing campaigns."You can't
heat a good conference and targeted, digitally published hlogs or newsletters for the latest trends
and information to stay current. she explains.
Open -summer months 10am-6pm, 7 -days a week. Sept. to May. Noon to 4pm, 6 -days a week.
141 Crescent St., Grand Bend
www.grandbendtaurism.com 519.238-2001
Shirley Parkinson has owned the Pet Stop for mor' than three
years and she loves her customers.
„Because of the seasonal population, 1 strive for regular
clientele helping and working with my customers." Matching
prices and dietary foods are something that is key to this business.
As the economy changes, she tries to provide high quality food at affordable prices. As
far as balancing work and hone, Shirley says she works hard and enjoys life. "Enjoy
what you do at all times."
The Pet Stop is open year round
Open Mon — Thus 10-5, Fri 8-5, Sat 10-5, Sun & 1lolidays 10-3
8 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend www.thepetstop2010.ca
Shirk) I'arkinsoii
7 days a week and is always willing to accommodate
Feldenkraite Movement for All x.terftlltniikrali
For the past ten years Karen Bowes -Sewell Inas taught Feldenkrais
Movement for All. ('lasses in the Feldenkrais Method speed up recovery
from injury and surgery and reduce chronic pain by spieadmg the Mork
of daily activities throughout the whole body. The work is unique be-
cause n fOCUSes on the relationship between movement and thought, and
therefore increases mental avateness and cream aty along with physical
"'The I eldenkrus Method is a new therapeutic form, so my biggest chal-
lenge has been to introduce it Io the public as I build my practice. Word
of mouth and public workshops ate essential. and I ha'e recently begun to use email to share audio
recotdtngs of classes with my students so they can repeat them at home. 1 retired tout years ago Iioin
university teaching and was a prolessional dined ht'1,11: that, so 1 have good work skills. Mainly
though, l know my professional work produces ss ondei put, long-lasting benefits, and I ant thrilled to he
able to otter it in beautiful Grand Bend."
(stoup class Thins. 9-10 8.111 at St. John's Anglican Church by -the -lake rn (stand Bend I also see clients
for private sessions by (appointment.
BOW'es-SCS' t'11
8375 Goosentarslt 1 ine, RR 112 (;rand Bend
Decorating & Flooring Centre
Bernice Spradhlow graduated from Sheridan College, in Oakville in
1989, as an Interior Designer, and has been working in the field since
1987. Grand Bend Decorating has been in business in (stand Vend
for 38 years. They have knowledgeable and friend service and that,
she says is key. A challenge for Bernice is competing with the Big
Box stores in the larger centers, and people owning cottages In this
area, bringing their pnxtuct5 111h1 eon11actors tions (hear 110111c town.
"'frying to make people aware "Small 'Town" does not swan "Small
Business"As a business discovery, Bernice saps thcv hal to cut hack
when the econoln\' became soft. "We chose to close oral Forest store
after it had been in business fur 27 yea's. We are itis'. eoncentrthng
011 Our (stand Bend Location media has become vett' tlipor
taut, clients bring ul phones with photos to work from. Corporate
advetising• is very hig with Benjamin Nloote they stay cadent with media
and trade shows. And Bei nice peas a talc tot balancing Wolk and honk
they are a tainily business and (hey don't take their work home.
(rand Bend Decorating is a year round business open Monday
88111- 5pm, Saturday gam bpm.
48 Ontario St, ti., (;rand Band
Bernice Spratlhro'.1
Inferior Designer l
('(►lour ('onxultant
Bntjemin Moore