HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-10-23, Page 7Wednesday, October 23, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Policy clarifications for boat docking discussed
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
The Grand Bend docking
issue again came back to
council last week with clarifi-
cation from staff needed so
they could proceed.
In a report from Brent Kin -
mer, Director of Community
Services, said staff asking if
council is directing that , "All
materials that were placed
on municipal property in
compliance with the Munici-
pality's current requirements
be permitted to remain until
the Municipality has final -
t,'d its new mooring agree-
ent; All materials that con-
travene the Municipality's
current requirements are
required to be removed.
Step Downs" constructed on
the side of municipal docks
be permitted to remain, and
all must be inspected by the
Chief Building Official prior
to the 2014 boating season
and removed by the dock
renter if they are found to be
Over the past several years
the Ward 1 and Ward 2
Councillors have received
complaints from adjacent
property owners regarding the
use of the finger docks and the
associated public space
located on the northern river
wall in Grand Bend. Council
discussed this matter during
the "Notice of Motion" portion
of the June 20, 2013 meeting
and asked that staff be directed
to devise a protocol that is
legally defensible and appro-
priately enforceable whereby
persons signing rental agree-
ments with the Municipality
are cleanly informed in writing
of the penalties of non-com-
pliance and of the process that
the Municipality will use to
ensure compliance unci/or the
option to terminate the agree-
ment with proper notice. '1hen
in August the clerk provided a
report outlining staff's plan for
tt new mooring agreement,
and staff was directed to send
a letter to those people leasing
docks from the Municipality,
reminding them of the rules
and regulations in the dockage
agreement, and that notice is
provided that all personal
property and/or materials/structures on
the Municipal docks or adjacent property
are to be removed by the end of the 2013
lease term, and noting that all items left at
the end of the term of the lease will be
removed and either disposed of or taken
to Northville for collection. Carried
The Clerks department mailed the
requested letter to stip renters the week of
August 5, 2013. As a result of this Wailing,
a number of further concerns were raised
by affected parties seeking clarification on
future actions, and/or recommending a
number of improvements to the docking
infrastructure. Stuff presented those con-
cerns to council September 5th and
another motion was passed stating
'that staff report hack to Council before
the end of '2013 with suggestions to
improve (loth facilities and the user con-
tracts for' 201.1 and beyond.
"'iia date staff has met with both the
concerned citizens who raised the original
complaint, and the boaters who use the
finger docks. 'the intent is to gather feed -
buck, and present a solution that repre-
sents a compromise balancing the con-
cerns of adjacent property owners while
still providing a reasonable level of service
to the Municipality's stock tenants.
lhe boaters who use (lock at the finger
docks are primarily long term renters who
return year over year. While meeting with
the dock renters it became apparent that
the renters require clarification on Coun-
cil's motion to remove "Al.t:' personal
property as they all intend to return for the
2014 and would prefer to not trove
remove an item that will be permitted to
reittrn.'lhe boaters have asked:
1. If deck boxes that are compliant with
the size limitation imposed by the
Municipality are allowed to remain?
2. lithe "step downs" constructed on the
clucks so that butters can access their
boats in low water are allowed to
Alteratives to Consider
In Kittnaer's report he writes, "For
question I, Council could direct that all
deck boxes be removed. However, it is
likely that any plan for the finger dock
area presented by starlit) the future will
1econitmend that sante form ol'storage
be approved for renters. At this point in
time, those fleck boxes that sleet the
municipality's current slze restrictions
were placed in compliance with the
Municipality's requirements and staff
recommends that the compliant items
he permitted to remain at the location
until the Municipality has finalized the
new mooring agreement. Staff further
recommends that all non-compliant
Items he removed.
For question 2, the municipality has
the option of allowing the "step downs"
to remain so that boaters can access
their boats, or has the option of lowering
the docks. Staff has collected quotes to
lower the docks and it is expected the
value of the work Is in the order of
$ 10,000. After meeting with the boaters
who use these facilities, they are content
to continue using the "step downs"
rather than having the docks lowered.
Staff has completed a preliminary
inspection of these structures and all
appear to be robustly constructed simi-
lar to what the Municipality may have
constructed. Allowing the step clowns to
remain serves the sante purpose as low-
ering the docks, and represents a cost
avoidance of nut having to complete the
work. As a result, staff recommends that
the step downs be permitted to remain
for the immediate near future, but adds
the caveat that all must be inspected by
the (thief Building Official prior to the
201,1 boating season and removed by the
dock renter If they are found to he
unsafe" Council agreed to Kittnu'r's rec-
ommendations for clarifications so staff
can deal with the policy under the Build-
ing (:ode, over the next couple of months
with restrictions and penalties Included.
There Is no financial impact at this
Lambton Shores adopts new roads policy
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lambton Shores have
agreed to the new roads
repair rehabilitation policy
with a roads study every six
years and one-sixth of the
study costs collected each
year and set aside in reserve
for completion of the work.
The policy is for all roads in
Lambton Shores.
Council had asked staff for
this report to be brought for-
ward to the October 17th
The financial impact, stays
Brent Klttmer, Director of
Community Services, is a
proposal to present the 2014
operating budget with the
costs of completing a roads
needs study update. "'Phis
would represent a profes-
sional services cost of
$60,000 to be included in the
Community Services operat-
ing budget. If Council adopts
the financing plan recom-
mended by staff the annual
operating budget cost would
be normalized to $ 15,000
(not accounting for annual
inflationary increases) for
2015 and beyond."
This policy outlines a clear
process to be used when
determining the capital
resurfacing, repair, recon-
struction and other rehabili-
tation needs for the Munici-
pality's road network. The
policy provides a guiding
framework for staff to follow
when developing the annual
road network capital plan,
and sets standards to ensure
best practices in asset man-
agement are followed.
In August 2012 the Munic-
ipality applied a surface
treatment of chip seal (or
"tar and chip") to Lakeview
Avenue In Southcott Pines.
This method of surface treat-
ment resulted in a signifi-
cant volume of public com-
plaints, with the primary
perception of the public
being that the service level
of the roadway had been
reduced from a traditional
asphalt hard top. Due to
public concern, Council
directed staff to review the
project and provide a report
to Council. A report was pre-
sented at the May 2, meeting
and noted that the surface
condition of Lakeview Ave-
nue was found to score an
out of 10 based on a "ride
comfort rating" review com-
pleted by a third party engi-
neering firm. The following
root causes were presented
as to why the roadway did not score 10
out of 10: 02 The municipality's con-
struction standards slid not include a
detailed surface preparation require-
ment prior to the application of the
surface treatment. The surface treat-
ment was applied late in the summer,
rather than at the Ideal time in Jun'.
There is no formol storm water man-
agement system for the roadway, and
heavy rains that occurred immediately
after the surface treatment was applied
affected the knitting process for the
chip seal. In response to these rout
causes Community Services has
adjusted the Municipality's construc-
tion standards as necessary. 'leo help
build public confidence 111 the Munici-
pality's process, Council requested that
staff draft a roads repair/rehahilltatinn
policy through the following motion at
its May (6 meeting.
Novemberfest and
Parkinson's Fundraiser
Featuring the Black Forest Band &
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Enjoy awesome German Food,
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Limited searing available.
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Staff has conducted significant
research Into 1he current practices at
the national, provincial, and local road
authority levels as they relate to formal-
izing a policy for road rehabilitation.
'there are many recent scholarly works
and traffic engineering papers availa-
ble, and a summary of staff's research
was presented to council last
week. (check out www.latnbtonshores.
cu for the entire report from staff.)
Jr ay-atom/lam&
Grand Bond
takosboro Advance
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