HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-10-23, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Democracy challenged at Lambton Shores Lynda Hillman -Replay A lesson in democracy was at the helm at a regular Lambton Shores meeting last week. Coun- cilor Ken McRae's motion to quash clarification at the end of council meetings was lost in a tie vote. McRae's motion was "That the opportunity for the public to seek clarification of agenda items discussed at the end of each meeting of Council be eliminated and that interested members of public be urged to contact rnembers of Council on an individual basis for clarifica- tion of agenda topics:' When this came up he asked for a discus- sion because he had received a lot of for and against. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg said there is no opportu- nity at the county level to engage in a question period and she thinks this is wrong. "When peo- ple have the opportunity to speak, they feel like they are part of the process. She said their mandate was to be open and transparent and if people can't ask questions there will be more opposition if they feel they are being "closed out." She said she knows what it feels like to be on the "other side", referring to her civic connection during the waterline process where she feels the public was not listened to. Councilor Lorie Scott said the public has the right to ask ques- tions and the chair has the gavel to control the crowd if it comes to that. Councilor John Russell said he had recently been to an edu- cation meeting where he learned no other municipality does the clarification thing. He said he has heard it numerous times from consultant Nigel Bellchamber that "the reason municipalities don't do this is because they set themselves up for a potential of blowing up." Russell said when he spoke to other councilors at the recent education session some said The Municipality of Lambton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department -- 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel 1.877.786.2335. 519.788-2335 Fax: 519-786-2135 Email administration©ambtonshores ca Visit our Web Site al www.lambtonshores.ca COMMUNITY GRANTS... The Lambton Stares Community Grant Application is now available online et heyw,larntitgabnorek,ia or at any Lambton Shores Municipal office Community Grant applications requesting funds a In-kind donations from the Municipality of Lambton Shores for 2014 must be submitted by October 31.20U Completed applications can be mailed to The Municipality of Lambton Shares. Community Services Department Attn Acting Facilitator of Recreation and Leisure 9575 Port Franks Road, R R 51 Thedford, ON NOM 2N0 Completed applications can also be hand -delivered 10 any Lambton Shores municipal office addressed to the Acting Facilitator or faxed to 519-243-3500 Staff is available by appointment to discuss the policy end application forms If you have any questions. comments or concerns, or would like to set up an appointment with staff, please contact the Community Services Department, 1-866-943-1400 or email SR.'R1dt�. 18mtNg!?ih4f4i �n VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS The Lambton Stares' Volunteer Fire Department. Forest Is seeking applications from probationary or firefighter applicants Preference will be given to those applicants with training and certification in CPR. First Ald, and 0 or DZ drivers license certification would be an asset Applications and a lob description can be picked up al the Municipality of Lambton Stares Forest Administration Office located upstairs at The Shores Recreation Centre, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway. Interested candidates are asked to submit an application and resume by hand or mall, including relevant expenence by 12:00 noon November 1, 2013 to Mr. Kevin Williams, Chief Administrative Offtcor Municipality of Lambton Shores 7883 Amteleoom Parkway, Forest, Ontano NON 1J0 DID YOU KNOW... REQUEST for PROPOSAL Provision of Professional Services for the Re -Design of the Expansion and Upgrade of the Grand Bend Area Wastewater Treatment Facility, Including Main Pumping Station Upgrades MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES & MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON The Municipality of Lambton Shores. in partnership with the Muniaperity of South Huron, invites proposals from onginoenng firms to provide professional services related to the re- design, approvals, re -tendering, inspection and construction administration for the expansion and upgrade of the Grand Bend Area Wastewater Treatment Faulty ty located on Millard Lina in the Municipality of South Huron The contract also includes the design. approvals. tendering. inspection and construction administration for upgrades to Grand Bend's Main Sanitary Pumping Station (PS -2) located at Gill Road and Main Street East To total estimated cost of the project. including engineering design, inspection and administration, construebon, and contingencies. is approximately 320 OM The RFP document wU be made evadable online September 23. 2013 and can be accessed at (Local Government -1 Capital Projects 4 Tenders 8 RFPsi All proponents must register with the Municipality using the form attached to this RFP to ensure that they are provided with anyiell addenda that are issued Proponents wro do not register may not receive any additional information or addendum relating 10 this project Submissions will be received no later than 11:00 a.m. Local Time, November 1, 2013, and shall bo addressed to Carol McKenzie, Clark, Forest Office, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway Forest ON, NON 1J0. My clarification or request for additional information must be received no later than the date indicated in the RFP document, and must be submitted in writing by fax or email to Brent Kihmer, P Eng , Director of Community Services bklttmer1lamblonshores ca Fax 519-243-3500 waw lambtonshaes ca LEAF PICKUP PROGRAM - Fall Program 2013 Lambton Shores' Residents: Please be advised that leaves raked onto the street or piles in the street or ditch will not be collected This poses a danger to pedestnans, bicycles and motorists and can cause drainage problems Leaves can be bagged for pickup by the Community Services Department This program is in effect September 301h - November 22nd, and is as follows 1 All loaves must be bagged in clear plastic bags 2 Each hag must be tagged with % a garbage sticker 3 Only leaves will be pecked up, not garbage or brush please 4 All begs must bo placed at the curb for pickup 5 Leaves will be picked up sometime dunng the week as time and quantity dictate 6 If your leaves are missed please call 519-243-1400, toll free 1-866 943 1400 or the COMMIffN of Adjustm.nt ... The Lambton Shores Committee of Adjustment will bo constdonng the following matters al the Thursday, October 24th, 2013, meeting 7:05 p.m. - Michael Forrester, Agent for Lonnie Gower - B-08/2013 Consent - 12 & 20 Ontario Street, South, Grand Bend 7:05 p.m. - Philip Walden, Agent for Peter Lochead - B-06/2013 -- 39 MacKenzie St , Forest 7:05 p.m. - Philip Walden, Agent for John & Gera Peters - B-07/2013 - Part Lot 11, Part Lot 12, Concession A, Plan 7. River Road A full copy of the notices for these applications is available on the Municipal Website or can be obtained by calling the Forest office at 786-2335 or 1-877-786-2335 The meetings are hold at the Legacy Centre - Thomas Hall, Allen Street, Thedford Ontario. e • ♦'•' s .,,-• they said they do have a question period and when all is said and done he does not agree with not letting the public speak after a meeting. He agreed with the deputy mayor saying they need to be open and transparent and this was the democratic way. He said they should not get rid of the clarifica- tion portion --but to look at better options to make it work. Councilor Martin Underwood stated it was interesting that people were talk- ing about the democratic way. "Let's look at this," he challenged. "We elect the councilors in a democratic way. "We delegate, we direct. That is what we are here for. We have open and pub- lic meetings. I)o the people have access to the democratic elected officials? Yes. Do the people elect the democratic elected officials? Yes. Do they get to see the democratic elected officials at work? Yes. So democracy is not an issue here." He then asked about freedom of speech again asking if the electors had the opportunity to see and speak to the elected officials, answering his own question with "yes': "So, does taking the clarification out take away from free- dom of speech? No." Ile explained this council has a code of conduct, an Olnbudsman, a way to take concerns to an integrity commission and a means to challenge ethics. "We have a process where people can bring a delegation to council. People can call us and we can direct their questions or concerns to the proper staff. The clarification ses- sion often ends up being issues not on the agenda. We have a Municipal Act. Let's use it. 'There is no section in the municipal Act that says we have to have a time for clarification." Councilor Doug Cook said he also tried to find a council who had a clarifi- cation time mapped out and could not find one. Ile said they, (council mem- bers) are all accessible by phone or e-mail and the public can contact them in that planner. Councilor Dave Maguire said he feels that the reason people don't show up for an election is because they are not part of the process and for that rea- son he feels that the clarification times - lot should remain. in the end McRae, Underwood, Cook and mayor Bill Weber voted for the motion and Davis Dagg, Maguire, Rus- sell and Scott voted against. The motion was lost with people in the gallery being told if they wish some- thing clarified they must approach the microphone with the agenda iteral number and page. the mayor will clar- ify what the decision of council was and if there is further clarification needed, the ratepayer can send their question in writing to the clerk. Since the minutes are available six days before the meeting, constituents are always encouraged to call a council member for clarification prior to the decisions being made. Expenditures for quashed plant come back to council Lynda Hillman-Rapley Larnhton Shores Deputy nlavor Eliz- abeth Davis Dagg plans on spen(ling; only $200,000 for the engineering; and design stage for the new server treat- ment plant although the one that was scrapped carne in at $1100,1)00. 'i he tee is established by the Professional Engineers Association, At the October 3rd meeting, council asked staff to provide a report detail- ing costing, grants and shared alloca- tions of the ti'l'l' at the a11(1 that ('atlllt' track to the Oct, 17th meeting. At last week's meeting, in discussion about the $1.2 million already spent on engi- neering and design for the plant that was quashed, the deputy mayor said she was expecting to pay $200,000 for the engineering and design for the new plant. Treasurer Janet Ferguson said, "As noted at that meeting, staff prepared it similar listing 111 the past and pre- sented it to Council. The report pre- sented in March of 2013 was as of December 31, 2012 to reflect the year- end. the current report shows expen- ditures iI11d estimated grants and reimbursements up to and including October 9, 2013. With the project vir- tually on hold pending a funding scope change approval, there was only minimal expenses thus far in 2013. The 2013 expenses are for the ESR •.• • . r r , •• . ♦ ' • 1 Design Review, pump station 2 review, and advertising. (See the entire report at lanibtonshores.conl),r Financial Impact The information presented in the summary and detail cost breakdown, are draft at this time pending approvit; of claims submitted for reimburse- ment from the Build Canada Fund and the annual audit. these costs will con- tinue to accumulate as the project moves forward and once the project has had full design and a tender issued, we Will have more cone rt't4 numbers to consider for future fund ing and financing impacts. Staff- will be bringing additional information tor - ward at a November sleeting; with regards to this project and the need to review all impacts with rates and development charges its well as it future discussion on an overall fund- ing strategy for this project, Resident Richard Matkza asked lur clarification regarding the $209,021,13 that is on the financial statement pro vided by the treasurer. Ile asked wily those dollars are not being shared. It was reported by the Lakeshore Advance' that these dollars are listed under the staff and time allocations and are not funded tinder the pro- gram. 'l'llose amounts are listed as 2009 -2010 and are not it direct payment.