HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-30, Page 8Cash Buyers SHOULD ALWAYS GET A DISCOUNT You are intitled to it! WE GIVE a Cash Discount on Everything excepting Queen Quality Shoes and on Shoe Repairing. Our Cash Discount Amounts to Between 5' and 10 per cent. It pays to pay cash in all cases but doubly so when you get a Cash Discount. If you are a cash buyer you are not getting value for your money if you are not getting a Cash Discount. W. H. Willis & Sole Agents For Ladies 111/1104•1111.441111.111,11111,110111.11/11.1k -.•••••••••••••••••••mll•••* WOOL WOOL. Large quantities of Wools, WANTED sh or Trade. We pay the highest cash price All - A large range or Wool Sheets Blankets Yarn made by the best mills. Bring your Wool here and get best value for your money. A large assortment of en's Suits per cent. off 20 regular cash price in exchange for Wool. Over 100 5 uits to select from. Jr AN MILLS Successor PEON 89. to T. A.' Mills WINGHAM) ONT. 1 PERSONALS Mrs. Ray Dunlop is spending a couple Of weeks in Seaforth. Miss Maud Fleuty spent the week end at Londesboro. Mrs, Robert Johnston, of Toronto, is visiting, at the Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. Lillicrap motored to London for.the week end, lidiss Ada Haines is yisiting with relatives and friends in Grand Valley. Miss Gussie Smye, of Hamilton, is the guest of Miss Eleanor Cornyn. Miss Ethel King left on Wednesday for a visit to friends in Chicago, Ill. Master Frank Smye, of Hamilton, is the guest of Miss Eleanor Cornyn. Miss Helen Graham and Miss Letitia Robinson are visiting with friends in tialt. • Mr. John Quirk was visiting for a few days with his son, Mr, Frank Quirk at Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merlinger, of Han- over, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Willis. Mr. Brock Brandon, of Hanover, spent part of his holidays at his parental home in town. Miss Jennie Halliday, of Toronto, ,is spending her vacation at her parental home in town, Miss Nellie McLean, Wingham, is visiting Miss Mildred Armitage. cardine Reporter. Mrs. Drown and Miss Rosie Brown left on Friday for London where they purpose residing. Mrs. Barlow of Guelph, and Miss Mattie Campbell, of Toronto, are visit- ing friends in town. Miss M. E. McGlynn has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends in, Goderich. Miss Mable Holdman of Teeswater has spent the past week with Miss Rla McGlynn of Culross. Miss Ella Wade, of Teeswater, was visiting for a few days with relatives and old friends in town, Rev (Dr) W A Cameron, of Ottawa, was the guest last week at the home of Miss Fisher, Victoria St. Mr. Wm. Powell left this week to spend a few weeks at Kamsack, Sask and ()flier points in the West. Miss Helen Wilson and Miss Effie Bowers are visiting friends at Wanketa Cottag,$, Port Frank, Lambton Co. Mr Bowles, G T R engineer, of Lon- don, has moved his family to town and taken up residence on Francis steet, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hay, of List- owel were visitors for over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory. Mr. 'Wm. Jobb, of Saskatoan, Sask., is spending his holidays with relatives and friends in Wingham and Turnberry. Mr. Wilfril McLaughlan, of Toronto, formerly of the Advance staff, is spend- ing his holidays at his parental home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, of Komoea and Mr. Jas. Bryce, of Galt, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bryce in Turnberry, Miss Isard, Wingham, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. H. T. Anning, Also Miss Taylor, of 1Vingham, is a guest -Kin- cardine Review. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Vanstone, Misses Norma and Freda VanStone, with their guest Mrs. Forster, drove to Pine River for the week end. Mr and Mrs Robt 51cIndoo, of Fresno, California are visiting with old friends in Wingham, being the guests of Mr. and Mrs W H Cruickshank. Mr. Robt. Barbour, of Lower Wing - ham, who has been in the General Hos- pital for some time, is not improving as rapily as his friends would wish. Dr, L C. Calder, who has been tour- ing in the west and visiting the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Postgraduate Medical Schools in Chicago, will return home and resume practice Wednesday, August :ith. no RN GALLABER -In Howick, on July 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher; a son. Ecieminn-In Morris township, on July 17th. 1M11, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eckmier; a son., . McCALL -In Morris township, on July 17th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter MeCal I ; a on. FixTER—In Wingham, on July 21st to Mr. and Mrs Harry Fixter; a daughter. CAssmr,s -In Lavinia, Manitoba, on July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cassells (formerly of Wingham); twins (girl and boy). •-•-• ••••• .......••••••••*••••••. THE WINGHAM TIM ES JULY 30, 1911 NA- DRU- CO COD LIVER OIL Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRYJT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00 ••••••• mmammo•••••••• ••••••••••••••••• J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices "Under This Mad ten cents a lino for first insertion; live cents for subso- insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Chniste's. WANTED -Good general ,e ,s'ervan t Apply at the TIMES office. WANTED -A good tgoal servant girl. Apply to IVirs. Pebr Fisher. Now's the time to buy your wall pap- er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big,atoCk of select from at lowest prices W . GREER. FARM FOR SALE -175 es; one mile from Bluevale and ee miles from Wingham. Apply to Bosman Bros., Bluevale. FOR SALE—A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar/end coal bin. Hard and soft water, good garden. Apply to F. G. Snarl' , Min- nie street or at his office, S Block. FOR RENT - Cottage „ atJKinordine Beach for months of l‘u st ad Sep- tember. Six rooms; iht d water supplied. Apply to Mrs E„; ampbell, Box 101, Wingham. NOTICE -As I intend f go West about August 7th I wis d have all my accounts settled efor at date. All those owing me ill d me at home any morning or ev g. Kindly attend to this matter at your earliest possible convenience and oblige. -ALEX. YOUNG MARI:1M WiLso:$1' LINNET -In Teeswater, on Tuesday July 28th, by the Rev Father Capps, Mr Joseph Wilson of Wingham, to Miss Alice Linnet of Teeswater, oxv.0 VANSTONE Kincardine, en July 28th, Margaret Semple, relict of the late Joseph Vanstone and mother of Mr. R. Vanstone, of Wingharn, in her 77th year. MAsoN -In East Wawanosh, on Thurs. day, July 23ed, Mary Ian° Stein, widow a the latePeter Mason, aged 58 years, 11 months and 18 dam 1)11140ND - In Toronto, on July 22nd, John A. Dymond, father of Mrs. Rus- sell Lane, of Wingham, in his 65th year. JOBB In Turnberry, on July 28th Christopher Jobb, in WI 70th year. The funeral will leave the family residence this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.80 'clock for Wingbarn cemetery. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round-trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Se- attle, Vancouver', Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during July, August and Septem- ber. Excellent train service. For rates, illustrated folders, time tables and full particulars, address B. H. Ben- nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acrps in the Township of Kinloss, about one mile from Whitechurch. This farm will be sold at a bargain. For particulars appy to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont. PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 aclese hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. • ROBERT LEATHORN, Bluevale. Salvage Stock of General - Me'rchan se FOR SA Sealed Tedder will received by the undersigned p 1 o'clock p.m. of the 4th day oit) gust, 1914, for the Salvage Stock of General Merchandise belonging to the estate of Matilda Baker, cif Wingham. Stock sheet be- fore fire showed about $12000,00, ancl can be seen at the premises. No tender necessarily accepted. Wingham, July 24th; 1914. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Cot, Solicitor for Trustees. MoLEOD, PEW & CO. Clyde Building, Hamilton, Trustees, G AND TRUNK °MIME TRACI< ALL THE WAY TORONTO- CHICAGO TORONTO-IVIONTREAL Ine.porta.nt Improved Daily Service Now in Cffect WESTROIJND HASTBOUND Lv Tortinto ft 00 rn Detroit 11.08 p Lv Montreal 11.00 eel Lv Ch1C11V 5.45 pin Jil A r London 11 06 a m I.v London 5 45 p tit At Detroit 1-43 p.m I Lv Toronto 9.005 m Ar outage 8.40 p.m I At Montreal' 8.48p m Highest class of equipment run wirticalftri anti reservations from EL B. ELLIOTT, ToWn Pasnenter and Ticket Aont, Plum., 4. W. r. BrROMAN, !Sta- tion Agent. rhone SO. OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Country. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham SCRANTON COAL (Not Imitation) The original of the following letter may he seen on request: - Buffalo, N.Y., Feby 20, 191 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: Yours of the 19th asking for prices on Scranton Coal received and noted. We mine this coal ourselves. just utside the city of Scranton. We thank you for enquiry and will be pleased to receive your orders. Yours very truly, T. M. B Northern Sales Mgr. R. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITH DominionExpress Co.'s Office CANADIAN PA'CO,F710, NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Between Mentreal-Toronto-Detroit-Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between. Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 8.45 a.m.; Toronto 0.10 p.m., arriving Detroit 126S a.m., Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily Equal service returning Toronto -Winnipeg -Vancouver Toronto -Vancouver Express No '8 leaves Toronto 8.55 p.m. daily Vancouver Toronto Express 7, o. 4 arr'ves Torontr 11.95 a.m. daily. Manitoba Express No. 7 leaves Tor- onto daily except Sunday 10,50 :p m, arriv- ing 'Winnipeg 2nd day Ontario Express No 8 leaves Winnipeg 025 p.m. and arrives Toronto i.15 p.m. daily except Tuesday. Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickefs from W. A. Sanderson, town agent phone 47; .T. H. Beemer, station agent phone 7; or write m. a Murphy, D.P.A. C By., Toronto. VOTERS' up, 1914. Municipality of the *n. of Wingham, in the Count 4 of Huron. Notice is hereby wen that I have transmitted or deli ered to the persons mentioned in Secti ris 8 and 9 of the On- tario Voters' List ,Act, 1887 and the amendments ther to, the copies requir- ed to be so transtiitted or delivered of the list, made p suant to said act, of all persons appe ring by the last revis- ed assessment r ll of the said munici- pality to be entl4tled to vete in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legis , tive Assembly and at Municipal elec ons, and that said list was first posted up4n my office at the Town Hall, Wingha , on the 17th day of July 1914, and re ains there for inspection. Electors are ailed upon to examine said list, and if hy otnissionsor other errors are perceiv#I therein to take immediate proceeding to have the said errors cor- rected accotding to law. V JOHN F. GROVES, ' Clerk of the Municipality of i Wingham. Wingham, July lith,1914. NOTICE TO REDITORS. In tho matter of Irwin . Dtirst of the "Vil. lege of Wronater in e Counry of Huron, Harness Maker, Ins vent. Notice is hereby given at the above tinned insolvent, Irwin S. Dur of the Village of Wroxeter in the Count of Huron, Harness Maker, carrying on sinews at the said Village of Wroxeter, mle an assignment of hia estate to me for t o general benefit of his creditors under in Assignments and. Preferences Aet," /1. S. . Chapter 184. The creditors are ne Red to meet at my office in the Town of derich, on the 17th day of :Mr, A. D 1914, 2 o'clock in the after. noon, for the purpose reteiving a stater:next of the insolvent's affai , for the appointment of inspectors, and t giving of directions with reference to the( posal of tha 091ate. All persons clairtin o be entitled to rank on the estate must el heir elating with me on or before the illst of aly, 1014, after which date I will Dr ti to diatrilatte the as - mots thereof, havin regsrd to those claims only of which 1 sh then have received notice, And I will no to liablit for tho said. as - sesta or any part ered to Any person of whose claim /balm t then reoeived notice. B. c 11174521TOLDS, A set nee, Godoric , Cut. Dated at W in ghamtthe ant day of July, A. D. 1014. Nnallarrial1111111111111111111111111111111111.11111110111111411111111 SPECIAL, p.Fzias 1 c•ri. Stirnrrit- OriDocls Reacly-to-vvear, 'Hosiery, Gloves, and Undervvear Northway Coate -15 this season's coats newest styles and cloths in short or 3-i engths colors grey, navy, mustard am sax blue, sizes 32 and 38 at 25 per cent off regular prices 8 20 Ladies' and Misses' Rain -coats brokez linesrand odd sizes. values /5 to $8. Thi: week only at $3.95, Flowered Crepe, Cotton Voile, Mull an Rice Cloth -This season's newest dres; materiats in all the leading shades anc patterns, reg. 26 and 3lic values for 19e, 200 yds 86 inch Black Guaranteed Silk - a very rich silk with fine finish and will !give excellent wear, regular $1.25 for 98c. — 25 dozen Ribbed Cotton Hose -Made of good strong yarn and fast dye. All sizes from 414 to 10. On sale all sizes 10c pair ......... 1 dozen Ladies' House Dresses -Sizes 32 to 40 made from strong cotton materials neatly trimmed. Regular $2.50 for $1.09 •••=•••1 25 per cent Saving on Whitewear, Un- derskirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, etc. . 10 dozen Long Silk Gloves, 69c. pair, In White, Black, Pink, Pale Blue and Cham- pagne, double tip- ped and Full Length Long L. isle Gloves. 23 cents. White, Black and Tan sizes 6 to 7. Summer Para- sols -In White and Fancy Silks values from 81 to 35 at 25 per cent. off lommomplantessonantnarotou• .1M•••111=11•1111. KING BROS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••00•••••MI.e.a../.•••••WO •••••••••••••••••^...........••••••,.....,...,•••••••••••••••• 4041:20.14.31L. CC).191.1[...• We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W. Coal Co's Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering this coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. The following letter will bear us out in this connection: - Buffalo, N.Y., July 6, 1914 Mr. J. A. McLean, Wingham, Ont. ' Dear Sir: — Replying to your inquiry in regard to ship- ments of genuine D.L. & W, Scranton Coal, in Wing - ham. We absolutely control the mining, selling and shipment of this coal, and it can only be purchas- ed from this office for shipment into your territory. In the last ten years -we have neither sold nor made shipments to anyone in Wingham but your- self, and we will not do so in future, without first publishing in your local newspapers a notice to this effect over our name. You are, therefore, the only retailer at Wingham who can supply the genuine D. L. &. W., Scranton Coal. Trusting that this is satisfactory, we are, Very truly yours, The Delaware, Lackawnna & Western Coal Co. E. H. Read, Sales Agent. 11111111•111MINEIMI 13k. WI ci_.1110 14,..1%T DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD ••••••••••••••••••• SPECIAL LINES IN ltd SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE ADE, SPECIALIAZING 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES Henry T. Thomson Orrec Delivery "The House of Quality" Phone Ill Past Service.. sivio~00,000.1.06000001 64$111.1141,1111114111.1$1141111.11114 1 •