HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-09-25, Page 17Tree Services Tree Services Tree Services 5PRUCL TREES POR SALE 10-15 ft high Please call 1-519-955-1780 LAMBTON CLEAN- ING SERVICE: steam cleaning, of carpets and upholstery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson. 519.296.4721 Custom Work CUSTOM TRUCKING Grain hauling - short or long distances. Call Sunrise Ag Services at 519-274-5369. Nandynian ALL KINDS of repairs and protects Over 20 years experience in carpentry and property maintenance. Serving Grand Bend to Hay- field. ayfield. Call or text Paul 519.318.2368 Services Offered HONEY DO Property Maintenance Grass cutting, trim- ming, loot cleanup and removal. Snow blow- ing. Dump truck, chipper and leaf vacu• um roady for your cleanup protect CaII Glenn Platt 519-237-3835. pVEFtT151NG WORKS PLACE OUR AD HERE Mark/ng your milestones. 1-888-786-7821 milestonas.sunlu,youri1ten orl\Pnts.cn 1 11 1 1 1 1. 1, 1. ill M 1 •11 \. N 1.11 1 1 1 11.1111. •. Iu I I1•. 1 .•11.111.1111)•1•, 111,11• Ulllh\ Bill Its ANNE MASON Luke and Sant Mason would like to an- nounce tho With M thole baby sister, Anno Vera Mason Annul arrived on August Ib, 2013. Sho woighod 8 Ib 15 oz. Proud par- ents aro Jolt and Kate Mason. Annie is tho first granddauc htor for Joan and Paul Ma- son and Nora Skinnor. Coming Events Coming Events DAY TRIP Brantford Casino, Sunday Octobor 201h. Pickup Exeter Legion, 9:30 am., Call for seat 519-235-1167 EXETER UNITED CHURCH and the Exeter Oddtollows and Rebekahs prosont: "Those Were The Days..." Saturday, October 5, 2013 Shows: 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm (ixotor United Church 42 James St., Exeter A musical journey showcasing 100 years of Fashion, Dance and Song. 1£170 • 1970 with authentic vintage fashions from 1110 col- lodion of Marion Kornighan. Tickots $25,00, availablo tit, Custom Covers, Mact onns Homo Hardware, Exeter Unitod Church Office or call Norm Whiting at 519..235-1931 NORTH LAMBTON OUILTERS GUILD first mooting, Wodnostiay. So ptombor 25, 2013, at 7:30 p.111. at tho Port Frank's Community Center. All Welcome Obituaries Obituaries °le 111111:1i ()n Sale 36" x 24"Granite (lase Overall Dimensions 42" x 32" $1,999 Place !flunks lettering and ckliter) uu)nherr in Louth xrsrern Ontnrto. !letter pricing for )vu to o'a.kier. HOFFMAN 1 UNERAL NOME 118 Main St C)ashw.oticl 519-237-3537 IDEAL MONUMENTS 340 Spi un)Ilrink DI ivy 1011(1011 519-471-7030 ,.1%. mosiuniculnt.ther e.t l'rouJlt• e'.trl.tnlatlt time(' 1909 Wednesday, September 25, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 17 Alice Munro writers and readers festival Karen Stewart Celebrate great stories and storytell- ers during the Alice Munro Writers and Readers Festival, September 211th and 29th, al venues across North lluron where' you'll find celebrity panel dis- cussions and writers workshops; Peggy Coffey sharing stories of 100 years of the Women's institute; walking tours, and an Evening Celebration "Appreci- ating Alice(" which includes the Short Story Competition Awards, Guest Speaker ‘Vayson Choy, a silent auction 811d a hearty harvest dinner. For more info or for tickets visit "http://alicennintofestival.ca/" ;dice - tnunrofe'stivaIca or call Karen Stewart at 519-523-43211. 1.2 million Canadians —1 in 25 — carry the gene for cystic fibrosis. Canadian (..y'N11t' it.)rosi` FOun(Lttie111 To learn more, please contact: 1-800-378-CCFF www.cysticfibrosis.ca LOCAI N I:\v L se• I 40CAI EVEN`I'S... IX)CAL SIk)Rrs... IAO(IAIJ (X)LUNINIS Keep up with all the LOCAL happenings in 131uewater,1 amhtofn Shores and South Huron. 1lase "YOUR 14OCA1. COMMUNITY '11UN1'1'\" N1:WSPA1'ER" The Lakeshore Advance delivered to you 52 weeks of the year. film ,l�keslm Advance Sti Ontario SI. S., P.O. Box 1195, (:rand (tend ON NOM 1'1'0 PH: 519-238-5383 Fax: 519-238-5131 I;muil: lakcshorc.advance@sunmedia.ea www.lakeshoreadvance.emn