HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-09-25, Page 13Wednesday, September 25, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 13 Sqoast blows up at Bluewater council Gerard Crimes QM! Agency A request for financial infor- mation on Bluewater's unsuc- cessful attempts to stymie indus- trial wind turbine development turned into a free for all Monday, September 17 at Bluewater Council. Resident Paul Steckle had pre- viously asked council for a list of the legal and associated costs of Bluewater's failed attempts to set development fees for turbines at $900,000 and $400,000, dating back to January 1, 2011. Steckle originally made the request August 27 at a special meeting of council, receiving boos from the gallery as he did so. His reception at the Sept. 17 meeting was inet with similar dis- dain, this time from councilors. "1'm seeking a motion for this council to move forward and pro- cure the lnfonnation I outlined," he said. "if council was given advice... putting in a bylaw that couldn't have been enforced, I want to see the associated costs." Coon. Janice Zlnuneiman said she had no problem with providing the information, however, Hayfield Coun. Geordie Palmer said the list would he pre- matureuntil road itgreen1ents are also finalised. Coon. John Gillespie ques- tioned why Steckle would want the information, asking him to "give us an answer in 10 words:' Rubble developers ultimately drive the cost of legal action, he said. Coun. Kay Wise said the costs could be confidential, as are pri- vate landowners' agreements with turbine developers. Deputy Mayor Paul Kropp said the request is no different than if someone wanted to know how much gas was used at an arena, adding he would vote no on any request to deter the matter. After a heated exchange between Steckle, Wise and Gillespie, council eventually passed a motion to provide the legal and associated costs dating back to January 1, 2013. The News -Record obtained a copy of Steckle's request and submitted its own Freedom of Information request to get the full cost dating hack to Jan. l , 2011. a SUPPORT OUR LOCAL olioro Advice Subscribe Today, 519$.38P tyndstillhnsn-Raptly Lakeshore Advance Thanks to the volunteers The Grand Bend Aquafest organizers and volunteers gathered at the River Road Gallery Sunday to share ideas for next year's water festival and to have some social time after another successful event. There are many facets of this event and the community Jumps on board in a big way. PLEASE rlf RECYCLENoile ,All new vehicles priced at only 5% over cost!! When: Huron Motor Products= HMP's 4TH ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD SALE!!! Thurs. Sept. 26th 9:00-7:00 Fri. Sept. 27th 9=00-7:00 Sat. Sept. 20th 9:00-4:00 20/3 BLOWOUT With Rebates as high as 000p Where: 640 Main St S Exeter, ON 519.235.0363 / $00-265.3476 into®hiapexeter.coat Huron Motor Products must clearout our 2013 models to make room for our incoming 2014's. 80 vehicles must be sold during this event!!! *Over 230 2013 and 2014 new vehicles all prieed at s% OVER DEALER COST! *Huge new vehicle REBATES up to 0;10000 •FINANCE RATES as low as o% for up to 84 months on select vehicles • • • EXTRA $500 TRADE IN ALLOWANCE on ALL vehicles purchased at this event only Over loo Optimum pre -owned vehicles drastically reduced for this sale Complimentary refreshments and snacks will the provided **EXTRA BONUS** EVERY CUSTOMER WHO PURCHASES A NEW VEHICLE FROM OUT OF STOCK WILL RECEIVE A CHEQUE FOR $500 MADE DIRECTLY TO YOU!!! Mary in /Motor Huron Motor Products Ltd. 640 Malt: St. S. Ito Exeter, ON NOM ISi NAY To Yaw, Our Val Cwstainer 111CORDIRe • Fwe- h4Afired/ dollars, and. hero- can tk M1iMe1: N orhooc/Sa& No. 001 26/09/2013 DI)Y11 $ 500.00 rloe: _ 7+iA11/ ft lX+ uX.t er — DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY