HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-30, Page 5THE WING'ICIE Tt 11,,S JULY :1(1. 1914
Few Lines to Clear
Men's Fine Shirts at 50c.
We have gone through our stock and picked
out all lines that are slightly soiled. There are all
sizes in the lot from 14 to 18 1-2 except 15 and
151-2. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 to clear at 50c.
Collars 3 for 25c. •
20 dozen Collars, all sizes, assorted styles, reg-
ular 15c. and, 20c„ to clear at 3 for 25c.
Underwear 39c.
Balbriggan, Merino and Porous Knit Under-
wear, regular $1,00 a suit, to clear, per garment 39c.
Children's Wash Suites
Regular $2,00 and $2,25 to clear at $1.50
$1,50 to clear at $1.15
$1.00 td clear at 75c.
UAivr wAW4tNI)614.
Minutes of Council meeting held on
July 20th. Meinbers all present. Min-
utes of last regular and special meetings,
read and confirmed.
Com. from J. W. Bone received, re-
questing the Council to have a proper
Culvert put in to replace the one now
in use at the end of his lane opposite
Lot 35, con, 8. Action in this matter
deferred for the present,
The Treasurer's half yearly statement
to June 80, showing a balance on hand
at date of $541.92, received and filed.
Buchanan - Stonehouse -That the
clerk write the Tp. Engineer, asking
the advisability of constructing a eatch-
basin on the Toll drain on Con. road
opposite Lot 40, con. 3.
Messrs. Taylor and Brandon waited
on the Council asking for a donation in
aid of the Blyth and Wingham Fall
Fairs respectively.
On motion of Irwin and Buchanan,
the sum of $8.00 was granted to each of
these societies.
The following accounts were paid: -
Howson and Lawson, plank $1.4.11 ; John
Gillespie, grading on W. Boundary
$11.00; Jos, Taman, grading $60.00; Jos.
Taman, .grading on W. Boundary $15.00;
Frank Coulter, grading on Con. 130,00;
S. Hutchison, sharpening grader blade
$1.50; R. McGee, repairing ditch on S.
Boundary $L50; Wm. Weber, drain on
S. Boundary $5.00; D. McGill, putting
in culvert Con. 3 $4.00; Wm. Welder,
cutting hill Cons. 4 and 5 $58.00; The
"Standard" office part printing contract
$20.00; Thomas H. Taylor, grant to
Blyth Agricultural Soeietv 88.00; Jos.
Brandon, grant to Wingham Agricul-
tural Society $8.00; James Young, com-
mutation statute labor tax $2.00; Wm.
Toll, commutation statute labor tax
$4,00; J ames Menzies, commutation
statute labor tax $5.00; John Cowan,
commutation statute labor tax $9.00.
For gravel -Wm. Nixon, $1.00; Choi
Campbell, $8.10; Thos. Bradnock, $11.40;
$1R. Scott, $4.60; Wm. Fitzpatrick, $8.80;
J. J. Kerr, $13.10; Wm. Kehric; $3.00;
Geo. Jordan, $10.00; Wm. Bennett $11.-
90; Mrs. A. Patterson, $3 70; IL Frisby,
$2.8.0; Wm. Salter, $4.20; Geo. Fother-
gill, $2.20; Wm. J •Parks, $4.00; J.
Tunney, $3.00; J. Pfeffer, $8.001 Geo.
Bentley, $0.30; Miss F. Scott, $3.50; R
J. McGee, $6.00; ,T. Stonehouse, $4.20;
Chas. Sandburn, $3.00; John Ansley,
$5.10: Wm. Dobie, $11,00; Wm. Salter,
shovelling gravel, $1.80; H, Page,
shovelling gravel $1.25; E. Walker,
shovelling gravel $6.00; H. Walker,
shovelling gravel $8.00; Wm. Naylor
shovelling gravel $3.00.
Next meeting of Council will be held
W. A. Campbell
The Clothier
on Monday afternoon, Augost 17th.
A. Pon'renauenan, Olerk.
Mrs. Brooks and children, of Cen-
tralia and Mrs. Dr. 3. S. Anderson and
children, of Philadelphia, Pa., are holi-
daying at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Finlay Anderaon. 'De. Anderson was
also home from Philadelphia for a few
There passed awey on Thursday
morning last a highly esteemed resident
of this tuwnehip in the person of Mary
Jane Stin, widow of the late Peter
Mason, N. no passed away seven months
ago. The deceased lady was in her
59th year and was born on the Oth con-
cession of this township. She was,
married to her late husband nearly
thirty-eight years ego and resided on
the same farm throughout her married
life. She leaves to mourn her as a
faithful wife and loving mother, one
son, John, at home and five daughters,
viz.: Mrs. H. Halliday, Listowel; Misses
Mary, Milly, Ella and Clara, at home.
Also one brother, George Stein, of
British Columbia and two sisters, Mrs.
Wm. Chondler, of Turnberry; Mrs.
Fred Tiplady, Blind River. The funer-
al was held on Saturday to Brandon
cemetery, the services being conducted
by Rev. J. U. Stewart, of Whitechurch,
and Rev. Mr, Kilpatrick, of Relgrave.
Mr, J. T. Strachan, B. A., of Toron-
to, is visiting 'at his home here this
Mrs. Jas. Turnbull has returned from
Ayr, where she attended the funeral of
Mrs. Wm. Manson.
Green peas and raspberries are in
Mrs. Benson Wheeler has visitors
from Toronto this week.
Crops are looking better than they
have for some years.
Mi. Duncan McDonald has returned
from the West where he taught for the
past year.
Miss M. B. Eaket from the West is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Forrest.
She is a daughter of Charles Eaket.
Mrs. Thos. Strachan's health is not
improving very rapidly yet. Mrs.
Strachan is about eighty years of age.
Her friends hope for improvement soon,
James Turnbull has not been as well
as usual for the past few weeks. In-
flammation of the nerves seems to be
his trouble. Mr. Turnbull has not been
well for years.
On Tuesday. 'July 18, there passed
away one of the oldest residents of
Kinloss township in the person of Mae.
Eliza McMillan who died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Henry. She was
born at Brockville, Ont, just ninety
years ago. In 1845 she married Wm.
McMillan, of the same town, and in
1854 they came up to this country
settling on the farm ma which Ilolyrood
now stands. In 1883 Mr. McMillan died
and since then Mrs. McMillan has been
residing with her danghters, Mrs.
Henry, of Holyrood, and Mrs. James
Hughes, of Teeswater. One other
daughter, Mrs. Elliott, of London, is
living and two sons, John, of Devil's
Lake, N. Dakota, and William, of Kerr
Robert, Sask. She is also survived by
one sister, Mrs. Pierce, of Holyrood.
Toronto, July 27 -Trade in cattle was
fairly brisk at the Union Stock Yards
to -day, prices raising for good butcher
cattle. Steers and heifers sold steady
from $8.25 to $8.75. The hog market
was very light, only about 150 being
transferred. While Rice and Whaley
sold hogs off ears'for $9.50, the average
prices were $9 25 off ears; $8.65 f.o.b.,
and $9 fed and watered. •
H. P. Kennedy bought 24 lambs at
10c and 24 light sheep at 7c.
Light sheep were fairly steady, but
heavy sheep dull.
Good veal calves firm.
Union Stock Yards: 100 cars with
cargoes of cattle, calves, hogs, and
sheep and. lambs,
Market was firm on mileh cows.
klxport $ 8 00
Butcher cattle choice 8 25
do medium.. 7 50
Butcher cows choice 7 15
do medium..., ..... 6 00
do common 4 50
do bulls 7 00
Feeders 7 25
Stockers ........ 75
do medium 6 25
do Iight 6 25
Canners and cutters .. 2 50
Milkers, choice . 60 00
Springers ..,.... ....... 60 00
Common and medium..... 35 00
Lambs .. 8 50
Light, ewes a 4 50
do bucks . 3 50
Hogs fed and watered .. 9 00
do f.o.b 8 15
Calves 6 00 10 75
$ 8 05
8 75
.7 85
7 25
6 10
5 50
7 40
7 40
7 25
6 50
6 50
4 00
85 00
75 00
40 00
11 00
6 00
1 00
Wingham, July 29, 1913
Flour per 1001bs 2 70 to 3 10
Fall wheat 0 93 to 0 95
Oats 0 40 to 0 40
Barley .0 52 to 0 52 /..0
Peas .0 90 to 0 90 ses
Butter dairy .0 20 toil 20 113a
Eggs per doz. ..... 0.18 to 0 18
Wood per cord 2 25 to 3 00 *
• ea
Hay per ton. .. 10 00 to 10 00
Hogs . . 8 50 to 8 60
_.1„)., •
6gc 'Waists
We are offerin; 40 Ladies' Waists, regular $1.50
ar d $1.25. White Lawns and Vestings, low - and
hgla neck. Sale price 69c al sizes,
House Dresses at g8c.
Regular $1,25, $1,50 and $2.00 in sizes 34 to 42,
in light and dark paEterns in print and gingham
materials in stripes and checks.
Sun Shades at 87c.
We are offering our Sunshades to clear
while the weather is warm.
at 87c,
Men's White Duck Outing
In White Ducks, White Flannels and Grey
Flannels, Black and White Serges. -This is the
weather for the outing trousers. See our choice
before going on your vacation.
s,e iag
Outing Coats
In lustre, plain black and dark greSr also blazicr
striped coats in black -and -red and blue -
and -black; $1„50 to $3.00 eacn
Carhartt 'Overalls
We have sole agency for Carhartt's Smocks and
Overalls, Gloves and Pants
'Phone 70. Wingham
r). 00 ettrEn1-151;:i,,pp 00 0 . t111.01i C,
40000 aralts ti I ftrr at._,(1.-117 0 0 (1=1,2,7129g, 0 yap
Big Drop in Prices at our,,,
um m er Sale
Our Sales are always hummers, and this one is NO CEPTION. WAIT for this great
Sale, commencing
Grocery Bargains
Art Baking Powder and Granite ware Premium 50c value
A bargain
Canada Laundry Starch
, Royal Yeast Cekes ... . .
10c bottle Extract .
35c Japan Tea .....
35c Black Ceylon Tea...........
20 lbs Granulated Sugar
2 cans Salmoh for
Large bar soap
Corn Starch per package
Raisins. 3 lbs for
Olive Oil Soap, 7 bars for '...... ..... .
Good Broom for ....
8 packages Seeded Raisins
1 pound package Tea to clear at ........
Fancy cakes per pound .
• •
Big Clean-up in our Corset Department. Broken Lines
and Odd Sizes, Crompton and D. & A Corsets.
Your pick of the lot on centre table for only...... 9 C
Crum's English Prints, new patterns, light and dark
colors, regular 12;4 value, clean sweep sale 10C
New pattern Moslins, light or dark colorings on sale at
20 per cent. discount
Boots and Shoes
Big cut in prices of all lines of Men's, Woinen's, Boys'
and Girls' footwear. See the Bargain Boxes.
Saturday, August 1st and en g Saturday, August 15th
Just Two Weeks of Wonder ul Price Savin t4. in our TWO STORES. It will be worth
while bnying largely for futu e at the folly ing CUT PRICES. Great Value in Men's,
Women's, Boys' and Girls' Rlady-to-weai lothing. Read the list of bargains and come
right along and get your shar' . Come ' the morning, if possible, but come any time
Bargains in Silks
A large stock of Silks to be sold at sweeping* agttnetions.
We have the kind that will give good wear.
27 inch Japan Taffetta Silks, all colors, regular value
500 Sale Price. . 40c
Fancy colored Silk one yard wide, our regular price $1,25
Sale price .... . ..... . $1.00
One piece 50 yds Black Pailette Silk, yard wide; regular
value $1.25 sale price .. .... ... 90c
Extra wide Black or Colored Silks, yard wide, regular
$1.50 sale price ... ,
20 per cent. off regular prices of all lines of narrow silk.
lklart r.W.rireerierramramosolarmsrmerriremer.roVirseario
Ready -to -Wear
Ladies' Tailor made suits, separate Coats and Skirts,
made of Panamas, Voiles and Broadcloths and Serges, 20 per
cent. off all regular prices to reduce the stock.
Carpet Department
Buy your floor coverings now and save money, the stock
is large and must be reduced, so down go the prices of Rugs,
Carpete and Linoleums.
In order to reduce our large stock of Dress Goods, We
give a discount of 20 per ceut. off our close prices. Overlaces
and Silk Trimming to match all shades of dress goods.
orrimfrearomiewermarnarocrUK.4.1O4aor*Nalerfr-ixreorrt* immIlOrreltrate. 170.nortrera.t.r.aree•rensaro.hier,....1.1.11
Laces and Embroideries
Large stock of Embfoideries and Laces to clear.
A Dumber of ends of 27 inch flouncing regular value 50
and 60 cents, sale price
A lot of Lae. t clear at ..
mCaSh or Produce at Cite
,..........................aranrammoomearv.••••••rm.M.mor of sale. Goods not paid
for will be charged at REGULAR, PRICE. No goods sent out
on approbation.
5c Fancy pattern Duck to clear at .
Summer Parasols in White embroidery or fancy colorings,
$1.25 value- for $1.00; 81.50 value for $1.25; $1.75 value for
$1,40; $2.00 value for $1.50; $2.50 value $2.00.
Large stock of Whitewear to sell at reduced prices. Ladies'
white embroidery dresses, Misses' and Girls' dresses, Corset
covers, Princess slip, Underskirts, Drawers, Fancy Lawn
Waists, long or short sleeves, Top Skirts.
11••••••••••••••••• 0•••••• PI r•
Big range of colored Ribbon to sell quick at• reduced prices.
A'Iot of wide colored Taffeta Ribbon to clear at 10c
Wide Taffetta Ribbon 20c value for ....... 1 tic
25e value for 20e 24c N!alue for 28c
Hosiery and Cloves
Several lines of Long Gloves, Black, White or Colored
to clear at reduced prices. Women's and Child-
ren's hose on sale at,
ternalr9orMatornallearviriamuiernireinel.trarrywermir r ,ra,rgeretrrirrn,rmrtarninerliCe /rintrx.rarroW,T lf•N•1141,••
Bargains in Staples
English Cambric one yard wido, 15e value
36 inch Cambric fine quelity 121ac for
2 dozen Crash Towels regular 12Sc fin*.
:Heavy Crash Towelling 10c value for
Wide Flannelette to clear at
rine Factory. Cotton, yard wide, regular 12!e. for.
Two yard wide Sheeting 30e value....
A few pieces print, sale price
aoreso,„4,0". 1/441,40$00,4„,..4,,,assoaaseeerweeeateark~Varrl-a-~ehoesattameov~OtstaalavaseaneilS•eseitel~4eevediteesdkiseatameAraeftisaeltates
Men's Wear Store
Big stock or clothing of th... it tIl%?..i-e. Buy your Suit
now and save money.
Men's English W( r is a ;..„its ret;;Ifur prL-,e l'i 5 01 cl.:'an
sweep sale . ,.. . .. . $1 1.05
Men's -ftney tear, d eine. . ea• ,,, sioa • .. 8.00
Youth's fame,. twl ..d !,r,..i. . -.I., , I y .... ri.o5
Mt n's strong %,:•!ti- -:1 p :,-- :. ;'.1 ; • :o..i :, .? 1.. ! i 61: 1.39
Men's fancy tirl7;r, p',nI•• r• -•Warr....) 100 . 1.90
rosrs' slroins iaixits le el. e. • , ..-50
Slen's strung i);,,i' •!;:. :.:,'.. 1;. -ie •s 1
Boy.' suits iri ii.-1,!tl1 :•',,, .., “i cl.,.:,r ni. . ii..:0
Men's farcy 17,.,5;1-•,-,1 ,, Il...; i ..:1;:ar :::12,,:i ,.,,. .
Alen's rims ..:,'• ,,.!.:'..i :•41,‘ ',xi se x .. ,-*.tILZ
Youth's s'aili..:, :: 0'y p- 1.i :re-, :ail, pri..'e 4.75
en's Hats
, Men's Strew Ilats to clear at a dia.aunt of Rti per cent.
off. Men's ancl Boys' felt bats mill be :(•lii OA ,:i7 0 per cent, off
regular prices.
• • ••••,.••••• ta**1.5(
A line of Men's Braces to clear 10c
aettea Furnishings
, Mon's ftmoy priot shirte sale price ;
(bean Deten's Silk Tit's to clear at ....
Men's honey black -or grey sox 2 pairs f•sr
Men's cloth caps reguler Ise for
Table Linen4(dt
11gi t.uvorn. r jersv
oys, short sleees
M,m's driving alovo rogular $1.25 for • • $1,00
ra,.v patterns, sale' pri•se ..... 250
Spsoial •one -pie.• extra wide linen, 65e for.. .... .. . s400.
On» eed ie.1' • nil bleached. 50e for., 4.4 90
` ilamairo4 Jn '1lc Napkin.; and matelted sotts, large
en 'Pablo Cloth witl '..l'apkins to match.
ties of Butter
ggs \mole(r1x '1paid n exchange for
Geode atil;tile price,.
, I
,A..1-astrAr4,47td-0-410.04.0.-uatratrore.e 4k.-46-010....1.0-akeik4rwe3