HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-09-11, Page 19Wednesday, September 11, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 19
Queensway hosts Ensemble Cordiale
Lakeshore Advance
Queensway was honoured on
Sunday August 25th to host "Ensem-
ble Conflate" a group of musicians &
music students directed by Peter
Bartley. The group gathers once a
week, from September through June,
at Elmwood United Church in Wort-
ley Village, London to learn, practice
and explore a variety of musical gen-
res. Ensemble member, I)arene
Roma Yavorsky graciously organized
event at Queensway in memory
er mother Leona Yavorsky. 'the
program of Classical & Contempo-
rary music had residents enthralled
as the six talented violinists, classi-
cal guitarist and pianist filled the
room with their superb music. The
musicians, residents and visitors
gathered following the performance
to visit & enjoy refreshments. '!here
is no doubt residents hope to have
theist back!
Residents enjoyed the gospel
music of the Lakeview Singers as
they performed in the hallways at
Queensway Tuesday evening August
27th. Residents who may for various
reasons not attend the usual pro-
grams appreciate this music deliv-
ered to their door.
'lie last 13BQ Supper group of the
season was held Thursday, August
29th and residents dined outdoors
on BBQ Chicken, fresh peas & toma-
toes with cabbage salad & ice
Highway 21 at
Ausable Cut
Pastor Doug 11'atson
Sunday, Sept. 15
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
KW Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games
and more, SK - Cr 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
Mid -week service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
create. Many residents have bene-
fited from this Sumner program
and agree that dining outdoors has a
positive effect of the appetite.
Recent Church Services have
been lead by Rev. Brent Powell of
Emmanuel Baptist, 00 August 27th
and Ervin Steinman, September 3rd.
Joyce Pepper is our regular volun-
teer pianist for the weekly services
and volunteer ushers are; Edna
1)eitz, Mary McBride and Kay Mock.
1 iarvey Smith & Harold Mills pro-
vided a wonderful afternoon of
music in the Sunroom Friday after-
noon August 30th for an attentive
crowd. Music is certainly a favourite
program at Queensway with resi-
dents also benefiting from weekly
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Zurich Mennonite Church
17518 lunch 11cn.:dl ltd . West of lunch
kingsaeld Pastor: Ken (fide)
ZM(' Pastor: lime Roes
Sunday, Sept. 15
9:30 am
Worship Gathering at
Pastor Ken (iazley
11 ant ('otice '1'inte tl Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Hwy. 21, North of (;rand Bend
Email: st.johns(r(ahay.net
Web: www.stjohnsgtandbend.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, Sept. 15
17th Sunday after Pentecost
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Fr. Andrew Wilson
St. John's By -The -Lake:
Sunday, Sept. 15
17th Sunday ailer Pentecost
10:00 a.m.
Iloly Eucharist
Fr. Andrew Wilson
"A Community of Faith to Call Home"
The Reverend Father Grayhannc R. Bowcott
Music Therapy via Dana Nouse.
I lensall Presbyterian women are
sponsoring the Bingo games each
Monday afternoon in September.
We are very thankful for these won-
derful women who continue to
actively serve the residents of
In the Retirement Residence
Lounge "'ihe (;randbenders" gave a
rousing musical performance for
residents Thursday August 29th .
Retirement Residents are looking
forward to Friday, September 20th
when they are hosting their "Bring a
Friend to Supper" program. (:a11
519-262-2830 ext. 2 to RSVP
13y the time you read this news,
Queensway residents will have
St, Peter's Lutheran Church (EI,CIC)
Zurich, Ont. L-11-3
Rev. Nadine Schroeder-Krulr U
Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson U
Secretary Jennifer SchcllenhcrRer, Unice 519-236-4697
Sunday, Sept. 15
17th Sunday after Pentecost
with Holy Communion
. Service 10:00 am.
Sunday School at 10:15 am
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
Ili• the people rtt.C1 Priv \ we r Idled. by the ,grace rtl (i, NI.
ht he a welcoming ,( 11 Ur%hr/tlm1,g congregation, , II b '''� In
Audi (luuv(glithe ty►•l, IING hut, rMIsateyur,tnv,uuuf,,( the MMMYlJ
Grand Bend Church of God
Come worship with us
l lwy 81 and (fill Road Phone 519-238-2142
Office Hours: Wed. 1-4, 'That's. 9-12
Sunday Sept. 15
Speaker: Julia Vincent
9:30 - 10:31) !I. in. Sunday School tilt Alt Age.
10:11) - 11:1111 a.m. Coffee Tune
11:00 a.ln. Worship Ser, ice
Wednesday 1:15 p.tn Prayer & Bible SIut1N
(:rand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen 519-238-2402
Minister: Rev. !tarry 1)isher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
www.grandlx nd-grecnwayp '.cont
f'�.jjl t
Sept. 15
11:00 a.m.
Worship Leader: Peter ('hal len
"Wedge -Murder -Congregation"
Youth Message:
" Tooth Picks"
AJJ Welcome
enjoyed their annual trip to the
Threshers Reunion in Myth Friday,
September lith where the food, fun,
entertainment, displays, tours &
reminiscing with old friends guiu•an-
tees a wonderful day.
Sept. 20th: "Bring a friend to Supper"
Retirement Residence program. Call
262-2830 ext. 2
Sept 12th: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. "Alzheimer
Coffee Break Fundraiser" for the Huron
County Alzheimer Society in Queen -
sway's Cafe,
Sept. 28th: 7 p.m. Birthday Party with
music by John & Geneva Heaman.
Bahai'i Faith
"The ,e, t'cltt'Sf llul%('r in iltc' rt•cthl,
cute/ range Of lltrrrtcJlt el' IVORY is
spirit - the dit'ine hrt'ath which
animates and pert'ctclt's all
from the Baha'i Writings
For inlermation onkcal ('hildtt'i ' ('laSSes
and the Junior Youth limlx,\vennent I'Ingnun
call 519-238-8092 or visit these web sites'
Zion Lutheran Church 1.0-C
it 148 Frederick Si., Dashwood
Rev. John L. '1'remhulak
Sunday Sept. 15
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:01) a,m. Adult Bible ('lass
11:00 31.111. Flintily Worship
Everyone Welcome
\vww.hay/net/-.her barctrhay.net
c,rHcatively proclaiming CHRIST without c..omprornls'
Sunday September 15. 2013
9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am - Morning Worship Tyler Strickler
'God's King' Psalm 2
6:00 pm - Evening Service Tyler Strickler
'To Live is Christ' Phil 1:19-26
Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 www.forsjthaottst.cs
We welcome everyone of all aper to join usll