HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-23, Page 8THE MOAN TIMES, MS 23, 1914
The Rev. A. N. Miller, of Vancouver,
it spentlieg a few days with his
mother and sister, Mrs. R. J. Cuyler.
Mise Louisa Eagleson, of the City
Hall Department, Toronto, i spending
her summer vacation at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Eagleson.
The Canadian Order of Foresters are
having their hall newly shingled. Capt.
IL Carrick has the contract.
Gavin Middleton, while hauling in
hay met with an accident on Thursday
last that might easily haye caused more
fatal results. After drawing the load
into the barn and was in the at of un-
loading, the horses became frightened
and dashed through the big doors lead-
ing into the straw mow the floor of
which not being of sufficient strength
to support such a weight the team and
front wheels of the waggon broke
through, the team falling into the driv-
ing shed below, a drop of about twelve
feet, where they were partially sus
pended and after a little hard work on
the part of the men they were released
after sustaining a few nasty bruises
and scratches. Fortunately no one was
seriously hurt, but considerable damage
to the harness and floor along with a
good sized fright was the result,
The Rev. Chas. Homuth, Missionary
of the Minnenites Church, Nigeria on
the West African Coast and Mrs.
Homuth are visiting friends here and
in the neighborhood. Mr. Homuth
was born here and has been filling his
present charge over three years and is
doing a wonderful good work in his
field of labors.
Arthur R. Craig, of Toronto, arrived
from "Hog Town" last night and will
spend his vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Craig.
Rev. A. N. Millar, of Vancouver, B
C. occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
Church last Sunday evening and preach-
ed a most eloquent, telling sermon to a
very large and attentive congregation.
Up to the present time the ArmY
Worm has not put in an appearance in
this see.tion of country hence the far-
mers are delighted so far, but another
and unknown little pest (to any person
here) has put in an appearance and is
doing a great deal of damage to the
crop. It is not the regular old fashion-
ed pea bug, but a little green bug of
another variety. Those farmers who
are suffering by it are closely watching
Its work so as to place it, if possible, in
the category in which it belongs.
The services in the Presbyterian
Church Sunday last were of a more
variable kind than usual. In the morn-
ing, the pastor did not preach a sermon
but the time was taken up by listening
to the newts from the Summer School
which was held at Goderich very lately.
Miss Mary Ferguson, President of the
Yuting• People's Society at Langside and
Mr. Alex. Henry, President of the
Young People's Society, Whitechurch,
presented the report.
Mr. Henry addressed the large con-
gregation in a most brilliant and intel-
ligent manner, and his remarks were
indeed most gratifying to his auditors.
He most ably showed up the splendid
work for good that was accomplished
at the recent Summer School and the
still further efforts that were being
made to still greater advancement of
the good work.
Mr. Henry was a delegate of the
Young People's Society here and it goes
without saying that he was a most
efficient one, as by his eloquent remarks
and highly gratifying report was an
Miss Ferguson also read her report
which was indeed pleasing and highly
appreciated by the congregation, as
these reports were the best ever pre-
sented from the school. The reports
Were also presented at the Langside
serviess in the evening by the same
The creamery here has been working
up to capacity and up to date have sold
upwards of sixty thousand pounds of
very choice butter. Eggs are not so
plentiful as they were a while ago,
hence the price has gone up a cent per
dozen. Dairy butter is also abitscarce
just now.
Miss D. Walker, Toronto, spent a
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gaunt.
The Misses Lockhart. of Wingham,
drove up and spent the day with Mrs.
II. D. Henderson and at the manse
In the evening the regular services
were held, another large congregation
being present. The pulpit was occupied
by the pastor who preaehed a good
sermon. After the service the Young
People met in the basement where
the Rev. Chas. , Homuth, Baptist
Missionary to the Minnenite Church,
Nigeria West Africa, gave a very en-
tertaining address, which was greatly
appreciated by the largo gathering of
young people present.
By the way, at the morning meeting,
two new elders were appointed to fill
vacancies caused by death. These Were
Frederick Da.videon and Malcolm Ross,
who will be installed to full eldership
next Sabbath,
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5 oc, and $1 .00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
Rev. R. McLeod, of North Vancouv-
er, B. C., has accepted a call to become
pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian church
at Ingersoll.
Mr. A. C. Riley will preach in the
Baptist Church on Sunday next on "The
Second Mile" in the morning, and on
"How we are Saved" in the evening.
MAHOOD—In Pordwich, on July 8th,
Joseph Mahood, in his Sand year.
JACKSON—In Wingham, on July 17th,
Edward James Jackson, of Culross,
aged 53 years and 9 months.
KELLY—In Morris, on July 8th, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly; a son. •
McCauenee--In Blyth, on July 8th,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCaughey; a
McMiregeN —In Blyth, on July 9th, to
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan; a son.
Bnesa—In Lucknow, on July 4th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Blair; a daughter.
—Lillian Pearl.
CUNNINGHAM-10 Morris township, on
July llth, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Cunningham; a daughter.
LAMoNT —In Grey township, on June
23rd, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Lamont; a son.
NAYLOR—In Seaforth, on July 7th,
1914, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Naylor; a
ROGER—In East Wawanosh, on July
5th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers;
a son.
SHORT — In Morris, on July 4th, 1914,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Short; a daughter.
JOHANN —In Wingham, on Friday,
July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Johann; a daughter.
Notices Under This Head. ten cents a line
Lor first insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
WANTED —Good general servant
Apply at the TIMES teffice.
Now's the time to buy your wall pap-
er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's.
select from at lowest prices.
Experienced married man wants
work on farm. Apply to P. Norman,
Drop a card to Albert Fleming, Leo-
pold Street, when needing Lawn Mow-
ers sharpened or sewing machines re-
paired. All business will receive prompt
FOR SALE—A comfortable seven -
roomed house, with cement cellar and
coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good
garden. Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min-
nie street_or at his office, Salt Block.
Business Education.
Owing to the quick development of
this young country Canada is calling as
never before for young men and young
women with an expert business training,
and for tlie past ten years the Wingham
Business College has been training
young people whom thousands of busi-
ness firms in leading Canadian and Am-
erican cities have pronounced as the
best they have employed. Miss Mar-
garet Faust, ,who graduated from the
Wingham Business College in June,
1913, earned oue thousand and twenty
dollars ($1020.00) during her first year;
Miss E. Louise Holmes, a graduate of
seven years ago is earning fifteen hun-
dred dollars (1500.00) per year..
Anyone w ishing to learn of the sun -
Cess of the graduates from their dis-
trict can get same by sending a postal.
Students may study all at home, all at
school or partly at home and finish at
the college. The Wingham Business
College reopens on September first and
it would be well for all young people de-
siring a business education to write for
The death occurred at Arnherstburg
a Mrs. Auld, wife of John Auld, ex-
M.P.P., after an illness a nearly three
years. Mrs. Auld was 61 years old,
and a daughter of the late JAWS Ham-
The army worm is devastating fields
around f3rantford and in Burford town-
A bush fire wiped out the town of
Hearst, 184 miles west of Cochrane, on
the N. T. R., only five buildings left.
Because of the difficulty in deter-
mining when a street car was not a
street car, Magistrate Paterson, of In-
gersoll, dismissed some cases of driving
past a standing street car. The scene
of the alleged infractions was Beach-
A comparison of Walkerville's assess-
ment figures shows there has been a
$500,000 increase each year. Population
has also grown 1,600 in the last four
Via Chicago and North Western 'Ry.
Special low rate round-trip tickets on
sale from all paints in Canada to Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Se-
attle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton,
Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc.,
during July, August and Septem-
ber. Excellent train service. For
rates, illustrated folders, time tables
and full particulars, address B. H. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street,
Toronto, Ontario.
Mrs. James Orr of Woodstock was
killed in New Jersey, when the motor
ear in which she and her husband were
riding. turned turtle.
Reports from Guelph say that the
Canadian Northern electric line from
Toronto to Guelph is likely to be miming
by the all,
A eonferenee between Sir Adam
Beck and St. Thomas officials has re-
sulted it a reduction of $10,000 a year
in the street -lighting charges for that
Why Not See
Mrs. S. F. fiihson &Soo
Mrs. S. F Gibson & Son head of the
company have obtained a wide reputa-
tion in this work:— Thick Neck and
Goitre, Canters, Tumors, Gall Stone,
Gravel, Piles in worst form, internal
and external, Corns, Bunions success-
fully and painlessly cured without op-
erations, Asthma, Bronchitis, Best
Blood Purifier, Deafness, Ruptures,
Hair Restored, unsolicited testimonies
from all over the Continent, correspond-
ence invited, mail orders promptly at-
tended to.
Mrs. S. F. Gibson will be at the
Send for sample box of my celebrated
Pile Salve.
Mrs. S. F. Gibson 81 Son
Eye Specialist
95 Norfolk St., Guelph, Ont.
"Eyes Tested Free"
Mont real.er oronfo.. Detrol t•Ch icago via
Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central
Railroads vim Michigan Central Olgantic
Steel Tubes between Windsor and. Detroit
Leaving Montreal 3.45 Ban,; Toronto 0.10
pan , arriving Detroit 12 83 am., Chicago
7.46 &tn. daily Equal service returning
Toronto -Winnipeg -Vancouver
Toronto.Vatteotiver Express No leaves
Toronto 5.66 p.m. daily Vancouver Toronto
Express 3o. 4 areves Torontr 11.45 S.M.
MRDRobtl Express Ne. 7 leaves Tor.
onto daily except sundae 10,50:p m , arriv-
ing Winnipeg 2nd day °nutria xxerese No
R leaves Winnipeg 9 25 pan. and arrivitS
!Toronto 6.15 pan. daily except Tneaday.
Particulars as to Mil or Oceen tickets
from W. A. Senderson, town fleets
phone 47; J. E. Boomer, station agent
phone 7; Or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A.
C P. Ry,, Toronto.
ori Souirrirnr Ctoec•cl
Ready-to-wear, Hosiery, Gloves,
and Underwear
Northway Coate -15 this season's coats,
newest stylea and cloths in short or 3-4
engtbs colors grey, navy,. mustard and
sax blue, sizes 32 and 38 at 25 per cent.
off regular prices
20 Ladies' and Misses' Rain -coats broken
lines and odd sizes, values $5 to $8. This
week only at 3.95.$
Flowered Crepe, Cotton Voile, Mull and
Rice Cloth—This season's newest dress
materials in all the leading shades and
patterns, reg. 25 and 3,5c values for 19e.
111100.M.M.1...Mr•MINI• tII•110•MMICI.M•11,
200 yds 36 inch Black Guaranteed Silk—
a very rich silk with fine finish and will
give excellent wear, regular $1.25 for 98e,
25 dozen Ribbed Cotton Hose—Made of
good strong yarn and fast dye. All sizes
from zW! t� 10. On sale all sizes 10c pair
dozen Ladies' House Dresses—Sizes
32 to 40 made from strong cotton materials
neatly trimmed. Regular $2.50 for $1.09
25 per cent Saving on Whitewear, Un-
derskirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, Night
Gowns, etc.
10 dozen Long
Silk Gloves, 69c.
pair. In White,
Black, Pink, Pale
Blue and Cham-
pagne, double tip-
ped and Full
Long Lisle
Gloves', 13 cents.
White, Bleck and
Tan sizes 0 to 7.
Summer Para-
sols—In W hite• and
Fancy Silks values
from $1 tr. $5 at
25 per cent. off
Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
'Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Wingham
100 acres in the Township of Kinloss,
about one mile from Whitechurch. This
farm will be sold at a bargain, For
particulars appy to
Wingham, Ont,
In the matter of Irwin S. Durst of the Vil.
Inge of WI' oxeter in the County of Huron,
Harness Maker, Insolvent.
Notice is hereby given that the above named
insolvent, Irwin S. Derst, of the Village of
Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Harness
14 atter, carrying on business at the said
Village of 'Wroxeter, has made an assignment
of his estate to me for the general penelit of
his creditors unden "The assignments and
Preferences Act," R. S. 0.`Chapter 134.
The creditors are notified to meet at my
office in the Town of Goderich, on the 17th
day of july, A. D 1914, at 2 o'clock in the after-.
noon, for the purpose of receiving a statement
of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment
of inspectors, and the giving of directions
with reference to the disposal of the estate.
All persons claiming to be entitled to rank
on the estate must file their ctaints with me on
or before the 31st day of July, 1914, after
which date I will proceed to distribute the as-
sets thereof, having regard to those claims
only of which I shall then have received
notice, and I will not be liable for the said as-
sests or any- part thereof to any person of
whose claim I have not then received notice.
R. G. REYNOLDS, .Assignee,
Goderieh, Ont,
Dated at W Ingham, the 8th day of July, A. D.
Read the Advertisements
DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Notice is hereby given t
Teacher Wanted.
Cash Buyers *
You are intitled
- to. it!
WE GIVE a Cash Discount on Everything
excepting Queen Quality Shoes and
on Shoe Repairing.
Our Cash Discount Amounts to Between
5 and 10 per cent.
It pays to pay cash in c:1 cases but doubly
so when you get a Cash Discount.
• If you are a cash buyer you are not getting
value for your money if you are not getting a
Cash Discount.
W. H. Willis & Con
Sole Agents
For Ladies •
For S.S. No. 9, Turnberry, holding
second class certificate. Duties to
commeuce after summer holidays.
Apply, stating salary, to
R.R. No. 1,'Bluevale, Ont.
120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres
hard wood bush; well fenced; good state
cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank
barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two
storey brick cottage, 11 rooms.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section
50, Chap. 121013 the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
that all persons having claims against the
Estate of Kate Campbell, Deceased, whe died
on or about the Fifteenth day of April, A.D.,
1914, at the Township of Morris in the County
of Enron, are required to send by post, pre-
paid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, on or be-
fore the Twenty-seventh day of July, A.. D.
1914, their names and addresses, with full
particulars of their claims in writipg, and the
nature of tho securities (if any) held by teena
duly vertifled by a statutory declaration.
And further take notice that after the said.
Twenty-seventh day of July, 1914, the assets
of the said estate will be distributed by the
Executors among the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice, and the estate will not
be liable for any claims not filed at the time of
the said. distribution.
Dated at Wingham this 24th day of June, .A.
D., 1914.
Wingham, P40.Scar. f or the Executor
Municipality of the Town of Wingha
in the County of Huron.
Important Improved
De.,ily Service
Now in Effect
Lv Montreal 11.00 pm
Lv Toronto 8 00 tit
Ar London 1 1,06a m
Ar Detroit 145 p.m
Ar Chicago 8,40 p.m
Highest class
Ly Chicago $.45 p rn
Lv Detroit 11,05 p m
Lv London 3.45 to
Lv Toronto 9.00 a m
Ar flontreal 5,45 p118
of equipment
Fait emereeters and reservatioes from a.
13. ELLIO'I'T, Tovrn Theme ger Mid Ticket
Agent, Phone 4. W. F. BURGMAN, Sta.
tion Agent. Yhone 50.
LOST- Between Whitechurch and
Lucknow, a lady's blue serge coat.
Finder kindly leave at Times office.
I have
transmitted or delivered to e persons
mentioned in Sec ions 8 • 9 of the On-
tario Voters' Li Ac 887 and the
amendments th eto e copies requir-
ed to be so Iran m' d or delivered of
the list, made • Mutt to said aet, of
all pecsons appearing by the last revis-
e ol assessment roll of the said munici-
pality to be entitled to vote in the said
municipality at elections for members
of the Legislative Assembly and at
Municipal elections, and that said list was
first posted up in my office at the Town
Hall, 'Vs/Ingham, on the 17th day of July
1914, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine said
list, and if any omissions or other errors
are perceived therein to take immediate
proceeding to have the said errors cor-
rected according to law.
Clerk of the Municipality of
Wingham, July 17th,1014.
Large quantities of Wool
Cash or Trade. We pay the highest cash price
A large range of
All -Wool Sheets • Blankets
made by the best mills.
'Bring your Wool here and get
best value for your money.
A large assortment of
Men's Suits
20 per cent. off
regular cash price in exchange for Wool.
Over 100 Suits to select from.
Successor to T. A.' Mills