HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-09-04, Page 11Local school boards encourage use of personal electronic
devices to enhance learning, but ask students to be respectful
ETFO updates personal electronic
device use policy position
Kathryn Forrest
QMI Agency
'leachers' Federation of Ontario
passed a resolution to amend
its policy position regarding stu-
At its annual general meeting dent use of personal electronic
in August, the Elementary devices in the classroom.
Boys & Girls
Join the Fun & Adventure!
1st Zurich Scouts
Registration & 1st Meeting
When: Monday, September 9, 2013
Place: Zurich Mennonite Church
Time: 6:30 - 7:30pni Beavers (5-7 yrs)
7:00 - 8:3Opm Cubs (8-10 yrs)
Place: St. Boniface Public School
Time: 7:(X) - 9:(X)pm Scouts (11-14 yrs)
& Venturers (14-17 yrs)
Contact: Beckie at 519-236-7060
'Ihe amendment calls for devices to be I.ambton-Kent District School Board is include electronic devices in the lesson
stored during the school day, unless currently without a board -wide policy on plan.
authorized for use by school staff. the use of cell phones in school, but also "I'm talking high schools mainly. Our
According to Avon Maitland District leaves the use of devices to the discretion elementary schools tend to be a little bit
School Board spokesperson Steve I lowe, of individual schools and teachers. more cautious around student cell phone
this policy position reflects what is "Most of our schools have a rule that use...not too many kids grades K-6 have a
already in place at the local school hoard. say it's got to be off in the classroom cell phone:'
"It has always been our policy in Avon unless its part of the learning environ- In Avon Maitland, I!owe noted the age
Maitland that cell phones are to be turned menta" said Jim Costello, director of edu- kids are starting to use cell phones is get -
Off unless otherwise directed by the cation at the Lamliton-Kent District ting younger and younger.
teacher';' said lime. School Board. "'two or three years ago we started see -
With the texting, gaining, and Internet like Avon Maitland, Costello added all Ing grade 6 students - more and more c j
capabilities that come with smart phones, Lambton Kent District School Board them with their own cellphone," he sato.
1 lowe said students are asked to turn schools have wireless Internet and .'pad "We've now seen that move to grade five
their devices off because of the distrac- carts for use when a teacher wants to students."
tion they pose to the student and others
in the classroom, and because of the fir. POLICE BRIEFS don Road near Roman Road. Upon speak -
potential for the inappropriate use of the ing with driver it was noted the driver had
devices. Swltcheroo Attempt Falls been drinking alcohol. A roadside test was
"We do not stop cellphones from corn- BLUEWATER, ON — A disqualified driver administered which resulted in a fall. The
Ing in the door;" he said. "We just ask stu- tried to pull a fast one on police last week driver was arrested and transported to the
Huron OPP Detachment where he provided
dents to respect their use and only be after her vehicle was stopped on Biuewa- two samples of his breath; both were over
using there at those tinges when they are ter Veterans Highway near Blue Bluff Lane. the legal lira
to do so." At approximately 5:10 p.m. on August 20,
Some teachers use personal electronic 2013 officers from the Huron County Ontario A Calgary man has been charged with Drive
devices in their lesson plans, and 1 lowe Provincial Police (OPP) Marine Unit were Motor Vehicle — Over 80 Milligrams of Alco -
said because cellphones are a part of stu- towing the OPP police vessel to the Huron hol. He has a court date scheduled for the
dents' every day lives, the board is "mak- Detachment when a blue Volkswagen Pas- Ontario Court of Justice — Goderich on Sep-
ing every effort to help the students learn sat passed them at a high speed. Officers tember 30, 2013. He received an automatic
how they can use it as a learning tool, as a stopped the speeding vehicle and Immo- 90 -day driver's licence suspension and the
resource, as well as outside the school use diately noticed the passenger and driver motor vehicle was impounded for seven
it as their social connection:' switching seats. Officers questioned the days.
The board is "going full steam" into a female driver that was now sitting In the RIME D.E CHECK RESULTS
program called tiring Your Own Device, passenger seat as to why she had switched
which encourages students to bring cell - seats. Officers determined she was a dis- IN OVER 80 CHARGE
phones, laptops, Wads or other tablets for qualified driver and in addition was failing BLUEWATER, ON — Huron County Ontario
use in certain courses when permitted by to comply with a condition of her probation provincial Police (OPP) has charged nn 1 18
the te,u'het; said 1 !owe order.
i le said most AMI)Sli schools have year old male with Drive Motor Vehicle —
portable laptop or Wad carts so students As a result a Walkerton woman has been Over 80 Milligrams of Alcohol. Just before
Pon -
can either use their own electronic device charged with Drive while Disqualified and 1:00 a.m. on August 25, 2013 a red Pon -
Failing to Comply with a Probation Order. tiac entered a R.I.D.E checkpoint located
or borrow one from the school. She has a court appearance scheduled for
"We have to accept (the use of personal at Zurich-Hensall Road and East Street.
electronic devices) as being part of the the Ontario Court of Justice — Goderich on Police spoke with the driver and noted the
world :wound us;" said i love. "If rt yoo look September 9, 2013. The motor vehicle was driver had been drinking alcohol. A roadside
at the secondary level, very few students impounded for 45 days. test was administered which resulted in a
don't have their own cellphone. 'That's DRIVER ARRESTED fail. He was transported to the Exeter OPP
why we control it, but we encourage it in Detachment where he provided two samples
some aspects:' FOR OVER 80 of his breath; both were over the legal limit.
All AM!)Sli schools are outfitted with BLUEWATER, ON — A 37 year old male is A South Huron man has been charged with
wireless Internet in at least some parts of facing a Drive Motor Vehicle — Over 80 Mil- Drive Motor Vehicle — Over 80 Milligrams j
the school, said Howe, although through- ligrams of Alcohol charge following a traffic of Alcohol. He has a court date scheduled
out this year schools are to be made stop that took place on August 17, 2013. A for the Ontario Court of Justice — Exeter on
entirely accessible to Will ' Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) October 31, 2013. He received an automatic
"It's a process that's ongoing, and that officer spotted a blue Honda Civic travel- 90 -day driver's licence suspension and the
we've been doing over the past few years ling northbound on London Road at a high motor vehicle was impounded for seven
in steps." he said. speed. Tho vehicle was stopped on Lon- days.
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