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Wednesday, September 4, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Retired teacher will miss the "little monkeys" that filled her classroom
Lynn Tremain doesn't
plan to stay away
from the classroom
for long, hopes to volunteer
throughout retirement
Kathryn Forrest
QMI Agency
Lynn Tremain stands for a photo on
the balcony of her condo, holding a
crayon -drawn likeness of herself.
One ofTremain's Grand Bend Public
%pool kindergarten students drew the
.,,,cture last school year and gifted it to
"1 will miss the little monkeys," said
Tremain, who after a 36 -year career has
packed away her lesson plans for retire-
ment. "You can't but feel happy when
you're there with them. They get you
through some tough spots, and it's a
great Job."
"I really, really like little kids," said
Tremain of her career. "I like their won-
der and curiosity and I love how every-
thing's interesting to them.... 'There can
be an ant the size of a pinhead on the
carpet and all the sudden your whole
lesson has gone down the drain."
"I love how kids are innocent, ready
for anything, and interested in every-
thing. They don't have preconceived
notions about hating spiders or being
afraid of worths. They just get right in
there and love it all."
Tremain said she has always admired
Kathryn Forest OMI keno/
Lynn Tremain, former Grand Bend Public
School kindergarten teacher, stands on
her balcony with a drawing of herself
given to her by a student last year.
children, and became interested in
teaching after visiting her aunt's kinder-
garten class when she was young.
"It's Just the overall wonder of kids
that age, how funny they are," said
Tremain of her memories in the class-
room. "'They come up with the most
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unexpected comments sometimes. 'Ihere's always
lots of laughing in kindergarten that's for sure."
Born in Burlington, 'Tremain removed to Grand
Bend early in her career.
She travelled between five area elementary
schools for two and a half years to teach music
before taking a Job as a grade five teacher in For-
est. She worked there on and off for eight years
and began teaching kindergarten at Grand Bend
Public School in 1990.
"It keeps you young," said Tremain. "I really
like looking at the world through their eyes and 1
think everyone needs to have that same kind of
wonder and Just be open to new experiences."
Some of the highlights of her final year at GBPS
revolved around her class's following of Chris
I ladfield's Journey to space.
"We watched as many of his videos as we
could," said 'Tremain. They watched among oth-
ers, videos of him brushing his teeth in space and
his recording of Space Oddity aboard the Interna-
tional Space Station before he returned to Earth.
"'Their reaction was incredible because they
could feel how sad he was and they Just sat there
in silence. Some of thein played it over, and over,
and over."
Over the course of her career, Tremain taught
generations of families, saw Grand Bend Public
School grow, endure uncertain times of its pos-
sible closure, and experienced changes in the
education system.
She saw the growing use of technology in the
classroom with the implementation of smart
"[The kids] are in many cases more tech savvy
than 1 ann," said 'Tremain. "When we first started
using computers, l might have had to help them a
bit, and now they come in and know exactly what
to do. 'they show me some little tricks, actually."
Tremain has a two-page list of retirement
plans, and doesn't plan on staying away from the
classrootn for too long. In addition to playing the
piano everyday, playing her flute, reading more,
and volunteering at a hospice and the Pinery, it
is her intention to volunteer in kindergarten
classrooms in Grand Bend and Kettle Point.
"I love kindergarten because it's about the only
titne at school when they really have some say in
what they're going to do during the day," she
said. "'They have the most creative ideas and 1
think that's really important today because lots of
kids don't know what to do, or they Just sit with
their video games. In kindergarten, they just go
for it."
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