HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-23, Page 6IVINGFIDI 'IMES, JULY 2:•1 1914
of the Heart
This Lotter Tells of NVonderful Cliange
IAVected. by ine Chase's Nerve Food.
Mr. James G. Clark, Posterville,
Yora Volinty, writee:--"I have
been a great imam. •r from r-liat, the
ciot.I.Ora n.litt a a, nouralgia 01: the
lv.‘ort. "t"..., pain started in the baelz
of the neek ;tint worked dow•• Ut -• the
renitel sf Uu noart. Thoue:1 I had
of .0,c(I 1:-tre of
a.n(1 rnel her, T coehl r 1
to ,a.kap Lilo until I used.
W11,,t11 1./(II:nr1 t11s tro17n •1't
cotzio not rest in bed, except 1,7›ittn7•.:
11*, on uf tilt lin!
,p7ftT, about the boart and
loutt heating. Tho change v...7•it •,r.
('c .1,.1 w,.7“1.(,.rfttl. I:
tiri'lvOVPri.o7iie these symp" ar. .1
:41e and
f'*7*••-'0- I i1) to mile-, 4!1.•
Tei ing. of others, you are at licrty to
use it."
Nervc Food1 o trim
t(77 pntl tho greatest of 111".1••••.:, re,
stocar,ies. ;.0 cents a 1 OX, e for $0.5 0;
Jewellery Over 5,000 Years Old
Jewels which had adorned an Egyp-
tian princess 5,300 years ago were re-
cently exhibited before the Royal Soci-
ety of England. They were taken
from an Egyptian tomb by Prof. Flin-
ders Petrie. They are so perfectly pre-
served that they might have just come
from Bond Street, except that Bond
Street is not able to produce their
equal in beauty of workmanship. The
chief prize of the colleciion is a wond-
erful amethyst necklace, "the mos
beautiful amethysts I have ever seen,"
said Proressor Petrie -with gold lion
claws as terminals. Then there are
golden collars, exquisitely faehien•'el
armlets and bracelets of gold bars wElo
turquoise and carneliae bead werk, and
wristlets with amulets inlaid. Tho
metal is entirely gold, as bright as
when it eves refined in the days when
Senusert IL was king, and the designs
are all inlaid, never of fused enamel.
In one of these there are no fewer than
370 piece.s of cut stone; nothing like is
made nowadays, and the best Parisian
jewellersay that they could not
hope to imitate the work.
The ancients were behind us in works
of utility, like the telegraph and re il-
way, but in exquisite workmen:31 ie
they were able to surpass anything of
which the present generation is cap-
The British lrtrv e1w sit in
ttraeOI1 1I,11ty, mut keit, and patch
h •r lrisbeeen: .•••.1e; %%eh evillest zeal
eae re.ei :nee • th • rel;. le•• deueh-
Lei • teSte at ,! oil tee eleciotie
setele. 1 it ti :OL hav etril:g,d; new,
're -vete!, elle lets tier liegateeett Onties
0..,t 11,111,1.1 ; and
10 111 Li. 1111-.14.1 g.t1 10.
are net es itee eel ete.ece
her writers :silk!' 173111+ that 11-10 Wi;.1 have
,4te. Flo 110 ZIfinat,
t', kaitt L C.L.1 00, :a I.Argl..; hne burns
e..,1 •1. 0 .a la her
,ro.c.u-st see: pseee a deadly
teems z-ele pose tior t111t. priee parasil
tereug., ensile paintings on the .wail of
tele or Mat 0104014; ...oe chases sto'es-
n,i) , until rlange,
ia t0C i:g10 Lao Aubbing sea.
.lei..g1e afraid to tale• u welk, lest
S -.1111V Oklid 111d110.1'6 C;a1b 1101a. /week. ha
ceuw 0 a,,r,-s LL:e rect; shi'vers on
1: ins lls•e ei ten ne, aliti hee tem, er, de-
pre:n.3: O, (Ineva Aidey tins cold
tee'. Inv judges send the girls to jail,
and teke, 10 tines, their modest kale,
, but !Salo does it belie from Lennon
Tow:. t, Seel. o' sireoeeeie.' women,
len tb. r precious veten kyoodie, shriek
I, and yelp. eo J It tie, geed and thankt'ul
in this este:try ef the fr..es the
1 ....----- -
! chial tubes and lungs. Mrs. S. J.
e, , Moore, Shortreed, B. C,, writes: "I
or os
W ish to state my gratitedo for De. "FGd'Sak
i Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpea-
, Let MeStay!" tine, for it cured a cold which a friend
said would soon put noe on the grave.
P11.ISM'Cr)014 TUEj.
r, flee11
women are more wise; in gentlemanly
style they fight, that they may gain
•ir sacred right, the ballot, bless
their eyes! Walt Meseta
To Cheek 0 Cold.
tt is easy to check a cold if you begin
in time, Frequent doses of Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine keep
the cough loose, allay the inflammation
and se prevent it speeading to the brog-
He pleaded with ell the intensity his
weakened body and soul could master.
His voice trembled. Tears lurked in his
strained, anxious eyes. "I have traveled '
for two days on the train," he eaid. "I
have been turned out of my boarding house.
I have been turned oub of a hotel in my
owu town. The local hospital refused me
admission. Nobody wants me. For God's
sake, doctor, let me stay."
This man had been a railway conductor. !
He had money to pay for his ueeds ; so he
applied to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium '
for treatmenb of the disease which held his
life in its grip -consumption. But those
what of them? With their hopeless know-
ledge that: people shun them, they believe
it futile to seek relief. If their lives are to
be spared they must be sought out and sup-
plied. with nourishment, medicine, and
treatment. To do this costs money. Will
you contribute a trifle to help in this effort
to save lives? Please set quickly. Winter
has brought keen suffering.
Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos-
pital for Consumptives will be gratefully
acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman
The military and naval expenditure of
the six great powers of Europe -Britain,
Russia, Germany, Austria, France, and
Italy - have increased from $700,000,000
a year in 1882 to $1,600,000,000 in 1912.
"We must," adds a French economist,
in writing to the London Chronicle, "al-
so take into account that in all countries
a large part of the military outlay lies
hidden under other headings, so that
one can say without exaggeration, and
leaving out small countries, that Europe
spends actually more than ten milliards
of francs per annum in preparation for
war. Formidable and crushing as are
these figures, nobody doubts that in a
very short time they will be largely ex-
Children Cry
Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, FOR FLETCHER'S
or R. Dunbar, Secretary -Treasurer, 347
• King Street) West, Toronto.
• .
Gram! Trunk Railway System
Minerva Encampment, No. 47, L 0. 0. F., Wingham, have com-
pleted arrrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway
System to run a big excursion to
VIA HYDE PARK, from the following places, on Saturday, Aug-
ust 8th, 1914, returning Monday, Aug. 10th at the following fares:
5.5(1 a.m.
6 37
Arrive Sarnia Wharf at 10.45 a.m.
Children over 5 and under 12 years - HALF FARE
Returning, special train will leave Sarnia Monday, Aug. 10, at to p.m.
Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Steamship Line
to convoy passengers from Sarnia to
per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia at 4.50 p.m., at the
low return fate of 60c. Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat
up to and including 2.81) prn., Monday, August 10. This will afford
an excellent (outing and an opportunity for excursionists
to spend Sunday in Detroit.
Everybody Come and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing.
J. W. Dodd, John F. Groves.
01.04 11,,,iSEI 11.1""117.9..talgz„..4utleFg%047.14=>4.0A071Effigg,
An Incident That Aroused Varied Em.
tions All Around.
In his "Iteuilniecences" General Basil
W. Duke of the Coufederate army tells
of an incident lie witnessed just after
the close or the wale
"One morning about 9 o'clock I was
sitting on the platform of a station
waiting for my train when atten-
tion' was attracted to 0 squad of Fed-
eral soldiers who had evidently been
on guard during the night, but were
now getting their breakfast. They
were well supplied with rations and
seemed in high spirits,
"Just then I caught sight of a lank,
hungry looking fellow who was unnals-
takebly an exeCoufederate. He wore
a ragged, failed gray jacket, with the
buttons cut off, a palr of most dilap-
idated blue trousers and an old canvas
haversack, as empty as extra -sidereal
space, hung around his neck. If be
had eaten 0 square meal within six
months appearances were deceitful.
He was partially hidden behind a cot-
ton bale, whence be watched the Yan-
kee spread witb eyes that threatened
to protrude across the Intervening dis-
"About the time 1 saw him the
'Yanks' also caught sight of him. They
held a short consultation; then one of
them sprang up, started 'toward him
and shouted out:
" 'Hello, relit Come this way; we
want your
"For some reason -perhaps because
I was sick and peevieli-I conceived
the idea that they wanted to arrest
him, and noy blood boiled with indig-
.natien at so totally an unprovoked act
of oppression.
"The 'Johnnie.' evidently entertained
the same opinion, for he began a rather
rapid retreat. A fresh summons, how-
ever, re -enforced by a volley of threats,
induced him to turn and approach the
party, with an attempted dignity of
demeanor that was ludicrous compared
with his hasty retrograde movement.
"When he readied the spot where
the 'grub' was the Yanks seized him,
made him sit down and began to ex-
ert themselves to appease his manifest
hunger. I have known some extraordi-
nary feeders, but I honestly believe 1
.have never seen any other two men
eat as much ae that fellow slid. He
kept at it steadily for not less than an
hour, while the Yanks aided and en.
tcouraged him to the utmost. He drank
six tin cupfuls of coffee. He swelled
visibly, and 1 wondered how his frail
garments stood the tension.
"When at length he finished his cap-
tors crammed his weatherbeaten old
haversack full of. hard. tack and bacon
and sent him on his way rejoicing.
"It is scarcely necessary to say that
my own feelings on regard to the In-
cident had very materially changed
during its progress:"
The Gallery's Verdict.
In the old clays the proprietor et a
music hall always used to walk up
and down the center gangway during
the performances and restrain the ex-
uberance of his patrons. One night a
lady singer began a doleful ballad in
a still more doleful voice, and. at once
received "the bird" from the gallery.
"That'll do, boys," said the proprietor.
"Order, please! Give the artiste a
chance." But when the performance
was finished he took off his hat, bowed
to the gallery and remarked, "I beg
pardon, you were quite right" -Lon-
don Express.
In certain of its essential respects, a
madhouse; in others, a pageant; in still
others, a commonplace succession of
humdrum incidents. At times you are
quite sure it is all a gray monotony;
again it begins to arise apd spread It
like an Arabian night. And the
unexpected breaks loose -a series of
strange encounters, flashes of vivid
color, bright eager personalities jos.
tling and strutting in excess of vitality.
-Harper's Weekly,
Hats and the Sexes.
A woman can take a dime to Old
liver counter of the butcher's shop and
strike a better bargain than a man
could make; but a man can wear a
two dollar hat till it turns green, while
a woman can wear a twenty-five dollar
one only till her friends know it by
sight. -Louisville Courier -Journal.
A Favor She Won't Ask.
"Aunt Clara," said four-year-old
Flossie, "I want to ask a favor of you."
"Well, what is it, dear?" asked her
"When I grew up," continued the lite
tle miss, "will you lend me one of your
long skirts until I eine have mine let
down?"-Chieago News.
How to Tell.
"How can you tell when a woman ts
erily shopping?"
"When they intend to buy they ask
to see something cheaper. When they're
shopping they ask if you haven't some-
thing more expensive in stock." -Lone
lsine Courier -Journal.
Its Moral Advantage.
"Aviation is 'usually conducive to the
/control of one's temper."
"Hew so?"
"It would never do when several bun.
red feet up in the air for one to get
[int out, would RV -Baltimore Artiertl
Settlement Work.
"Did yOu hear about Muggins taking
tip settlement work?"
"Yes. He Usually Werke his creditor/1
NV 50 cents on the dollar.".-Toven Top.
,Yottr own woe& and aetietus ere th
only things you will bo called tto see
Wait for, -4. Korea*
And a Student Who Finally Succeeded
In Making a Discovery.
A student enrolled in Agassiz's class.
For several clays Agassiz paid no Wen -
lion to him whatever. At length; tired
of standing around idle, the student
asked Agassiz to give him something to
do. Agassiz's reply was to hand Ilion a
liming and to Say, "Study this." The
student was bewildered, but set about
"studying" it, The next day Agussiz
asked him what he had learned about
the herring. The student repliecl that it
had two eyes. so many fins and such
and such markings.
"No. nor Agnssiz cried. "Study it
more. Those things are not important."
The next day and the next the expe-
rience lens repeated. Tbe fourth day
Agassiz ognio demanded information
about tbe now rotting specimen. In a
desperate attempt at humor the stn -
dent replied, "Well, it's the same on
both sides."
"That's It!" shouted Agassiz. "That's
it: A sta_h
efish isn't the same on bot
sides, an oyster Isn't, tbousandS of
specimens of the sea are not. When
you find one that is, you've found a
starting point in a new stage in the
evolution of life." .
Obviously, that student learned more
from that one lesson ribout the scien-
tific method of study than be would
have learned in a year's reading and
lectures. The textbooks would have
taught him the facts; Agassiz taught
hini the method of learning all facts. -
World's Work.
Lighting a Picture.
The ball in the Rijks museum, in
Amsterdam, which contains Rena -
branch's "The Night Watch," painted
in 1642, was specially built to hold the
picture that the lighting might be as
perfect as possible. The picture is al-
ways lighted, the hall always dark.
Originally the picture was arranged
badly as to light and space. When, in
1715, it was transferred from the Doe -
len to the town hall it was made to fit
into its new position by having strips
cut off the canvas on either side and
off the top, which destroyed the bal-
Had to Be.
Little five-year-old Bessie was telling
about some medicine she had taken
while ill.
"Yes," she said, "I took some com-
pulsion of cod liver oil, and" -
"You mean emulsion, don't you,
dear -not compulsion?" said the vis.
"Well," rejoined Bessie, "there was a
good deal of compulsion about it" -
Pittsburgh Press.
"Willie," whispered auntie in the
street car, "why don't you get up and
give your seat to your father? Doesn't
it pain you to see him reaching for the
"Not in a car," responded the youlag-
ster, settling back comfortably In his
seat. -People's Home Journal.
Laughs First.
"What makes you begin to laugh
every time you see me?" asked Mr.
"I'm taking time by the forelock," re-
plied his wife. "I know there won't be
a chance in the world for me to laugh
after I have talked with you for five
minutes."-Wa.shington Star.
On a High Horse.
Howell -He's usually on his high
horse. Powell -Yea; he is a tort cot
equestrian statue of himself.-NeW
York Times.
"Egotistical, isn't she?"
"Yep -thinks if she borrewed some
dishes of a neighbor that next day
there'd be an article in the papers on
the China loan." -New York Times.
Iliad a Weak Heart
and Bad Shaky
Nerves for Years
Milburn's Heart and Henn
Pills Cured Him
Mr, H. Perey Turner, Marie Joseph,
N.S., writes:--"/ have had a weak heart
and bad, shaky nerves for years, and
have tried aintoSt everything, but noth-
ing did me any good till I was edvised
to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,
I was surprised to firid how one box
helped. me, so I tried two mare and am
now completely cured. You maw use
my letter AS an aid to others Suliering
front heart or nerve troubles."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pille are
a specific for all run dowii mete and omen
troubled with their heart or nerve:.
Milburn's Heart awl Nerve Pills are
133 cents per box, or 3 boxes fer fll .25
at all ecelere or teelleel tlirset r..'f •,;:'‘.
oi price by The T. Milburn Co,,
Trneetto, Ont.
For Infants and Children,
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
4 -C4,-.1404,W4r"•
A good book is an excellent mind
Beauty is nature's tem! wary gift to
the fair sex.
Revenge is sweet only to the small-
est individual.
And many gems of thought turn out
to be paste.
Microbes in ice have a gay old time
these torrid days.
Fools who keep their mouths shut
may pass for wise men.
Domestic discord is the apple, The
man in the case gets the core.
When relatives do a favor they never
allow the recipient to forget it
A woman loves a man in propor-
tion to his ability to make her an-
Success never comes to the man who
sits on a dry goods box and whistles for
People are so much alike in this
world that by finding fault with one
you hit a thousand.
Satan uses many different kinds of
bait, but he can catch all the loafers he
wants with a bare hook.
Probably two-thirds of a woman's
troubles come because she reasons with
her heart instead of her head.
If you would get a line on your popu-
larity as a public speaSer go hire a hall
and charge 50 cents admission.
It's as difficult for tome wOrnen to
get their hats on in the evening as it is
for some men to get theirs on the next.
Ino not suffer
another day with
Itching, Bleed-
ing, or Protrud.
Ing Piles. No
surgical oper-
ation required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and as 'certainly cure you. 60c. a box; all
dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited,
Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this
aper and enclose 2c, stamp to pay postage.
Speaking ot Settlements.
113111-Tbis paper says that Clayton,
Mo., is about to annex nine small sete
tlements cm its borders, Jill -Well, the
lady I board with Is trying to 'do the
same thiug.-Yonkers Statesman. •
A Woman's Plea.
Say I'm getting old and I'll
Tr" to keep from being tearful.
Brc.,dy I will try to smile
And pretend that I am cheerful.
Say my hair is turning gray,
Say I'm 01,1 -it will not matter -
Say my youth is gone, but pray
Do not say I'm getting fatter!
-Chicago Ilecord-lierald.
Shrewd Deduction.
"She Meet have a very clever hus--
"What makes you think so?"
"Iler paper ou Browning was so welt
done."-Detrolt Free rem,
A Simple Confession,
I love high art. 1 long to be
Where song and speech our plaudits
lIlut now and then I'd rather Pee
A circus or a baseball game.
-Washington Star. ,
Yes, Simply Awful.
Madge -Don't you thiuk a girl shouldt
marry qu economical man?
Dolly -I suppose so, But it's awful!
being engaged to one, -Liverpool Mere
Good Health Is Impossible
Without a Healthy Action
Of The Kidneys
When the kidneys begin to "act up'
and fail to filter the blood through them;
there passes into the system uric acid and
other virulent poisons, which will cause
some of the severest and most deadly
diseases known to mankind.
On the first evidence of the approach:
of kidney trouble Doan's Kidney Pills
should be used, and serious trouble
avoided. Mr. Israel Drost, Bath, N.B.,
writes: -PI am sending you this testi.
monial telling you what a wonderful
cure Dean's Kidney Pills made for me;
My kidneys were so bad I was he1ples1
for about two months. I used several
kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to
be doing me any gcsd. At last I was
advised to try a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills. When I had taken the first box
I found relief, and then I got another,
and by the time I had taken it I was
completely cured." -•
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T.
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify "Doan's."
We have put in our office
Stationery and can
a complete stock of Staple
supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prornpt attention.
0 Leave your order with us
wher in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office
Winghan4 - Ont.