HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-28, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 28, 2013
McNaughton advocates for University of Ottawa Campus
According to recent media
reports, the University of
Ottawa is exploring options for
possible expansion into South-
western Ontario. In response,
Lambton- Kent- Middlesex PC
MPI' Monte McNaughton
recently wrote to University of
Ottawa President, 'Ihe !follow -
able Allan !sock to express his
desire to work with the
University of Ottawa in select-
ing a suitable location.
"My riding of Lampton -Kent -
Middlesex is larger than the
Province Of Prince Edward
Island and covers over (1,400
square kilometres," wrote
McNaughton. "We include parts
of three counties including Stra-
throy, Wallaceburg, (rand Bend
and portions of Chatham"
Southwestern Ontario has a
bilingual community of more
than 100,000, many of whom
reside in l,ambton-Kent-Mid-
diesex. University of Ottawa
currently has satellite program
with the Faculty of Education
at the University of Windsor. In
joining Western University
(London) and University of
Windsor, a bilingual campus
?F` The Municipality of 1.anlbtotl Shores
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events In your Community
Administrator) Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest. Ontario NON 1JO
Tel 1 877 788.7335, 519 tab 7335 Fax 514 188 1135 [mai adndniskation0Iambtanhaes ca Visit our Web Site M www Ismbtonshores ca
Fire Pumping Apparatus
The Municipality of l ambtar Stxxes Is seeking profxnsaIs
for Ibe supply of al Ire Pumping Apparatus
Interested supplkws may obtain the proposal documents
ordro a1
http:lhvww.Iambtonshores.cMee Mg/1oc *Igor inrnenV
cepltalpxojecte tendereanddtps.htm
The dosing date for submissions 4s Tuesday, September
17, 2013 0 11:00 am. at the F (ngl Munkupel Olhc:e with
a public opening to follow
The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be
Munidpalny of lambkin Shores
7883 Amteleoorn Parkway, Forest, Ontato NON 130
T) 519-7882335 F) 519.786.2135
TENDERS - 2013 Capital Plan
Tender documents are available at:
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is requesting
prequaimBed contractors to submit thele tender on the
following W er.
1. Pearl Street & Pherrill Street (Thedford)
This prated entails eN things necessary for sspha4 paving,
concrete sidewalks, water naln replaoemenl, and general
surface restoration wake.
The dosing data is September 3, 2013 0 11:00 am. and
tenders ere to be submitted to:
Mu nldpal y of Lambkin Shores
7883 AmleNoorn Parkway, Forest. Ondsko NON IJO
2. Port Franks Rodd
• Partial Reconstruction
This prated entails eN things necessary for Nebel baa
reconstruction, esphae pavng. and general surfed,
reslor.Non works.
The closing date for su bmkslons is September 10, 2013
• 11:06 alt, with a pubic opening to folksiest
Muadk.Ipall y of lambkin Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 130
M qussUor» release' to the above tenders
should be directed to
Mr. Jeff Wolfe (Pealed and Infrastructure Manager)
J Roof replacement at the former Forest
Arena Building (6276 Townsend Line)
The doing date is September 6, 2013 A 11:00 am, and
tenders are to be subedited to
Mu nidpaNly of t emblo n Shores
7863 Ambtsuom Parkway, Forest, Ontarto NON IJO
M questions related to Pis tender should be directed to
Mr. BIN Bentley, South Area Manager, 519.243.1400
Lambton Shores
in Bloom
Mark Cullen - September 7th
The Ce Committee Is thrilled to present Mark Cullen on Saturday, September 7. 2013 at 10 00am at the Legacy
Reaeatlon Centre (Thomas HO), 16 Allen Street In Thedford
Tickets ens Ste per person and are available from any Communities In Bloor11 Committee Member. For more Information, please call Catherine
Ministry at 519-788.3329, Grace Geiger at 519-243-3058 or the Lambkin Shores Community Services Department al 1-866-943-1400
Community Services Department - North Zone Area Manager
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is seeking a North Ione Area Manager. who will be
responsible for the day-to-day supervnkHi of public works operations of the north zone in the
Ccmnuniy services department, including the Villages of Grand Pend end Pon ►ranks Under
the general direction M the Director of Community ity Services, the Area Manage supnrveses Operaloie n
Ther dairy ecuvales 'mauling sale work precbces are montai nod. and carnes incl work necessary lex
Oro maintenance o1 rho munldpal road network, Grand (lend beech, and Grand bond and Port
Franks Mannas
The successful candidate will have post secondary education In engineering or a related
field, and the Codified Hard Supervisor (CRS) designation is considered an asset A
preferred minkmum of the (5) years of management experience In municipal public works or
a similar construction/protect menagoment based Aoki Is considered an asset Technical
experience in the maintenance and operabons of public roadways 4s considered a strong
F xceTerN interpersonal, oral and written communk-anon skills, strong analytical and business
menegomenl skills Including budget development and control are considered assets
Candidates should be able to manage severe! concurrent projects in N timely manner
Working knoMedge of word processing, spreadsheet, GIS. Autocad, and financial software
programs Is necessary
A lob description is available for this position by contacting
Karen Cameron Administrative Militant, Munkapaliy of Lsmbton Shores.
7883 Amtstecom Parkway, Forest ON NON (J0
a 5197882335 or ecknailltretitmeiIonitl(Onf(W» 44)
Resumes will be accepted vla .amdl or regular mall until noon, Friday September 0,
2012 to the .mall soldress below:
Part -Time Arena Attendant
The Munlclpakly of lambkin Shores M looking fa dynamic, hIghy motivated and energetic
IndivkiaNs that will be under the direction and supervision of the Arena Lead Nand and/or
Supervisor and performs general custodial and maintenance duties in the legacy Centre
and Stares Recreation Centre
NI successes! candidates will have good Interpersonal .1444*, aganiratlanel skills and
customer service skins es well as an ability to identity and resolve problematic situations
Applicants vats require a CSA approved NNmet A satisfactory cmnnal reference and
venerable sectors abed; MN be required from all successful candidates
All positions require the successful candidate to work flexible hours, including Saturday and
Sunday, holidays and special event skating as requked
The Munk/paltry offers a mmpetltve clary and excellent benefit pian
To explore this opportunity further, we invite qualMP d applicants to forward their
resume and covMng letter In confidence via small or regular mall until noon, Friday
August 30th, 2013 to the email address below:
Part -Time Leisure Skate Patroller
The Munkopairty of Lambkin Shores is laking for dynamic, highly motivated and energetic
indMkduals 1ha1 will be responsible fur ensuring IM leisure skaters aro complying with the
posted rules for public skating, monitoring the lobby. grand stands and dressing rooms and
handle customer inquiries In a professional manner Skate Patrollers vNN be responsible for
providing on ko supervision
All successful candidates vada have the ability to skate, have good interpersonal skies,
organizatlanal Skins and customer service skills as wall at an abi4My to Identify and rosolye
problematic sltuabons Applicants *IN requke a CSA approved llelmsl. A satisfactory
admnal reference and vulnerable Sadat dbedi will be required from ant successful
AN positions require the successful canddate to work flexible hours, including Saturday and
Sunday, holidays end special event skating as required
To explore this opportunity further, we ,Huffe quaiAed applicants to forward their
resume and covering Patter In confidence via e-mail or regular null until noon, Friday,
September 6M, 2013 fo the small address Dhow:
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7863 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest ON NON 130
or administration®lambtonshores.ca
We Mane sN *patents for thee etleevil, however, orly those being eenakder.d hot an
kNevlew MHN 5. conted.d in accontence with the Municipal freedom of infonnalion end
P'toledlon of Privacy Ad. personal information /s collected under the authority of the
Municipal Ad, and will only be used for candidate selection
could fill an important niche.
"Understanding that existing uni-
versities receive far more applicants
than there are spaces available, it is
my strong belief that the University of
Ottawa will find not only a suitable
location, but also a pool of extremely
talented and motivated potential stu-
dents here in Southwestern Ontario,"
said McNaughton.
A national survey in 2011 deter-
mined Southwestern Ontario is home
to roughly 118,000 French speakers.
it's estimated that by 2020, nearly half
of the province's French-speaking
population will be in Southwestern
and central Ontario. The University
of Ottawa is home to over 40,000 cur-
rent students and 180,000 alumni and
was the first (and largest) French
immersion program among Cana-
dian universities. University of
Ottawa also has the largest law school
in Canada.
"1 look forward to welcoming rep-
resentatives from the University of
Ottawa to Lambton- Kent- Middlesex
at their earliest convenience. There's
a lot of exciting things happening in
Southwestern Ontario, it's no wonder
the university of Ottawa would look
to capitalize on this," summarized
Monte McNaughton
File photo
Happily, drownings in Southwestern
Ontario are well down
But it's oInly
part of the story
With summer winding down, and the
fall's cool winds and temperatures on
the horizon, the deadliest months for
drowning will soon be over.
in Ontario, the good news is 25 per
cent fewer swimmers have drowned so
far this year compared to Iast year, said
Barbara Byers of the lifesaving Society.
Deaths in the water in Southwestern
Ontario — traditionally dangerous, with
the Great Lakes nearby -- have been
few and far between this year.
No drownings have been reported at
either of the region's two hot spots, Port
Stanley on lake Erie and Grand Bend
on Lake Huron, but a London toddler
died in a private pool over the August
long weekend.
But despite the decrease in drown-
ings from swimming this year, Ontario's
total drowning toll for the year -- from
all causes ---- stands at 83, compared to
80 at the same time Iast year.
The increase is attributed to almost
twice as many people drowning in boat-
ing incidents this suinmer.
Byers was at a loss to explain the
"Interesting. it's not so hot this year.
More boating, less swimming? .... I
don't know if that explains it," she said.
Also up are what the
lifesaving Society deems land, air or ice
transportations -- incidents in which a
car or plane, for example, crashes into
the water. This year there have been 22,
compared to five last year.
Those numbers can be skewed: One
van or plane filled with multiple passen-
gers can quickly add to the total, said
Quebec has noticed a similar trend —
swinuning deaths falling significap
but boating deaths on the rise.
The dip doesn't have Byers celebrat-
ing just yet.
"I think it's always good, but I think i
need a few years to feel confident."
One of the other most concerning
trends for water -safety officials is being
driven by a surprising age group —
aging baby boomers.
More than twice as many boomers
have drowned this year, compared to
Iast, and the Lifesaving Society fingered
the demographic as high-risk in its lat-
est report on drowning.
"1 think they're taking more risks than
maybe they should," said Byers, adding:
"You're probably not as strong as you
were at 24 when you're G4."
Boomers might also might be overly
confident about their experience.
"They're the type that say, 'i've been
boating my whole life and I don't need a
life jacket," she said. "The past is not
necessarily an indication of the future.