HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-28, Page 3Wednesday, August 28, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Waiting more details from STF
In a letter to the municipali-
ties this week Lambton Shores
and Bluewater were told that
the BCF -CC Joint Secretariat
has approved the Building
Canada Funding scope
change for the Grand Bend
rea Sewage Treatment Fuca -
The original plans for the
plant had been changed- the
original plant was to be much
bigger, more expensive and
would service more of Lamb -
ton Shores. It was decided by
the two municipalites they
should look at a less expensive
project and so the scope
changed. Since under the
terms and conditions of the
program, any proposed
changes to the scope of work
for an approved project is sub-
ject to the consideration and
approval of the federal and
provincial governments, the
request for the change had to
go back for approval. That
request was in the fall of
2012. BCF said the reason for
the delay was that the Munic-
ipality's proposed scope
change is considered signifi-
cant and was being carefully
assessed to ensure it falls
within their terms and condi-
tions of the program.
A scope change application
was necessary as the Munici-
palities of Lambton Shores
and South Huron chose a
phased plan for the construc-
tion of the facility.
The change in scope for the
project required an "Adden-
dum" to be filed with the Min-
•ustry of the Environment
nder the Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment
process for Municipal Water
and Wastewater Projects
(Municipal Engineer's Associ-
ation, June 2007), and the
partner municipalities await
the Ministry's approval. Min-
istry pf Environment staff has
confirmed that the file is pro-
ceeding through the Ministry's
normal review process.
At this time the specific
details related to the new
funding agreement are not
Weber said they are glad
this process is moving forward
and they will now wait for the
details so they can provide
more inforrnation to the
'Ihe partner municipalities
were successful in acquiring
$15.9 million in grants for this
The current lagoons on Mollard Line
protect ($14.9 million from the
Build Canada Program, and
$1.0 million from the Green
Municipal Fund) as well as a
$10 million low interest loan.
This amount represents 2/3 of
the cost of the original design.
The last date to make claims
under the funding program is
March 31, 2016 and this repre-
sents the date by which the
project will need to be com-
pleted to qualify for funding.
SINCE 2006...
The lagoons were built on
Mollard Line in the late 1970s.
The Grand Bend STF (sewage
treatment facility) is jointly
owned between the Munici-
palities of Lambton Shores
and South Huron. As a result
of limited capacity in the exist-
ing lagoon system a long-term
sanitary servicing scheme was
sought for Grand Bend and
the surrounding area. The
Municipalities of Bluewater,
South Huron and Lambton
Shores partnered to complete
a sanitary servicing master
plan in 2006.
The master plan was com-
pleted by Dillon Consulting
and recommended that a
mechanical treatment plant
using oxidation -ditch (specifi-
cally the Orhal' technology)
was the preferred option. After
the master plan was agreed
upon an environmental study
report was completed and
filed with the Ministry of the
Environment (MOE) in March
2009. The three municipal
partners authorized the
project to proceed to final
Completion of the final design portion
of the project was delayed midway
through the process when the three part-
ner municipalities entered into a lengthy
mediation process in January 2010 over-
seen by the Ontario Municipal Board
(0M13). '1'o this point in the project the
partners had governed the project
though an ad-hoc "Tri -Municipal Com-
mittee". A concern was raised that the
committee did not operate through the
guidance of an operating agreement, and
the OMB was involved to assist the part-
ners to come w a resolution of their
In December 2011 Bluewater council
opted out, for now, of the multi-million
dollar Grand Bend sewage treatment
plant expansion and relieves the munici-
pality from paying any capital or annual
ownership costs.
In a six- minute meeting at the end of
January 2012, Lambton Shores council
voted 6-3 to scrap the sewage treatment
plant as is. Councilor Lorie Scott made a
motion that, "At this time I would like to
move that Lambton Shores council
reconsider the December 2011 resolu-
tion to proceed with the building of the a
full build double train Orbal sewage
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treatment plant and direct our Tri Munic-
ipal Board reps to propose a new resolu-
tion to Bluewater and South Huron that
the technical committee for the Tri -
Municipal Board be charged with seek-
ing out more cost effective solutions to
those proposed in the mediated agree-
ment or any amendment to that agree-
ment thereof with regards to treating.
In December 2012, with the change in
scope in mind it was reported by Lamb -
ton Shores staff that the public consulta-
tion period had ended on November 26,
2012, with two letters sent to the Ministry
of the Environment in support of the
proposed design and implementation
changes recommended for the project,
and 13 Part II order requests for an indi-
vidual environmental assessment to be
conducted." Staff said the Part II order
requestors made comments regarding
the proposed change in the project:
• Lack of communication with prop-
erty owners in Zone 3/Zone 4 respecting
their preferred alternative and their
desire to be serviced by sanitary sewers.
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• Lack of available cost projections for
the cost to construct the future phases
of the sewage treatment facility, for the
cost to property owners, and lack of a
cost benefit analysis to compare the
• Lack of sufficient treatment capacity
for long term future growth, and lack
of sufficient treatment capacity to service
properties that currently have septic sys-
tems. The Ministry of the Environment
administers the Part II order process.
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