HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-28, Page 22 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Could be paid parking at Ipperwash beach in 2014
Chief Tom Gressette did tell Lamb -
ton Shores council they would do the
paid parking on Ipperwash beach with
or without Lambton Shore's blessing -
and it appears he is true to his word.
A flyer distributed by Chippewas of
Kettle and Stony Point First Nation in
cooperation with the West Ipperwash
Property Owners Association (WIPOA)
to Ipperwash beachgoers last weekend
explains changes for the 2014 season.
These two groups met with Lambton
Shores earlier this month and it was
agreed a committee would be estab-
lished to communicate ideas.
In a preamble to the changes the
flyer stated, "Ipperwash beach is
famous for its sandy shores, beautiful
sunsets and its clean water. As a com-
munity it is our Job to make sure we
protect this beach. We want everyone
to be able to enjoy this beach for years
to come."
And so, says the flyer, "the Chippe-
was of Kettle and Stony Point will be
implementing a new beach system that
will sustain this environment."
Greg Ilarness, president of WIPOA
told the Lakeshore Advance the paid
parking is the intention of KSP First
Nation and their membership has not
had discussions yet but hope to in the
near future. Ile said the reasons for
beach charging are to pay for the
Sara Henry of Kettle Point and Dave Bowen of West Ipperwash Beach Association
handing out flyers at the West Ipperwash Beach entrance.
cleanup that KSP and residents are
currently doing for free. He said they
are hoping for co-operation from
Lambton Shores.
'Ihe flyer maps out plans for the 2014
season. "Beginning Victoria weekend
through to Labour Day weekend the
planned changes are for pay per use
parking which offers in and out privi-
leges, boat launch, no tractors on the
beach only while launching your boat
at a designated area. There will be no
motor homes or RVs permitted and
there will be washroom facilities. Dogs
The St. Joseph & Area Historical
Society would like to extend a special
thank you to the generous sponsors,
volunteers and patrons of our annual
Breakfast in the Park
on Saturday August 17.
It was a great success and we
couldn't have done it without you.
Vrcni and 'I'm Beeler
Brentwo ml on the Beach
Hcssenland Country Inn
Dianne & Mark 'fucker
Masse Fruit and Vegetables
Coastal Coffee Company
Zchr's Country Market
Geo Teck Heating & Cooling Limited
trust be kept on a leash at all
times and there will now be
garbage cans for your con-
venience." The prices, state
the flyer, are still to be deter-
mined and cash only.
The two groups attended
council earlier this summer -
first the KSP band and then
both the band and metnbers
of the, WIPOA. At the July
10th meeting a Paid Parking
strategy was presented to
Lambton Shores with the
outcome being a committee
would be established to work
with the two organizations.
The 2013 beach strategy
was a power point presenta-
tion on the proposed plans
by the Kettle and Stony Point
First Nation and the West
Ipperwash Beach Home-
owners Association to regu-
late beach usage on West
Ipperwash in order to create
a cleaner, safer beach and to
help stimulate the economy.
Chief Bressette presented
details on the proposal,
which includes posting the
beach rules, removal of the
"black truck"; providing
washroom facilities and by-
law enforcement, regulating
the launching of vessels, cre-
ating a safe swim zone, etc.
Funds for the initiatives
would be generated from
paid parking on the beach. It
was noted that communica-
tion of the proposal and the
intended results is para-
mount in achieving success
and buy in from the commu-
nity. Council Discussions
ensued on ways in which the
municipality could assist
with the 2013 program.
At the August 1st meeting
Greg I !artless and Chief Thin
Bressette asked Lambton
Shores to come on board to
help out with signs, wanted
use of a beach groomer, pro-
vide garbage cans and help
to deal with the speeding
issues. It was established this
was private property and
Lambton Shores has not
Jurisdiction here. Council
thought they could certainly
start the conversation- to
communicate with the
committee and Kettle Point.
They did reiterate Lamb -
ton Shores owns and main-
tains only one peach and
that is Grand Bend's main
beach. Council wondered
about financial implications.
Mayor Bill Weber expressed
the need for public input.
Mayor Bill Weber said the
flyer was sent by the two
groups and that Lambton
Shores is in the process of
setting up a committee.
The weekend of August
16th, members of the two
organizations handed out
flyers that said
"...We are jointly propos-
ing a multi -phase plan to
manage and operate West
Ipperwash Beach. Each
phase of the plan will
address various issues and
concerns that have long
been a sore point with both
neighbors we realize it is
unrealistic to expect to
address all the above at one
"With a laundry list of
items, they said they realized
there are funding and
approval issues, implemen-
tation issues, and much give
and take required by both
groups. "We therefore pro-
pose to begin the proces
with Phase 1:"
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