The Wingham Times, 1914-07-23, Page 411,011211111a8anaialle11111111111111.1111111 111 Ti KU 23, 191.1 TUE 1% INORAN ia.B.WidetiaTe. ?ca/..tzriva Asa ?meet -wee THURSDAY. JUL tan EDITORIAL NOTES. the hard :limes Lae ezie..e with Beadee:e theee have teen peeeed ts...17 :dee aeraele of Menitehe we.rement dresierera ceeidemereed, A%eeri.a. Seas:kat:hew= tired ialaniteta ▪ beve ceademc el the peliehis end aerie:as of the Beaded Gaieremeat. lit is reef, - Tees te attempt to tiieltftCI,' ex- plain it awo.a. Federal eieeseihre. as wreil Preedezial lesees. have tercet thmet tierwriade ria the eieetiees ezdh f these Praelnees ia the rest tvre Sinee Ceafederatiere, Cenada h. as had Ye„eara''' Eel:122511"i', r71:''''''''',171"'° Fir:1'1'ga! tl's eight Premiers. Thee are: Sir Zebu i"7"iT:1„'s'e "nve "Ist* 4n Maeda:mil Ider, te ZS -demi fremiladdrr'ere are r'c°-"`" strrs ar*tagip'- iF:41, born Jan. 11, lidl% died duee es the °It°'713. vdeieh are meltipleing as the existing 192. Hee. Aieeender Madkenaie is,73, April ezntinues and. the ezed ef the - Hen. s5t, Jan Abeot laDa treese ire upward while the Premier and his ceneagmes have no theeght wave fer 192, horn Mareh 22. ;lied Ozt. tie .giant railway certieratizins ts whieh 1S53. Hem Sir John Thome:sea the.y gave miilierie and for the other 194, terra Nov. la. 1d4.4, died Dee. Id 11,1. sir moellenie to Seezial Interests which plazed them in 1,59.6, born De a. 27, 151-'3. Sir Cans. Tapper aelaa, aare atoF 2, leen. sir Manitelie, has emphasized the Literal Wiifred Lender ladai to lane been Nov. flew of the tide. It has marked the 20, 1Stl. Sir Bebe Borden aa: -41. todete. groc4ofi stcecgth of did histRitiV toite.4. born Jane 24. Berden Minietra. It has given ene treer.e indieration of the certainte of Bvr The recomat oi* the vetes cast in the den defeat when the time of reekenirag receet eleetion in North Ernce was T s hese are the fats whicbi carriea oat at Walkerton on Friday e'3mte- n2ake the Maaiteba resuit so fuil of under the seperaisian of junior Judge Klein. and rested in the ritaiority of isIg816canee to all Cat4141- four credited to the Liberal represonta- tive. M. W. MeDenaid, being increased to seven. There were a number of bal- lets with ccunterfoils attached, which1 the judge cm:tilted in. The elimination The Barden Government, with all its!! of these wculd baveincreased the Lther- many ehanges of front and shifting of al majority. policies, is establishing a recerd for cm - By the decision of his Honor i judge L sistency in one respect at /east. Linder administration, the national liacWatt, render.ed at the dose of the Borden debt continues to increase, the nationa expenditures continue to advaroce, and the national revenues to fall away. Last year, there was an increase in : the national debtof S.21,665,002, or about *3 per bead of Canada's papulation. In the month of June jest past, according tc official figures recently given out at Ottawa, the debt was increased by almost ir'.6,0e0,0E0 or,$.10,000 per day. -Apparently, toe increase ol last year is wectiewnw to be tar surpassed during the present Word was received here that Elden • fiscal tweive-months-a condition which Rooklidge Siddall, son of Mr and Mrs. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MAN ITOBA must mean a further great increase in 'George H. Siddall, had successfully taxation which will be none the less passed the final examination in the law burdensome because it is indirect. course at Oxford, England, and that he During the first three months of tbe had received the degree of B. C. L. eurrent fiscal year, there was a drop of (British Council of Law, which is the e7,602.301 in the national revenue as highest degree Oxford has to offer, compared with the revenue during tbe Mr. Siddall was the auccessful candid - corresponding period of the year 1913- ate from Manitoba for the Rhodes 14. The truth is plain though alarm- Seholarship in 1911. His career at Ox - Mg that under the mal -administration food 'University like at Manitoba Col- a the present Government, rzationel lege and at hi a home school here was a conditions grow steadiiy worse, not eontinuous trim:opt), he having taken a better.- A. continuance of the present high standing in all examinations. Mr. rate of revenue decrease throughout Siddall will sail front Eng,land, July le, the year must mean a total decline of and will arrive here about the end of more then re.33,090,0re4J in the twelve the month. After a short vacation at months. his home he returns to Winnipeg where On the otber hand, despite the alarm- be will practice law. ing drop in income, the Governn3ent goes merrily on its spendthrift way adding minions to the national outlays. During the past three monthsalone, the expenditures on current account hare run 249,631 in advance of the DEBT GROWS, REVENUES FALL. reeount proceedioge, the East Lambton seat in the ree.ent Ontario contest has been awarded to Bahert John McCor- mick, the Liberal candidate. Conser- vatives say they wiil carry the decis- ion to the Court of Appeale No less rime 123 ballots were found in the ballot box with the counterfoil and printed numbers attachea, which has been heir' to be held te be against the law in nerriber of previous election cases. Canadian National National Exhibition PEAGE E Arnertca's Greatest Lit, estech Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits be the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Cover xhibits by West Incites Grenadier Guards ai gcons' Musical Ride pto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single U atoy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Sow 1 ever presented* Centinent Greatest dilentot Spectacle BABY -4. Paintings from England. Scotland United States and Cenada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Mhletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Flievrorks International Peace Tattoo to Bands 400 Musicians Atli. 29 1914 Sept. 14, T_ORONTO The result of the recent Provindal election 1111 Manitoba is full of significance for all Canada.. It is more thau crushing Mow for the Roblin Govern- ment. It tells plainly and emphatically a Manitoba hostility to the Borden Cabinet and of Manitoba coadetanation of the extravagance, iceffidency and reasoned policies of that Cabinet. It foreeests p/ainl,y the rejection of Borden candidates by the electorsof the Province whenever the Ottawa Government musters up eaerage to appeal to the people. Briegy put, the result of the election has been that the Liberals polied a large majority of the votes cast though the artangernent of the constituencies is such that present figures indicate that the Reblin Gevernment may he several seats to the genin the next Legis- lature. The Liberals polled.bis pope..'ar attires of the eerresponding months of rria;f°ritY in a contest in which they had last year. At the time of all times to fight agaitst the organized forces °1h5n it is essential that economy and two Governments. The full power of Lare he exercised in the handing of Borden G°ver2rner't was nal" withiCanadian affairs, the administration of the strength of the Roblin Cabineiprereiler Border, and his colleagues, in agalust the l'shera15' Bon' B'Sheal marke-d by inefficienc,y, extravagance, Rogers took actiee charge of the.cam-14 as ena recklessness, and tbe interests palign en behalf of Premier Borden. ,in„d the peakets of the people suffer. Two other Berdes lilicisters were con- tineensly in the Provinee for some time hefore puing day. hege campaign fund was previded. The eleeters of the Praia -liars weird 4-7endi wit camiza3g9 The arerice of the raiser may be literature senteutfrem theCreeeereadve termed .eae grata eel -Age -Lee el all bis prees bureau at Ottawa arefe.seing to -1 other g.P.ssl.:oz a. teil of great things dere for Western Canada by the Berea Gevern.meirt. t Why, the Very Idea! Yet, with, the and poikienaftbe, bad pr3y s17 fer a tzeliet to ,. neither was allowed to burn otrieewe tweeesiey pat aelare the la,e.op-ie, (-mew." eaid as iseeesee-e earapaigm, be meareis *It seems esperaeree.'' commented the were given a prae.dar reaferity ef tinsee-' cther" ,; 'Terribly. Azed. there weesn't more ande of votes. thnn yerd acd a anarter of the hid: - The pesple of genitalia -seere sick of et, at tieet.”-Weshingtsa Star, the mac:nice ta.etize of Mr. Regers and Sir Rodesend Pin, hut the cendere- The Ugly Mug. ratien of the Regereelasielin mettads is Intenice Gz;gve X we,201 Irete- cress sgr• rcf rlvimaaer rzdicrden a tr_as.10 WA Atether duhises-loeking gre oecurred Canada generally than the feet that To eesl:teteart cf er. =57 jestcn the harder of the town at 4- Maniteba. steemehly and streegiy Com ▪ 51.-4 I iti'd-7-9' rins grc. e_ar fcr ts.:3r Zteeday nit:ming, when the serrative fee e•ears, bas eezdatmeed the I ,1 -,r -en,, driveshell of A. G. Arnoid, aiso on retard and pelieles of the Beeden Ga- in The Be:den-Wilke peliey of 17-T tt.,:14_,Y711...W.,-21:1_4'ett, ter• iff. revaehie dpwat2 ele. the refetea of 7,er3;5;ee"ce' ioa.ie'veidetai-aiie-iii • the Gevernmett. to grent the reaeen-'! E€7;a74-re temele goes *hie elemateid ef the farmers far thole!, e ea' the aetiee an wheat and filer arel ageieekeee..iteed.iments. and tattineed re.adinees el the Premier mai hiaealleageres fa :i.e,5t• arL3 Ce5*,- tine wiele,eere of the Seeedal leetereste. tee attempt of tee Cevere.mett be fasten lapel Canada ihe tie/hey of trabete arca centreelleetioe veva effaite. the teriedeadie-ase of the lelleietry LISTOWEr. Two more mysterious fires have :oc- curred here in the past two days, and the general opinion is that both were of incendia ey origin. It is only due to the fact that since the firebug scare a night watchman has been em- ployed by the municipality, that three or more places of business, instead of part of one, were not destroyed. The watchman discovered a blaze in the front part of the woodwork shop wted by Dr, Nichol on Wallace street, an early hoer Mondayznorning. The men gremen were prompt in their re- ponse and found that the flames had secured a good headway in the frame structure.. Two other frame buildings, a blacksmith shop and a paint shop -tanddose up to the burned beiiding, at by dint of most effective work, The toss of the woeiworking shop and contents is estimated at aatige, with in - =ranee of $5413. Owing to the fact that the fire originated in the frontpart of the htffiding near where there had teen no ire for the operation of the plant, and nothing that tnight cause spentaneens epabustion, the affair looks suepicioes IN TO UT TREN • r nno iiderede is pared.? a :natter of ticemeare.:.eet, eilaether the etteek was ea ere:a:ere ceila cr severe Meese; the weeeeeeed lietwee cenctit revairee. dis.ease geriee. ee.-.1. this is shy a rehapse is de ofteu fetal er why cbrotieweaktesseften (Wee's:. tektess. Re eioring sit ength•to tnillious of peoPle for forty yeers has proven the real reel for tekstat 5. r5 Eatinitelen after sty e icknere, retimer, eaneis it- viething rommee, :tit it, fig tale, mealieiewl rourielmtent. axe (rem alcohol erepiatee, proat;ely trawee web alood, sttenetheas the nee...seed !aneeteceerttchetculosie. Waliatm street. tamed dewn. Two buggies and a Zarge =sent of farming machinery were destroyed here. Ie - :me will; probably tever the loss Vt31.15 °an' The cause has not beet established. , Strong Evidence. 'This girl is ereiy a eel:cgs t ht. Holt 69 awe knew that she really love/ asia?' i ............ "She dyes her hair to cotter= -with , _ ray eloee coders, dad. A felletv cmidn'i Atweed ...Seat. 2223i ask for any greeter areef cf devailot 85sth ..., ..... .... Sept. 29-34 that that.”--,Itage. Ittsse2s Oct. 1-21 • Dengatincrs Eeeter EAU. PAIR CALENDAR. Oct. 7,4 -Sett. 21-22 Oc.t. 3 I .Sept. 21-22 :teat. 24•251 .• , Sept. 174'3, Idare te to a. wateareae ttil , ----------2eeet. aaa7 Ana terve ire.= t2-1 Le:4 rr-akcS tne tZ.Zte eat Ler.drei 4Western Fairi Sept, 12-19 4.5 twerete in tte titled gtiet**144111. 316fi3t Fe.rOt 1$ the Early Maori, I'Atrnere.n. .... ea.:Seat, iddi Mrstinhieigh fas hubby leaves foe SEaforth • • Fept.2-1-2.1 ofdee)-And 'cm 11 cone hobs* early, Tetswater 0t, 17-Q ertell you. Zobri? Tcrznto Cat.,..Naf':t3".r A ig id't-Sent Clubleigh-yes, de*, ni try bard bet wiraana . . .. .. Stpt. to be late for breaktast-Philadelphtt Leder. ,. zurIch . „ 23-24 - Preference. ra tate fb ta a farmer lee tee the WaiwItg cert., Eerdwie.h Bet trAtir_g s to 't4ge, eta , Graletich Late elteeitta in tte teem Itstristen --Wcatestown aaaertua. Eitterdine WINGHAN1 BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. WA tCAUX013. Critta: ve;413 W 0. A. Pa'.3 ..,-..; V. . 1.4011.1 BOGERT, -EST. General W. 5. same -ea vateeneswear. Manager. . • Reserve Feed ad thedereied Prefats . 6.963,CCildil0 . Bank of Hamilton ' Capitel Authorized'q5,13903,01:03 Capital Peid-up, ...S.000,003 Surplus — - 3,759.000 AN IMPORTA.NT.ALLIANCE, • When a ycang mat first makes his z-::1- acce with a financial institution by open- img a Savitess Aunt, he AIWA leek ahead to the time when his bank btede will aid bis advancement. ' r- St A growing bank balaece assures an em- , E ployer that a young man has mastered the principle of eeemenicalmanageenent i SMITH, Manager -1 • A Savings Department C. P. __- Wirghatia Ont 1 0 int )i.: Is cm:am:tea as every Emmett cf the Beek where ate:sits a Sh•eri — J tli ..-r,...-:.94h - ,--- .11.... • aree, ...ewe:els are reeteved seed ietereet at werteni rates added, crommulaminmemimempfammat Concentration i It is better to advertise intens:valy than extensively when theturn to be !devoted to advertising is small. This means:the regular use of the WINGHAM( TIMES 52 messages a year addressed to the same constituency of readers. Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to :be resnitful. One full -powered blow is better !than] two ball blows. Cencentration of appeal will do anwork ;of eonviction and persuasion that will surprise you when the:year's returns are totalled up. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. There's advice tor you in this little homily to advertisers; it is: Reettard with aenull-not divid- ed -custom. the merchant who steadfa.stly solitIts your good -will. The more you strengthen tithe han.da of the man wlao serves you, the better will be the service returned. f Shop Where You are Invited to Shop , --. li. is a 42.fe am.' cenveraleet4."LeF4s,4cri fer yet.; mciaey. _. WINGHAN1 BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Some of the BARGAINS12 At Knox's SATURDAY SALES -stone diaanond ring reg. $55.00 S tturday $39 1 -stone diamond ring reg. $100.00 -;aturday 79 1..stone diamond ring reg $85.00 S Iturdav 65 x -stone diamond ring reg. $50.09 Saturday 2 diamonds and ruby reg. $6o co Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.0o Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6 50 Saturday doz. k Birthday rings reg. $3,no Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $t2.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5,00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair io k solid gold cufflinks reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $ Loa Saturday 8 day ma.ntle cloak. reg. $7.5o Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6 5o Saturd-w Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6.5o Saturday only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks rage. $1,25 Saturday 37 42 9 4 4 1 7 12 14 3 7 5 4 3 4 2 00 00 00 00 00 50 25 25 50 50 95 oo oo 75 25 35 95 75 25 xo 85 75 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch Imia ID Vi f)z. tha o :hers. A. M. K OX. 'Rhone 65 Opposite National Hotel \\C<,TftEUN.ACtVEIZ5A.t. ( A R -, In every State of the Union—you'll . find Fords out -numbering any other car three to one. And there's a reason aside from the purchase price. They do the job—they run all the' time—they get .you there -and -back at half the cost of the steam-engine type . . $603 for the runabout; $6.50 for the touring car and $900 for the town car -f. o. b. Ford, Ont. -complete with the equipment. Get catalog and particulars from A, M. Crawford, agent, Wing - ham, Ont. * ANIIIIMINIIIIMWW111.01WWW.SWIMMIOWNWIWIMMINIftillel. . Bank of Hamilton ' Capitel Authorized'q5,13903,01:03 Capital Peid-up, ...S.000,003 Surplus — - 3,759.000 AN IMPORTA.NT.ALLIANCE, • When a ycang mat first makes his z-::1- acce with a financial institution by open- img a Savitess Aunt, he AIWA leek ahead to the time when his bank btede will aid bis advancement. ' r- St A growing bank balaece assures an em- , E ployer that a young man has mastered the principle of eeemenicalmanageenent i SMITH, Manager -1 • . . _ •ies" t _ C. P. __- Wirghatia Ont 1 0 int )i.: i l 7.7- ' — J tli ..-r,...-:.94h - ,--- .11.... • crommulaminmemimempfammat Concentration i It is better to advertise intens:valy than extensively when theturn to be !devoted to advertising is small. This means:the regular use of the WINGHAM( TIMES 52 messages a year addressed to the same constituency of readers. Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to :be resnitful. One full -powered blow is better !than] two ball blows. Cencentration of appeal will do anwork ;of eonviction and persuasion that will surprise you when the:year's returns are totalled up. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. There's advice tor you in this little homily to advertisers; it is: Reettard with aenull-not divid- ed -custom. the merchant who steadfa.stly solitIts your good -will. The more you strengthen tithe han.da of the man wlao serves you, the better will be the service returned. f Shop Where You are Invited to Shop , --. _. Western Fair LONDON CANADA Ontario'sPopular Exhibition September lithto 19th, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New is works Every Night. .- COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit arid The Canadian Royal Dragoons. The ost T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway. sic by the best available Bands. Reduced Railway Rates commencing Sept. II& Special Excursion Days, Sept. 1Sth, lath, 17th. All ticket good till September 21st, att. EvortreaTION FROA me SaCkrrArtv E1D, Preeideot A. M. nurrr, Secretary .„,—. Some of the BARGAINS12 At Knox's SATURDAY SALES -stone diaanond ring reg. $55.00 S tturday $39 1 -stone diamond ring reg. $100.00 -;aturday 79 1..stone diamond ring reg $85.00 S Iturdav 65 x -stone diamond ring reg. $50.09 Saturday 2 diamonds and ruby reg. $6o co Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.0o Saturday 5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6 50 Saturday doz. k Birthday rings reg. $3,no Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $t2.00 Saturday Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5,00 Saturday Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday Pair io k solid gold cufflinks reg. $5 Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $ Loa Saturday 8 day ma.ntle cloak. reg. $7.5o Saturday 8 day mantle clock reg. $6 5o Saturd-w Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg. $6 Saturday only Casserole reg. $6.5o Saturday only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao Rogers cold meat forks rage. $1,25 Saturday 37 42 9 4 4 1 7 12 14 3 7 5 4 3 4 2 00 00 00 00 00 50 25 25 50 50 95 oo oo 75 25 35 95 75 25 xo 85 75 These are only a few lines of bargains. Watch Imia ID Vi f)z. tha o :hers. A. M. K OX. 'Rhone 65 Opposite National Hotel "8" Company, 33rd Regiment Goes to Camp at GODERICH August 7th, I 1 4 Those wishing to join should see Col.-Sergt. .1, Mann or the commanding of- ficer Capt. N. T. Sinclair NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Co. of Cana- da is soon to print a new issue of its`,10fflial Telephone Directory for the District of Western On- tario. Parties who contemplate becom- ing Subscribers, or those who 'wish changes it their entry should place their orders with the Local Mana- ger at once to insure )nsertion ifl this issue, Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes it their list of subscribers either to the Local Menaget, or direct to the Special Agent's De- partment, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Go., ot Ganada \\C<,TftEUN.ACtVEIZ5A.t. ( A R -, In every State of the Union—you'll . find Fords out -numbering any other car three to one. And there's a reason aside from the purchase price. They do the job—they run all the' time—they get .you there -and -back at half the cost of the steam-engine type . . $603 for the runabout; $6.50 for the touring car and $900 for the town car -f. o. b. Ford, Ont. -complete with the equipment. Get catalog and particulars from A, M. Crawford, agent, Wing - ham, Ont. * ANIIIIMINIIIIMWW111.01WWW.SWIMMIOWNWIWIMMINIftillel. "8" Company, 33rd Regiment Goes to Camp at GODERICH August 7th, I 1 4 Those wishing to join should see Col.-Sergt. .1, Mann or the commanding of- ficer Capt. N. T. Sinclair NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Co. of Cana- da is soon to print a new issue of its`,10fflial Telephone Directory for the District of Western On- tario. Parties who contemplate becom- ing Subscribers, or those who 'wish changes it their entry should place their orders with the Local Mana- ger at once to insure )nsertion ifl this issue, Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes it their list of subscribers either to the Local Menaget, or direct to the Special Agent's De- partment, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Go., ot Ganada