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Lakeshore Advance, 2013-08-21, Page 19
111111.1111111111111111111111 18 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 21, 2013 youriVemoments.ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e mall: obltuarIss,alyourllfemoments,ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 •-mall: milestitones,sumaayourllfemoments.ca Obituaries In Memoriam Thanks l3lrths Colobrations More Obituaries Obituaries HOFFMAN, Leo Aloyelus - Of Zurich, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family at Exeter Villa, on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 in his 81st year. Beloved husband of Irene (Esdaile) Hoffman. Dear father of Barbara Hoffman and Richard Oosterbosch of Exeter, Dianne Hoffman of Goderich and Rob Hoffman of London. Loving grandfather of Alexis Hoffman, Lesa and Ken Regier, Kate Livingston, Sean, Jasmine, Justine and Joseph Hoffman and great-grandfather of Katie Marshall, Kaybree Berry, Haylee Regier and Rilan Regier. Dear brother and brother-in-law of Wilfred and Stella Hoffman, Br. Edgar Hoffman, Sr. Angela Teresa Hoffman, Mary Ducharme, Doreen Ducharme and Lil and Martin Martens. Sadly missed by his many nieces and nephews and his dear friend Wally Kurt. Predeceased by his parents Simon and Caroline (Regier) Hoffman, son Dennis (1978), sister Rose (Joe) Traher, brothers Albert, Joe, Leonard, Anthony and George and brothers-in-law Regis Ducharme and Bob Ducharme, Leo worked tirelessly on the Zurich Agriculture Society Board for many years, volunteered for the Zurich Bean Festival and was known for his love of playing cards. Cremation. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, August 17, 2013 at 11 a.m. In St, Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, Ont. with visiting from 9 to 10:45 a.m. prior to the mass at the church. Fr. Graham Keep celebrant. Interment St. Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or a charity of one's choice. J. M. MCBEATH FUNERAL HOME entrusted with arrangements. Condolences forwarded through www.jmmcbeathfuneralhome.com A tree will be planted as a living memorial to Leo Hoffman. ° Il1i'IT;t11 , .-I Ow; On Sale 36" x 24"'lltblet with Granite Base Overall Dimensions 42" x 32" $1,999 Price Includes lettering and delben anywhere in south +sestern Ontario, Better pricing for you to consider. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 118 Main S1.. Dashwood 519-237-3532 IDEAL MONUMENTS 390 Springbank Drive. London 519-471-7030 %vivo morrirrr)Vrtfrn,lkr•r rn Prou04 iii' time e 190!7 Coating Events Coming Events BLYTH Festival Sfnyen Want Tout First Practice and Registration Wednesday Sept, 4 7:00 pm. Back entrance Blyth Festival off Kling Street. In Meinori,uns In Mernoriams PARKINS In loving memory of our Mother, Grand- mother and Great Grandmother, Norma who passed away August 25th, 1993. They say it's a beautiful journey From the old world to the new Someday we'll make that journey Which will lead us straight to you And when we reach that garden In which there is no pain We'll put our arms around you And never part again• Lovingly remembered by Sandy and Jack, Tanya and Chuck and families. Cards of Th,ulks Cards of Thanks HENDRON, The family of the late Dorothy (DesJurdine) Hendron are grate- ful for the support they received from family, friends and neighbours at this sad time. For all the phone calls, cards, tributes, online condolences, expressions of sympathy, floral arrangements, beet brought to our home and charitable do- nations we thank you so very much. We treasure all the kind words spoken about Mom by those who canoe to pay their re- spects. Thanks to the doctors and nurses at Alexandra Marine General Hospital. Goderich and Strathroy Middlesex Gen- eral Hospital for their care. A very special thank you to 1)t. N. l3unta for his many years of kind and compassionate care. 111 Jim and Donna 11otti an and staff for their guidance and support with the fu- neral alTangentents, thank you. Thanks to the ladies of the Grand Bend Legion for the delicious lunch following the funeral. A heartfelt thank you to Lrryn Shephard for her donation of 14 dozen "Gramma Dot's" Nutter tarts for the luncheon. Thanks to Bob Heywood for officiating at the funeral service and making it it very personal one, many people remarked at what a lovely service it was. The kindness that has been shown to us will forever be in our hearts. Cassie, Stan, Leo. Susan, Doug, Barbara families. NetworketASSIFIED 111111.111111.1111111111111 GOING HUNTING? 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