HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-21, Page 10Cost of natural gas generator w Tenders will come back to council, not just CAO Paul Cluff QMI Agency Engineering costs for a new natural gas generator at the Huron County Courthouse have caught the attention of county council. 'Ihe $25,000 price tag for engineering fees over six -to -eight weeks seemed high, Bluewater Coun. Paul Klopp said at the Aug. 14 committee of the whole day two meeting, held at the courthouse. 'the $100,000 total estimate is "rather expensive", too, he noted. "'Phis building can't take any more power than a chicken barn:' Dave Overboe, director of social and property services, saki suppliers have pegged an estimate at $65-75,000 for the generator and engineering carne in at about $25,000, he said. Engineering costs were for the layout of the building, council was told. The generator will be installed outside on the north end of the courthouse, sur- rounded by a security fence, Overboe said. In a report, Overboe said back-up power at the court- house has been a topic of much discussion over the past several years. 'lb prepare for the installation of a generator, a transfer switch was installed during recent renovations. Natural gas service to the courthouse was enhanced Council tables decision on long service medals Paul Cluff QMI Agency Huron County council has delayed making a decision about issuing long service medals for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) workers. David Lew, chief of emergency serv- ices, made the recommendation at the Wed. Aug. 14 committee of the whole day 2 meeting at the I luron County Courthouse. Coun, Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) suggested the medals would reward attendance and single out one group of county employees. The county has long service pins already, MacLellan said and the new medals would produce an "inequity between departments" Howick Reeve Art Versteeg said there shouldn't be any doubling up of long service recognition for any county employees. CA() Brenda Orchard said long serv- ice recognition has different meaning to different groups of employees within the county. The medals could 8.be more meaningful to EMS workers, who have suggested they want then, CEA[ CLAIMING COMPANY • FURNACE AND DUCT CLEANING • CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY STEAM CLEANING • COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL • WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION • STRUCTURAL DRYING tV1111.111 raiz ,' 111111111 1 MI IIIA NI:Y SI IIVII:I Locally Owned & Operated `)1(.1 c1,`)ri.,r)8?? • rr4cludnheAkcICanuul(on, than to someone who works in finance, for example, she said. Council agreed to table the motion and a bylaw to endorse and support long service medals, until after a strategic planning session. Port Franks Scoreboard AUL S- DARTS: Team Winners: fiord James and Jacqueline Dolan. High Ladies: Kathy Johnson 90. High Men's Jim Scobie 117. 8- EUCHRE: High: Peter Zantingh and Eric Wattle. Lone Hands: Keith 1 ieron and Ann Scott. Low: Terri t Perron and Alice 1)eltooy. Free Admission: Mary McBurney. AUG. A- EUCHRE:. High: Alice DeRooy and Ber- nice Bindner, Lone Hands: Dorothy Coote and Joe Ilindner. Low: Sien Snits and John Deltooy, AURA- MIME 1st Bev Bowden, 2nd- Jean Jansen. Low -Betty Young. AUG. 8 SHUFFLE BOARD: 1st: Donna 1 IilElerley. 2nd- )onna Roulston. 3rd -Eric Brown. f ell f4PT° FNQN'cn9 !,r-eACIU • urr 22-81 Crescent St. Iht•Nitlt' Ihe I'u.t (mice) (.rand Bend 519,238-1472 Art Clearance Sale for Fran Roelands ' Saturday August 24th at noon till Saturday September 7th ALL REMAINING INVENTORY ORIGINAL PAINTINGS AND PRINTS DUY 1 GET YMlt MOND 112 OFF Come early for best selection www.franroclands.com ill Wednesday, August 21, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 9 be monitored with a larger capacity feed to accommo- date a generator. Ensuring emergency power is available to the administrative hub is essential, the report said. The generator could be installed by December, Overboe estimated, • Overboe told the Signal Star that the county went through an emergency exercise recently and a number of peo- ple asked hien how soon power could be restored at the courthouse in the event of a failure. "'There is concern, I was asked for a way to make it happen sooner:" Overboe recommended to council an expedited purchase and installation of the generator using capital reserve funds and that council delegate tender approval to (;AO Brenda Orchard. Klopp made it motion to put the matter off until the 2014 budget but only one other councillor voted in favour of that. "It's going to cost what it is going to cost, two companies are going to bid," said Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goderich). "'the decision is, do you want a genera- tor or not?" Shewfelt favoured Overboe's recommendation, however, the tender process should come back to council, he said. That motion carried. LAMBTON COUNTY RESIDENTS DISPOSE OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE at this Special Mobile Event (Commercially Generated Hazardous Waste Will NOT be Accepted) CORROSIVE Batteries Drain Cleaners Oven Cleaners TOXIC Pesticides Rat Poison Pharmaceuticals Cleaning Fluids REACTIVE Pool Chemicals Ammonia Bleach Aerosols FLAMMABLE Gasoline, Paints BBQ Starter Oils, Solvents Propane Cylinders In every home there are products that need special care. You'll recognize them by these warning signs. When you use thele ha,ardous products• you use them carefully When you cont need them any more. you thould dipole of them lute as carefully. that's what IMutetok1 Na,arcous Waste Day It all curd an opportunity tot Tear pxwe nhaily danger nut wade out Of your home and piotet) our environment water. land and au a the same time. 11 hatarous product% are thrown in the regular garbage. they can rnpre sarutalton worker% and taut'. 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