HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-21, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Municipality of L
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department - 7883 MNeieoom Pancway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
lel 1.877.706 2335, 519 700 2335 Fax 519-788-2135 Email adminlstraUunatembionnshores ca Visit our Web tide at Now larnblonuhores ca
2013 Final Tax Belings have been market to ratepayers If you
have not received your tax bill please contact the Finance
Department at 519.238-8461 or 1.868-295-8232 Tax
installments arts due August 30" and November 29"113
OPTIONS • OPTIONS • OPTIONS... It's not too late to
sign up for ono of our pre -authorized payment plans for taxes or
utilities (monthly or due date) The fomes are on our website and
in our offices. I1 you don't like to use pre -authorized payments
then consider using electronic banking or telephone banking -
checl -
check it out at your financial institution.
Fire Pumping Apparatus
The Municipality of Lambton Shores is seeking proposals for the
supply of a Fire Pumping Apparatus.
Interested suppliers may obtain the proposal documents online at
http:llwww.Iambeenshor.s.c aJtIvlngfocalgoverfrn.nVCapltalpro)•ct
• tendersandrfps.htm
The closing date for submissions is Tuesday, September 17, 2013
O 11:00 am, at the Forest Municipal Office with a public opening to
The lowest or any Tender may not necessanty bo eocepted
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Alntelecoln Parkway
Forest, Ontario NON IJO
T) 519-788.2335 F) 619.788.2135
TENDERS — 2013 Capital Plan
Tender documents are available at:
http:llwww, lambtonshcws.caflivl ngllocalgovemm.nticapitalp
roNcts t•nd.rsandrfps,htm
The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is requesting prequalified
contractors to submit their tender on the following protects:
1. Pearl Street and Pherrtll Street (Medford) Reconstruction.
This protect entails aN things necessary for asphalt paving,
concrete sidewalks, watermain replacement, and general surface
restoration works
The dosing date is September 1, 2013 ® 11:00 am, end tenders
are to be submitted to
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
All questions related to the tender should be direct to Mr. Jeff
Wolfe (Pro r.ct and Infrastructure Manager) 519-243-1400
2. Roof replacement M the former Forest Arena Building
(6276 Townsend Line).
The dosing date Is September 6, 2013 ® 11:00 am, and tenders
are to be submitted to:
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
All questions rotated to the tender should be direct to Mr. BO
Bentley, South Area Manager, 519-243.1400.
Community Services Department —
North Zone Area Manager
The Municipality of lambton Shores Is seeking a North Zone Area Manager,
who will be responsible for the day -today supervision of public works
operations of the north zone in the Community services department, Including
the Villages of Grand Bend and Pon Franks Under the general direction of
the Director of Community Services, the Area Manager supervises Operators
in their dally activities ensunng safe wont practices are maintained, and
carnes out work necessary for tM maintenance of the municipal road
network, Grand Bend beach, and Grand Bend and Pon Franks Mannas
The suc...tut candidate well have post secondary education in enginoenng
or a rotated Ileid, and IM Certified Road Supervisor (CRS) designation is
considered an asset A preferred minimum of five (5) years of management
experience In municipal public works or a similar oonstructio&proIect
management based field Is considered an asset Technical experience In the
maintenance and operations of public roadways is considered a strong asset
Excellent Interpersonal, oral and written communication skills, strong
analytical and business management sk111s including budget development and
control ars considered assets Candidates should be able to manage soveral
concurrent protects in a tn»ty manner Working knowledge of word
processing, spreadsheet, GIS, Autocad, and financial software programs is
Resumes will be accepted via e-mail or regular mail until noon, Friday
September 8, 2013 to the email address below A lob description Is available
for this position by contacting Karen Cameron Administrative Assistant,
Municipality of Lambton Shores, 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest ON NON
IJO or 519-786-2335 or ad[ri1dNR11591 L111enl0t4IISI?4!i4SA
The Municipality often a CompetNM salary and excellent benefit plan
Lambton Shores thanks al those candidates who submitted an application
Only those IndMduab Identtled for an interview will be contacted lemblon
Shores is an equal opportunity empbyr.
Part -Time Anna Attendant
The Municipality of Lambton Shores is looking for dynamic, highly
motivated and energetic Individuals that will be under the direction and
supervision of the Arena Lesd Hand and/or Supervisor, and performs
general custodial and maintenance duties in the Legacy Centre and
Shores Recreation Centro
All successful candidates will have good interpersonal skills,
organizational skills and customer service skips as well as an ability to
identify and resolve problematic situations Applicants will require e
CSA approved Helmet A satisfactory criminal reference and
vulnerable sectors check will be required from ell successful
All positions require the successful candidate to work flexible hours,
including Saturday and Sunday, holidays and special event skating as
To explore this opportunity further, we invite qualrfled applicants to
forward their rosume and covering letter in confidence via e-mail or
regular mall until noon, Friday August 30th, 2013 to the email address
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelecom Parkway
Forest ON NON 1J0 or admtnistration®lembtonahores cit
We i*ew1 all odfdicants for Moir rMwr.w, Aoirrrwr, oats room betwa considered for
as aMwnrnr wi11 be connected. In accordance w*A die .v.wkipd Freedom of
Iu%rwanion awf lrenealon of Mosey lIct personal Mfarwadaa 6 coliecord 111144.
Ike a.rhority of the If.ak j ai .luX end NW/ aad k used for c a dint" rein -don.
Lambton Shores' Volunteers are Invited to Attend the 7'i' Annual
Hosted by Lambton Shores Council In honour of the hard work and dedication
of community volunteers
Friday, September 6th at 5.30 p.m
Th. Legacy Recreation Centre, THOMAS HALL
18 Alen Street, TMdkxd
A reminder that the RSVP date for the Annual Volunteer BBO
is Friday, Aug, 23 2013 Please send RSVPs with the first
and Last names of tho attendees, along with the group they
are representing by email to OY7U1ta6aant<t112ttthscSNSid or
phone 519.243-1400 or 1.888-943-1400. It may not be
possible to accommodate RSVPs submitted after this date
The Volunteer Recognition Barbegue Is open to Individuals who actively volunteer their time
with a Lambton Shores community group or service dub. Spouses of volunteers may attend
only 11 he or she is an active volunteer within your organization, or another Lambton Shores
community group or service dub.
The Community Services Department Is looking for pictures of local volunteers in action
Please send digital photos to the •mall address above by Friday, August 23, 2013 to
Selected photos wit be featured in a slide show during the event
Thank you for continuing to make Lambton Shores naturally the best place to thnvel
9.30 am -2:00 pm
Public Works Forest Depot,
6958 Townsend Line, Forest
This ..rube is intended to accept household
hazardous waste from County of l ambbn
residents only ilszardous waste generated
from privets businesses and community
ooMceon programs will NOT be accepted
Fos mon Information cal the County d
Lamblai Pubic Works Department
AI 519-646-0801 l 1-8e6-324-8912
Be advised this, and the meeting held the 1" day of August. 2013, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Lambton Shores
dedared the following parcel of land "Surplus to the Needs of the Municipality: that portion of the original 'low path' **cent to Plan 30,
Part of Lot 37, Grand Bend.
The Intention is to ell this parcel of land lo the adiocent neighbour (39 GO Road). Further information on the proposed land disposition b
wail* by contacting the Mtlnidpal dark M 519.Th6.2338
Chamber engages dialogue
surrounding challenges
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
It WILLS a positive move for the Grand
Bend Chamber of Commerce to meet
with business owners, developers, resi-
dents and municipal leaders to come
up with some ideas to better parking,
better enforcement of bylaws, better
planning issues.
At the end of the day though, some
in attendance said if the ideas are not
implemented, it was a meeting much
the sane as they have attended over
the years.
The August 1 2th meeting, with a
morning and afternoon session was
not council driven. This was the Cham-
ber's meeting to engage the Chamber
of Commerce stakeholders. 'Ihe Cham-
ber will digest the information, and
they nay even determine if there are
some initiatives they need to undertake
as an organization on behalf of their
membership. If they feel they have
information/ideas of benefit to the
Municipality they may present some-
thing for Council or staff to consider in
the future as well.
Chamber president Glen Baillie said
the reason for this meeting was "to get
both businesses, residents, councillors
and municipal staff together to discuss
the challenges facing living in Grand
The topics under discussion were
under two broad areas, Infrastructure
covered parking lots, roads, regulation,
and marketing initiatives. Rules were a
subject with concerns relating to
bylaws, planning, and parking.
"Discussion was wide ranging, having
merchants and residents at the same
table tempered extreme opinions, so the
results of the discussions could be inter-
preted as being a more balanced out-
come;" said Baillie adding,
"Many issues have been on the public
agenda before, and will be there again.
It is apparent many good ideas were dis-
cussed, but once price tags are attached,
they may not result in any action during
(lines of restricted funding." Ile said he
believes the dialogue was a good one,
with different points of view now being
better understood by all.
'Ihe aging bridge at the intersection
was discussed at length. 'Ihe fact that
there will probably he little money
conning from the province to fix this
structure, the attendees suggested
other avenues that may work to help
alleviate the high volume of traffic.
Questions that can go back to the MT()
centered on why the bridge still has no
railings although council members
have assured this would happen this
season. Why the cross walks at No
Frills and Tim Ilortons have not been
The idea or need of the scramble
light at Main Street is not new. It was
an idea that former CAO John Byrne
and former Director of Community
Services Peggy VanMierlo West pre-
sented during the round table
downtown meetings in 2007. At that
time a report came back to council stat-
ing they would like to, "create a
"scramble" light at Main and Ontario to
allow all people to cross at once, this
relieving traffic congestion on turns
waiting for pedestrians to cross." In a
2009 status report it said "discussions
are still ongoing with the M'1'O about
intersection improvements with the
idea of introducing a pedestrian scram-
ble crossing. " With the infrastructure
process- that idea may have been put
on a back burner.
At both the morning and afternoo,r=
session it was discussed that there is a
need to improve resident and visitor
experience. Many reasons given for this
were parking, poor signage, officer cul-
ture and attitude and ticketing too
quickly. Although different rates came
forward- no one supported free park-
ing at all time. Many in attendance said
there will never be enough parking for
the long weekends and this will proba-
bly never be solved. "This is a double
edged sword," one person said attest-
ing that too many people is a good
problem," considering the alternative."
Another issue was getting beach goers
to eat down town. This stemmed from
what some called those who "day
camp" on the beach and bring their
coolers from home. 'There was also dis-
cussion of beach goers not spending
dollars down town and was this a mat-
ter of a bad economy or the product
being sold. Another issue that surfaced
was the barbecues on the beach.
Because of safety issues, the prohibi-
tion of barbecues on the beach became
a by-law some years ago but has not
been enforced.
The idea of making River Road one
way to Alberta Street and the possibil-
ity of utilizing some of the space at the
north end of Alberta Street for boat
trailers was also discussed.
'Ihe aging harbour facilities was also
a factor in what the attendees consid-
ered a reason, besides the low water
levels there are no longer many trail
sient boaters.
Ideas that have surfaced year after
year and are documented in many
reports going hack to the 1990s and
before are for stricter enforcement of
by-laws !luring evening and night
hours and not so much during the day,
for by-law to double as ambassadors,
better signage, parking meters that
allow for debit and credit cards and
that don't take money after 6 p.m. and
considering a 2 -hour free parking.
Economic Development member
Paul Wilson said," "1 thought we had a
very informative meeting. We came
away with ideas for the Chamber to
recommend to the Municipality around
parking, roads and infrastructure. As a
member of the Lambton Shores Eco-
nomic Development Committee 1 will
share these insights, challenges and
recommendations with the ED
committee members at this week's