HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-23, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL. XLIII.—NO, 2113 itleletai..1t.1/44.4/11/11/44/WeAkfeleVille114,1111 WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 23, 1914 $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE WeLr Or eer's .5 hoes and Ruhber S OTHE R KROH'S liVii COUGH SYRUP Is pleasant to take Some children ask for more. M, K, Worm Syrup kills and removes worms , Stops grinding of the a I b d 1 5 s r 1 1 - ( 1 , # 1 0 1 i is 1 . 1 1 1 1 teeth — Relieves Makes Corrects while sleeping colicky pains appetitenorrnal offensive odor of the breath comfort OPTICIAN Store Gives children _ . _ and health , _,..–...xxv.–...._ J. W.FMcKibbon DRUGGIST AND The 0.42.....M.#4 L44•44.4141,wvaivivvsaks'ersiewilvva 1 1 I . o 41 illiiii 111110 11,111111111„ 1 I 1 , _ 1 ie 11 II Ill PI mit ' 4., A -4(,:1111 We '1"-Iill q Take the Risk - We know you will be delighted with the O -Cedar Polish Mop. . We know you will welcome the relief it brings. We know you will appreciate the hard work it saves. We knowyou will be pleased with the way it dusts, cleans and polishes --all at the same time. That is why we say:— Try the O -Cedar Polish Mop for 2 days at our risk. If it is not satisfac- tory, we do not want you to keep it. e The price—U.50-.11,111 be returned without question if it isnot oll, and more, than we claim, You to be the judge. Rae & Thompson P HONE 27 , Christie's Grocery PHONE 59, Store opens 7 a.m. Closes 7 p.m. Agent for Fleischman's Yeast. TE AS Fresh Consignment The Best 1 Obtainable All our own blgrids Popular Prices: 30c, 40c, 500 per pound / saisineli1=1F-it' TOWN CO1UNCIL.. A special meeting of the Town Conn- ] was held on Monday evening with il members in their place except Mr. lliott. The Mayor presided. The Mayor reported that T. Harry ones of Brantford had been engaged y the Street Committee to lay out pro- osed sewers. A petition was read, asking that an ght inch sewer and six inch cellar rain be laid on Edward street from atrick to John street and on John treet from Edward to Josephine street. Moved by Couns. Isbister and Patter - on, that the petition be accepted when roperly signed and that Street Commit- ee proceed with the work if the ngineer finds the levels satisfactory.— arried. Moved by Reeve McKibbon and Coun. oung, that the Street and Sewer Com- ittee engage T. Harry .loues, of rantford'to survey ground covered by roposed sewers and any contemplated ewers and name proper points to con- ect with main sewer.—Carried. Mr. Elliott, addressing the Council, sked that his resignation be accepted. Moved by Couns. Young and Patter - on, that the resignation of Coun. Elliott e accepted and that an election be held orthwith.—Carried. Moved by Reeve McKibbon and Conn. sbister, that matter re making our raffle by-law known to the public, be eft with the Street Committee with nstructions tceact at once.—Carried. Moved by Couns. Currie and Bell, hat the Street Committee instruct the lerk to purchase drinking fountain to e installed in front of Town Hall.— arried. Coun. Isbister took exception to what ad been stated in last week's TIMES re he engaging of Mr. Barber as inspect - r of paving work on Josephine street, laiming the Council approved of the ppointment. In reply to Conn. Isbister e might say that we raised no objection, ast week to last year's committee eking the appointment. The commit- ee followed the precedent set in 1910. We can simply say that after again ex - mining the minute book covering the work of last year's Council, we fail to nd any record showing that the ap- pointment of Mr. Barber hhd been pproved by Council, omen's Institute Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham branch of the Women's In- titute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Adair in Turnberry on the afternoon of Thursday, July 30th. All nembers are cordially invited to attend. Carriages will leave Currie's livery table at 2 o'clock and members are re - nested to be on hand promptly. Band Engagements. ' The Citizens' Band gave "their week- ly concert on Tuesday evening owing to having:an engagement in Wroxeter on Friday evening, the usual night for their appearance in the park. The band has the following engagements for the remained of the month of July: —Methodist Church, Teeswater, Thurs- day, 23rd; Wroxeter Methodist Church, Friday, 24th; Church of the Sacred Heart, Wingham, Tuesday, 28th; and Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, July 30th. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE, Hereafter no reading notice advertis- ing any entertainment or anything by which money is to be made by any per- son or persons, will be inserted in the TIMES without charge. With the in- creased cost in connection with the publishing of a newspaper this step is necessary. In future the price for an nsertion of such announcements will nvariably be five cents per line and there will positively be no deviation from this figure. New $2 Dominion Note. A new two -dollar note is being issued by the Dominion Government. It bears the likenesses of Their Royal Highness the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Canadians will have circulated among them most agreeable souvenirs of their first prince and princess. It is decided- ly more attractive than the old brown King Edward note. It is far whiter and cleaner looking. The back of the note has a centre piece with the Cana- dian Coat of Arms surrounded by arms of each of the nine provinces. Wingham Voters' List. The Voters' List for the Town of Wingham for 1914 has been printed at the TIMES office' and was first posted in the Clerk's office on July 17th. The list this year contains the names of 921 voters, and there are 394 persons quali- fied to serve as jurors. There are thirty days from the 17th of July in which appeals may be made. It would be well if parties entitled to vote would inspect the lift and see that their names are properly entered. Copies of the list may be seen at Ritchie & Cosens' office or at the TIMES office. Lecture on Tuberculosis. A highly appreciated lecture was de- liyered in the Town Hall last Sunday evening by the Rev. J. H. Dyke, Field Secretary of the .National Sanitarium Association. In the absence of Mayor Irwin, Dr. R. C. Redmond, M.O.H. oc- cupied the chair. The lecture was in- tensely interesting and thoroughly in- structive and practical, a number of special views ware given showing the results of the germ in the cell and in the lung. Ile indicated many methods people ought to practice to help' prevent the spread of this scourge. He showed the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital and why it was free and deserved the support of the public. The Hospital accounts are audited by a Chartered Accountant and published in the report each year. The Lecture was deserving of the audience which gathered and speaks well for Mr. Dyke as a lectur- er. Largely Attended Funeral The funeral of the late Peter Fisher was held from his late residence on Thursday afternoon last and was large- ly attended. The services were con- ducted by Rev. H, Edgar Allen, of Hes- peler, a former well-known pastor of Wingham Baptist Church, assisted by Mr. Riley, the present pastor. It was the wish of the deceased that n • flow- ers would be given. All he wanted was that the open Bible be laid on his casket, from whieh he had picked out a verse. It was the tenth Chapter of Romans and the tenth verse, as follows: - "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that Godahath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved." The pall -bearers were: - John T. Currie, East Wawanosh; Wm, Homuth, Toron- to; C. J. Graham, Oakvillle; J. A. Mc- Lean, H. Davi tr and Abner Cosens, Wingham. Among those from a dis- tance who attended the funeral were:— Mr. Archie Fisher, of Paisley, (only brother); Mrs. Partridge, of Brandon, Manitoba, (niece); Miss Clara Fisher, of Paisley (niede); Mr. C. J. Graham, of Oakville; Mr. R. B. Sinclair, of Toron- to; Mr. John Fisher, of Paisley, (nep- hew; Geo. Morrison, postmaster, Kin- eardine. Death of Culross Resident. There passed away at the Wingham General Hsspital, on Friday last, Ed- ward James Jackson, an esteemed resi- dent of Culross`township, in the fifty- fourth year of his age, after an illness of about a week. Deceased was a nat- ive of East Wawanosh, having been born on the 10th con. of that townsnip, and was a son of the late John Jackson, an old and esteemed pioneer of that dictrict. He was mareied to Miss Elizabeth Barbour, eister\pf Mrs. Copez land -Heath, of Lower Wingham. Mr. Jackson conducted a sawmill business in the village of Hepworth for many years, and about five years ago moved to the 2nd con, of Ctitross, where he has since resided. Deceased leaves a wife, four sons and two, daughters to mourn the loss of a kind father and affectionate husband. The funeral took place on Monday to the Wingham cemetery, where the remains were interred in the family plot. 001•01111011•11. ••••111101•111.1.111•111•1•M CASH BUYERS SHOULD GET A CASk-I DISCOUNT Read our ad. on last page W. H. WILLIS & CO mow Kindly Remember This— The Tutus has been requested to again remind the purchasing public that during the months of July and August stores will remain closed on Wednesday afternoons. Kindly bear this in mind and do your buying early in the morn- ing. No merchant wants his front door kicked in, Indu ction Service. The induction of Rev. E. G. Dymond to the curate of St. Paul's Parish will take place on Wednesday evening, July 29th. The service will commence at 8 o'clock, The officiating clergyman will be Venerable Archdeacon Richard- son, of London. After the service there will be a social gathering in the base- ment to which all the members of the congregation are cordially invited. Epworth League Picnic. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist church held a very successful picnic on the river flats on Monday evening last, about fifty young people were in attendance. Besides the usual games speeches were made by Messrs. Well - wood, Cavan and Walker, while a num- ber of solos and recitations were given by the members of the League. Alto- gether a very enjoyable time was spent. , Base Ball Match. A schedule ball game was played at the park here on Wednesday ahernoon last between Teeswater and the local nine. The game was interesting throughout and in the sixth innings looked like a win for Teeswater when the score stood 6-4. In the seventh, however, the home team made three runs, while the visitors were held to one run, thus making the score a tie, 7-7. The eighth and ninth innings both teams failed to score and the tenth was played to break the tie, which resulted in Wingham winning by one run. The score by innings Was as follows:— Wingham-0 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1-8 Teeswater--2 0 0 0 0 4 1, 0 0 0-7 The stanctiv of the teems now are: — Won Lost Wingham 6 0 Lucknow 3 2 Teeswater 1 4 Kincardine 1 5 Lucknow and Teeswater, however, played a tie game, making six games played by each team. Report of Jails. The report of Edwin R. Roger, provin- cial inspector of prisons, for the year ending October 31, 1913, has just been issued and with it the report of Dr. Bruce Smith, inspector of common jails. It cost $203,074.82, according to Dr. Smith's report, to maintain 46 jails, and the cost for each prisoner per day was twenty-four and three-quarter cents. There were 19,25P persons committed to the jails during 1913, an increase of 2,265 over 1912. There were 31 commit- ments for murder, an increase of seven over 1912, and twelve for manslaughter, which was five fewer than in the pre- vious year. There were 112 more prisoners committed to the pen than in 1912. Women's Institute Picnic, The St. Helens Women's Institute will hold a picnic at the 10th line bridge in East Wawanosh on the afternoon of July 30th, There will be a good pro- gramme and an abundance of refresh- ments. Every person will be made weleome. Nomination Meeting. A meeting of the ratepayers of the Town of Wingham will be held in the Council Chamber next Monday evening, commencing at 7.30 o'clock to receive nomination of a councillor to fill the va- cancy in the Town Council. caused by the resignation of H. B. Elliott. Drowned at Port Stanley. It is believed that the two young men drowned out of a canoe, off Orchard Beach, port Stanley, Sunday afternoon are Irving Renny, aged 25, of 842 Well- ington Street, London, test clerk at the Park Avenue exchange of the Bell Telephone Company, and Jack McPhail of 9 Grafton Street, an employe of the City Hydro -Electro Department. Both young men went down to Port Stanley Saturday and telephoned that they would remain over Sunday. They hired a canoe and nothing has since been heard from them. A hat which floated ashore has been practically identified as that worn by McPhail. Tugs are now dragging for the bodies. Mr. Mc- Phail resided in Wingham a few years ago and was in the employ of Bell Tele- phone Company and will be remembered by .many of our citizens. Decoration Service. The annual decoration service of Western Star Lodge, I.O.O.F. will be held at Brussels on Sunday afternoon next, commencing at 3.30 o'clock. Flowers will be supplied by the !dodge. It is expected that a number of the Wingham Oddfellows will attend this service. Wingham Won Protest. The Orangeville lacrosse club entered a protest in 'connection with the game played at Orangeville. The case was heard at Toronto an Tuesday evening and the Wingham club won the protest, but the two games played between these clubs have been thrown out.. The next game will be played on Wingham park on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 29th, at 3 p.m. Watch for bills for particulars. Wingham Won at Orangeville. The O. A. L. A. in term edi ate game played at Orangeville on Wednesday last resulted in a win for the Wingham team, the score being 6 to 4 in their favor. In the first quarter Wingham scored three straight goals, while the Dufferins were somewhat disconcerned by the rapid scoring of the visitors and failed to reach the net. In thd next period each club scored a goal. In the third quarter the score was 5 to 2 in favor of the Winghamites, while in the last twenty minutes the Dufferins secured two more goals and the visitors one. In the Wingham team, Fink, VanWyck, Knechtel and Belcher were the stars, while the playing of Dawson, Camplin, Stevenson and Scott with Booth in goal, was excellent. The line- up was:— Orangeville—Goal, Booth; point, Dens- more; cover, Morrison; defence, Scott, Dedriek; centre, Stephenson; home, Keith, Ewing; outside, Dawson; inside, Camplin. Wingham—Goal, Knetchel; point, Gurney; cover, McLean; defence, Wil - Hams, VariWyck; centre, Elliott; home, McCoy, Holmes; outside, rink; inside, Belcher. Referee—A. Fleming, Toronto. Garden Party. The ladies of the Sacred Heart Church will hold a garden party on the Town Park on Tuesday evening, July 28th. There will be a good program of music by the Wingham Citizens' Band. Horne - made cooking and candy, refreshments and ice cream will be on sale. Keep your eyes open for the fish pond at the booth. There will he a drawing con- test for several useful articles. This promises to be the best garden party of the season. Capt. W. G. Cox of the stamer Majestic of the Northern Navigation Ce., died on board his vessel shortly after leaving Killarney for Parry Sound. PERSONALS MINOR LOCALS. -- -Fall wheat is being harvested in this section. —Wednesday, July 29th, will be civic holiday in Blyth. —Canadian Express Co's money or- ders on sale at the TIMES office. — St. Paul's church will hold a con- gregational picnic on Wednesday, Aug- ust 5th, —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. —The Tams is issued earlier during July and August on account of the Wednesday half holiday. —Keep in mind the garden party in the Town Park next Tuesday evening by the ladies of Sacred Heart Church. — Big I.O.O.F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August 8th. See advt in another column for full particulars. —Wingham fall fair will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 24th and 25th. Watch future issues for full particulars. — G. A. Miller, Principal of the Sear forth Collegiate Institute, has resigned to take a position on the staff of the Ottawa Normal School. —Orangeville and Wingham teams will play a fast game of lacrosse on the Wingham park on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 29th. —How would you like to pay $1.75 for your weekly newspaper and $6 for your daily? That, is what Will occur if the Postmaster General does what he threatens. Miss Annie Deyell is home from Tor- onto for a vacation. Mrs. E. B. Walker has returned home from a visit in Ottawa. Mr. J. B. Duffy spent a few days in Kincardine on business. Mr. George Thomson, of Goderich, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. B. Hambly, of London, is in town this week on business. Miss J. Brock is spending her vaca- tion with relatives and friends at Sun- dridge. Mr. Harry Shaeffer left last week for Hanover where he. has accepted a position. Mrs, W. J. Pattison is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Leaky at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rogers, of Tor- onto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Wynn. Master Charlie Pattison is spending his holidays with nis aunt, Mrs. Thos. Leaky at Kincardine. C. G. VanStone, of Toronto, was a visitor with Wingham relatives and friends for over Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Swanson and childree haire returned home after spending a week with relatives in Goderich. ?( —Mr. Geo. W. Cline, choir leader of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, has been invited to take charge of the united old -boys' choir at Seaforth on August 2nd. Mr. Cline was for some years a resident of Seaforth. —Mr. W. J. Deyell, D.D.G M. paid an official visit to the Lucknow Lodge, I.O.O.F. on Friday evening last. Mr. Deyell was accompanied by Mr. H. B. Elliott. Oddfellowship is progressing in our neighboring town. —Last week Editor Elliott, of the Wingham TIMES, entered his eighteenth year as editor and proprietor of the' paper and his 26th year of connection with the TimEs. That's a good record. —Goderich Star. — Conrad Evans, a well-known resi- dens of Forest passed away GO Tuesday of last week. He was a cousin of Mr. John Willits of Turnberry. Messrs. John and Melvin Willits, Mrs. Percy Copeland and Mrs. John Fitch attended the funeral at Forest. s , )(Mr. John Isbister, of Coniston, spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister. / Mr. Wm. Bone left on Saturday last on a few weeks' visit in Calgary, Alta., and other points in the West. Dr. Brown and wife of Sutherland, Sask., are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. S. Brown, Leopold St. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lamont, of Appin were visiting for a few days with rela- tives and old friends in Wingham and vicinity. , Miss Edith McGregor.00f Langside, and Miss Kate Kennedy, of Teeswater, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Orver for over Sunday, Messrs. A. II. Gurney and A. Fleming were in Toronto on Tuesday and attend- ed a meeting of the 0. A. L. A. in con- nection with the Orangeville protest. Mr, W. H. Willis, of Wingharn, and her sister, Miss Thursa Gerry, of Fort William, are visitors in toWn. Was iGerry will prolong her stay for a few weeks with old friends.— 13russels Post. THE ARMY WORM. On account of the crops in some dist- ricts being badly attacked by this pest, it is advisable for every farmer to be on the lookout and ready to combat it if comes his way. • The army worm is about one and one- half inches long when full grown, and is striped with black, yellow and green, of a dingy appearance and much re- sembling the cutworm. When detected all efforts should be centred on keeping the worms out of crops not yet attacked. A deep furrow (several furrows are better) ploughed around the fields with the vertical or steep side of the furrow next to the crop to be protected, serves as a barrier to prevent the march of the worme, as they will not be able to crawl up the straight side of the fur- row. Holes or pits should be dug in the bottom of the furrow every ten or twelve feet to catch the worms as they erawl along looking for a place to get out. They can then be destroyed with a blunt stick or by burning straw over them. By thoroughly spraying or dusting a small strip of the crop in advance of the worms with Paris green, and liber- ally distributing poisoned bran kmixed at the rate of fifty pounds bran and one pound Paris green With enough molasses and water to sweeten it) large numbers may be destroyed. A field so poisoned must not be pastured until rain has thoroughly washed it. Whatever is done must be done quickly and at once, for a single day's delay may often mean the ruin of a valuable crop. Big Bargains at our Mid- Summer Clearing Sale of Summer Footwear W. J. GREER THE SHOE MAN ITONTARIO LEAD -1 Forty per centof all the Agricultural Products of Canada are grown ia Ont- ario. There is r o better it,vestmest anywhere than in a good Ontario farm. Take a trip through the country right now and be convinced. Never were crop prospects better. We can sell yoti a good. farm on easy terms and give ycu immediate poses- sion, Ill health of owner the reason for selling. We have also two kSeellent, 100 acre farms, good as the best, that we can give posssssion a after harvest. These can be bought right as the owners are anxious I o sell not being in a position to work the farms themselves Tornado Insurance We are agents for one of the strong- est companies in the world Call and get our rates. They will surprise you, No premium note. Ritchie & Cosensl REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. j Feed! Feed! Feed! We have on hand Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour Wheat, Oats, Barley, Oileake, Molasses Meal, Cali Meal Flax Meal, and any other feeds you need. Don't eat bad bread, use "Quality" Flour, its the best of all flours. Try one baking and be convinced. We pay highest prices for all kinds Of GRAIN. The Post Offiee Department declares that the parcel post system is paying its way. The C.P.R. steamer Assiniboia which ran aground in Georgian Bay on July 1, is again on her run. The Immigration Department has de- clared its intention to warn all agrienl- twists and domestic servants against coining to Canada now, and to enforce the immigration laws rigidly. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK Phone 40 COLLEGE AT UOi1E3 1•••••••••=memet Thousands of ambitions young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraph- ers, civil servaats, in fact every sphere of Business Activities. You MRY Mash at college if you wiqh. Positions gtitir• snteed, Enter college arty day. Ludtvidual instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty year's experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges. tonrse for teachers, Affiliated with Commercial Educe. tors' Association of Canada. Summer School et the famous Spotton Business College, London. Wingharn Business College Geo. Spetton, W. T. Morrie, President.