HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-16, Page 8THE MARIAM ifilitES, JULY 1.914
I.O.O.F. eXcursion to Sarnia
and Detroit on Saturday, Augast tith.
--Canadian Express Co' s money or-
dera are now on sale at the TIMEO-
-The animal excursion to Kincardine
has been arranged for Wedneeday
August 19th.
-Buy your rail, lake and ocean tiek-
*As from IL 13. Elliot, Town agent for
the 0. T. R. at the Tins office.
-The Canada Furniture Co. Is putting
a cement foundation wader the frame
portion of their factory on Josephine
-Mr. John Weiler, of Turnberry re-
ceived a telegrani announcing the death
sm Tuesday evening at Berlin, td his
sister, Mrs. Andrew Lehmann.
-A garden party will be given by the
ladies of the Sacred Heart Church,
"Wingham, on Tuesday, July 28tb, on
Town Park. Further particulars later.
-The animal picnic of the Methoclis
Sunday School will he held on Wednes-
day, July 22nd. All members of the
Sabbath School arid congregation are
requested to meet at the church at 1 30
p. rn.
-Mr. Wm. Austin has an excellent
field of corn andconsiderable of it meas-
ured 6 feet 2 niche% on the llth of July.
The corn was sown between May 17th
and 25th. It is of the Wisconsin No. 7
variety and the seed was purchased
from Mr. J. A. Mills.
-,Ari Old Boys' Re -Union will be held
in S,eaforth from August lst to 5th.
The Wingham Firemen purpo se attend
ing the Provincial Firemen's tourna-
ment in that town on August 5th. The
boys will need new uniforms and pur-
pose making a canvas of the business
men in order to procure necessary funds
and hope to receive a liberal response
to their appeal.
Rev. Mr. Boyle, of Belgrave, conduct-
ed the services in St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church on Sunday last.
Mr. Cain, of Huron College, conduct-
ed thd eelvices in St. Paul's Church on
Sunday during the absence of the rec-
There will be a celebration of the
Hole Communion at 8.30 a.m. in St.
Paul's Church next Sunday, when the
rector will be the celebrant.
Mr A. C. Riley will preach in the
Baptist Church next Sunday morning
on "Does God Care?" and in the even-
ing his subject will be "What is Man?"
Pe,gular services will be held in the
Methodist Church, the pastor, J. W.
Hibbert, preaching at both services
His subject in the morning will be "A
Wonderful Gift", and in the evening
"A Call to service."
- An interesting thne was given at the
Epworth League meeting held in the
Methodist Church on Monday evening
when Mr. John Kerr, former Pesident
of the League gave a talk on the "Pro-
gress or Missions."
Rev. C. L. Hoinuth, a returned mis-
sionary from Africa, and former resi-
dent of Wingham, conducted the ser-
vices in the Methodist Church last
Sunday evening, and took for the sub-
ject of hie, sermon, "Pure Religion."
On Sunday, July 12ch, the Rev. Wm.
Lowe, rector of Lucan, and a former
rector of St. Paul's Church, addressed
aver two thousand members of the
Orange Order in St. Paul's Church,
Bloor St., Toronto. So eloquent and
forceful were the words of the preach-
er that on a couple of occasions the
large congregation gave vent to its
feelings by the very unusual procedure
of enthusiastic applause. The services
were taken by the Venerable Archdea-
con Cody.
DENNiS-ln Wingham, on July 10th,
to Mr. and Mrs. E. Dennis; a daughter.
PlUrrEI,: -In Lower Wingham, on
July loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Minclair
Phippen; a daughter.
S•Turnav-In Wingham, on July 13th,
to Mr. and Mrs. .1. Sturdy; a daughter.
AMISTItoNG- In LucknoW, on Wed-
nesdoy, July gth, to Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Artnetrong, a daughter.
THOMPSON -In Winigharn, on July
7th, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. Thompson; a
NA -DRU -00
Is one of the best Lung Builders
A guaranteed cure or prevention. for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc, and $1.00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
Children. cry
IVItiNito -In Wingham, on July 10th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Munro; a son.
FOWLS* FizeLA.y-At the Presby-
terian Manse, 13luevale on July 8th, by
the Rev. Crawford Tate, Mr. James
Fowler, of the Bluevale Road, to Miss
Mary E. Finlay, of Lower Wingharn.
VINditiE•;ON-In East Wawanosh, on
Sunday, July 12th, Mary }.1, Daley, wife
of Me. John Ferguson, aged 42 years
and 6 months.
Ret -In Wingham, on Friday, July
loth, William Rea. son of Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Rae, aged 2 years, 3 months and
16 day.
Ptsitsitt-.In Winghern, on July 140,
Peter Reber, aget183 yeate,
The 11th annual Convention of the
Women's Christian Temperance Union
was convened in Wesley Church, Clin-
ton, on Tuesday the 7th of .fuly com-
mencing at 9 a.m. The opening exer-
eises consisted of shiging and prayer
by several of the members, and a short
exposition of the crusade psalm by the
President, Miss Bentley, of Blyth.
There was a praise meetihg which
closed by singing "Some Glad Day."
The reports of the secretary and of
the Department Superintendents con-
cerning work done, during the year,
were of an enconraging character.
The Treasurer reported having re-
ceived over $100 -on hand $30.00.
After lunch in the Sunday School
room the afternoon session was opened.
Devotional exercises conducted by Mrs.
Davidson of Goderich.
The first part was a Memorial Service
which had to do with the departure of
several of our members to the Heaven-
ly home. Then an address by Mrs, Mc-
Allister, Editor of the White Ribbon
Tidings, on the history and working of
Woman Franchisement.
Gold Medal Contest
The evening meeting was called to or-
der by the Chairman, Mr, A. T. Cooper,
opening hymn "All Hail the Power of
Jesus Name" and prayer by Rev. C. C.
Keine of Londesboro, Then a solo by
Mrs. Elliott.
The contestants for the Gold medal
-six of them -were then called . on to
recite. These interesting exercises
were interspersed with a duet by Mrs.
Innis and Miss Wise, and solos by Miss
Farewell and Miss Greene. While the
jedges were at work of deciding, Rev.
Mr. Powell gave an interesting address.
The Medal .was awarded to Miss
Gladys Keller of Goderich.
Wednesday morning meeting opened
by singing "Gather Them In", reading
the Scriptures and prayers. •
After several matters connected with
the place of work and the convention
proceeded with the election of officers
with the following result: -
President, Mrs. Hooper of Exeter.
Vice President, Mrs. Maguire, of
Cor, Secretary, Miss Bentley, of
Recording Secretary, Miss Allin, of
Treasurer, Mrs. Sharp, of Exeter -
The County Superintendents are as
follows: -
Evangelistic, Mrs. Davidson, Gode-
rich; Sailors, Mrs. Sutherland, of Gode-
rich; Scientific Temperance, Mrs, Young
Elyth; Franehise, Mrs. Mulvey, Wing -
ham; Press Work, Miss R. 5, Allin,
Goderich; Moral education, and Mothers'
meetings, Mrs. Dark, Brussels; System-
atic Giving, Mrs. Bender, of Blyth;
Medical Temperance, Mrs. Howard Ex-
eter; Temperance in Sunday School, Mrs.
Elder, Blyth; Anti -Narcotic, Mrs, Lay-
s, Clinton; Work amongsRailway em-
ployees, Mrs. 3. Armour, Wingham;
Plower mission, Mrs. Davidson, Code- 1
rich; Lumberrnen's Mission, Mrs. A. I
Tyndall, Clinton; Law Enforcement,
Rev, J, Greene, of Clinton,
Resolutioes of Thanks.
To the Trustees of Wesley church; to
the people of Clinton for their kind hos-
pitality towards the delegates; and to
411 who had helped to make the Con-
vention a sticeees, were utianimously
passed, and about noon the eonvention
closed by singing "Blest be the tie that
Binde"-the joiningof hands with "God
be with you till We meet again."
Next convention to be held in Brus-
Miss Nora Smith is visiting in Mount
Mr. Abner Cosens was in Seaforth
last week.
Mrs. Thos. Kew is visiting friends in
Paris for a few days,
Miss Mann, of Toronto, is visitipg at
the home of Mr. John Nichol.
Mise C. Rush left on Wednesday for
a trip through the Muskoka lakes,
Mrs. Wm. Deverell, of Dundalk, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Phalen,
Mr. John Kerr of London is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. E. .A. Hammond.
Miss Mary Ritchie is this week vieit-
ing friends inWelland, Ont., and York,
Mr. and Mrs. David Watters were
visiting with relatives in town for over
Mr. T. Johnston and son of Paisley,
were in town a few days last week on
Mr. John Ritchie is this week in
Niagara Falls attending the Masonic
Grand Lodge.
Mr. Ross Maxwell, of Chatham is
spending his holidays at his parental
home in town.
Mr, French Pierce, of Paisley, spent
Monday in town visiting at the home
of Mr. A. Bird.
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Fleming, of Tor_
onto are visiting with relatives in town
for over Sunday.
Mr. C. V. Blatchford of the Listowel
Banner was in town last week and was
a visitor at the Times Office.
Mr. J. L. Grant of Listowel was in
town on Monday adjusting the insur-
ance in the J. H. 13aker's fire.
Rev. E. R. and Mrs. Fitch and chil-
dren, of Villa Nova are visiting with
Wingham relatives and friends.
Miss Ella Moorby, of Toronto, is
spending a couple of weeks at the home
of her uncle, Mr. T. C. Graham.
Miss Edna Robertson is spending her
holidays with her friend Miss Margaret
Pcrrie at their summer resort near
Mr, and Mrs. C N. Griffin and daugh-
ters. Estelle and Annie, left on Satur-
day for a two months' visit to Vancou-
ver. B, C.
Misses Margaret and Florence Pocock
are spending their holidays near Ford-
wich with their aunt, Mrs.'Pocock, and
other frierids.
Mrs. Thos. Spardig and daughter,
Miss Nellie, of Saginaw, Mich., return-
ed home last week after spending a
week with the former's mother, Mrs.
A. Mooney.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCully and
daughter, Miss Margaret, of Stratford;
Mr. and Mre. Jas. Hislop and daughters
Misses Margaret and Bessie, of
Downie, were visitors at the home of
•Mr. H. B. Elliott on Sunday.
Children. Cry
Notices 'Under This Head ten cents a line
for first insertion; fiVe cents for subse-
quent insertions,
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
WANTED -Good general servant
Apply at the TIMES office.
Now'e the Hine to buy your wall pap-
er at greatly reduced peices at Knox's.
TRINES AND VALIStEn-ritg stock of
select from at lowest prices.
W. J. GUM.
Experienced married man wants
work on farm. Apply to I', Norman,
Drop a eard to Albert Fleming, Leo-
pold Street, whet needing Lawn Mow-
ers sharpened or sewing maehines re -
pelted. All business will receive prompt
Pon SAtn-A comfortable seven -
roomed honse, With eement eel and
oat bin. Hard and eoft wate ood
Min -
tile street or at his office,
gerden. , Apply to F. S
a Iflo' ck?"
Lon .netweeri Whit lunch and
Ultimo*, a lady's b serge coat.
Finder kindly leave a 'Ines Office.
on s t_t rri trier -0 oods
'Ready-to-wear, Hosiery, GIs:we% y
el mil n d erwe a r
Northway Cate -15 this season's coats,
newest styles and cleths M abort or 3-4
lengths colors grey, navy, mustard and
sex blue, aizes 82 and 38 at 25 per cent,
off regular prices
20 Ladies' and Misses' Rain -coats broken
lines and odd siges. values $5 to $8. This
week only at $3.95.
Flowered Crepe, Cotton Voile, Mull and
Rice Cloth -This season's newest dress
materials in all the leading shades and
patterns, reg. 25 and 35c values for 19c.
200 yds 36 inch Black Guaranteed Silk -
a very rich silk with fine finish and will
give excellent wear, regular $1.25 for 98c.
25 dozen Ribbed Cotton lie.se-Made of
good strong yarn and fast dye. All sizes
from +14 to 10. On sale all sizes 10c pair
1 dozen Ladies' House Dresses -Sizes
32 to 40 made from strong cotton materials
neatly trimmed. Regular $2.50 for $1.09
25 per cent Saving on Whitewear, Un-
derskirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, Night
Gowns, et&
10 dozen Long
Silk Gloves, 69a.
pair. In White,
Black, Pink, Pale
Blue and Cham-
pagne, double tip-
ped and Full
Long Lisle
Gloves. 23 cents.
White, Black and
Tan sizes 6 to 73.
Summer Para-
sols -In White and
Fancy,Silki values
from $1 ts $5 at
25 per vent. off
*Via all steamship lines, outward or
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Witighatri
Via Chicago and North Western Ry.
Special low rate round-trip tickets on
sale from ail points in Canada to Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Se-
attle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton,
Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc.,
during July, August and Septem-
ber. Excellent train- service. For
rates, illustrated folders, time tables
and full particulars, address 13. H. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street,
Toronto, Ontario,
100 acres in the Township of Kinloss,
about one mile from Whiteehurch. This
farm will be sold at a bargain. For
particulars appy to
Wingliarn, Ont.
In the matter of Irwin a. Durst of the
lege of Wroxeter In the Cotitity of II
Harness Maker, Disolvent.
Xotiee is hereby given that the abov awed
insolvent, Irwin S. burst, of the age of
Wroxeter in the County Of ihlt. Harness
Maker, carrying on b these the said
Village of Wroxeter, has ade assignment
ofhi estate to ine for t ral benefit of
his creditors under " e signmente and
FrefereneeS Act," B S. aptor 154.
The creditors are notified to meet at my
office in the Town of Goderieh, on the 17t1i
day of July, A. D 1914, at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon, for the purpose a receiving a statement
of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment
of inspectors, and the giving of directions
with reference to the disposal of the estate.
All persons claiming to be entitled to rank
°utile estate milt Me their claims with me on
or before the 81st day of July, 1914, after
which date 1 wig prettied to distribute to as-
sets thereof, having regsrd to those elairns
only of which I shall then have received
notice, and I ,,,41 not be liable for the said ea-
se/Its or any '''itrt thereof to any person of
wh.ose elAiin 'nave not then teceiVed notice.
R. 0,11SYNOLDS, Alislesee,
Goetrien, Ont.
Dated et. "ic Ingham, the 8th dal' Of A. D.
Teacher Wanted.
For 5.8. No. 9Turnber 1:-tolding
second class ce tificat' cities to
commeuce after s9 er holidays.
i Apply, stating sal I,- to
R.R. No, 1, Bluevale, Ont.
Vor /shalt! and Children.
the IN You Bare Always Bought
Beare the
flignitture of
120 acres, 100 Berea cleared, 20 acres
hard wood bush; well fenced; good state
cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank
barn 82x52; good out-bnildings; two
storey brick cottage, 11 rooms.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section
a, Chap.121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
that all pemns having claims against the
Estate of Kae Campbell, Deceased, whe died
On or about the Fifteenth day of April, A.D.,
1914, at the TOwnship of Morris in the ConntY
of Huron, are required to send by post, pre-
paid, or to deliver to 11, Vanstone, Winghani,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, on or be-
fore the Twenty-seventh clay ef July, A. D.
3914, their names and addresses, With full
particulars of their claims in writing, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by theni,
duly vertilled by a statutory declaration.
And further take notice Unit after the said
Twenty-seventh day of July, 1914, the assets
of the Fetid estate will be distributed by the
Executors among the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice, mid the estate will not
be liable for any CIR11338 not Med at the time of
the said distribution.
Dated at Winglrara this 241h clay of June, A.
D., 1214,
Solr, for the Executor.
Municipality of the Township of Turn. -
berry, in the County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the persons
mentioned in Sections 8 and 9o2 the On-
tario Voters' List .Act, 1887 and the
ameedneents thereto, the eopies requir-
ed to be so transmitted or delivered of
the list, made pursuant to saki act, of
all persons ramearing by the last revis-
ed assessment roll of the said reunici-
palleyto be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at elections for members
of the Legielative Assembly and at
Municipal eleetiOna, Off& that said list
was first posted up in my office at Lot
13, Con. 7, on the 7th day of July 1914,
and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine said
list, and if any omissions or other errors
are perceived therein to take immediate
proceeding to have the said errors cor-
rected according to law.
Clerk of the Municipality of
Turnberry, July 7th, 1014.
Cash Buyers
You are intitled
to it!
WE GIVE a Cash Discount on Everything
excepting Queen Quality Shoes and
on Shoe Repairing.
Our Cash Discount Amounts to Between
5 and 10 per cent.
It pays to pay cash in all cases but doubly
so when you get a Cash Discount.
If you are a cash buyer you are not getting
value for your money if you are not getting a
Cash Discoune:
WE Hs WilliS COP
Sole Agents
For Ladies
Large quantities of Wool
Cash or Trade. We pay the highest cash price
A large range of
All -Wool Sheets Blankets
made by the•best
Bring your Wool here and get
best value for your money.
A large assortment of
Men's Suits
20 pr cent. off
regular cash price in exchange for Wool.
Over 100 Suits to select from.
Successor to T.