HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-08-07, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Council concerned about financial implications on a beach theydon't own
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
It probably did not go as planned as Lamb -
ton Shores looked at liability and costs for a
proposal from Kettle Stony Point and the West
Ipperwash Beach Association. The beach is
not owned by Lambton Shores.
A group of West Ipperwash Beach property
owners and Kettle and Stony Point First
Nation sent a proposal to Lambton Shores
council regarding the Safe and Environmen-
tally -Responsible Usage of Our Beach. In a
1998 court decision, Judge Gordon Killeen
said the usage of the beach had to be a joint
effort of the two communities. That ruling was
appealed and taken to the Supreme Court of
Canada where the residents again won their
case in 2012.
"As neighbors, our two organizations share
one of Canada's most beautiful and pristine
beaches. Together we see it as our duty and
responsibility to protect this valuable resource
for both our families and the public at large. To
this end, we are jointly proposing a multi-
phase plan to manage and operate West
Ipper%vash Beach. Each phase of the plan will
address various issues and concerns that have
long been a sore point with both KSPFN and
WIPOA,"said the proposal.
" These issues and concerns include but are
not limited to: • Speed Limits • Alcohol Usage •
Uncontrolled Boat Launching • Vehicles in
Water • Water Craft Safety • Swimmer Safety •
Dogs off leash • Horses on Beach • Fires on
Public Part of Beach • I,arge RV's and Trailers
on Beach • Public on Beach past 11 pin • hack
of Enforcement by Police and By -Law Officer •
Lack of Signage • Reliable Regular Removal of
Black Wood Chip Sludge • Regularly Sched-
uled Beach Maintenance • Washroom Facili-
ties • Lack of (;arbage Containers • Additional
Off -Beach Overflow Parking,"
"As neighbors we realize it is unrealistic to
expect to address all the above at one time.
'There are funding and approval issues, imple-
mentation issues, and much give and take
required by both groups. We therefore pro-
pose to begin the process with Phase!.
Phase One: Timeline to Completion:
August 15, 2013
The two groups would like signage at West
Ipperwash Road and Centre Road Beach
Entrances. 'these signs are to be installed and
funded by Municipality of Lambton
Shores Proposed Sign Wording:
"Welcome to West 1pperwash Beach. 'ibis
beach is co -managed and operated by Kettle
and Stony Point First Nation, West Ipperwash
Property Owners Association, and The Munic-
ipality of Lambton Shores. Children must he
supervised at All Times: No Lifeguards on
Duty Beware of Undertow Currents Speed
Limit 20 KPI 1
Dogs must be leashed at all times - No
1 lorses Allowed No Fires on Beach No Camp-
ers or Motor Homes No vehicles in water
other than for boat launching Powered -water-
craft must not be operated within 75m of
Shore Beach Closed to Vehicular Traffic Dusk
to Dawn. Enforced by OPP, Anishinabek
Police, and Lambton Shores
The Municipality of Lambton Shores
They would like to see regularly scheduled
cleanup and maintenance of beach with par-
tial funding through the municipality.•
Removal of Black Wood Chip Sludge as
required • Purchase of special spill -proof
refuse containers for public use • Purchase of
commercial beach groomer (removes debris,
leaves sand) • Regular beach grooming to
remove washed up debris and litter • Daily
(seasonal) garbage pickup at all beach recep-
tacles • Funding for above partially through
Municipality of 1aunbton Shores • Additional
funding to be generated by the introduction of
Phase Two of this proposal
Phase Two Discussion Only - Subject to
Member Approval Timeline to Completion:
July 1, 2014
introduction of Controlled Access and Pay
Parking on the Beach
• Purchase of liability insurance for all Asso-
ciation members and executive.
• Request Lambton Shores to install No
Parking signs along all applicable roads
and access points
• Request I aunbton Shores to install posts to
control flow of vehicles to beach at both
West Ipperwash Road and (:enter Road
beach entrances.
• Both access points to be controlled access
to facilitate collection of daily parking fee
• Suggested fee for balance of 2013 $10.00
Fee for 2014 to he discussed.
• KSPFN and WIPOA to receive annual
beach passes.
• !.eased ctattagers to receive discounted
rates to be determined.
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events In your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Amt•l•corn Parkway. Forest, Ontario NOH) 1.10
Tel: 1.877-786-2335, 519.788.2335 Fax 519788.2135 Email adminlsKationtelamblonahaa• ca VMA our web Sae at www lamhtonshMee CA
The County of Lambton has made revisions to the draft
'Woodlands Conservation By-law' and has established a
final public commenting period that runs until September
30, 2013. Details on the draft by-law can be found at:
Kaci/www.Iambtonopl asfi homeLIA SIDENTS/PLANNI
NOANDQEVELQPMENT/PegesiWoodiands ByLaw.espx
Re: Ice Nhenag.tinent
hi the Port Pranks Area
10 a.m. —12:00 Noon
Where: Legacy Recreation Centre, toe Pad
Property owners directly effected will be
receiving a project mail out with additional
Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom
Mark Cullen - September 7th
The CiB Committee Is thrilled to present Mark
Cullen on Saturday, September 7, 2013 al
10 00am at the Legacy Recreation Conti"
(Thomas Hall), 18 Men Street in Thedford
Mr CuIton's eppeatenco Is the result of our
C(xnmundy Involvement Award we won al the
National Compotttbn In 2012.
Fie will be speaking on -Tips. hicks and a kxxk into the crystal tail flow M
succeed ki your garden and how the nature of air hobby Si (:henyrngi' Mr
Cuilen's book, The Canadian Garden Primer will be available to puichasa
for $30.
Ticket sakes and half of the book sale IWOCOOCIS Will he donated to the
Lambton Shores Communities In Rkxlm Committee for their nn going
protects In the community Tickets are $10 per person and are available
from any Communities in Bloom Committee Member. For mole inlortnatkai,
please call Catherine Mlnielty at 519 7883,'329, (trace Dekker at 319 43
3058 or the Lambton Shores Community Services Department al 1.888 943
In xt,wni
I olio illlir
cin 11, u,s
Forest Residents t••
NI. (!r,i�.li�f
;i11r ,1! 11,,• ST' 3p
2013 FINAL PROPERTY TAX SILLINO... 2013 Final Tax Billings have been mailed to rntnpayera If you (lo not
receive your tax bill by August 15"', 2013, please contact the Finance Department at 519238-8481 or 1-886-2958232. ins
Installments are due August 30th and November 29'"113.
OPTIONS • OPTIONS • OPTIONS... It's not too late to sign up for one of our pre -authorized payment plans for taxes or utilltaoa
(monthly or due date). The forms are on our website and in our offices. 11 you don't like to use pre -authorized payments then
consider using electronic banking or telephone banking - check it out at your financial institution
VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS... The Lembtun Shores' Volunteer Fire Department, Medford Is seeking applications fr(xn put.,itxN�ary int
IYNIgM•r applicants Preference *15 be given to those applicants with training and certMcatbn in CPR, FMst Aid, and 0 or nz drivel's h.ao'.) (Mtihesis,il
would be an asset
Applications and a lob d•ecrfption can be picked up at the Municipality of lamblon Shores Foreet Administration Office located upstarts at
The Shores Recreation Centre, 7863 Amtolecom Parkway.
Interested candidates are asked to submit an application and resume by hand or mad including ding relevant experience by 4 30 p m , Auy,rst
23rd. 2013 to Mr. Kevin Miami, Chief Admrnlstrslae Officer
Municipality of Lambton Chores
7883 Amtelsuxn Parkway, Forst, Ontario NON 1J0
• Special events such as annual cur show to
he exempt,
•'Tractors used for Keach maintenance by
cottagets to be exempt.
• Local radio/newspaper and signage to
warn public of the change
• Annual financial statement as per stand-
ard accounting practices
• Joint WiI'OA/KSPFN committee to review
and determine usage of any surplus
Council reacts
Connell was on the same page when they
discussed In length the costs that could be
accrued for a beach that is not 00 municipal
land. They do not provide maintenance or
nage or garbage receptacles to any of the other
private Lambton Shores beaches, It was dis-
cussed that this is private property. Councilor
Martin Underwood said it was difficult to do
whnt these people wanted when the Supreme
Court ruled differently.
Council agreed that they were interested in
starting the conversation again and that form-
ing a committee again was a good place to
begin. They asked staff to bring back a report
to answer some questions. "I low mulch more
information do we need?" asked councilor
Lorie Scott. Brent Kintner, Director of Com-
munity Services said there were questions like
how often did they expect the beach cleaner
and what were the amanitas! implications.
Underwood said they clean Grand Bend and
have insurance on Grand Bend beach because
"we own it." They agreed to get a staff report.
Working group back on track
Kettle Stony Point-
Lambton Shores
Lynda Hillman -Replay
Lakeshore Advance
Council have agreed to add one
more member to make four for the
municipality and members of Kettle
Stony Point to revamp their working
In as report from Janet Feirguson,
she states, "Lambton Shores has a
good working relationship with our
neighbouring municipalities, includ-
ing the Kettle and Stony Point First
Nations. 'ihe former Town of Bosan-
quet and now Lambton Shores has
worked with KSPFN to develop a
working relationship between the
two communities and In 2009, a
committee was struck to facilitate
the process of better communica-
tions and understanding of the
dynamics of our communities, "
"With a change In leadership and
staff, the committee has not been
active for approximately a year. As
such, Lambton Shores felt the need
to re-establish the committee, as
there are many common Interests
and projects that are progressing
that are important to both commu-
nities. On July 10th a meeting was
held with tate fetal Municipal and
Band Councils to re-establish the
lines of communication and review
the status of various issues
and proposals. "
In the past few weeks Lambton
Shores Council has been reviewing
the history (Atha Ipperwash area as
well as had the opportunity to meet
with representatives from the Fed-
eral and Provincial government to
get a full understanding of the
uniqueness of the area.
In order to re-establish and pro-
mote positive relationships between
I,anhton Shores and KSPFN as well
as the Ipperwash property owners,
staff recommends that Lambton
Shores request that the committee
for joint relations he re-established
with members of each council, staff
support and from time to time use
the necessary resources from the.
Federal and Provincial government.
The committee members would
report back and take direction from
their respective Council's.
Council agreed to this recommen-
dation and assured that everyone's
best interests would be addressed.