HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-16, Page 5THE WINGHAM INK JULY 1. 1914 cora tairqd•WwMilykAst~0440"0100§4404004ra040104V00001".04t"14.00.0041"INO040010144.00.1aVoloo*OVOrmateogitwoHlke 1 1 1 JULY SALE (?.f Seasonable Goods STOCK MUST BE REDUCED $3000 DURING THE MONTH Out go all our Suits for Men and Boys. All our Raincoats, our Straw and Felt Ha ts, our Toggery. Out goes everything at away down below the regular prices. Nothing Reserved -Stock Up Your Wardrobe -Dress Up The Boy -Buy All the Garments You Can Wear -Buy for Future Use, Positively no goods charged. MI past due accounts must be paid at once. Sale starts THURSDAY, JULY 2nd. There's no Sale as Important as This One. Don't You Miss It . IIIIIIIREMININIIRIIIMR01111111111111111111111111k Men's Suits $16.00 buys any $20, $21, or $22 Suit $11,5o buys any $15, 16.50 or $17.50 Suit Youths' Suits Long Pants si,:es 32 to 35 $5.25 buys any $8.5o suit $7.25 buys any $io suit $8,5o buys any $ 12.50 SUit Hats Men's Straw 1 -Pats, soft felt and stiffhats. regular $2.50 for $1.75; reg, 2,00 for 1.35; reg. 1.50 for 1. r5; reg. 1.00 for 79c. Panama Hats at a sacrifice. 1111111111111r1111111MOINI111011011111•111111111411 Men's Balbriggan and Merino Underwear, Socks, Neckwear, Braces, Cuff Links, Belts, Caps, Hats, etc., regular 5oc. for - L.. L 39c. Boys' Suits $3..85 buys any $5.O.o suit 4..85 buys ( any 6.50 suit 5,25 buys any 7.5o suit 5.75 buys any 8.5o suits Everything Cash 19c. Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, Boys' Jerieys, Boys' Cotton Stockings, Men's Socks, Braces; Rub-- ber Collars, Neckwear, etc., regular 25c for 1.9c. These prices must 11111111MMINNIMININI 39cm1 Rain Coats $12,50 lines for 8.75 xo.co lines for 7.5o 8.50 lines for 5.75 Men's Shirts $1.50 lines for 1.15 1.25 for 90c Imo for 79c. 75c for 59c We have not space to give you prices on every article in the house but we will give you any $ x.5o art- icle in the store for $i.15; any $1.25 article for 9oc.; any $1 article for 79c.; any 75c. article for 59c.; any 50c. article for 39c.; any 25c. article for 19c. convince YOU that we mean Business at this July Sale. Come Early and Come Often! ! W. A. Campbell, The Clothier 011011/111•11011IINO ":0a. • ,,, .:"$.11.3::::,..;:":::::,-,•,.."..:'':::::::CefeCt"..1.."-:::V 41*. .i.t 1.1 It 1.0, it .fffi JULY TEN . (.0 (.0 40 '1A (0 •M 1.0 DAYS SALE f.0 'IA 10 1.0 10 Watch our WindOw for Ladies' Spring Suits and (.0 4.0(0 Coats. • . fe ofk We are offering for ten days only all our Ladies fp Spring Suits in Navy, Brown, Tan, regular $18.00 .1.0 4.0 $16.50, $15.00 for $9.98 1.0 1.0 Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, and 16 and 18 years 1.0 Call in before your size is sold out 1.0 M.. Ladies' Coats -Your pick of any Spring :Coat f- 10 the newest styles and all sizes -Sale Price $9.98 IP 1.0 1.0 I! .......... .f.0 ' 91 IA 1.0 •(.0 'N;-... 4-1. (0 * f1.t0 vxen's Straw Hats (.0 this season's Sailor Hats in Senate Straws 1.0 ,(0 All la 'I•" and plain Weaves 10 /.0 See our window -Reg, $2.00, $2.50, Sale price ; fe • to 98c. /0 i• - * All sizes 10 * (0 f." -.19;\:,•-. ,tlk (.0 iP (0 41 1.0 * 1.0 • 1,0 (0 i.P Ginghams if tot Forty Pieces of Gingham in Checks, Stripes, in M .*,, Blues Tans -Reg, 12 2 and 15c yd. Sale Price, 6 10 0.0 yds for 50c or single yd 49c, 1.0 1.0 1.0 , * ...., si.........--... 10 ti * 10 , -.A = HANNA & CO ''''-•••:Phone 70. BUTTERICK PATTERNS ALWAYS IN STOCK . ' Wingham ROBBING WOMEN marriage by the Rev. Mr. Mann. The bride wore a pretty gown of blue silk. Mrs. Garton will rembin with her par - OFTHEIR HEALTH ebnutssinuenstsiltlYricr.toGathrteon te.::inxe:rwombicittl " the young couple will reside in White- church, We wish them many happy years of wedded life. Mr. Will Sharpe and daughter, Nellie of Brantford and the Misses Mary and Sarah Sharpe, of Teeswater, sisters, were visitors at their aunt's, Mrs. IL D. Henderson, last week. Mr. Roy Patton is out sporting a dandy new bicycle, one of Cleveland's best up-to-date makes. Roy is agent for the Cleveland here. Mrs. A. McLean, of Flesherton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Ure Stewart at the manse and will stay a few weeks. Mr. Mikis MelVtillan returned home from the West where he had been for the past three weeks visiting his sons, one at Calgary, Alta, and one in Sask- atchewan. He went as far as Edmon- ton. Mr. McMillan reports the crops not looking so well as they are in On- tario, Mr. Andy Leggett finished the new shed of the Presbyterian Church last Saturday and removed his outfit to Mr. P. Gibbons' in East Wawanosh where he has a contract for a fine big barn, 60x84, There are a great many new buildings being put up around this section this eeason. Mr. Geo. Waddel, of the 6th con. Culross, had a fine barn raised last Friday. The building is 60x80 with concrete foundation. Mr. Ned Erb had the contract for the frame work mid Mr. Robt Mowbray had the contract for the concrete work. A large gather- ing of the neighbors of both sexes took a helping hand. The sterner sex for the he ivy work while the gentle sex done splendid service in preparing the goad things for the occasion. After the strife a jolly good night was spent tripping the light fan-tas-tic till the wee sma hours. The following out of a class of five passed the Entrance Exams: Gertie Middleton, Frank Rose, Mary A. Ken- nedy, ad Nellie Clubb, Lowndes, Teacher. Upwards of one hundred and thirty took in the excursion to Goderich, Mon- day to celebrate the memory Of the 12th of July. Yes, they had a good time and all came home full of smiles. Missie Mildeed and Master Willie Tre- leaven, of Lucknow, spent a pleasant few days visit to their aunt, Mrs, Cuy- ler, and returned home Monday, Anaemia. Unless Checked Passes into Hopeless Decline. Am:emu: is like a spectre that steals on you unawares and drives all happie ness out of existence. It is i thief th:Itt robs you of your life and enerk. Thousands of women in this countr are the victims of anaemia (that is, ood- lessness), which spares neither rih nor poor, young or old. It robs Wo.'an of her health, her vitality, her b ty- of everything that gives a w °an her charm. The chief sympto of this trouble include a distaste fo oad, pros- trating headaches', extre s langour, loss of weight, nervousnes pale cheeks lips and gums, heart pair)" ations, dizzi- nese and a constant feeli of wretched- ness. The only way to effe a cure is to increase the bl d su ly-to make it pure, rich and r d. r. Williams' Pink Filis have save1 ousands of young girls and wome om the early fate that threatened ern through anaemia's ravages, for these pills enrich the blood, stimulate the circulation, nourishthe nerves, and restore the energy and per- fect health that make women attractive. If you are a victim of bloodlessness in any way, do not let it ran into a hope- less decline, but begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to -day. The fol- lowing bit of evidence proves the worth of this medicine. Mrs. Maurice Sims, Liverpool, N. S., says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a blessing to me. About two years ago 1 was so badly run down that 1 had to give up all work and go to bed. My husband and parents were much worried about me as they thought I was going into consumption. The doctor who was attending me changed his medicine several times, but it did me no good and I began to feel very much discouraged myself. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided to do so. In a few weeks I felt much better and I continued taking the pills for a couple of months until I was again hi perfect health. I believe that if I had not taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis I would not have survived, and I shall always be very grateful for what they have done for me." You can get these pillsfrom any deal- er in medicine or by mail at ;it) cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. WHATVAIRVIttki A quiet but very happy event took place on Wednesday, July 8th, at the Meese, Brussels, when Mr. Edward Garton, of Whitechurch, and Miss Ruda daughter, of Mr, andMrs. William Rut- ledge, 4th line of Morris, were Omits(' in VLINTOS, ILast Friday evening P. M. Andrews held court behind closed doors as a rairme was being tried for stealing a watch from the auto owned by Mr. Boles, of Stratford, who was up here on a visit. Mr. Boles had been to the garaen party at Hohneiville and re- turning had run his aeto into the Nor- mandie hotel barn. The next morning he missed his watch and notified the hotel proprietor who in turn reported it to the Police, Sergt. Welsh got out a search warrant and meeting a young fellow on the street talked over mat- ters with him. Afterseeinghow things were going he confessed to the officer and appeared in court that night and was fined $L00 and costs. While on the war.path the authorities discovered that several other things have been taken from autos and it is expected that a clean up will be made of those who can't keep their fingers off other peoples goods. This might be taken as a warning for the young boys to attend strictly to their own affairs. Honesty is the best policy in the long run. giODER.(011 The hydro -electric power commission recently constructed a power line across the right-of-way of the Canadian Paci- 'fie railway near Meneset station, with- out obtaining formal permission from the company. The matter was brought to the notice of the Dominion Railway Com- mission, which held a sitting at the Toronto city hall on Friday last. Mr. Angus McMurchy, K.U„ who appeared on behalf of the railway, called atten- tion to the fact that it was not worthy af a public body like the hydro -electric commission to take the law into its own hands and string power lines on priv- ate property without obtaining the con- sent of the owners, This was the fourth occurrence of the kind. Acting Chairman D'Arcy Scott instructed Mr. Murphy, the electrical engineer of the railroad board, to report as to the methods and safety of the point where the line encroaches upon the property of the railway. B ELGilas.vi At the recent exam. held in Wingham in connection with the Toronto Conser- vatory of Music, Miss Lily McLean suc- cessfully passed the Intermediate piano. Toronto, Tilly 13th -Trade was a little slow to.day, but prices held steady to firm for the best butcher cattle, but common to medium butcher steers and heifers and grass cows were inclined easier. There were a few extra choice quality steers offering. One bunch of six very fine, well finished, heavy steers, 1,450 pounds, brought in by Mr. Watson from Blythe, were bought for export to New York at $8.90, the high- est price paid for some time past. A number of good loads sold at 8.50 to $9.60. On the other hand, fair to med- ium butcher sold at $7.75 to $7.85. Common cows were draggy and easier. Stockers quiet, not many offering. Milch cows, steady. Calves, steady. Lambs, firmer. Hogs, firm and higher. Union Stock Yards -129 cars, with 2,358 cattle, 302 calves, 791 hogs, and 836 sheep and lambs. Export ......... ........$ 8 00 Butcher cattle choice ... 8 25 do medium.. ...... .. 7 85 Butcher cows choice .. . 0 25 do medium.... ..... 6 00 do common . 4 50 do bulls 7 00 Feeders 7 25 Stockers ...... 6 75 do medium . 6 25 do light.... 0 25 Canners and cutters .. 2 50 Milkers, choice 55 00 Springere . 60 00 Common and medium.. 35 00 Lambs ..... 9 00 Light ewes .. 4 50 o bucks..3 50 Hogs fed and watered 8 50 do f.o.b. Calves -------------0 00 $ 8 05 8 65 8 00 7 00 6 10 5 50 7 25 7 40 7 25 6 50 6 50 4 00 75 00 '75 00 40 00 9 50 6 23 4 00 '8 60 8 15 1.0 75 WINGLIAM MARKET ICE PORTA. Wingharn, July 8, 1913 Flour per NO lbs.... ...2 70 to 3 10 Fall wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats ..... .0 40 to 0 40 Barley .0 52 to 0 52 Peas 0 90 to 0 90 Butter dairy ..... ... 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz ...... 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 25 to 3 00 Hay per ton 17 70 to 17 70 Hogs .. ....... 10 to 9 10 SCRANTON COAL ( Not Imitation) The original of the following letter may be seen on request: - Buffalo, N.Y., Fehy 0, 1014 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, Wingham, Ont, Dear Sir: Yours of the 190 asking for price:: on Sceanton Coal received and noted, We mine this coal ourselves. juit outside the city of Scranton We thank you for enquiry and will be pleased to receive your orders. Yours very truly, '. M. 8 - Northern Sales Mgr. R. J. Canteion MICE WITH Dominion Eepress Co.'s Office IT PAYS TO SHOP AT ISARD'S You'll appreciate the economy ot shopping at this store if you woi4ax take advanttge of the many oppor- tunities to save. JULY CUT PRICES Some Timely Saving !-lints Parasols: 20 pee cent. discount of fancy silk summer pa^aso'e. Children's Dresses: Print and Gingham Dresses an sale at House Dresses: Women's Hoose Deesses, nicely rna , leoed pat- terns; $1.25 sale price $1.01 Waists: New styles, fancy white waists. Long or 'short sleeve; reg. $1.25 to $L50 sale price 98e. Laces: Linen Torchon Lace; reg. 8 to lee per yard for sale :ie. Hose: Women's Seamless Wearwell Hose, fast black 9 pair for 25e. Corsets: Three dozen Corsets to order. New Style, medium length, to sell out quickly. Price at only 69e. Skirts: Special value in white Repp Skirts, Women's sizes; sale price $1.50 Belts: The new Vest Belt. Patent Leather Leather in the new color ; correct in style only 25c. ,eeeen Suits: Women's new tailored suits made of best wearingm•it=, on sale at 20 per cent. disconnt off all regular prices. See them. Crepe: Clearing of all lines of dress goods, white or colutael for 15e Corset Covers: Special to clear 25c. Gowns: Women's Night Gowns, fell size, fine quality Cambric, sale price 50c, Children's White Lawn Dresses, good styie regular value 711.25, July price s]..no Bargains in Silks: 30 ineh Black or colored Pailette Silk, sale price $1.00. Mill Ends: Two cases of mill ends, filannelettes, lengths from 2 to 10 yards white or striped on sale at a saving of 2 cents per yard, Men's Wear Store Cut prices on all lines of Straw Hats,' Boys' and Men's Sum; mar Clothing, Underwear, Etc, Boots and Shoes Women's Strong wearing house shoes, sale price 73e.; Women's Velvet Ptemps on sale $1.39; Children's Sandals "'Tan" 73c.; Women's Dongola Oxfords on sale $1.50; Children's Patent Leather Slippers 75c and $1.00; Men's Tan Harvest Boots special $1.75; Boys' Strong wearing Bots, sale price $1 50 1. F,. Isard 82 Co. BARGAIN STORES, WINGFI AM iii NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Between Montreal -Toronto -Detroit -Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 8.45 a.m.; Toronto 0. to p.m , arriving Detroit 1253 a in.Chli.ago 7.45 a.m. daily Equal service returning Toronto -Winnipeg -Vancouver Toronto -Vancouver Express No '3 leaves Toronto 5,55 p.m. tidily Vancouver Toronto Express 00. 4 areves Torentr 11.45 a diily. Manitoba Express No. 7 leaves Tor- onto daily except Sunday 10.50 ;13 m v• ing Winnipeg 2nd day Ontario Express No 8 leaves Winnipeg 023 p.m. and arrives Toronto 5.15 p.m, daily except Tuesday. . Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets front W. A. Sauderson, tewn agent phohe 47; El.,Beeiner, station agent Phone ; or write G. Murphy, D.P.A. C P. Ity„ Toronto. Read the Advertisernen is 44`.. U,Ntsx' mow; DOUBLE TRACK ALL ('HE WAY TORONTO- CHICAGO TORONTO- MONTREA L Importa.nt improved Dedly Service Now in Effect ,kvEsiBouNo EASTBOUND. Lv Montreal 11.00 pm Lv Ch cag 5 p m Lv Toronto 8 00 a m 1.v Detroit 1 1.05 p nt Ar London 11 06 e m 1.vLoud n 5 45 p m Ar Oct oft 445 p m , Ls% Toren to 0 01) a m Ar Chico go 8.40 p.m ' Ar Montreal 5.45 p m Highest class of equipment FUN particulars and reservation,: from IL 13. EWA() tT, Town Pas ienger anit Ticket Agent, Ph. no 4, W. P. rifittOMAN, it- tiOT! eltone 50 Imitation is the Sincerest Flattery! We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering this coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. Everything in the fuel line for summer or winter burning J. A. McLEAN Dealer in LUMBER. COAL, WOOD 11 1 ssomostisoats040400~seseiel00041114~WasCS SPECIAL LINES IN 0 SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE ARE SPECIALIAZING 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES GREEN BEANS PINEAPPLES TOMATOES Henry T. Thomson "The House of 4.ttality" Orree Delivery Phone a rast Serviee. NOMPOIll**4140114**0011.0siontailfrAttspoitot 11