HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-07-17, Page 11youth j moments.e:a Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 All other moments call! 1-888-786-7821 Fnx: 1-e66. 75!-0227 t)Inluatles In Mein,',..,” I l,.,nl.•. 'tittl)•. t-,•Ir1,,.,11„ne. M.,,,• Coming Events Coming Events LAMBTON HERITAGE MUSEUM MAUD: a portrait of L. M. Montgomery July 13/14 and July 20/21 Saturdays 1 pm & 3 pm - Sundays 2 pm A theatre presentation by Lambton Shores Theatre Works. 8 km south of Grand Bend on Hwy 21. Regular museum admission ap- plies. 519-243-2600 or www.lclmg.org SIMPLI TRUNK SHOW AND GARDEN PARTY At Buttons and Bows 01../4 Saturday, July 20, 1 - 5 pm 33 Main St. S. Forest, On. Come and see the new styles and colours, Thank You Notes Thank You Notes CASSIE LODGE *118 wishes to thank all those who attended their Masonic Lodge Annual Pickerel Fish Fry at the Legacy Centre, June 29th In Thedford. "Your Support was overwhelming!" We will be adding more fryers and ticket takers next year to reduce waft times. Spe- cial thanks to those who donated supplies. Thank -you everyone. Obituaries Obituaries On Sale 36" x 24" Tablet with Granite Base Overall Dimensions 42" x 32" $1,999 Price Includes lettering and deIhcr) anywhere In south western Ontario. Better prking for you to consider. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 118 Main Sl.. Dashwood 519-237-3532 IDEAL MONUMENTS 390 Springbank Drive, London 519-471-7030 Iv►vw.n►or►rrnlontmakcr t ,I Proudly Callatll,)n Since r.1(141 In Memoriams In Memoriams GINGERICH In Memory of Cliff Gingerich who passed away 6 years ago, July 21, 2007. A wonder- ful husband, father and Grandfather. We miss you In so many ways We miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do recall, It's then wo miss you most of all. Loving remembered by your family, Delores, Val, Cory, Sarah, Nolan, Blythe, Chris, Krista, Sophie and Jax Wednesday, July 17, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 11 NetworkC LA$SI FI EO Mental Health Helpline 1 In 5 Canadians will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime Mental Health Helplino 1.888.531.2600 Also find us at: Mental Health Helpline on Facebook or @Connex0ntano on Twitter LOOKING FOR NEW BUSINESS and added revenue? Promote your com- pany in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here in those Network Classified Ads or in business card-sizod ads in hundreds of well - road newspapers. Let us show you how. Ask about our referral program. Ontario Community Newspapers Association. Contact Carol at 905- 639-5718 or Toll•Freo 1-800.387.7982 ext. 229, www.networkclassified.org 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL • We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your circumstances aro. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. 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