HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-07-17, Page 5Wednesday, July 17, 2013 •' Lakeshore Advances Community Ontarlo's model of flood plain management reduces Impacts of flood events 30 Program provides economic and social benefits through protection of life and property Alec Scott Special to the Lakeshore Advance sib''eople in some Ontario and `ria communities have wit- nessed extretne flooding in the past weeks and these disasters are a powerful reminder of the need to prepare for flood events. It was a natural disaster in 1954 that prompted municipalities and the Province of Ontario to start a program with several facets Includ- ing flood forecasting, flood warning, communication and edu- cation, flood control works, and preventive environmental land - use planning. When Hurricane Hazel hit the Humber River Water- shed that year, the natural disaster killed eighty-one people and caused more than $180 million in damages. That flood event showed why the province needed a for- ward-looking flood plain manage- ment program of flood forecasting, mapping, warning, and regulation to keep new development away from areas prone to natural haz- ards such as flooding. Flooding is the number one cause for a public emergency in Ontario. It's not possible to prevent all impacts of flooding but good planning can help protect prop• erty and lives in the case of a storm event. Effective flood plain Man- agement is one of the \vays Ansa- ble Bayfield Conservation helps to reduce risk to life and property. 'This program of planning and reg- ulations helps to reduce potential disruption to people, and to pro- tect the environment front natu- rally occurring flooding and ero- sion. The work of this local organization includes mainte- nance of existing flood and erosion control infrastructure, monitoring of watershed conditions for flood forecasting purposes, providing emergency planning advice, warn- ing watershed municipalities of impending flooding conditions, and providing technical advice In relation to lakeshore erosion and rural land. The conservation authority has resources such as mapping of flood limits, data from a watershed mon- itoring network and volunteer rail gauge network, and computer soft- ware to prepare water level and flow forecasts which can be used to warn watershed municipalities of potential floods. In cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natu- ral Resources and Environment Canada, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority operates a network of water level and climate stations throughout the watershed to respond to precipitation and snow melt events and forecast stream flows and water levels which may affect watershed residents. Flood plain management, illtllllling, a1111 regulation aren't the wiltt'r('1►tlltit'S, shorelines, wetlatals only tools to help limit the impact a111(1 Ilattlull hazard arras. of 110011,. Farmers anti other rural i1 Is estimated that Ontario's landowners are showing leader- flood management program ship through voluntary steward- reduces the financial impact of ship projects which help Iltttke the floods on property by at least $ 100 watershed more resilient t0 better 11111100 per year. deal with weather extremes. Fed- eral, provincial, and county levels of government help to stake these projects possible through grant programs to assist la:ndhwmers, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (AB(;A) works t0 prevent the loss of life and property due t0 flooding and erosion and t0 con serve a 11(1 enhu11('1' oat ur0l resources. Protection from flood • ing is accomplished in two Hato ways: Existing Development Programs are In place to protect development that already exists In areas subject to flooding and era slon.'1hls Includes maintenance of historic remedial flood 011(1 ero- 51011 c0111r01 projects 1.11111 m1►Illtl►1'. ing of watershed conditions. Conservation authorities have historically undertaken remedial flood anti erosion control projects to deal with the Impact of riverine flooding, and riverine or valley Regulation Of erosion, on existing development. New Development Conservation authorities, In part - Provincial policy 111(1 regula- nership with watershed nlunict atolls direct new development p1%11ties and the Province of away from flood -prone areas and Ontario, inspect flood and erosion effective stormwater management control structures t0 ensure these is aimed at ensuring that new structures can continue t0 do their development doesn't create extra job of protecting existing develop - potential for flooding. 'Ihe Ausable ment from the hazards of flooding Hayfield Conservation Authority and erosion. works closely with municipalities When we issue a flood forecast - and consulting engineers 00 local ing message, It helps municipall- stormwater management projects. ties to prepare for, track, and man - There Is no single solution to pre- age local flooding. This advance vent flooding and Its Impacts, how- warning helps give municipalities ever, Ontario Regulation 97/04: the chance to put emergency plans Regulation of Development, Into operation, evacuate commu- Interference with Wetlands and tittles if necessary, and secure Alterations to Shorelines and property In areas that are more Watercourses is an important tool likely to flood. Emergency Man - in managing new development so agement Ontario (EMO) develops it does not adverselyaffect, or is and implements emergency not adversely afected, by management programs such as mitigation and prevention, prepar- edness, response unci recovery and helps provincial and community officials develop emergency man- agement programs and respond to emergencies. Conservation authorities are not part of the direct emergency response effort but our personnel can provide information a11(1 expertise In a supportive role. The recent flooding events underline why a robust flood plain management program is needed In Ontario and continued invest- ment is required to keep that pro- gram effective. Moving forward, dams will need preventive mainte- nance and repair, and flood mapping will need t0 be updated to use current effective digital information and tools. Improved infrastructure, mapping, and infor- mation technology will benefit municipalities as they update their emergency response plans to he ready for the next flood event. Responsible planning has helped to protect local properties and local people. This bus benefit- ted the local economy and human health, The past weeks have reminded us all of nature's power. it has also reinforced why this province started its flood plain management program almost six decades ago. We should continue to show the leadership that has been demonstrated since the flood of 1954 and continue to invest in this Important program for the benefit of Ontarlans for decodes to come. Grand Bend & Area Horticultural Society learn tips to brow their edible landscapes Grand Bend Hort Society "The Best Vegetable Garden ....Ever", was the topic of the Horti- cultural Society's June meeting by guest speaker Ron Rossini. Many members and guests came to hear this well known speaker. He is a Master Gardener with the London/ Middlesex Master Gardeners. He has appeared frequently in local media as their gardening expert and has offered up gardening advice to the public. As a member of the Garden Writers Association, he has written numerous gardening articles in local and Canadlan Journals. Ron is one of Ontario's more popular speakers for gardening interest groups in South- western Ontario, and has also spoken at Canada Blooms and the Landscape Ontario Congress. 1 le Is very involved with local groups, pro- viding gardening advice to organiza- tions like the Salvation Army and the Daily Bread Program. Ron and his wife's garden, which contains among other plants, 71 varieties of tomatoes and 85 varieties of Daylilies, was recently featured in the May issue of Garden Central Magazine. Ills big- gest passion is vegetable and fruit gardening. His preference for tomato growing has garnered him the nickname, "The Tomato Man". Ron is a realtor, but it was very evi- dent that his first love is gardening. Ron gives talks all year long to Gar- den Clubs and Horticultural Socie- ties and we were so very fortunate to have him here in Grand Bend to share his presentation that offered tips and techniques to provide the ii The Best Vegetable Garden.. ,Everi hest conditions for our hack yard vegetable gardens. Ills topics included the tnost popular produce for home gardening, the value of mulching and raised beds, how to deal with pest and diseases, intro- duced row covers and addressed how hest to deal with fall In the garden. Next the members 011(1 guests had the opportunity to visit and share their own gardening ventures during the refreshment break, with a small business meeting to follow. Judy Mci)onald, President, shared ()written note to us from Godertch, thanking us for our donation towards tree replacement after the 2011 storm, An update on Commu- nities In 11100)11 Was given by Lintas Kuntz. Committee Reports highlighted that the Bus 'Trip on Idly 4 th was sold out; we had a very successful Planting I1ay and have more than filled our Volun- teer positions for summer gardens' maintenance. Congratulations were extended to the Membership Committee for exceeding their goals. They proudly announced 210 General Members and 80 (;on1- mercial Memberships. An upcoming event is the Annual Summer Picnic on Monday, July 29th, to be held at the i)ashwoo(i Pavilion, where Impatiens Awards of Member's gardens and Volun- teer Recognition will take place. All -Inclusive Dinner Tickets are $15,00 for members and $20,00 for non-members. Everyone is wel- come to join 08 for this enjoyable evening. Anne Wilson, Program Committee (;rand )tend & Area horticultural Society