HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-16, Page 2— • • •,seeene .) -anse.,,,amrsse -11 r 1E WINGTIAM TIRES, JULY 16, 1914 Died Trunk Hallway Systemfeel fee rei. The etiorgy in this lest battle reere- sented COE 3 tferce T1 vary ••!tk tr•lto t: erietv. efiZO Town rig ichet office repeneent that spirit of. indept ntiereee wbieh earee little for the. vole white:1 uses, are caree only for the en. 1 to It* achi. Suit a spirie better ft. r the ntry than few ante partietiler party.Rev. Dr Carmen i -e repreeont- otiee of thisespirit. Sir Junket Whit- nt..y represeats the pare:tan. nun.. and simple, who ean ere and desire n tatine °Weide of his own party. In his wen worde at Massey Hall leet reonte. le. is "ea unreconstructed and !en- nite Tory." We can isetze thretegb. tI:lets via popular mates, to any peiat in Anne -ilea -East. Weer. eteurle: Noethween Maze. tobre, Paeitte Coast, etc. Ragga.ge• cheeked through 0 destina- tion and full infoetnatien given whereby ' travelling will be ratfee pleaeaat and free from anteneattee. lan.'..kt and return tied:en-, VIv rat alsty on , S3& at Ineeet elves, and with a.1F prevailing se Skagit:. retel enteeee tieltets to any point in Ontario. Yee: been -Kees will be ap- preela.te 1. le t neet. trip a short or a long one. We eer. tizeat eten tl:reentei to eery point ie eee. cell :steamship anci. Pieenel erdette alse lesned. 1 t s anent teavel, tete have th0 infornete.tien rn 71neee it to you eheeefuely. TT B IOTT Towa Agcnt G.T. R. tirnee eVienhatre Oat. TO ADVERTISERS -- Notice of charfies meet be left at this otlice net Criter than satarda v neon. The copy for changes must he left net later taaa Meeelay evening. Casnal aelvertisernents ae.cepted up to neen Wadeesday of each week. lerr: RACE POISONING. To the Editor:— The leper question has been looked • upon mostly as a moral question until . of recent yeaite the great reilroads and! , other employers of labor began to re- fuse to employ men who drank. 1 Of late yeany, however. the great seeentists have thrown a light upon it that hue stirred the world into great activity and that should cause every lover of his country to shudder at what is ahead a us if we don't wake up. 1. It lagan in this way: The great nations began to observe that the re- cruits to the armies were getting small- er and that an increasing number had to he rejected accaunt of some Wily infimite-. Royal Commiseiens were appointei to look in the cause or causes. These Commissions all reported the same thing, that the principal cause of , this degeneracy was the drinking habits TIMES of the people. The Germen report elid- e sl'E'31•7‘FIE:Et AND PE=GMETOn ei seeing that he the beer -drinking it.leite of the people were not reformed a few generations there will not be Gerereins caiyable of defending the . Fatherland". Recently the Commission appointed by President Roossvelt. in the LW ted Stats said that if this drink queetion was not settled inside of ten yee3es more verile race would Whetiter une Si7 James Whitney has renos;,,ared. n. tooit4 tnore een to no write the epiteph of this republic. The doubt that hett. has fai:e- ren:ai;ed tzs Geeman Emperor has recently said that fHte• DAY- eTZ.7fei Tee. tete WHITNEY A1ND CaelliaLeN. — .Lenclen Advertiser. t speech. And ea..? great battles of the future will be it fe• the same ssrt: speech tat has chameterized Lim from ''s°t/er natiQns" This is a phase of the question that is the beginning of Lie eareor. Retie in efet fully known -that alcohol is attack and in defers:a. re:Le:fee:es nee -lee :736 degeneracy of the people who has been his favetete weeeenne. Aner eaus.:r41. neither bodily nst, a rna.:oal; une tt freely to such an extent as to victory has made hien any Itentei natter- !i threat= their extinction. It is now ed so far, at least, as hie pahlic utter - pretty generally conceded that it was ances are concerned. Tne clergy who took part in the campaign toabolish the bar are now the targets forhis billings- gate. He calls them demagogues; says their conduct was a cold-blooded, dis- honest attempt to help the Liberals. The clergy who helped to defeat the Ross Government in 1905 were good patriots and worthy Claristians. They did all right. But these pestilent fellows who talked and voted against Sir James in 1914, why they actually made him "shudder" over their wickedness. To this whole denunciation of these "clerical demagogues" Dr. Carman, of the Methodist Church responds with far A REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND OHM more courtesy than Sir James bas shown, and with far more vigor. The preacher can hit as hard as the politician, but he hits like a. gentleman. SirJames might learn from the clergyman's reply -if he is not too old to learn -that bluster does not necessarily mean strength. He had much better have left the clergy alone. When he crosses words with Dr. Car- tnan his friends feel sorry for ham. Rich Indian teas I Mended with flavory Ceylons. Tea CO2 "is good tea" WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO two head, 2,520 pounds; John Willits, Turnberry, 4, bend, 4,530; M. Cassels; East Wawanosh, a head, 4.070; J. Lon- ttit, Turnberry, 11 herd, I:1,040; Jas. Stewart. 'Morrie. 7 heed, 8,883; John Geddes, Morris, 2 heed, 2,523: W. Mc- Cracken. Merril, 4 head, e,e2a; ROA. Black, Turnberry, 8 heed, 10,2a); R. Currie, East Wawanash, .2 bead, 2,300; E. McQuillan, Culross, 8 head, 10,08/:L Prom the Tams of July e, 15e4 LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Win. Case -more shipped a car , Lad o° cattle to Tore e oa Monday. per G T. R. 1,17!neeh3tn has one or the oldest Odd. 0, f Bows in Ontario in the pereon of Mr. • FS. B.-Wehh. Mr. Webb is 71 pars of ! age, and 53 eare ago he was made an Odilfellow in New 'York State. The , chi gentleman is hale and hearty anti is' ery proud of his connection with the Order. whiskey rather than the Japanese that defeated the Russians. This view of the matter has naturally created great alarm in the old countries and most of the Governments are tak- ing measures to spread the truth by means of handbills, posters, lectures and other ways. That A something that has been neg- lected by the authorities in this country. Give the people the truth and trust them to protect themselves and their child ren. (Sgd./ H. Arnott, M.B., M.C.P.S. The doctor's rejoinder to the premier's diatribes emphas,zes a fact a whieh both Liberal and Conservative may well take note. In this campaign the preachers were not trying to beat Whit- ney or: to pus Rowell in hie place. They were not in the fiezht as political part- isans, and when Sir dames says they were he says what he must know is in- eoneietent with the facts. Just as clergymen wit° were always Liberals worlted against the Roes administration so now these who have always been Ceeservativee voted against Whittee1". retit in Ie05 eine in 1914 they were &ening for what they believed was in tee highest and best interests of the r entry. entree -men fighting to le cheese a tereng, tit overceme a et eat ee in is ettegetie r diCerent fear: a eleretynnen : • inct t,, 11011.fr ti.4".Pie:11 /sIY-..y. the i*,1*:,•e ease. it be is sineeri., he is t tyWPT; In the letter i fet Mas.WzWatzyw's Socrrstrsra SYstre has been used for over serry vgans by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN 'WHILE TEETHING, with esarEcT anceuss. SOOTHES the CII/LD, SOSTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC.' and is the best remedy kr DIARREICRA. It is &b., soIutely harmless. Pe sure and as for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and tate tart other !sled. Twenty-ay:cents a bottle. During the sle.ck times in English mines many miners have been eataine a living by eseesieng tin out of the sande cf the Cornwall coast where the sea shatters the metal bearing rocks. After several years of expeenrie.nte. French inventors claim they have per- fected an artificial 'wood with the strength ofsoals, made of straw. E. F. Peabody is moving a fieteere year-old orange grove in Santa Barbara. to a rew location, five triiiee dis- tant. The moving picture craes has se almost over the entire world. The Chinese are eager for there. Paralyzed L'Inbs. To -lay it is sleepleseness, head eehee, digestive treuhle, and irritabality. Non: thief,: t -..a linnev some form of paralysis eas tleweoetel. :er. Alex Honshurger, 10 liteoee street, St. Catharines, Oen. writes: "new: ustrouble. developed nt peralyels of *he ihnlys so that 1 tie- eArno helrenes. Doctors failed me, bat after using ten boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Feel 1 resumed work, and now feel better that I did for 20 years." A woman wearing an anxious expres- s en ceded at an insurance office one morning. "I understand." she said, "that for live dollars! can insure my house for a thousand dollars in your company." "Yes," replied the agent, "that is right. If your house burns down we pay you one thousand dollars." "And," continued the woman anxiously, "do you make any inquiries as to the origin of the lire" "Certainly," WaS the prompt reply; "we make the most searching inquiries, madam." "Oh!" --and she turned to leave the office -"I thought there was a catch in it some- where." For land expropriated by the C. N. R. in Toronto, $3,000 waa offered tho own. et, Robt. Davies, of the Don VaL.ev thick Works. The Privy Council bris just awatded him judgement for $832,- I OW, instead of the $3,009, which he had I refused, Mr. Peter Deans has not been enjoy- ing good health for sometime back, and spE.nt, we: week at Goierich. taking in the lake itreezoe. The Veterinary Surgeons of Welling, tnn county cert.:led an assecintion last week, and we notice that Mr. J. J. Elliott, V. S., ofeCliflewd, formerly of this totem has been appointed treasur- er of the association. The foot bridge over the Maitland at the Salt Block was completed on Wed- nesday. It is only five fe.et wide hat is substantially built. Mr. Geo. Mason was at London this week attending the funeral of his father, who died in that eity on Sunday evening last. Mr. John Ritchie and Misses Mary Ritchie and Dollie Elliott spent Sunday last with friends in Listowel. Mr. J. D. Sills has retUrned from a trip to Montreal and the Maritime Provinces, The trip was made for health and business combined. Messrs. J. H. Stephenson and John Gilleenie, of town, have each a pair of cranes which they captured -in Turn - berry a couple we eke ago. They are becoming quite tame. Great preparations have been going on all week for the great 121h of Ju'y celebration in town. Tents are being erected in every available piece, cad the hotelkeepers are laybee in great supplies of provisions, and if the vieet- ors to Wingham are not properly pro- vided for, it will not be the fault of the townspeople. On Friday last, Mr. D. Stewert, ef town, shipped four car loads nf prrne export cattle, per G,T.1.1. to mo:-Itreat. The eattisowEre coniipMei to Mr. John Scott. of Gale. and their weights eetre as follows: Charles Procto'-, Morrie, BORN, Barton -Dr Lower Wingh sm. on the 8th int., the wife of Sar, R..1, Bart - ton; a son. DIED. Cerrie-In. Merris, on July 2nd, John ; Currie, in his 43rd year. 1 I Cloakey-In Morris, on July 1st, An- drew„son of Mr. James Cloakey, aged 7 years and 24 days. I Brown -In Morris, on July 5th, Wm, Bro en aged 75 years. Gray - In Morris, on the flth inst.,, Jae. Gra, y aged 41 years ani( months. CENTRAL ailef *TRATFORO• ONT. Become a specialist in business It °Rem more oppertunittes than ' any other calliug. To reap the full ' measure of success you must have the best possible training. Thi e is Ontario's best Business School. We give individual attentiom You may enter our classes any time. Three departments: Gominercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Write at once for free catalogue. KITCHEN KINKS. If silver is to be stored away forsorne time, pack it with dry fieur; it will re- main untarnished. When making coffee sprinkling a little salt on the coffee before pouring on boiling water, and the flavor will be wonderfully improved. To keep cheese for some time, and prevent it becoming mouldy or dry, wrap it up in a cloth damped with vine- gar and keep it in a dish., To prevent the skin from discolour- iag after a fall or blow, take a little dry starch, moisten it with cold water and lay it on the injured part. If 11( wers have come by post they freshen up wonderfully if the:r stems are placed in hot water for a little while before arranging them in vases. -^,• 0. A. *LACHLAN PRINCIPAL, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instnictors at the _rdizike Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter aoptime. J.W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal Chartered Accountant Viceneincipal in Germany the safa is invested with the -sanctity as of a throne. The visit- or must not sit on it unless eery:tee:a:By invited to d.) et by the heetese. To take. a seat unasked is ate entragentese presumpti en. Cocoanut growing iee te e It- tried tried in Panerve. iyAz:net:en:7, teen - h alists. The Empeeo7 cee eleneneea nWtee *Lee .rgest peal in the :It 7 ounces , •••• tt.3."P t'24 Concrete Hog Houses and Feeding Floors Enable you to raise bigger hogs mad better pork without heavier feeding. A concrete feeding floor permits the ani- mals to Clean up all the feed without waste, and eliminates the possibility of your hogs contracting disease. To you the/ Mean Bigger Profits . Hog houses of concrete aresanitary easily cleaned, maintain an even temperature and give plenty of light and air, which tend to better the quality of pork. Concrete will not rust or rot. Never teeth repaint or painting. It will outwear any other material kr farm unicorn. 'Write for this beheitifolly intimated free bbolc ‘'W•hat the rttrrner can do with Concrete." It s1ze*0 how to build Hog Route*, Penfmg Floors and many otker things the farmer weds, Farmer's Infornattlon OttreaU Coils& CeOtatit Company Liatitoi 820 Herald Mattes, Mentos' H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for AUan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. monlgamimmlomimk, 1,4•4414.44M4 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FiltE ..111 TAFT ?LATE GLASS 1CCIDENT ranCe WEATHER nee-leele 3ottplecl with S HEAL ESTA.TE and MONEY LOANING- Business. - Issuer a Marriagu Licenses. •ri *NM. acte ,a;;;*;44'w "".......e.0;'4.;;;;;; TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CDURCIS-Sabbath services at 11 i.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:;.4 p. in, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev., John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U. "meets Monday evenings 8 p. in. W. D. Pringle, 5, 5, Superintendent, METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- viees at 11 a, m, and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2;30 p. rn. Epworth League every IVIonday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Ciruitun-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. rn, General prayer meetingon Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Petrie, pastor. Dr, A. J. Irwin, 5, S. Superintendent. S. PA.U1,18 ONITECII, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a, re. and 7, p. m. Snnday School a2:30 p. ne. Mr. A. 0, Riley, Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent, SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Seririce at 11 a.m., 3 p,m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.rn. to 6:30 p. m, Open to box holders from 7 a. rn. to 9 p. in. P. Fisher, postmast- er. Pennac LIBRARY -Library and free reacting room in the Town Hall, will be open every. afternoon fe tin 2 to 50 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to r9a:3r0o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- ian. TOWN CouNcfr.,-Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibben, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell, Councillors; John F (Troves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL 130ARD-H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SoirooL aglEffs**TEAcmiss-Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. It Smith, B. A., Specialistin Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics: Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUI3LIC Smoot, TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss. Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEAtTH.—Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. Office over the Advance Office. WANTED. Good Local: 4..§ at ance to represent the Old and Reliable .1111I Noma friit artd trim: st.c.r.tk. f Fat, fr r3 arid D ser.‘,..ure We Fee: 7.7 terrieeeree. •e-:=11 =la - S, et0118 Eta& Toronto t Pat 4147 r A rnie!etter -nee easy vet :nen neeneer- s ten sentn .3r..eee. seeZentexiee el to to be stet:creel :te. LeverenteL and of ikeeteenbe atiked sevetal ee-,:estlene as to wlat regneient he was 13, art1 eo forth. 3.:Ltimate1y Pat theueeit it was his time to ask a fewrquestions. "Now," said he, "I'd like to know who you are?" "l'rta a soldier too." said the minister. ‘estni what regiment are you in, and 'where is it stationed?" The minister pointing towards the sky, said: "My regiment is in heaven." "Oh, man, replied Pat, "sure ye're a long way from the barraens." The washing of the towels and clust- ers used in the London public schools requiries an annual expenditure of $19, 001 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than ail other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a peat many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescrib- ed local remedies,and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced incurable. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con- stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops o a teaspoonful. It acts directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CIIBNEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold bv Druggist% 75c. Take flall's 1aniity Pills for cons tipa- Wien. it Quito, the only city m the world on the line of the Equator, the sun sets and rises at6 o'clock all the year round. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Waste water is purified by a process enseicying collodiai clap and milk of lime slut has been invented by a French chemist. rloxEpx, TUE WIN0110. xs puzLitigro.) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times °Mee Stone Sleek, WINOINArd, ONTARIO. 4.04 ••••••44414 Teltif6 or SuBSORSertort-41 00 Per tinnntst IR advance, 51.501! not so paid. No paper dbirion. tinired till all arrears are raid, excePt at the Option of this publisher. ADVR3114ING VE3 . DISPLAY ADVECITI8AC4NZI One rear $410 (8c eaoh friseqlon) Six ennatie 2 SO 110- " Shree 51onths Ont• 31onth 1.11i 113s " • 6 One Week AD " ‘, .211 Logal and other sltr0lIr aImenisDiants, li) 3 per line for first insertioa and 43 par line for each subiermeat insertion. NAlessured by a nonpariel ecole, twelve lines to an. ilia. Bushmss cards of six Sues and nailer, SIAM per year. Advertisements of Situatims VSOSaG, Situ a • Nuns Wanted, lionriei for Sale or to rant, Articles for Sale, ate., nab exieedin4 eight lines, 220 each ins'm gtiou; SI for first anta. 604 for enolt sunsaquent &oath, Larger a 1. vertisemonts in proportion. Business notices (news type) ea per counted line; as local oe news initter, 10.3 par Sae eseh Insertion. Tin Jon napArtramr 15 asaakaa with an extensive aseortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the oonntyfor turning ont Host class work.. Large type end appropriate cuts for Alt etyles of Post- era.Iland Bills, ettio and the latest stylee of °haws baby type tor the finer Owen of print- ing. H. B. 1ILLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher ORS, KENNEDY & CALDER CHVIORS-Corner Patrick and Centre Sta. Pfunrias: Offices 48 Residence, Dr, Kennedy 148 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy speeializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Ins. 05385 01 the Eye, Ear, No and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses ' properly fitted. DR. ROBT.C.MIDMOND, M. R.C.S. CIngl L. R. O. P, London, PITYSICIAN and SIDAGERON Office, with Dr. Chisholm DR. H.. J. ADAMS Late Netnber Kansa Staff Toronto General Hospital.* Post Oraduate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. T. lf, Agnew. crepe Macdonald Blook. W. R. Eambly, B.Sc., LD., 0.14. Wingliara, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Soientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr resident's., between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 64, I', D. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING OrderFi for the insertien of advertisements such as tmenere wanted, business chances, reethartics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact P.m"- kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or cuter city papers, may be let 1 at the nuns sten*. This workwill receive prompt attention and wilt save people the trouble of remitting for and forwordMg advertisensents. Lowest rates will he quoted on application. Leave ,tv sert your next vrork of this kind to the TIMMS Or VIC I& Wine h.anit Witigham General llospjiat (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished, Open to all regularly licensed pfiyetdiatla. RATEXIFORPA.TIENTS-WhiCh inciude board nod nursing), $4.90 to $16. per week according to location of rrxnn. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent 13ox223, Winghara Ont. RAILWAY T1111.4' TABLtS. GnA:rm Tatinz RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LIAV311 London .,.-.. 6.85 8.90p Toronto &Reef/1.00 a.m.. 6,45 - 2.89p'inff" $S:ncatdine...1I,60 2.30 pen- - 0,15 rian; ARAMS Frnom Itineardine - -6.80 um...11.00 ams 2.80 P.m. London.. - 11.54 S.DI 7.85 p.m Palmersten- .... 11.24 Toronto ft 2.80 2.15 p. ,n Agent, Winghionm. CANADIAN PAOIFIO RAILWAY . • ratans Wave Trois VorOrkto rindBsaL 6.40 a.ra . 8.02 p Tekswatar 1.00 p.m....10.22 1-1;;l7iFit 'Item Pan' .0.40 amt.... 8.05 pet, Toronto and Itatit- 50 P.m./..:10.22 p.m. 3. AgentsWingham OVER GB YEARS' EXPERIENot PA. TENTS DEIGN COOVF10114118 At:year/dandier a efrittoltertil desolation Ma7 enmity maintain onr (Minion lifilao WIteDISP ati IskitlearaVietn/o6trutieurS. DttranSt hultsonticsythfoheuenzeracost tttoonottve roincit ettorenbnpoillyttnetithteniiAteD oKiNorittnrknattineinett; Cstotke, without chartist in the tebiteutots°911;01,11,(e,riotitr.41,-kan,droa,-.041 SU 21 CUM. &CO 4631314664V4 New York es, IX If et. Washington, . DR. R. F. PARKER, D.B.O.A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested, Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.zn. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. „. J. A. FOX, b. C. GRADUATE CFIIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in such difficult cases as Leanne, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheuma- tim s, Headaches, Constipation, Chronic Stom- ach, Liver and 13owel Trouble,Feraele Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 part., 7 p.m. A3T/30.8 .1. triwzi, 1), a., 11 5. 33 Doter of Dental Stirrer? of the Pennsylvania lel College and Lieentiate of the Royal • . • • of Dental Surgeonof Ontario. Office i1 Cdoneild Blot*, Winghent, co closed every Wednesdayafternoon from Etee 181 to Oct. let, a 11. ROSS, D. D. 8., L. b. 3. donor gtedunte of the /loyal Volloge of Dental Suriteeons of Ontario and Honor gradrt- ate of the 137flt45y ot Toronto, FacitIty of Dentistry. Office over IL E. Isard ,h Co's., Stere, Wing. ham, Ont. Office (dosed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oat. 1st. It* BARRY...SUR, 801,1011,01t, ZITO Privatsana Company runes to limn at lotreet rate of Intermit. MOICII(Sitint, icD111 and fists's PrePertr bought and gold. Moe, 3:look, W1ggbat VANSTONB, je A. MORTON, Biataikiltlt, sm. 'gingham, ont, oupLev koLries Barrister,. Solicitor, Etc, Office: Meyer Block,Winghatn, FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other ertioleil they With to diepose of, ehould adver- tise the slime for tele irk the Titres. our large oiroulation tells and it Will Le tarot go indeed if yet do not gel a etieborcer. We ogn't mutant ee that yell WIII sitil because yeti IsAY ask more for the artiole or /took then it Is worth. Stott your adVertlitement to the TIMIS and try thte plan of disposing of yoksr 040 Ind Other artiOlek. Idle Money EVEN in small amounts should be put to work. It will earn from four to six per cent for you. Upon request we shell he pleased to suggest suit- able investments for yaw, :skr H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange BOO sell MARE BkOtERS C.P.R.BUILDING, TORONTO 4.14 Mas.WzWatzyw's Socrrstrsra SYstre has been used for over serry vgans by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN 'WHILE TEETHING, with esarEcT anceuss. SOOTHES the CII/LD, SOSTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC.' and is the best remedy kr DIARREICRA. It is &b., soIutely harmless. Pe sure and as for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and tate tart other !sled. Twenty-ay:cents a bottle. During the sle.ck times in English mines many miners have been eataine a living by eseesieng tin out of the sande cf the Cornwall coast where the sea shatters the metal bearing rocks. After several years of expeenrie.nte. French inventors claim they have per- fected an artificial 'wood with the strength ofsoals, made of straw. E. F. Peabody is moving a fieteere year-old orange grove in Santa Barbara. to a rew location, five triiiee dis- tant. The moving picture craes has se almost over the entire world. The Chinese are eager for there. Paralyzed L'Inbs. To -lay it is sleepleseness, head eehee, digestive treuhle, and irritabality. Non: thief,: t -..a linnev some form of paralysis eas tleweoetel. :er. Alex Honshurger, 10 liteoee street, St. Catharines, Oen. writes: "new: ustrouble. developed nt peralyels of *he ihnlys so that 1 tie- eArno helrenes. Doctors failed me, bat after using ten boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Feel 1 resumed work, and now feel better that I did for 20 years." A woman wearing an anxious expres- s en ceded at an insurance office one morning. "I understand." she said, "that for live dollars! can insure my house for a thousand dollars in your company." "Yes," replied the agent, "that is right. If your house burns down we pay you one thousand dollars." "And," continued the woman anxiously, "do you make any inquiries as to the origin of the lire" "Certainly," WaS the prompt reply; "we make the most searching inquiries, madam." "Oh!" --and she turned to leave the office -"I thought there was a catch in it some- where." For land expropriated by the C. N. R. in Toronto, $3,000 waa offered tho own. et, Robt. Davies, of the Don VaL.ev thick Works. The Privy Council bris just awatded him judgement for $832,- I OW, instead of the $3,009, which he had I refused, Mr. Peter Deans has not been enjoy- ing good health for sometime back, and spE.nt, we: week at Goierich. taking in the lake itreezoe. The Veterinary Surgeons of Welling, tnn county cert.:led an assecintion last week, and we notice that Mr. J. J. Elliott, V. S., ofeCliflewd, formerly of this totem has been appointed treasur- er of the association. The foot bridge over the Maitland at the Salt Block was completed on Wed- nesday. It is only five fe.et wide hat is substantially built. Mr. Geo. Mason was at London this week attending the funeral of his father, who died in that eity on Sunday evening last. Mr. John Ritchie and Misses Mary Ritchie and Dollie Elliott spent Sunday last with friends in Listowel. Mr. J. D. Sills has retUrned from a trip to Montreal and the Maritime Provinces, The trip was made for health and business combined. Messrs. J. H. Stephenson and John Gilleenie, of town, have each a pair of cranes which they captured -in Turn - berry a couple we eke ago. They are becoming quite tame. Great preparations have been going on all week for the great 121h of Ju'y celebration in town. Tents are being erected in every available piece, cad the hotelkeepers are laybee in great supplies of provisions, and if the vieet- ors to Wingham are not properly pro- vided for, it will not be the fault of the townspeople. On Friday last, Mr. D. Stewert, ef town, shipped four car loads nf prrne export cattle, per G,T.1.1. to mo:-Itreat. The eattisowEre coniipMei to Mr. John Scott. of Gale. and their weights eetre as follows: Charles Procto'-, Morrie, BORN, Barton -Dr Lower Wingh sm. on the 8th int., the wife of Sar, R..1, Bart - ton; a son. DIED. Cerrie-In. Merris, on July 2nd, John ; Currie, in his 43rd year. 1 I Cloakey-In Morris, on July 1st, An- drew„son of Mr. James Cloakey, aged 7 years and 24 days. I Brown -In Morris, on July 5th, Wm, Bro en aged 75 years. Gray - In Morris, on the flth inst.,, Jae. Gra, y aged 41 years ani( months. CENTRAL ailef *TRATFORO• ONT. Become a specialist in business It °Rem more oppertunittes than ' any other calliug. To reap the full ' measure of success you must have the best possible training. Thi e is Ontario's best Business School. We give individual attentiom You may enter our classes any time. Three departments: Gominercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Write at once for free catalogue. KITCHEN KINKS. If silver is to be stored away forsorne time, pack it with dry fieur; it will re- main untarnished. When making coffee sprinkling a little salt on the coffee before pouring on boiling water, and the flavor will be wonderfully improved. To keep cheese for some time, and prevent it becoming mouldy or dry, wrap it up in a cloth damped with vine- gar and keep it in a dish., To prevent the skin from discolour- iag after a fall or blow, take a little dry starch, moisten it with cold water and lay it on the injured part. If 11( wers have come by post they freshen up wonderfully if the:r stems are placed in hot water for a little while before arranging them in vases. -^,• 0. A. *LACHLAN PRINCIPAL, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instnictors at the _rdizike Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter aoptime. J.W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal Chartered Accountant Viceneincipal in Germany the safa is invested with the -sanctity as of a throne. The visit- or must not sit on it unless eery:tee:a:By invited to d.) et by the heetese. To take. a seat unasked is ate entragentese presumpti en. Cocoanut growing iee te e It- tried tried in Panerve. iyAz:net:en:7, teen - h alists. The Empeeo7 cee eleneneea nWtee *Lee .rgest peal in the :It 7 ounces , •••• tt.3."P t'24 Concrete Hog Houses and Feeding Floors Enable you to raise bigger hogs mad better pork without heavier feeding. A concrete feeding floor permits the ani- mals to Clean up all the feed without waste, and eliminates the possibility of your hogs contracting disease. To you the/ Mean Bigger Profits . Hog houses of concrete aresanitary easily cleaned, maintain an even temperature and give plenty of light and air, which tend to better the quality of pork. Concrete will not rust or rot. Never teeth repaint or painting. It will outwear any other material kr farm unicorn. 'Write for this beheitifolly intimated free bbolc ‘'W•hat the rttrrner can do with Concrete." It s1ze*0 how to build Hog Route*, Penfmg Floors and many otker things the farmer weds, Farmer's Infornattlon OttreaU Coils& CeOtatit Company Liatitoi 820 Herald Mattes, Mentos' H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for AUan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. monlgamimmlomimk, 1,4•4414.44M4 C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FiltE ..111 TAFT ?LATE GLASS 1CCIDENT ranCe WEATHER nee-leele 3ottplecl with S HEAL ESTA.TE and MONEY LOANING- Business. - Issuer a Marriagu Licenses. •ri *NM. acte ,a;;;*;44'w "".......e.0;'4.;;;;;; TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CDURCIS-Sabbath services at 11 i.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:;.4 p. in, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev., John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U. "meets Monday evenings 8 p. in. W. D. Pringle, 5, 5, Superintendent, METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- viees at 11 a, m, and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2;30 p. rn. Epworth League every IVIonday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Ciruitun-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. rn, General prayer meetingon Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Petrie, pastor. Dr, A. J. Irwin, 5, S. Superintendent. S. PA.U1,18 ONITECII, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a, re. and 7, p. m. Snnday School a2:30 p. ne. Mr. A. 0, Riley, Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent, SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Seririce at 11 a.m., 3 p,m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.rn. to 6:30 p. m, Open to box holders from 7 a. rn. to 9 p. in. P. Fisher, postmast- er. Pennac LIBRARY -Library and free reacting room in the Town Hall, will be open every. afternoon fe tin 2 to 50 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to r9a:3r0o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- ian. TOWN CouNcfr.,-Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibben, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell, Councillors; John F (Troves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL 130ARD-H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SoirooL aglEffs**TEAcmiss-Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. It Smith, B. A., Specialistin Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics: Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUI3LIC Smoot, TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss. Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEAtTH.—Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. Office over the Advance Office. WANTED. Good Local: 4..§ at ance to represent the Old and Reliable .1111I Noma friit artd trim: st.c.r.tk. f Fat, fr r3 arid D ser.‘,..ure We Fee: 7.7 terrieeeree. •e-:=11 =la - S, et0118 Eta& Toronto t Pat 4147 r A rnie!etter -nee easy vet :nen neeneer- s ten sentn .3r..eee. seeZentexiee el to to be stet:creel :te. LeverenteL and of ikeeteenbe atiked sevetal ee-,:estlene as to wlat regneient he was 13, art1 eo forth. 3.:Ltimate1y Pat theueeit it was his time to ask a fewrquestions. "Now," said he, "I'd like to know who you are?" "l'rta a soldier too." said the minister. ‘estni what regiment are you in, and 'where is it stationed?" The minister pointing towards the sky, said: "My regiment is in heaven." "Oh, man, replied Pat, "sure ye're a long way from the barraens." The washing of the towels and clust- ers used in the London public schools requiries an annual expenditure of $19, 001 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than ail other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a peat many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescrib- ed local remedies,and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced incurable. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con- stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops o a teaspoonful. It acts directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CIIBNEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold bv Druggist% 75c. Take flall's 1aniity Pills for cons tipa- Wien. it Quito, the only city m the world on the line of the Equator, the sun sets and rises at6 o'clock all the year round. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Waste water is purified by a process enseicying collodiai clap and milk of lime slut has been invented by a French chemist. rloxEpx, TUE WIN0110. xs puzLitigro.) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times °Mee Stone Sleek, WINOINArd, ONTARIO. 4.04 ••••••44414 Teltif6 or SuBSORSertort-41 00 Per tinnntst IR advance, 51.501! not so paid. No paper dbirion. tinired till all arrears are raid, excePt at the Option of this publisher. ADVR3114ING VE3 . DISPLAY ADVECITI8AC4NZI One rear $410 (8c eaoh friseqlon) Six ennatie 2 SO 110- " Shree 51onths Ont• 31onth 1.11i 113s " • 6 One Week AD " ‘, .211 Logal and other sltr0lIr aImenisDiants, li) 3 per line for first insertioa and 43 par line for each subiermeat insertion. NAlessured by a nonpariel ecole, twelve lines to an. ilia. Bushmss cards of six Sues and nailer, SIAM per year. Advertisements of Situatims VSOSaG, Situ a • Nuns Wanted, lionriei for Sale or to rant, Articles for Sale, ate., nab exieedin4 eight lines, 220 each ins'm gtiou; SI for first anta. 604 for enolt sunsaquent &oath, Larger a 1. vertisemonts in proportion. Business notices (news type) ea per counted line; as local oe news initter, 10.3 par Sae eseh Insertion. Tin Jon napArtramr 15 asaakaa with an extensive aseortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the oonntyfor turning ont Host class work.. Large type end appropriate cuts for Alt etyles of Post- era.Iland Bills, ettio and the latest stylee of °haws baby type tor the finer Owen of print- ing. H. B. 1ILLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher ORS, KENNEDY & CALDER CHVIORS-Corner Patrick and Centre Sta. Pfunrias: Offices 48 Residence, Dr, Kennedy 148 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy speeializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Ins. 05385 01 the Eye, Ear, No and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses ' properly fitted. DR. ROBT.C.MIDMOND, M. R.C.S. CIngl L. R. O. P, London, PITYSICIAN and SIDAGERON Office, with Dr. Chisholm DR. H.. J. ADAMS Late Netnber Kansa Staff Toronto General Hospital.* Post Oraduate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. T. lf, Agnew. crepe Macdonald Blook. W. R. Eambly, B.Sc., LD., 0.14. Wingliara, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Soientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr resident's., between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 64, I', D. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING OrderFi for the insertien of advertisements such as tmenere wanted, business chances, reethartics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact P.m"- kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or cuter city papers, may be let 1 at the nuns sten*. This workwill receive prompt attention and wilt save people the trouble of remitting for and forwordMg advertisensents. Lowest rates will he quoted on application. Leave ,tv sert your next vrork of this kind to the TIMMS Or VIC I& Wine h.anit Witigham General llospjiat (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished, Open to all regularly licensed pfiyetdiatla. RATEXIFORPA.TIENTS-WhiCh inciude board nod nursing), $4.90 to $16. per week according to location of rrxnn. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent 13ox223, Winghara Ont. RAILWAY T1111.4' TABLtS. GnA:rm Tatinz RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LIAV311 London .,.-.. 6.85 8.90p Toronto &Reef/1.00 a.m.. 6,45 - 2.89p'inff" $S:ncatdine...1I,60 2.30 pen- - 0,15 rian; ARAMS Frnom Itineardine - -6.80 um...11.00 ams 2.80 P.m. London.. - 11.54 S.DI 7.85 p.m Palmersten- .... 11.24 Toronto ft 2.80 2.15 p. ,n Agent, Winghionm. CANADIAN PAOIFIO RAILWAY . • ratans Wave Trois VorOrkto rindBsaL 6.40 a.ra . 8.02 p Tekswatar 1.00 p.m....10.22 1-1;;l7iFit 'Item Pan' .0.40 amt.... 8.05 pet, Toronto and Itatit- 50 P.m./..:10.22 p.m. 3. AgentsWingham OVER GB YEARS' EXPERIENot PA. TENTS DEIGN COOVF10114118 At:year/dandier a efrittoltertil desolation Ma7 enmity maintain onr (Minion lifilao WIteDISP ati IskitlearaVietn/o6trutieurS. DttranSt hultsonticsythfoheuenzeracost tttoonottve roincit ettorenbnpoillyttnetithteniiAteD oKiNorittnrknattineinett; Cstotke, without chartist in the tebiteutots°911;01,11,(e,riotitr.41,-kan,droa,-.041 SU 21 CUM. &CO 4631314664V4 New York es, IX If et. Washington, . DR. R. F. PARKER, D.B.O.A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested, Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.zn. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. „. J. A. FOX, b. C. GRADUATE CFIIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in such difficult cases as Leanne, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheuma- tim s, Headaches, Constipation, Chronic Stom- ach, Liver and 13owel Trouble,Feraele Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 part., 7 p.m. A3T/30.8 .1. triwzi, 1), a., 11 5. 33 Doter of Dental Stirrer? of the Pennsylvania lel College and Lieentiate of the Royal • . • • of Dental Surgeonof Ontario. Office i1 Cdoneild Blot*, Winghent, co closed every Wednesdayafternoon from Etee 181 to Oct. let, a 11. ROSS, D. D. 8., L. b. 3. donor gtedunte of the /loyal Volloge of Dental Suriteeons of Ontario and Honor gradrt- ate of the 137flt45y ot Toronto, FacitIty of Dentistry. Office over IL E. Isard ,h Co's., Stere, Wing. ham, Ont. Office (dosed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oat. 1st. It* BARRY...SUR, 801,1011,01t, ZITO Privatsana Company runes to limn at lotreet rate of Intermit. MOICII(Sitint, icD111 and fists's PrePertr bought and gold. Moe, 3:look, W1ggbat VANSTONB, je A. MORTON, Biataikiltlt, sm. 'gingham, ont, oupLev koLries Barrister,. Solicitor, Etc, Office: Meyer Block,Winghatn, FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other ertioleil they With to diepose of, ehould adver- tise the slime for tele irk the Titres. our large oiroulation tells and it Will Le tarot go indeed if yet do not gel a etieborcer. We ogn't mutant ee that yell WIII sitil because yeti IsAY ask more for the artiole or /took then it Is worth. Stott your adVertlitement to the TIMIS and try thte plan of disposing of yoksr 040 Ind Other artiOlek.