HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-09, Page 51 1 1 1 1 11.110.1••••A WINGIIAM TIMES, JULY 9, 1911 --JULY SALE of Seasonable Goods STOCK MUST BE REDUCED $3000 DURING THE MONTH Out go all our Suits for Men and Boys. All our Raincoats, our Straw and Felt Hats, our Toggery. Out goes everything at away down below the regular prices. r Nothing Reserved -Stock Up Your Wardrobe -Dress Up The Boy -Buy All the Garments You Can Wear -Buy for Future Use Positively no goods charged. All past due accounts must be paid at once. .Sale starts THURSDAY, JULY 2nd. There's no Sale as Important as This One. Don't You Miss it Men's Suits $16.no buys any $20, $21, or $22 Suit $t reso buys any $15, 16,50 or $17.50 Suit Youths' Suits Long Pants sizes 32 to 35 $5.25 buys any $8.50 suit $7.25 buys any $to suit $8.5o buys any $12.5o suit Hats Men's Straw Hats, soft felt and stiff hats. regular $2.5o for $1.75; reg. 2.0o for 1.35; reg. 1.50 for 1.15; reg. Loo for 79c. Panama Hats at a sacrifice. IIIIVISMINIII•211111211101111111111111•11MINIMIIIMOMINIO11101111 I 39cm Men's Balbriggan and Merino Underwear, Socks, Neckwear, Braces, Cuff Links, Belts, Caps, Hats, etc., regular 5oc. for -. . 39c. L. .., Boys''Suits $3,85 buys any $5.0o suit 4.85 buys any 6.5o suit 5.25 buys any 7.50 C suit 5.75 buys any 8.50 suits Everything Cash 19c. Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, Boys' Jerseys, Boys' Cotton Stockings, Men's Socks, Braces, Rub- ber Collars, Neckwear, etc., regular 25c for - 19c, (1 Rain Coats $12.50 lines for 8,75 to.00 lines for 7.5o 8.50 lines for 5.75 Men's Shirts $1.50 lines for 1.15 1.25 for 90c 1.00 for 79c. 75c for 59c We haVe not space to give you prices on evely article in the house but we will give you any $1.50 art- icle in the store for $r.t5; any $1.25 articre for 90c.; any $1 article for 79c.; any 75c. article for any 50c. article for 39c.; any 25c. article for 19c. MEW•mortMeatt These prices must convince YOU that we mean Business at this July Sale. . Come Early and Come Often! ! ! 2:\ 1 1 1 W. A. Camp -bell, The Clothier e irvnek~-41vtovite",4•414.~,o0•4"•••kriowe~ow-4••••40.0.0"tovisset"..~.04.4"..ei-fbm‘6 •••1•110111111 •••••••04.1•.... AWr OW:OW. /W./W. 00.00. r AW.OW.OW.Ar, ‘11, • \ft Oft, 417.. Special Summer Goods HANNA & COMPANY Ladies' Wash Dresses in the newest patterns in Ginghams and Prints, sizes 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44. Made to fit. Prices - .00 to 4.50 Children's Dresses in plain white Lawn and Voile, sizes 6 years to 16 years. neatly trimmed with Satin Ribbon i_ medium Prices at Children's Rompers. Ask to see our assortment in good washable materials in plain White, Plain Blue, and all fancy patterns. All sizes, rpice each - 5'o and 7 5 cents Kiddies straw Hats in fine straws the newest shapes at 50c eac Ladies Towelling Hats in Plain White. Folall Outing Occasions at 5o cents each HANNA & CO 'Phone 10. Wingham BUTTERICK PATTENS ALWAYS IN STOCK e's • BLYTH. Vestor Bell, aged 21, was drowned in the swimming pond here Monday even- ing, when, while in bathing with a companion, he took cramps,and-sank in deep water. His companion 'at once ran for assistance and called Dr. Milne. The body was soon found, but nothing could be done. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell. This is the first drowning that has ever occurred at Blyth. CULROES. Promotion Exams for S. S. No. 3, Culross. Jr. IV to Sr. IV -C. Falconer. Sr. II. to Jr. III -P. Dawson, A. Walters, E. McKenzie, P. Caslick. Jr, II to Sr. II -F. McKinnon. Sr. I to Jr. II -A. Stapleton, D. MC - Kenzie. Jr. .1 to Sr. I -G. Falconer, A. Pickell, W. McKenzie. Names are placed in order of merit. L. V. Johns, Teacher. SEA.PORTH George Murdie, aged 66, died very unexpectedly at his home in Seaforth on Tuesday last after an illness of only twenty-four hours. Mr. Murdie was scrutineer at one of the polling divisions on election day, and not feeling well, was removed to hi S home, where he gradually sank, death resulting from an affection of the heart. Deceased was formerly a well-known farmer in Mc- Killop Township, but moved to town several years ago, where he has been living retired. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a life-long Liberal. He is survived by his wife. At the time of his death he was weigh - master at the G. T. R. station. The funeral took place on Thursday, to the place of interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery. BIAIEVALE, (Intended for last week.) Miss Cora Messer spent a few days this week with friends at Millbank, Mr. Robt Duff is on the sick list; ' is many friends wish him a speedy recov- ery. Mrs. Robt. Black visited friends at Stratford this week. When yo Misses Mary Stewart, Luella Shaw you see a girl kissing a dog and Flo Aitchison are home for the holi- you ought to remember that the dog does not smoke cigarettes. days. With the exception of plums there Mr. David Jewitt is on the sick list will be an abundatee of fruit in the this week; we Wish him a speedy re- tovery. locality, providing there is nothing to prevent. -Mrs. M. Masters and Mrs. Barnes of Toronto are visiting relatives here at Robbers 'stoke into twe places in El - present. Ora, stealing money and an automobile. There passed away at his home, Mill :Street, Blyth, on Wednesday evening, June 24th, after an illness of short deration, another of the pioneers -of this section in the person of Francis McCaughey. Deceased, who was born in Ireland in the year 1836, and earn° to Canada with his parents in 1847 and settled at Toronto Gore, where 54 years ago he was married to Mary MeCaarn, and shortly after their marriage they came Lo the 7th line of Morris and took op lot 21, then in its primeval state. His wife predeceased him nine years ago, having died in February, 1905. The late Mr. McCaugh4 leaves a family of five to mourn his loss, namely: airs. M. Carbut, }lunette Mrs. Francis Schuyler., Seaforth; Catharine Janet, at home; James, of London; and John J. of Morris. Mr. Wm. Findlater was in Ayr this week attending the funeral of his sister, Margaret Findlater, renal- of the late Henry Manson. The deceased lady passed away on Saturday last and was in her 81st year. She had for many years been a highly esteemed resident of Ayr. Jas. Anderson, 5th line was spending a few days with his father at Ware- 1/1 ham, and attending his brother's wed- if ding. • la Reissell and Mrs. Wheeler, of South- ampton, are visiting the families ofJas. Bowman, M. P., and L, Wheeler for a holiday. At the home of the bride's parents, Dundalk, on June 30th, Annie M., only daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Middleton, was married to Will W, Anderson, son of John Anderson, Wareham. Mrs. J. R. Garden and three children of Woolseley, Sask., arrived here on Tuesday of last week and will visit dur- ing the summer at the home of the former's parents, Wm. and Mrs. Tay- lor, eth line, Morris and other old friends. Thursday of last week Mrs. George Jackson moved from the farm, 8th line, to Brussels where she purposes making her home. Many good wishes go with her from old neighbors and friends who have known her for many yeal-s.. Wes- ley Searle has bought the farm and is now in -possession. Quite a number from here spent Dominion Day at Wingham and report a good time. Paul & Jewitt shipped a carload of hogs this week. Mrs. Wm. Haney spent a few days last week with relatives at Gorrie. Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Griffiths are up from Toronto for a few weeks holidays. In spite of the bad weather Monday, a large number turned out to mark their ballot. The regular monthly meeting of the Bluevale branch of the Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge on Thursday after- noon, July 9th, commencing at 2.80 o'clock. All ladies are cordially invited. GLENAZINAN Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer of Strath- elair, Man., are visiting at the home of Mr. Colin Eadie. Miss Marion J. Scott, of Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. William Mitchell, The contract of painting Eadie's church was let to Messrs. Tom and Wil- liam Eadie. The paint will no doubt give the church a decided improvement. Mr. Chester Dunkin is spending the summer with his father, Mr. David Dunkin. Mr. Andrew Wallace has been re- engaged as teacher at the Glen. school at a raise of $25 in salary. Andrew is a good head as well as a good teacher. Some of the yoang men of this vicinity are contemplating marriage but re- member the young ladies that do not come up to the standard for being wise will be barred. You will find the initials of their names in the alphabet. The Fortune family are busy remodel- ling the post office at the Glen. David is the superintendent and it is altogether likely that it will be fixed up nicely. A garden party under the auspices of Eadie's Church will be held at the home of Mr. David Eadie, Turnberry, on Thursday, July 9th, 1914. A good program will be rendered. Everybody come and enjoy a good evening's fun. L'irE STOCri. m.gatETS Toronto, July 6 -The market to -day, was steady to firm for good butcher steers and heifers, top quality in par- ticular being good and firm. For almost everything else the market was easy and lower. Choice quality steers and heifers sold firm from $8.25 to $8,05. Good medium butcher, $8 to P.15. Fet cows were off and in very poor demand. Prices in this class were from 15c to 25c lower. Stockers, easy and lower. Milch cows, barely steady. Good springers most in demand. Good veal calves, steady. Lambs, lower and 50c to 75c off. Hogs were quoted lower. A large number of Western hogs were shipped in direct to the packers. There were only about 200 to 250 on sale. Union Stock Yards: 131 cars, with 1,976 head of cattle, 189 calves, 1,166 hogs, 700 sheep.and lambs. Export . $ $ 005 $ g (5 Butcher cattle choice ... 8 26)0 do medium.. ..... 8 00 8 25 Butcher cows choice. .... 6 25 7 00 do medium .... • , 6 00 6 10 do common,. .. 4 50 do bulls • . 7 00 Feeders , , 7 25 Stockers „ 6 75 do medium 6 25 do light 6 25 Canners and cutters... 2 50 Milkers, choice 65 00 Springers . 60 00 Common and medium., 35 00 Lambs 7 00 Light ewes .. 4 50 do bucks3 50 Hogs fed and watered 8 25 do f.o.b.... . . . 7 90 Calves (1 00 WING GAM MA ItGET KIN PO it Tit Wingham, July 8, 1913 Flour per 100 lbs...2 70 to 3 10 Fall wheat 100 to 100 Oats . .0 40 to 0 40 Barley .0 52 to 0 52 Peas . 0 90 to 0 90 Butter dairy 0 25 to 0 '4'.5 Eggs per doz . 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 25 to 3 CO Hay per ton.,., 17 70 to 17 70 Hogs ... ....... ......9 10 to 9 10 5 50 7 25 7 40 7 25 6 5') 6 50 4 00 80 00 75 00 40 00 7 50 6 25 4 00 8 35 8 00 10 75 SCRAMTON GOAL (Not Imitation) The original of the following letter may be seen on request: - Buffalo, N.Y., Feby 20, 1914 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, IA/Ingham, Ont. Dear Sir: Yoars of the 100 asking for price; on Scranton Coal received and noted. We mine this coal ourselves. just outside the city of beranton. We thank you for enquirer and will be pleased to receive your orders. Yours very truly, T. At B Northern Sales 'Mgr. R. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office, 11 IT PAYS TO SHOP AT ISARLYS You'ii appreciate the economy et shopping at this store if you woeic take advant lge of the many o.i,por- •".unities to save. la,arr. ylone.:Asomaysepeto,Avauw,.....K.,AwArArr JULY CUT PRICES Some Tim.ely Saving Hints Parasols: 20 per cella discount of fancy silk suminee ea -aerie. Children's Dresses: Print and Gingham Dresses on sai. at 39e, House Dresses: Women's House Dresses, nicely ineela, )(A pat- terns; $1.25 sale price $1.0 Waists; New styles, fancy White waists. Log or sheet sleeva; reg. $1.25 to $1.50 sale price 08c. Laces: Linen Torelion Lace; reg. 8 to loe per yard for eaie Sc. Hose; Women's Seamless Wearwell. HOP, fast black 9 Pair for 2r.c. Corsets: Three dozen Corsets to &ear, New Style, inecli length, to sell out quickly. Pries at only 69e. Skirts: Special value in white Reap Skirts, Women's sizes; price $1,50 Delte; `Pea 11.0? VOSt Belt, Patent Leather Leather in the correct in style only 25c, . .4 . ZI SUltS: Women's new tailored suits made of best wearing' Fee on sale at 90 per cent. disconnt off all regular pie them, 'P Crepe: Clearing of alt lines of dress goods, white oe colvreaa., Corset Covers: Special to clear 25c. Gowns: Women's Night Gowns, full size, fine quality Comarie, sale price 50c. Children's White Lawn Dreeses, good style regular value July price $1.00 Bargains in Silks: 36 inch Black or colored Pailette Silk, sale price $1.00. Mill Ends: Two cases of mill ends, filannelettes, lengths from 2 to 10 yards white or striped on sale at a saving of 2 cents per yard, Men's Wear Store Cut prices on all lines of Straw Hats, Boys' and Men's Sutra mer Clothing, Underwear, Etc. Boots and Shoes Women's Strong wearing Muse shoes, sale price 75c...; Women's Velvet Pumps on sale $1.39; Children's Sandals "Tan" 75c.; Women's Dongola Oxfords on sale $1.50; Children's Patent Leather Slippers 75c and $1.00; Men's Tan Harvest Boots spacial $1.75; Boys' Strong wearing Boots, sale price $1.50 11. E. Isard 82 Co. BARGAIN STORES, WINGHAM .,.,•,••••••••••••••.••••/...W.o. •••••YrWro .1.101**•••••••••••••,..1. 4,••••• -•AA NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Between Montreat-Toronto-Detroit..Chicago via , Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between. Windsor aud Detroit Leaving Montreal 8:15 a.m.; Toronto 6.10 pon , arriving Detruit 1215 a.m., Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily Equal service returning 10121.SOILLMATAIMBA Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets from W A. Sanderson, ti•NVII agent phone 47; .7. H. Beemer, station agent 'phone 7; or writo 15. (7.. Murphy, 1.). ?.A. C p. Ry., Toronto. Read the kavertisemen ig tp-ME see eases. TOAGDfiuOLE N TACK -K ALL I9IE6AY TORONTO -MONTREAL Important Improved Melly Service Now in Effect WESTBOUND EASTBOUND Lv Montreal 11.00 pm" Lv Cli cage 345 p in Lv Toronto 809 a nt I.v Detroit /1,05 p m Ar Detroit 1•45 p m Lr Toronto 0 01, a ni Ar London 11.06 ill LV 1.0nd .n 3 15 p Ar Chici,go 8.40 pm, Ar rlontreal 3.45 p m Highest class of equipment vommtmlyeamal,erraawswmw•reu..- • A'‘A-A*r.aaceassearmaffunutsAm•p• 1:1111,1nArtVcVal:s,avniti.g•evi3..evat.lon4 ifr,orm(..1c140... Ag -tit. P/1.1.; MI 4? '1'1...Y. 1:iY147,1;311.t.Nr , tiou A 111 lit. er1,111 40 1 ii it ti ir 11 is the Sincerest Flattery! We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal, Any other dealers offering coal for sale at -e merely offering an imitation. Everything in the fuel line for summer or winter burning J. A. McLEAN Dealer in LUMBER. COAL, WOOD 1 zwvgrOAtemettttlagx-44W4.t.vgr„,,./Asszo SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE ADE SPECIALIAZING .MM Aural4WomereemrsaloarworbolmtArrosrosar 4 LINES WHICH YOU $2.Iii.OULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES 114111:111:017316MMIUMN=AA,Ort, Henry T. Thomson "The. House of quality" OFree Delivery Phoue 9 Vast Service.. tosomoviirevislawAtAirairo*****004"Wilivio* x