HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-06-26, Page 21Wednesday, June, 26, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 21
Queensway celebrate Senior's month
Lakeehote Advance
Queensway Residents have been celebrating Seniors
month through a number of service opportunities. Resi-
dents were happy to do the judging for 1.tensall Fair's col-
ouring contest for public school students and they sup-
ported the Fair with a $50.00 donation from Residents
Council. Residents were also busy at baking group on
Wednesday baking two Rhubarb/strawberry pies and two
Chocolate Cream Pies, With a Cherry pie from volunteer
Highway 21 at
Ausable Cut
Pastor Doug Watson
Sunday, June 30
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
Kidz Club: Bible stories, songs, fun gamer
and more, SK - (:r 6, 6:4S - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
Mid•wcek service
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Lillian Beer and Lemon Meriange & Pumpkin Pies from
volunteer Edna Deitz, residents were able to pro-
vide pieces of pie and coffee at their fundraiser in the Cafe
Thursday June 13th and raised $200.00 in donations for the
Blessings Food Bank in Zurich.
Thursday evening June 13th 1larvey Smith & friends
played to a large crowd of appreciative residents. Friday
afternoon Marlette served up her famous Belgium Waffles
with strawberries and whipped cream alongwith piping •
hot coffee and lots of conversation In the Caf..
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Zurich Mennonite Church
17 (I H Yarn: h 1lensall ltd ,144.E oI / urrh
www.kIngstieldeom non.ca
Kingstleld Pastor: Ken Greeley
%M(' Pastor: 'limn Roc.
Sunday, June 30
9:30 a.m.
Worship Gathering
Pastor Tom Roes
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Hwy. 21, North of Grand Rend
Ismail: st.juhnsfthay. net
HUMAN CHURCH Web: www.stjohn`grundbend.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, June 30
Sixth Sunday idler
8:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Fr. Andrew Wilson
St. John's By -The -lake:
Sunday, June 30
Sixth Sunday rifler
10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Fr. Andrew Wilson
"A Community of Faith to Call Home"
The Reverend Father Grayhatnc K. i3owcott
Residents were pleased to have so many family mem-
bers and friends join them on Fathers Day June 16th for
the fantastic music of John & Geneva Heaman. Volnteer,
Rev. Ken Knight has been busy at Queensway assisting
with both the Green Thumbs group and a men's wood-
working group, and with all the rain recently we are also
thankful for volunteer, Edwin's help to keep up with the
weeds. Residents have been partidpating in more outdoor
programs in the warmer weather with walks & wheelchair
rides being popular and Ice Cream Sundaes on the Deck.
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (El .CIC)
Zurich. Ont. L -11 -ii
Rev. Nadine Schroeder -Kranz U
Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson U
Secretary Jennifer Schellcnhmer, Mice 519-2364697
Sunday, June 30
6th Sunday after Pentecost
With Holy Communion
Guest speaker -Jelica Bomath
Service 10:00 am,
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
Cemetary Decoration Service 2 pm
the rel pie nJ Sr freer's are called, h% the grace of (iexl,
r,' by ,r 44 e1, mmHg ,< ,.,n Ilnlynn4 r(Mgt ,'i,,ti on, gnawing sof
Anile due *oh the .01Yr1,( ret k /ru(e, wt k,, vu , t vrrrraun .4 thr r4r rl1.
(:rand Bend Church of Cod
('(ue worship with us
Hwy 81 ant! (i11 Rtutd Phone 519-238-2142
Office Hours: Wed. 1-4, Thurs. 9-12
Sunday June 30
Speaker: Joyce I.amarant
9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School tiff All Ages
10:30 - 11:00 a.m ('otree'rnne
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
(come Join our Youth Group for ages 11-18
at 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evenings
Wednesday 1:15 p.in. Prayer & Bible Study
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen 519-235-2402
Minister: Rev, Harry Disher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
11:00 a.m.
First Outdoor Service
Reverend i tarry Disher
Sermon: "Priorities
Special Music: "I)arry Grattan"
A1! Welcome
Bah&'i Faith
"The virtues of. humanity rut'
Malty, , but ,1'('iellt t' i1• tht' lnos(
110hlt' qf them all ... 11 is (t
bestowal o/'6'or1; it it not
material; it is divine"
from the Hahti'f Writings
For inhumation on local Children's (lasses
and the Junior Youth Empowerment I'mgnun
call 519-235-8092 or visit these web sites
Zion Lutheran Church l.0 -C
At 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. 1'rembulak
Sunday, June 30
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/net/-hn, hili (a'hay.net
fore s
c.reattvely proc.Ialminp CHRIST without c.ompromise
Sunday June 30. 2013
9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am - Morning Worship
'Unity' Pastor McGuffln speaking
6:00 pm - Evening Service
Tyler Strickler speaking
Corner of Prince and Wallington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 www.forestbaptlst.ca
We welcome everyone of all ages to Join usll