HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-09, Page 2Crud itT1A itiway System - TAW 31 41 Oiiic NORTH HURON FIGURES We give below the figures in North Huron Provincial elections for 1911 and 1fl14:- en it' tielzets via populne rozatt.3, to any point ia .kinerica -Enst, Wesia Sorttin Northwest, Mani- tOnt, t';‘,:ist. etc. Bagsaige ebeeked through tei destine - tion and full informatioo given whereby travelling. will be make pleasant and free from anuoyance. Toro:1st and , Iratu return ticket. to %hove pointe also on " 2 sal., at Invest figmese, and with all ,, 3 prevailitee u ivantagts. 4, 4 Single.an.2 aim tickets to may point 5 in ontar,,. Yon'," wili be ap- p -at. .h • a ese trip a short or a 100g, Ono. Majority We e,n tialeet you through ta arly point a: on all lea.ime steamship lines. lanaieei rders aiso iesued. ' Div. If it's alieut travel, we have the informs t and will give it to you ,. cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Towil G.T.R. Times Ofilee, Wingham, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Div. 1 Notice of changes mast be left at this •, offiee net later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be Mt not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up Majority to noon Wednesday of each week. , Div. 4 1 MajOri ty 1 3 4 5 6 7 ••••0, Tin wrirti" THIES, .11a. B. B. E ?, T PUnLiennn AND PROPIETOn THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1914 EDITORIAL NOTES. • '4 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 Majority Div. 1 4 I There was only one issue in the earn- 4, paign which came to an end yesterday. The people of Ontario were given an opportunity to show the best that was in them. The result of the polling• Majerity • shows ta what degree they are willing to respond upon a moral principle when it is introduced into politics. There is Div* no doubt that the voters would have " been willing to abolish the bars, but they would not abolish their polities first. Those who have fought need not be dismayed. They are ou the right side of a question that is greater than any other question in the public rnind of On tario.-7Langon Advertiser. Governrnent trade statistics for the past fiscal year are decidedly embaras- sing to Conservative arguments in re- " gard to the "No -truck -or -trade -with- " the -Yankees" propaganda. Duran the " fiscal year, exports to the United States 5 totalled 3200,410,373, a gain of no less than 333,348,931, as conapared with the preceding twelve months. Despite the Majority refusal of the Conservatives to take ad- vantage of the American efforts to let down the tariff barriers and give the Canadian farmer freer aceess to the market of 90,000,000 people, trade has continued to steadily increase even in a •. year of comparative depression. Even -with the tariff barriers still up against Canadian wheat and oats and fish, Can- • ada sent last year to the United States,, Majority wheat to the value of 36,891,624, oats to the value of 80,m3,403 and fish to Div. 1 the value of $6,644,255. Canada sent Majority animals to the amount of 88,518,012 across the line during the last fiscal year. The Canadian farmer and the Canadian fisherman may realize from figures like these whathe lost when the reeiprocity agreement was turned d yNn. l'he first year's operations under the Government's boasted reciprocal trade agreement with the West Indies did not jtzstif,e• the boasting which was done in the Govetnnient press when the agree- ment- first went through. The returns of the Department of Trade and Cern- rnee e for the fiscal year which ended Maaeh last. elven, that Canadian trade 'with the West Indi. s amounted to 84.- are:lass:a a eleerease of $1,662,2.31 as com- pared with preceding tweive months. Exisorte, totalled l';',4,77d,20 ,, an increase of ordy f'sll 99. With the reciprocel areansinent in force, there bee been an aeta d decrease in traie tie! over 31,0; 0,. fai 2 3 4 • 51 4 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 Majority 1 2 3 4 Div, C 1 2 3 4 5 • Prornisini Outlook ALL indications point to confined advance- ment in the development , of Canada -Invest now 1.n the Standard Indus- trial* and share in the general prosperity. Upon request we shall las plettesel to ettggeet .at able inyestmetto for A. 1-1. Martens &Co. Members Toronto Static Exchange IMMO sad 'SHARE titOIELS C. P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO :444 WINGHAM o ei et" 1914 34 57 36 04 45 74 05 67 18 47 198 309 111 ASHFIELD 40 66 49 58 49 46 29 60 61 25 63 13 60 19 - 357 287 70 BLYTH 42 53 34 43 76 99 20 Howtme 44 83 42 75 52 110 75 76 78 65 49 65 - 340 474 134 TURNBERRY 58 85 67 61 41 47 49 39 213 232 19 MORRIS 57 59 32 49 50 51 33 42 44 43 54 70 r 191/ 35 5ca 38 59 53 79 53 80 17 04 201 307 136 36 72 38 63 30 49 28 62 56 27 64 19 62 17 323 309 14 50 '45 43 36 - 93 81 12 49 86 34 85 45 115 63 102 72 61 50 69 - 313 518 205 48 88 63 72 48 54 52 44 - 211 258 47 59 26 53 44 38 47 40 '45 52 59 57 61 308 282 26 38 26 53 63 54 42 49 27 38 20 232 178 54 48 5T 33 56 25 39 51 37 51 27 208 216 8 54 31 23 289 286 3 EAST WAWANOSH 39 41 52 55 35 22 66 34 28 29 225 179 46 WEST WAWANOSH 54 52 28 51 33 40 57 37 50 27 222 207 15 WROXETER 53 33 20 SUMMARY Asiffield West Wawanosh East Wawanosh Blyth Wirigham Morris Wroxeter Turnberry Howick 0 2.4 tt -4t 1914 70 15 46 20 111 3 20 19 131 154 284 ; Majority 130 In the rontest on June 29th thea were 4071; ballots cast of which M Anderson received 1973 and Mr. Mu grove 2103. In the riding there we 21 rejected ballot papers, 6 eancell ballots and 3 declined ballot paper,. THE WINGTIA111 TIMES, ,it-I.Y 9, 1911 You Will like the TOWN D_LRECTORY. ich strength and full flavor. 'aatiztsiI 21177nS. attlidar= at 2;30 p. in. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. John .1 Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. 11. meets Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D. !Pringle. S. S. Superintendent. 1, METHoLdsT OFWECH-Sabbath ser- ' vices at 11 a, in. and? p. in, Sunday School at 2:30 p. in, Epworth League every Monday evening, General prayer , meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CutzacH-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday 'School at 2:30 p. ni. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perm, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S, Superintendent. gel a "is good tea" E Tit I EDI 4, a TILE WINO110 THIES, IS PUBLISHED EVE1W THURSDAY MQRIVING The Times Olttee Stone Block, WINCRIAIA, ONTARIO, TIIRMS dir StiniteitIPWiox.-01 00 per annum in advance, $1.40 if not so paid No paper eiseea- tinned till all arreere ore ; aid, except et the option of the publi,?her. • ADVERT.NING lekrg a DISP.1.9.Y A UV f; liTitiltrENTS One Year $4 143 (8c eimili insertion eix months 2(50 (103 " •• Three Months 1,09 (11Io " I 4 One Month .04 (2.1e, 44 11 One Week .20 Legal and other Mintier advertisements, 10c __ per line for first insertion and 4c per Une for .. ench subsequent insertiou. Measured by a ST, PAUL'S CHURCH, EF1SCOPAL-Sao- nonperiel scole, twelve lines to an inch. bath services at 11 a. tn. and 7, p, m.. Ensinass cards of six lines and under, $4.00 4 (4,, T. J. E ;l)tt; R. S. S., Mrs. Groves. Snnday School at 2:30 p. m. Mr, per sear. MI'S. J. Sullivan has g,Otie on an ex- dAe.r0101,. 5.11sileys,upeRrienctteonrd.ent. Alex, Al- tendial N Hi; to friends in t'beeley and WINGHANSI TWENTY YEARS AGO Feoen the TIMES of July 6, 1894 I.0(.".(L NEWS. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL.---SerViee Vicinity. at 11 a.m. , 3 p.m, and 7 p.m, on Sunday. Masers, J. II. & W. F. Dulrnage's ' Mrs W. T. Bell and son, of Toronto, At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 trottea, Saranac', toe,: first money sn has ' were the guests of Sirs, 13e11's aunt, class, at Brussels, on tle, and last. ''• Mrs. Joh., Neelands, a few claas during Mr. W. H. Yoebill, formerly of the thew TIMES, is in town visiting his relatives, Iml% A. 11, Musgrove ie at Clinton this having come doWn from Winnipeg, with, week a MIhesisting at the school ' examin- the remains of his sister, Mrs. Gareith. atioae Rev. L. G. Wood and family, and , •alies„ Jennie and M-gaie. Cargill, Mr, H. E. Gordon and family. are carrp- who have been'teaching school at Out- ing on the bank of Lake Huron, near , nth, Minnnesota. are home for the Kincardine. I holidays, "Fraud", the old and weli-known dog i of Mr. John Neelande, has gone to dog- . BORN. 1 dom. Beaton In Fordyce, on the 4th inst., • The Wingham Firemen intend e0M- the wife of N Ir. 13e.itcn; a daughter. peting at the tournament to be held in ' Snell In East Wawanosh, on June Elora on the tlth of Augast. 30th, the wife of Mr. Snell; a son. Don't fail to visit Wingham on the MED. 12th, and take in the Battle of the caoyne , Roark' ^ In Culross, on June 21th, John celebration. Henry Roane, aged 80 years, 2 months Rev. E. W Hughes:, formerly of this anal e days, town; now of Adelaide, leaves on Satur- day next on a visit to England. . - 54 12 136 26 23 47 203 129 396 267 THE ROAD To FAME. On Monday last, Messrs. J. E. , I., There is more Catarrh in this section . u S":"• ' of the country than ell other diseases GM. Dffield, G. A. Nowton, Ger. put together, and until the last few Shaw and Chas. Knechtei were at l/'It. years was supposed to be incurable. Forest taking in the races. , For a great mem' years doetors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescrib- The W'righam Fire Brigade crowned ed local remedies, and by constantly itself with glory this week, at Guelph, failitinAnto deuirnecu with 1 oreieall e f,atantsae.rnrtic by carrying off a first and second prize Pdai°re, meaenufacturecl by F. J. Oheney and the only silver tankard offered for I & (10,, Toledo. Onio,, 13 the only eon - competition, stitUtiOnal euro on the inarke.t. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops Mr. Thos, Gregory is removing a to a teaspoonful. It. acts directly on storehouse owned by him, and situated the blood and lemmas surfaces of the next to the Presbyterian church property system. They offt:r one hundred dollars for any caae at faile TO mire. ieend for on Josephine street. circulars. and test into his. The Partnership heretofore existing • Address: F. 5. CHENEY & CO.. between Messrs. W. B. Hutton and JohnToledo, Ohio Sold by Druggists. 75,!. Carr, as millers, &C., is being dissolved, Take FIall's Family Pills for constipa• Mr. Hutton retiring from the firm. pation. The milling business in all its branches will in future be carried on by John Carr and his two sons, A. H. and Free- man Carr. POST 01710E -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6;30 p. ni. Open to box holders from 7a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. Punnic LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every: afternoon fr en 2 to 5;30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to lib- rarian. o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib - r. s- ed On Tuesday evening laet, about twenty members of the Rebekah Lodge of I. 0. O.- F., of Lucknow, drove over to town and paid their sisters of Olivette Lodge a fraternal visit. The officers of Olivette Lodge for the currant term are: N. C., Mrs. Elder; V. G., Mrs. Sheffield; R. S., Mise J. Elder; E. S., Mrs R. Elliott; Treas., Mrs, Brockenshire; W , Miss I3eck; C., Miss Groves; R S N. G., Mrs. Hough; L. S. N. G., Miss Beca; L. S. V. 0 , Mis Robertson: R. S. V G., Mrs. Dodd; I G., Mrs. Tipliag: 0. tDetroit Free Press.] The road to fatne is long and steel", No toward feet can stand it. None but the brave the way can keep; None but the brave command it, No weakling ever gains the height. Hovvever much he yearns to; For he, when obstacles affright, The paths of ease returns to. The road to fame is Iong and rough. And only brave men make it, Men who UM stand to each rebuff And undiseouraged take it. 'No toward feet ean tread the way Where fame is brightly shining, Its glories tire for men tody Who suffer without whining. Advertisements of Situatiaus 'Foment, Shun - Voris Wanted, Houses for Sale or to rent, Articles for Sale, etc., not exteeding eight lines, 25c each insertion; 11 for arab month 50e for eaele sabsecinent month. Larger ad- vertisements in proportion. Buainese notices Meive type) 5o per counted line; as loom or news matter, 10c per line each insertion. Th .7"On DIPARTICIMIT X ntooked vritn ar. extensive aasortment a all requisites for Print - Ing, affording facilities not annulled in the tionntyfor turning ont first chum work. Large type and appropriate orris for all styles of Post. ers, and Bilis, eta., and the latest style e el °holes !isnot trpo for the ftnor deem of print ing. 13, M. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publieher ORS. KENNEDY & CALDER Mayor; J. W. McKibbein, Reeve; H. B. TOWN COUNC1L-Dr. A. J. Irwin, Otermis-Corner Patrick and ()entre Ste. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. 'Currie, A. Young, W G. Patterson and D. Bell, Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isar& Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, .A,. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Rob t. a Ilen. L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Couneil Chamber on the seeond Tues- day of each month. a Believing that it is unfair to compel Jews to keep their stores closed on the Gentile Sabbath Day after closing on the Saturday or Hebrew Sabbath in ac- cordance with their religious beliefs, a movement has been started in Montreal to make Jewish business places exempt from the working of the Lord'. Day Act It's a waste of time for a father to aattempt to train tip his son in the way he should go if' he doesn't keep in the middle of the same path himself. More than half of all the females in ermany over 15 years of age are woe , niers. Potatoes in Greenland do not grow ilarger than an ordtnary marble. ..41.444•1•115M54 50 - ••• • vat 1. 4 044' THIS LETTER PROM MR. GEO. W. BURT, of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan, shows how well satisfied the. farmers of that section are with con- crete roads. Nearly one hundred miles have been built in Wayne County. "Mr. Edward N. Hines, Board of County Road Commissioners, Wayne County, Detroit, Mich. Dear Sir: - Our concrete roads are far ahead of the ex- pe5tations of the majority of us farmers. Where We used to be two days marketing fifty bushels of produce, we now market twice as much in one day, and can go to the city anytime we want 'to. We do not have to wait till the roads are good to we can go. Also, our horses Gad waggons will last twice as Icing. Hoping you will keep right on building these roads, and that the county will stand back of this movement, I remain, Yours truly, r (Std.) Geo. W. Butt Redford, Wayne County, Mich, Concrete Roads go the best, elta st almost radittetory roach that ean he luilt. Beet, bac:tall e pont bl or loads increase lend values an ht- provir canditions eripslp,. rapist, because they are permanent Ind rylue4 to ally o ro , thIch permits road texts to be OM i ull snore gooti . Most ialltfaCtory, becaose they &la fn Ib. Vat, lower cost of merketing and are open to traf every 6Oft. of living an inctottO"4 matter profits Good Roads Utglottfe tetllincsIt abotst concrete roads will be tont, hot, t6 everyone inttretted. Write to " 7.7; tfr. "kir -4 4 Concrete Roads DlottartX004 Pula& Cement Company Limited 804 Herald Building, Montreal PixolenS: Offices 48 Reeidence, Dr, Kennede 143 Residence, Dr. ()alder 151 Or. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes theroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR, ROST. 0. REDMOND, 115. R.C,S, (Eng) seieserwasiannwiami L. R. (). P. London. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A.., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Speeiaiist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, office, wish Dr. Chisholm Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALT/L-Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. The Anti -Asiatic League of California is condueting a systematic campaign of education against patronizirzg Asiatic labor. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Fish naay be excellent brain food, but in the ease of any man who would wear a feather in his hat, what a waste of fish! OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements ittal as teachers wanted, lansiness chanties, mechanica,wanted, art(oles for sale, or in fact eny kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or tther city papers, may be left at the 11161113 ofilee. This work vr111 receiveprompt attention ana will save people the trouble of remittal; tor and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be (meted. on epplioation, Leave or send yottr next work of this kind to the TOMS OFFICE. Witschilin Wingham Generag Hospital (Under Government Inspection) DII. Z. S. ADAMS Late Member H0LLSS3 Staff Toronto General Hospital. Post Graduate London and Dublin. Succeesor to Dr. T. H. Agnew. Office Macdonald Block. Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATES vonPATIgrus-which include board and nursing), S4.90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress " Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. RAND 'TRUNK RAIL'IVA.Y S2'8T3M TnAtiqa Lis&VIt 1015Lonion 0.85 5.80p.m, Toronto et East 11.00 ara..0.45 a.m.- 2.80p.m. • ter dine -11,59 2.8J pen-. 9.15 p.m. Art:Rive enelf Kincardine - .0.80 ami -11,00 a.m. - 2.8U p.ni. Loudon., - 11.54 a.m..- 7,85 pare Palmerston. 11,24 3.321.• Toronto 3e East... . . 2.80 9.15 pan. nrit VANSTONS, BIIRSMAN' Agent, Nst Inchon BARRISTER, somorron, irtao Private end COMpfilly ftnito to loan at lowest - rate of interest. mortgages, town snit fent property bought and told. Office, Reater Block, Wingharn W. R• RarablY, E.13a, 11.D„ WilaRham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in. Surgery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given earful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118. 44...44.44.4,4.44.44444.4.4.041 CENTRAL 1MS STRATVORD. ONT. -..144,`,.,--44.41,014191SAM51510,45414.644.1.15•4445•0. Become a specialist in business It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's best Business Sehool. We give individual attention, You rnay enter our classes any tune. Three departments: Gomtnercial Shorthand and Telogrohy Write at once for free' catalogue. _ D A. NIDLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the t_edizAtff %al Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. OT. . Students assisted to positions. College in session frotn Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 1.7 vice -Principal Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DR. R.. PARKaR, D.B.O.A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested. Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.rn. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in suoh diffloulb eases as insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheatas. tisrn, Heodsches, Constipation, Chcoute Stone - soh, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Feraa le Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 pan., 7 p.m. ARTRIIR J. IRWIN, D. D. 12., 1.) Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penstsylvniiia D sat College and Licentiate of the Royal ttteg..e. of Dental Burgeons of Ontario. °Moe onald Blook, Winithera. e .• se closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oet. tat. Q H. ROSS, D. D.H., MS. Honor gesdnate of the Royal College of Dental Surszlepns of Ontario and Honor gratin - ate of the Uhl versity of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. (Mee over R. E. bard & Co's., store, Wing - haus, Out. Office olosed every 'Wednesday afternoon from 3fay ist te Oct. 1st. CANADIAN PA.CLVIC It MVO . MUSS MIAY11 /Ma Toronto and Heist.. 43.40 ruin- - 5.05 p.m. Teoswater . 1.00 pan....10,2), pan. rnosi Teeswater- . . itart. - .11.01 Toronto ....AS p.m......10.22 pan a. L$111114103. AsenS.Winghara OVER 65 YEAFIS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE Moms DESIGNS COPYINOHTS &C. Anyone sending *shekel and destelpflen wee finitely ascertain our opinion /ree warmer an suranttou tepronahirratentatne.sonununice. flonestricteveonationflal. HAMM on Patont4 tent tree. matt useful for.secaretenta. Patents taken through wenn _ .reoetve valet mkt, without 44' eltintra/c tH I at A bendsonseir inuetnitea weakir. tomcod etr. viatiort 02 a0 teientitio iontossi. Times for 50 A. rot, pout* prepaid, Boa by Mogart:ttititikki H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. C. N. Griffin FIRE LIFE &COIDENT1 j- 1 PASS nsurance LATE GL „TEATIME 00.11pled With REAL EsTATE and MONEY LoANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. GENERAL AGENT r A. f/fORT014, • EARRI8VIIII, winsham Ont. Dutaxv rroLnEs Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Office: Meyer Bioek,Wingbam, FARMERS Office over the Advance Office. GOLDLINK No. 9000, C. A. Canada. No, 14,085, 0.8,, of Great Britain and Ireland. nrollmeut No. 1080 -Inspected and apprtved J. W. KING, Proprietor. Following route will be taken tbis 880910 the abore horeet-alonday-will leave his wn stable, Bluevale, to Thos. A brahom's, Oon. 1, Morris, fur noon; then to Geo, War- vick's, con. 2. Morris. for night. Tuesday -To Jos. shedden's, con. 4, Morris -for neon; then o Geo. F.erlane's, con. 7, Grey, for night. sVeduesday-Af.ernoon to Walter Forest's on. 2, Morris, for night • Thursday -To Benj. Hisiop's, con, A.., Turnberry, for nooni-then to King Edward Hotel steble, wregeter, for night. Friday -To David Miller's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; thee to his owner's gable, Bluevale, end. remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. told setione having lite stook or ()the ststaiedthei with 46 diepose Of, shOttei od:tor. ttoo the same for sale in the Troti$, Out Urge eiroulation tells and it will beg/Stour indeed if MASCOT No. 4508, Vol. 14,0. El A , Canada, No. 12,243, Vol. 20, 0.8. of Great Britain and Ireland. EnrohnentNo. 1828 -Inspected and approved. J. W. KING, Proprietor. Following route will be taken this season by - the above horse :-Monday will leave Geo. T. Robetrson's sale.stable and proceed to Same.. Burcheirs, Cuirass boundary for noon; thence to his own stabte, Wingham, for night. Tues- day by way of gravel road to Robt. coultes', cora la East Wawanosh for nOtal; then to 108 own stable, Wingham, for night, Wednesday to Jos. Smith's, con. 8. Turnberry, for nOOn then to James McDougall's, Wylie farm, con 0, Tarnberry, for tight. Thursday to Thos. Me - Michael's, Wroxeter gravel, for noon; then to King Edward Hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Friday to Zahn MoNaughton's, on 2, Tnrnberry. for noon; then to J. W Binevale, for night. liatutday to E. 53. Jen- Bluevale road, for noon ; then to his own stable, Wingham, where he will remein until the following Monday morning. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CRUX ISRS.WINsiow's SoollanJG Vstlan• has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. melt, sourncs the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUM& AI,LAYS alITAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, an is the best remedy for DIARRHCBA. It is ab. soliatety harmless, He sure and att. for ulArs. winsloves soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twentr-dva cane a bottle. WANTED. Good Loca.l, Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable 4 - Foothill Norsuries A splendid list of &Lit and ornamental stock for Fall Delivery in 1913 and Spring Delivery in 3 91 4. Start at once and secure ex- clusive territory. We supply handsome free out- fit and pay highest com- missions. Write for foil particulart. Mr tie article or Stook %Unit iv worth. Send 'vita.* not teitsenstonar. We can' guarantee St 86 Welling off thatiesti Will sell bemuse you mar tisk more : on 7rear advertisement to the Thom *Ea try, this tI plan of diolseinif et yeti* *took and Other 1 Art ororito - Ontoalo 046.0. .thamillE151111102121150,4&-