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Lakeshore Advance, 2013-06-19, Page 14
14 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June, 19, 2013 Legals Legals Legals Legals +art MUNIMPALITY OF BLUEWATER p110111►• • unit • 10110131.1. • 111101.1.111•25.1164 FORM 6 Municipal Act, 2001 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER 'Dike Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on July 18, 2013, at the Bluewater Municipal Office, 14 Mill Ave., Box 250, Zurich Ontario NOM 2TO. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:(10 p.m. at the Bluewater Municipal Office, 14 Mill Ave. Zurich. Description of Lands: Roll No. 40 20 190 (X)1 01(XX) (XXX); PIN 41214-(X)50(LT); Lot 4 Plan 281 Stanley: Municipality of Bluewater; File No. 12-02 Minimum 'bender Amount: $5/643.29 Roll No. 40 20 230 005 01400 0000; 10 Bayfield Terrace, Bayfield; PIN 41201-0044(LT); Lot 19 Plan 147 Bayfield and Part Lots 18 and 20 Plan 147 Baytield; continued by 22BA2274; as in R339238; Municipality of Bluewater; File No. 12-05 Minimum Under Amount: $28,029.76 !Benders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows. the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules mule under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes. HST if applicable and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Johanna Pickering, AA-f1C Tax Clerk The Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater 14 Mill Ave., Box 250 Zurich Ontario NOM 2To (519) 236-4351 ext 222 www.town.bluewater.on.ca • yourtzf moments.ca 1-888-786-7821 mlNlton.l.tun�a you►Ilhmom.nts.ca Marking your mll.stonas. Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks BEST The family of the late Al Best wishes to ex- press sincere appreciation and gratitude to everyone for their comfort and support dur- ing the past few weeks. The hospital visits, flowers, cards, phone calls, memorial dona- tions and much needed hugs helped us through the difficult days. Special thanks to all the nurses and doctors at S. H. Medical Centre and the VON for the excellent care given to Al. His kindness, his wonderful sense of humour and his tender loving ways will re- main In our hearts forever. Sincere thanks, Arlene, David and Janice and all our families In Memoriams In Memoriams WILLIAM RUSSELL "RUSS" PAGE July 17, 1940 - June 13, 2012 One year ago we lost you. My best friend, my soul -mate. Our family lost a loving Dad, Papa, and Brother and our lives changed forever. We miss you so much. Sometimes the grief is unbearable, but we have so many won- derful memories of you stored away. You may be gone from our lives but you will never be gone from our hearts. Loving you always, Verna, Steve, Sandy, Paul Kristen and Connor Obituaries Obituaries On Sale 36" x 24f Thblet with Granite Base Overall Dimensions 4211 x 32" $1,999 Price Includes kttering and delirery rnywhere in south western Ontario. Better pricing for you to consider. HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 118 Main St.. Dashwood 519-237-3532 IDEAL MONUMENTS 390 Springbank Drive. London 519-471-7030 - tvlvty. nronumerimaker. ca Proudly Canadian Since 1909 as I Cartipirig Ir' ric) Wilt, More Then 400 c 1AMPC3.01UNt10 .,fr•.clnl> arownlllew rw.sulnu 1 u.slnrsu 1.. watersnook. most avast ytlNog lrl between... 111 Pier. Your Perfect CANAt1A DAV DAMPING HO1.11LoAY Viten 1.)ui Wehelt. at. www.e.sm Pln.l tree ntwrie. crs Toll -Free: 1 -077-1172-22211 ST. LAYMEN= RIVER c.: 1 ' LB 1 Pell 1 1V tw1 woRI-O /D LAR• Q IPS CAP IB/NO O LO al r TO NOMI 1 hes hawwlos frww way to (revel a or 0 Nights 111 Private •Iateroc.mn • 011/3141< i3iOlJRl11 IN • (-TREAT MEALS • N1(31-11 LY ON 11-R TAINMI.N 1 ANO MACH MURK... •tLewreneeOruleeL.11.ee.eem TOLL-FREE 1-000-107-7000 053 Ontario r t,ewt, 1<Ivgeton, Olsten. (TICO M 2105740) • 11.11.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 01 H10F1 13110111111110 INTERNET •v5.Q9 / Month. Absolutely no porta are Mocked. Unlimited Oownlnwdlho. lip to 11Mpa Download and 5OO Il s. LJ blood. ORDER TODAY /,.T www..uanao.on or CALL TOLD.-PRE1it. 1 -5115-1151 -3535. SAWMILL• hum only 04,1207 - MAKE MUNI A SAVE MCINEY with your own handmlll - Out lumber any dlntenelon. 111 attack reedy to or hi lr. rRS■ into A www. Nora $5.wmllht.corn/4000T 1-600 -01141-01122 Ew1:4000T. OVQR 110'11. EMPL-C]YML'.NT rat• for Coars5orsrites oraduwlawl Medloel Tranw.rlptlnnints are Io ctwrnwnd and Ca,, 0nrllss oraduwlew orbit lobe P ayntoote under 1110(1 owe' month. 1 -.toll -450- 151311. www.nwnwurlt>w. aHntl..Innaegpoanmoorllse. corn 100X AUTO P INANCINO APPROVAL We awn gat you approved for Nei w mobile no matter whet your olroumelwnoa. Imre. 1)rlve ▪ II111a and save a lot. Ova► 300 ve h1 Oldie In choose from. Apply o www.nwnadlan.utopproup.0.. CANA- DIAN AIJT (3 GROUP INC.. 21111 • prin bank r. London, ON. Toll - P r.. 1-111110-4 74-311111 / 910-472.5910. 11111111111.1111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111.8 Mental Health H.mipaint e 1 Ins h x:er,w.tlanw will 6•101$111•11•••1411e• w ,,..nitwit nwalll, I11ua 1„ Molly 11fe1l1,. Ivlanlal I Iwwltts 1 lwlhlrr,a 1-1300-531 -aeon ,xviwree MttttAttliaalt11H511u11/!8.810 Maisel' 11e.I h 1104,11nm 4111 Faoabook or ® CnrtnalaOnlarin on swltter EXPERIENCED PARTS PQRBON for w nrngrssalvw .situ/Induatrlal supplier. Hired 0p1111 on enl will r.nslyelo toll wages., full tsar -sante and MR 111' tsonusww plus rnnvino w llnWarloww. Our 20.(100112 motor's Is location 2.0 hasurw N_ C. of 6dnlon- ton. All,., tat. Meow sur nrsrnrn[rnlly mol LenL nOloheReolno.00m. Bend r.surns to: Sappphire ASolt 300. Lan La Blau_. AS, 1 OA 2b0. Errtell: hr®.apphlr.lno. awl. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111 INVESTMENT SAL P. 11. REPS wanted. Peter Canadian Saourlll.s Coures wonradltw%lnn, or will provide Irwlrlloo to enlerle11.swa1 Isaias profs.- w lnnal.. Call f aooaew Aawet Manage - inmost Ino. 1 -500-51111-:3200 .,r small ihfrosolarcilior ,n, napltsl. us. ( r •< l 1,111111 O.,t.111.1r1•• swastaTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSIS THE COUNTRY! Fo'r friar!• //sla>/rrlat/Or1 contact N(1//r /<urI/ rawsRxspsr. coRoa COALS a ->.•f r>•.a1t11e moue a hors -ars R0.10OAL_ TRA f4l/PORT requires Owner Operetore for our U.B. lana■ tteq, lremersta. tractor 2007 or newer .,Iwan driver. anrlrant & CVO». FAB l carol preferred. minimum 2 years oro.. -border .nJ.e,lenoa. WUU OFIr ER. • 51.500 Blpn-On Benue • E...11ant Pual Subsidy Conelate,,t Mlles Corepetltive Rates • Weekly Seltlernsnl. • ►-1 O0 Waakenalw APPLY 'MIi www. re a. d a l.. 0. rocru111n0®roeedel..0Im or CALL TOLL-PREEe 1 -077 -sea -0007 tet. 4012 LAIOLAW CARRIF_RH VAN DIVISION requires .srl>.rlertodid AZ Ilown.sd drivers to run t1,. U.B. Premium 0,11. - age rata. Home weekly. Noses equlp- mant. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800-203-8257 .1111.1.0.111111.111.11111.111111111.1111 V.hl0le buyer. are ONLY protected by OMVIC and onlarlo ocn.umer protect - lion law. when they hey from regis- tared dealer_. There. no prostoollon 1/ you buy privately and yol-r risk Ileo 1o0 violins of w cam».Iden. to verily dale• repletrallors or seek halls with a complaint. www.nrnvlo.nrlAsa or 1. - 043-0002. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LOOKING POR N�W SUNINII05 and adder! revenue roinote yn,1r oorn- pany In Cnmmunity Newrpwper. morons Ontario right here 10 there Network Clwwel►1.d Ada or In nerd -aced ado In hundred■ n/ well - resod nawalap.r.. Lel us show you haw. Ask shout our referral program. OntIlrlo Oornrnunity Newspapers Arsoolatlon. Contract Carol at 0011- 113Q-97111 or Tull -fres 1-00(1-:307-711512 moot. 2231. www.oetworkolawwl0wd. aro ••rct••rlcl V 1•wtssiora %♦ r•••.• 111 /50MAKI- 1 AST CASH Start Your Owrt (3*,.1ness Drlv.wwy Sealing Sy.l.nl.. Lawn Aerating Unita, Poa.lbla payback In 4 weeks. Por More Information CALL. Today Toll -Free 1-000-409-0024. VIII. www. protex>taC ph a it . corn. 01.1ILDER81 RENOVATORSI Direct from Manufacturer. Cs/etomised Wln- dnwn/Door.. SECOME A DEALERI Orval Oleoount and Rabat. prouramal www.thermoviosus.com 1 -999-700- (10119 STOOL B U I L t> I N (J 5 /META L SUILOINOS non*. Or -r1 20.29. 30.40, 40.52. 401.00, 50.1 20. (t06( 1 110, nom 1 (10 sell for balance owed) C511 1-000-407-2200 www. orown. tee Ibulldln0.. oa STEEL BUILDING - OIY BUMMER SALE1 - 130N1.1151 DAY EXTRA 1114 OFR. 20X20113.005. 29X24 *4,520. -11x34 511,11515. 32x42 *5.499. 40X94 *1 3.3911. One and wall Innludad. Pioneer Steel 1-000-000-54 22. www,pinn.erste.l.ca Ontem rto Problem Gambling HI>*Iplirnlst Want to talk to waonea101 annul owrl, ming pr olllen,l? Ootwrlo t'roh ler.. (3amMlnu 11./1.111,. 1 -505-230-3505 tll(1t1flalannSllnlzti5lu 1111_.11 a Iso n us. l Ohl lInrlo c. , Fleo book ng (1os MI�Clors nn rwo4a,l0 or ®ConnekOrMarlo on Twitter Mon.yProvld.r.00nl. 5500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Feet, Busy, 10011. Secure. 1-077-775-15110. WANTED: OLD TUSE AUDIO EOUIPMIS NT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre 5 boqwlpn, ant. 1-Isn"nnnd Drown.. Any nortdltlon. no fl 1 101 oonsolr.. 0011 Toll -Prose 1-500-1147- 0313 / 11 114-1153-2 1 07. 1/1/1N1,1/.r1••tw<1t111 l.1..lft••<l.<1r /1 IDrug 8c Alcohar 9 Have you Helplines, bsooma addicted to praaorlpllnn maallnatlnn? O♦ f A Afro Helplln. 1 -000-508-00p03 no n us. at/>eltanhn1t181aLn•.ne Orgyy and Alcohol Helpline on Fao0Wxsk or Clip Corine saOntnrlo on TWItter ARL YOU TIRt_U of being lonely? Want to nasal ■ntrlenl,e you 0511 roll In loves with? MI51Y RIVER 11,11 14u3 - 1.31,./C1 OCMJ11 4 3- OUC11C1NS can 1tttroafosse you to (1,01 . t wa:1a1 .ontaonw. CALL (11113)Hnn- 4204. www. colony Ivarl tern...om. TRUE PSYC1-41C51 For Answers call now 24/7 Toll r roses 1-97? -.14.' 3030; Mob11.'04400. blip.//www fru cp.yohloa.ca. 11111111111141 1.1 & 2nd MORTCSAc11?B from .7.70'14 VRfvt. 7.20'14 11 YR. FIXED. A11 Credit 1pea Conelcfae rd. Lost us help you DAVE thouramta on the right moor( page. Purohw.lne R.- floanoln , (Sb .l Cnnaolldwtl.n 1 -lo ftrtnVmflnaOLL 0 n...A1-00-22k ma e -1777. Mwww home0uard1urlatlno. as (LIC ). AS SEEN ON TV - Nosed w MORT- OAOE. Home 2.alulty Lccsn. lfostler Rate? Berl Credit. Half - !Employed, Bankrupt? B.sn turnad down? Paolof�ornla,u, Power of Bale? .oeCALL US NOW TOLL -P'.113.11 1-577-733-4424 and speak to a lloanued mortgages w ooers*. MMAmoNy.g.. .nom apeo1w11s- ▪ In raaldentlal• onmmerolal, rural. wyyrlo allure. Iwnn.. & land morloaoww. V1.11. www.MMArrtort .nom (L4012125). *5* loot. 2n13rd MOR T OACisE •o - OS t Conaolldwllon. Reflnwnoing. RenovationsTasx Arrear.. no CMHO fres. 111150K you pay 0205.33/ power (oI naI. ntotlp,>. lib©12 T! rest OPTION MORTt*AOES CALL TODAY toll -Fra• 1 -500-21;2- 1 / n11 www. mortgwgennlwrlc. goo (LIC/ 10000).