HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-09, Page 1• THE WIN VOL. XLIII.—NO, 2111 A Carlsbad Treatment At Home! Carlsbad Springs are the most cele- brated in the world for Live Troubles, Every year thousands go to the springs and are delighted with the results obtained. If you lack energy and feel depressed the chances are your liver is inactive and you need RFXALL LIVER SALTS practically he same formula as Carls- bad water. We Personally Guarantee that one or two teaspoonfuls taken before breakfast every morning for a week or tee days will put the sys- tem in splendid condition. Yucca Talcum The newest and bestefor a limited time we will give Free Face Cham- ois with every tin of Yucca Talcum. J. W. McKIBBON DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN m.0.42..t.cao Storei el • IN NI I I I MI IS .11 10.11111 II I WI OM 1.011111 NVE ARE Sole Agents for the famous Lehigh': Valley Coal Co.'s Coal. Best Anthracite— It's harder and will last longer than any other. Leave your order now. 11111111011111111111111011111011111111 Rae & Thompson Hardware Merchants Phon 27 4•Christie's Grocery PRONE 59. Store opens 7 a.m. Closes 7 p.m. Agent for rleischtnan's Yeast. Satisfied Gustomers KneW they can buy the purest, tineet and best at this store with our guar- antee back of every purchase. We're not perfect but We are catefel. We value your trade and every legitimate 'means is used to perfect our busi- ness relationship. We eel only reliable brands of food of well established remitation—foods of purity and quality. EVERY PURCHASE 100 per cent, Vine GHAM. TIMES. WINGIEANt ONTARIO TILURSDA.Y J LAY 9, 1914 $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Wear Or ear's Shoes and Rubbers TOWN COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting of ' the Town Council was held. on Monday eve- ning with all members present except Reeve McKibben, Mayor Irwin presid- ing. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. A communication was read from the Ontario Municipal ,Association, request- ing Council to become a membgr of the Association. No actioe. A petition was read asking that. a sewer be constructed on Diagonal street for SO feet south-easterly from the man- hole at the corner of Frances street. On motion of Couns. Isbister aed Patterson, the wish of petitioners was granted and the Street and Sewer Com- mittee given power to proceed with the work. Coun. Bell, as Chairman of the Prop- erty Committee reported that his com- mittee intended asking for tenders for the placing of a wall under the house at the gravel pit. Coun. Currie brought up the matter of having the grass cut on the lots in • the cemetery. Left with the Commit- tee. The Street Committee reported that to date 1917 feet of sewer and cellar pipe had been laid at a cost of $1.22 per foot. Part of the cost should be charg- ed to the full work and the worst part of work had been completed and the cost per foot in future would be lower. Two menibers of the Committee, on re- commendation of the foreman had dis- continued cementing cellar drain tile. This matter was left with the Council for approval or disapproval. The Com- mittee had also followed the precedent sat by the Committees of previous years and had engaged Clerk Graves as In- spector. For this action the Commit- tee had been taken to task by Mayor Irwin. The Committee asked for the approval or disapproval of Council in this matter and also wished to know if Clerk Groves be continued in his office as Inspector. Moved by Couns. Young and Elliott, that this Council approve of the action os the Committee in engaging Clerk Groves as Inspector on sewers and that he be retained until the completion of the work. Couns. Bell and Patterson expressed themselves as opposed to the motion and Clerk Groves intimated that he would not again act as Inspector and on his request the motion was with. dr'awn. Mr. Elliott followed Mr. Groves and tendered his resignation as a member of the Council, feeling that the Com- mittee had acted within their rights in appointing Clerk Groves as Inspector. On motion of Coins. Bell and lsbis- ter, Mr. Eiliott's tesignation was left over for further consideration. Moved by Couns. Isbister and Young, that no sewer or cellar tile be s laid in future without having the joints thor- oughly cemented and that tow be in- serteil in every jaint before cement is laid and work to be done to the sat- isfaction of the inspector.—Carried; The Electric Light and Waterworks Committee recommended to Council that en and after July first the hours for using water for lawn, gardens- and streets be from 6 to 8 an. on Mondays and from 6 to 8 p.m. on other days. The report of Committee was adopted on motion of Couns. Young and Currie. The Finance Committee recommend- ded the payment of a number of accounts for the different departments and on motion of Coun. Bell and Pat- terson the report was adopted. An aecountewas read from C. Lloyd & Son which was only partly certified, On motion of Comm Patterson and Bell, the account was ordered to be paid when properly certified to. By -Law No, 706, defining the duties of the Chief of Police was given three readings and was passed on motion of Couns. Bell and Patterson. By -Law No. 707, fixing the rate of taxation at 35 mills was given three readings. The rate ia divided thus — Town expenditure, ineluding debentures, coupons, salaries, work on streets, etc , 24 1-2 mills; Public School, 6 mills; High School, 3 mills; County i'ate, 1 1-2 mills. The estimated receipte, other than taxes is $3108,16 and the estimated expenditure, $34,958.18. , The high rate this year is caused b an overdraft from last year, deereas4 in hotel pro- perty assessment, half mill more to Public school, nearly one mill extra for eare of front street. The by-law fixing the rate was adopt- ed on motion of Couns. Boll and Pat- terson. By-law No, 707, to regulate and govern traffic on Josephine street, be- tween the north side of Vitoria street and the G.T.R. tracks, was given three readingsand on motion of Canis. Currie and Bell, was passed IA read. CoUncil then adjourned. CELE13RAT1ON AT WINOHAM. Last Wednesday—Canada's My was fittingly observed with the best celebration ever held in Wingham. The full programme was carried out to the letter, notwithstanding there was considerable rain during the 'day. Promptly at 9 a.m a procession of autos, calathumpians and sehool child- ren, headed by the Citizens' band, was formed and wended its way to the park where over a thousand people had as- sembled. A keenly contested baseball game was played between Teeswater and Wingharre which ended with a score of 6-0 in favor of the home team. The leading feature of the morning wae the grand balloon aseension and parachute drop by Miss Dorothy De Vonda, who attained a height of about 1,000 feet before making the drop. In the after- noon over 3,000 people weee in attend- ance and witnessed an expert game of lacrosse between the Wingham and Chesley eleven. The game was so evenly contested that at full time the score stood 6-6. but in the ten minutes extra time Wingham scored four goals leavipg it 10-6. The lerge throng of people were then treated to another balloon ascens;on by Miss DeVonda, this time attaining a height of about 2,000 feet, and as in the first, landed in a field near the cemetery. The crOwd were treated next to a game of real baseball between the Clinton and Wing - ham nine, which ended in a score of 8 to 2 in favor of Wingham In the evening one of the best games of foot- ball was played between Brussels, champions of Western Ontario and the winners of the Hough Cup, which ended in a tie, 1-1. The fireworks were much appreciated by all present. The -pro- ceedings were enlivened throughont the day by music from the Wingham Citi- zens' Band and the Kincardine Pipe Band. Mr. Hinkley, the leader of the town band is to be congratulated upon the efficiency of that organization and Wingham may well be proud of its band, as it is one of the best musical organizations in Western Ontario. The prizes were awarded as fol/ows: Cala- thurnpians, lst N. 13lack, W. Gannett, jr. & Co.; 2nd, P. Dyer; 8rd, G. Forgie. Autos, lst, W. Seholes, Toronto; 2nd, W. A. Currie; 3rd, Orval Taylor. It has been decided to celebrate Dominion Day in Wingham every year in future and with the same committee in charge success will be assured. The officers deserve great credit in putting on such a magnificent pro- gramme, which was appreciated by all who attended. The following were the men in charge: —L. Kennedy, Pres.; L. Binkley, manager; W. H. Willis, Secy.; A. H. Wilford, Treas.; committee, J. Hanna, J. W. Hewer, R. Brooks, R. A. Currie, H. McLean, F. Johnson and W. H. Gurney. Communicable Diseases. Eighty-nine deaths occurred through- out the Province during June, as a re- sult of communicable diseases. of which 1,503 cases were reported. In the same month last year there were 154 deaths and 1,566 cases. The cases reported last month were as follows: Smallpox 32, scarlet fever 204, diphtheria 158, measles 859, whooping cough 108, ty- phoid fever 43, tuberculosis 95, infant- ile paralysis 2, cerebro spiral menin- gitis 8. I. 0. 0. F. Excursion, Minerva Encampment, I. 0. 0. P. have completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk System to run a big ex- tursion to Sarnia on Saturday, August 8th. Special train will leave Whigharn at 6.50 a. m„ arrivihg at Sarnia at 10,45 a, ne. The return fare is $2,80. Arrangements have also been made for a low return rate of 60 cents from Sar- nia to ]Detroit per the magnificient steamer "Tashmoo" of the White Star Line. Boat leaves Sarnia at 4.50 p, m. and all tickets are good to return home on Monday, August 10th, via special train leaving Sarnia at 10 p. n. Institute District Meeting, The annual meeting of the East Huron Women's Institute was held at Walton, on Saturday, June 27th, when delegates were present from Belgrave, Brussels, Jamestown. Gorrie, Bluevale, Moles- worth, Ethel. Pordwleh and Walton. The reports showed all branch Instit- utes to be doing good work, Officers Were elected as follows:—Dis Wet Pres., Mrs. S. C. Dole, Ethel; District lst Vice Pres., Mrs, John Robb, Brussels; District 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs, W. firer- gutori Belgrave; District Seo,-Treas., Jas. Armstrong, Gorrie. Dr. L. S. M. Hamilton, Toronto, was of present and delivered an interesting address on "Teaching Child Truth," I There Aeolus to be a Slight Wlisunclerstancling Read our ad. ou last page .......-- W. H. WILLIS & CO, 4immussummasensamogiastme Struck by Rocket. 'KWhile watching the fireworks on the evening of July lst, Master James, son of Mr, George Allen, was struck with a rocket, causing a severe wound on the forehead./ Turnberry Voters' List, The Voters'feist for the Township of Turnberry for 1914 has been printed at the TimEs Office and was first posted in the office of the Clerk, Mr, P. Powell, on Tuesday', July 7th. The list this year Pontains the names of 651 voters and there are 383 persons qualified to serve as jurors, Bank Changes: The business of the Royal Bank of Canada at Wroxeter has been taken over by the Bank of Hamilton and the business of the Bank of Hamilton at Ripley has been taken over by the Roy- al Bank of Canada. Mr. P. S. Sturt, formerly of Wingham and late manag- er of the Bank of Hamilton at Ripley, has been transferred to Princeton./ Arm Broken, 4seWhile the young son of Mr. Ezra Merkley was trying to remove a belt from the pulley in the mill on Tuesday of last week, he, in some manner, got caught in the rapidly revolving shaft and sustained a double break of the left forearm. How long he was whirled in the shaft is not known but he was alone in that part of the mill for over half an hour. Fortunately the lad was wound close to the shaft thus escaping striking the ground or the ceiling above,/ The Late John Cameron. The late John Cameron, who died at Belfast on June 25th and whose death was briefly recorded in our last issue was a native of Scotland. He was born at Port Glasgow and was in his 85th year. In June, 1856, he was married to Margaret eIcCauig, who predeceased him five years ago. Shortly after his marriage he came to New York. From there the young couple went to Toronto and spent one year, then two years in Scarboro township. Thirfeen years were then spent in Markham and Pick- ering and forty years ago the family moved to East Wawanosh and for a few years prior to the death of his wife, Mr. Cameron resided in Lower Wing - ham. The past five years were spent with his daughter at Belfast. Mr. Cam- eron was for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church and was very highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. He is survived by four daugh- ters and one son, viz:—Mrs. John Jack- son, Toronto; Mrs. Robert Currie, East6 Wawanosh; Mrs. Wm. Twamley, Ash- field; Miss Rebecca, who had been at the bedside of her father for some time; Alexander Cameron, Amherst, Ohio. • Wedded in Toronto. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. John S. Wren, 16 Victor avenue, Toronto, on Tuesday, June 80th, when hit sister, Miss Annie Jane Wren, daughter of the late AIL and Mrs. George Wren of Hensall, was married to Mr, Norman L. Brandon of St. Mary's, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Brandon, of Wingharn. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D, Wren, M. A., of Brussels, brother of the bride. The bride was brought into the drawing 'room, which was decorated With palms, ferns, and roses, by her brother, Mr, John S. Wren while Miss Hazel Brandon, sister of the groom, played the wedding march, and also play- ed Mendelssohn's "Spring Song", softly during the cerernony. Master Stewart Wren was ring bearer, The bride was beautifully gowned in cream silk crepe with shadow lace and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. After the ceremony and reeeption Mr. Brock 0, Brandon of Hanover sang. Later the bride changed her wedding gown for her travelling suit of midnight blue gabardine cloth With hat to match and left With her husband for a trip East. On their re- turn they will make their home at St. Mary's where the grootn is a prominent merchant. The groom's gift to the bride was A TvAri sunburst, to Miss Bezel 13randon, a pearl pin, and to Master Stewart Wren a gold signet ring. The TIUgS extends hearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Brandon, Miss Hazel Brandon and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Raid were in Toronto attending the wedding. Will Re -Open National. Xl%'Ir Harry Shaw, a former well-known Wingham boy has been in town this week and has taken possession of the National hotel property and will re -open the house in the very near future. The house will be run as a temperance hotel and general boarding house. / Miracalous Escape. .4A horse, belonging to Mr. .A. J. Tay- lor, of Turnberry, was frighteped on Wedneeday morning last, by the large crowd which rushed across Minnie street to witness the lady balloonist land. The animal dashed through the throng, upsetting the rig and throwing Mrs. Taylor and her daughter violently to the ground. It was miracalous that the occupants and none of the pedes- trians were injured. is Baseball Match. A schedule game of baseball will be played in the Park on Wednesday after- noon next at 3 o'clock between Tees - water and Wingham. Everybody should come and see the game and assist the team that has not lost a game this season. A liberal collection is asked for to hele defray expenses. At Kincar- dine on Tuesday the Imes won another splendid victory in winning by a score of 2 to 1; Wingham has an excellent baseball team. Won in Contest. /Five citizens of town were prize win- ners in the Toronto News Picture game Contest which closed a week ago. Miss Maud Fleuty headed the list com- ing ninth and winning a cabinet of com- munity silver valued at $100. Miss Fleuty did exceedingly well, as over seven thousand contestants were in the game. Miss 13, H. Reynolds won a $30 Eastman Kodak and Miss C. J. Farqu- harson, Dr. Redmond and Mr, Dudley Holmes, K. C., received kitchen sets./ Platform Collapsed. XA portion of the temporary seats erected at the park gave away on Wed- nesday when the crowd gathered to watch the baloon ascension. In the morning Mrs. Forster was seriously in- jured by the fall, and in the afternoon Mrs. Fralick, of town and Miss Annie Mole of Auburn being the most seriously injured. The former receiving a severe shaking up and suffered greatly from the shock. Miss Mole was injured in the back. A number of others were shaken up by the fall./ Safety Before Speed. The Grand Trunk Railway have decid- ed on an extension of their policy ..of putting the lives of passengers before speed and time. A new set of instruc- tions has been prepared, and on Monday were sent to every man connected with the running of trains in Canada. Engineers are urged in the manifesto to live up to the rules of the company. They are prohibited from speeding the train to try to keep it up to time, if for some natural causes it has gone a little behind time. Engineers are. also re- quested to watch and report any defects they notice in passing on tracks, bridges or sign al appliances. Entering Eighteenth Year, The present editor of the Tams last week entered his eighteenth year as editor and proprietor of this paper and is in Isis twenty-sixth year of connection with the TIMES. We most heartily thank our large number of patrons for continued liberal patronage. The past year has been our base in business and our numerousfriends are entitled to the full credit. We will in the future, as inethe past, endeavor to do all in our power to promote the general good of the town. Our all is in Wingham, which we consider the best town in Western Ontario, and we again thank our many friends for the liberal support accorded to the TIMES during the past twenty-six years. PERSONALS Mr. Fred Homuth, who was taken to the hospital two weeks ago, suffering from appendicitis, has so far recovered as to be able to be around'again. Mr. Robt. Lind has returned to his home in Shoal Lake, Man., after spend- ing a month with relatives and old friends in Wingharn and East Wawe- nosh.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Waltori 1VIcKibbon are Sway on a few day visit to Tom - to, liamilton,Niagara Falis, And Picton. 1VIc1.ibbon is this week attending the annual convention of the United Drug Co. at Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Misses Burg ss, who have. been residents of Wingham for the past eleven years, have broken up house- keeping and will remove in a few days to Toronto to reside. They have two married sisters in the city with whom they will reside. PERSONALS Mr James Bowman, M P was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Levis, of Clinton spent the holiday in town. Mrs 0 8 VanStone, of Toronto, is visiting in fown. Miss 0 Weiler of Toronto spent the holiday at her home here. Miss J. Weiler of Toronto is spending her holidays at her home. Miss Ethel Armstrong, of Lucknow is visiting friends in town, Mr. G. R. Smith is spending his holi- days at his home in Dutton. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Patterson were visiting for a Pew days in Erin, Mrs. John Forester, of Missouri, is visiting Mrs. W. F. Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton are visit- ing with friends in Kincardine. Miss McVittie, of Toronto, is visiting with her cousinesiarre. John Nichol. Mr. arid Mrs. W. E. Mahood were visiting in Georgetown last week. Mr. E. H. Bird, of Toronto, was call- ing on old friends in town last week. Mrs. E. G. Dymond and little daugh- ter visited in Paris during the holiday, Mrs, Jas. A. Haugh is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Bird in Toronto. Miss L. Ansley left on Wednesday for Winnipeg where she will spend her vaca- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Marshall left on Tuesday on a two months' visit to the West, . Miss Norma Dinsley, of Detroit, is spending her holidays at her home in town. Mr, and Mrs. A, G. Smith and son, Irving, of Lucknow, spent the holiday in town, Mrs. L. F. Binkley and children and her mother, Mrs. Ellis, are visiting i Toronto, Miss Earnsclifte Musgrove has re- turned home ofter spending a year in the West. Mrs. L. W. Hanson, of Toronto was visiting with old friends in Wasghare this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sturt, of were visiting for a few days w ham friends. Mr. R. E. Chesher, of To iting at the home of Mr. J in Turnberry. Miss Beatrice Keith, was the guest of Miss L' the holiday, Miss Verna Brown spent the holiday wit Minnie Brown. Mr and Mrs Fred were visiting wit friends in town. Ripley, ith Wing - onto is vis- ohn Armour f Teeswater, la Bell for over of Kincardine her cousin, Miss N.Rush,of Toronto, h relatives and old Miss Jessie and Master Alex Baird are spending their vacation at Harbo Beach. Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fleming, of Fer- gus, are visiting with relatives and old friends in town. Mr. John A. Menzies has returned home after spending some time. at Swift Current, Sask. Mr. W visiting and old Mr is sp Mr. m. Homuth, of Toronto was for a few days with relatives friends in town. Geo.Gregory, af Granum, Alta„ ending his holidays with his parents and Mrs. Thos. Gregory. iss Copp, who has been teaching school in Turnberry, is spending her vacation at her home in Blyth. Miss Mulvey left on Wednesday to spend a few weeks in Winnipeg, Brand - an and other points ir. the West. Miss Wheeler, of Hamilton, spent a few days last week the guest of her friend Miss Stacey, of Turnberry. Misses Susie and Roxena Powell, of Clintoh were visiting for over the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McGee. Mr. W. T. Morse, late Principal of Wingham Business College left last week for his home in Buckfield, Maine, Mrs. John Henry and daughter, Miss Charlotte Henry, of Brandon, are visit- ing with relatives in and around Wing - ham. Mr. Harold Parker left on Thursday last for his home in Essex, Eeeand, where he will spend two months holi- days. Mrs. A Elliott, of Toronto, with her son, Albert, of Nelson, B.C., are visit- ing at the home of her son, Mr. W, 13. Mr, Casburn Austin, of Grey was vis- iting for over the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin in Turnberry. Mr. J. D. Campbell. M.A., of Strat- ford Normal School, is spending part of his vacation with his brother, Mr. W. A. Campbell. e ON SATURDAY JULY 1 we star 1'1 EXT, th t our Big Clearing Sale of Women's an 1 Misses Oxfords, Pomps and Slippers Price Pa 112•MMOIMIIVINNEINAN.IMa. s cut so low that every ir will be picked up. Call early! Our tables are loaded with bargains The best time to buy SUMMER FOOTWEAR SEE THEM 1.11•C•mililmmnalsia.P001. W. J. GREER THE SHOE MAN 1 Immediate Possession If Desired Not often do we have an oppor- tunity to sell a farm with the crop growing thereon, but just now we can do so, It is needless to say that this is a great advantage to the pur- chaser, as he has an almost, immedi- ate return on his investment, The farm contains 150 acres near to churches, school and only 6 miles from Wingham. Frame house,bank barn, cement stables, driving shed. Terms $2000 to $2500 cash, balance on mortgage. Further partimelars will be given to intendipg purchasers by phone or at our office. We have no time however for answeeingf questions of the information hunter. We also offer 3 acres of land near Wingham with necessary buildings at a bargain, A fine home for a re- tired farmer. Don't forget a call and inquire about Tornado Insurance. Ritchie 86 Cosensl REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. j WHERE TO BUY YOUR FLOUR When you want flour, come and speak to us about it, We are millers and make a studyof each kind of flour, and i know which s best for each need. We have different makes— Blended Flour Quality —which is our biggest of all flours Milverton and Exeter Manitoba Wheat Flour Five Lilies Five Roses Purity Royal Household Ontario Flour Put -a. Pan—best of all Pastry. Only special prices on five bag lots We have a qnantity el choice pota- toes on hand order now HOWSON & BROGREBANK Phone 40 PURE SEEDS - 1111101100111110111101116WOMMINMEMME COLLEGE AT, norm wAtomisalmalsomerc Thousaiads of ambitious young ma- ple are fast preparing in their oven homes to ()cull's, Iterative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraph- ers. servants, in feet every sIthere of Ensiriess Activities. Yon may finish at eollege it ybu Wish. Position8 guar- anteed Enter college any' day. Imli- vithial instruction. Expert teachers, Thirty yeer's experience, Largest trainers in Confide. Seven colleges. peoial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educie tors' Asseciation of Canada. Summer School at the famous Spotton Business College, London. Wiogham Business College Gee. Spetton, W. T. Mare, President. Prinsieet. 111111.111111111111.1.0111041111101.110111111110111111*