HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-06-19, Page 7The Dunes Duplicate Bridge Club Scores - week of June 10 OPP Report
Bridging the gap in the Port
Monday: First -1. D. Martell - Barry Strong; Second
- Joy Croke - Susie Trumper; Third - Marlene
Benny - Gladys Shaw; Fourth - John Pouget -
Mavis Reffell; Fifth - Ernest Morenz - Ted Wys-
ocki; Sixth- tie - Kathy Mackay - Pat Hlady; Ed
Maguire - Anne Wilton
Wednesday: - N -S First - tie -Mark Pettit - BW
Pritchard; Joy Croke - Jean Dorey; Third - John
Pouget - Betty Bibbings; Fourth -Doug Russell -
Gladys Shaw
E -W First - tie - Dorothy Linton - SusIe
Thumper; Ann Irwin - Dorothy Vandahl;Third -
Nori Price - Joan Graham; Fourth - Sally Turn-
bull - Teresa Puklicz
Friday: N -S First: Jean Dorey - Mark Pettit; Second -
Mavis Reffell - J. D. Martell; Third - Pat White -
Pat Gloin; Fourth -Louise Vandenberk - Mar-
lene Benny; Fifth - Doug Russell - John Pouget;
Sixth - Sef Johnston - Dorothy Fagan
E -W First - Mike Alderson; Vicki Horley, Second
- Dennis Deschamps - Ann Deschamps; Third -
Maureen Knowler - Chris Balyo; Fourth -Mari-
lyn Topham - Robert Mcfarlane; Fifth - Dr,
Bruce Hough - Susie T rumper; Sixth - Teresa
Puklicz - Kathy Mackay
Games are: Monday 7:00 pm, Wednesdays and
Fridays 1:00 pm at the Port Franks Community
Centre. For information or partners: 238-1239 or
PP: Stranger safety tips
he school year is quickly coming to a close and
with summer nearly here children will be spending
more time on their own outside. It may be a game at
the park, a bike ride with friends or a walk around the
block Whatever the situation, children need to know
what to do if confronted by a stranger. Educating chil-
dren about stranger safety and what to do if con-
fronted by a stranger should be a priority for all par-
ents. Huron and Lambton County are very safe and
great places to raise children however children can
be vulnerable at times and may fall victim to a
stranger attack if they fail to recognize potential
A discussion with your child about stranger safety
will instill confidence in your child and will guide
them into making sound decisions. An important
thing to remember when talking to your child is you
don't want to increase fear and anxiety. Avoid those
scary stories and focus the conversation on how to
be safe. Be matter of fact with your children and tell
them strangers for the vast majority are good people
and are not looking to cause them harm.
So, what should I tell my child? Here are some
• A stranger can look like anyone; it is just someone
your child doesn't know.
■ Teach your child to keep a safe distance from
someone approaching them.
■ Children should know their name, age, telephone
number and home address.
■ Children should know when and how to contact
police in case of an emergency.
• Discuss with your child what happens when you
dial 9-1-1.
■ Children should keep their parents informed of
their whereabouts at all times.
■ Children should make noise and run to safety In
case of an emergency.
• If!! child is grabbed by a stranger they should yell
and fight back
■ If your child is touched in an inappropriate way
teach your child to say, "NO" and tell your child to
get away and tell an adult they trust.
■ Children should be told to run away from a
stranger if that stranger bothers them or makes
them feel uncomfortable.
• Children should never give out personal informa-
tion to strangers.
• Children should be taught to never accept rides
from strangers.
■ Wherever possible, young children should walk in
groups; safety in numbers.
Children are instructed to report as soon as possi-
ble any suspicious activity and interactions with
strangers that causes them to feel uncomfortable.
Having a safety plan in place and teaching your chiki
what to do when confronted by a stranger can he a
Lynda llllkrrr►-RapNY lakoshote Advance
It was grad day last Wednesday for Grand Bend Nursery School. Shown here (L -R) Josh Simmons, Lauren
Tuckey, Luke Mason, Amelia Hartman, teacher Jean Irvin, Jack Taylor, Vaughan Dines, Sydney VanDongen-
Miles, Ave Taylor, Benson Tuckey, Olivia Hiil,Wyatt George, Holden Mackechnle, teacher Carrie Grainger with
Grayson Gilmore, Makayla Lewis, Dylan Regier, and Robert Vanbruaene.
Wednesday, June, 19, 2013 • Lakeshore Advertde
Impaired drivers charged
(GRAND BENZ), ON) On lune 16 at
around 2:30 a.m., Lambton Count
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
stopped a Mitsubishi vehicle on Main
Street in the area of Ontario Street.
While speaking with the driver it was
determined that he had been con-
suming alcoholic beverages.
Subsequent tests indicated that a 19
year old elan from London was over
the legal limit.
Ile will appear in a Sarnia court on
July 29 to answer to the charge of
Being Over the Legal Limit,
15 at around 3:45 p,m., a citizen con-
tacted the Lambton County Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) to report an
erratic driver on 1lighway 21 in the
area of the Pinery Provincial Park.
Lambton ()PP officers located and
stopped the Chevrolet truck and it
was determined that the driver had
been consuming alcoholic beverages,
A 29 year old man frotn Sarnia,
Ontario will appear in a Sarnia court
on July 8 to answer to the charges of
Impaired Driving, Being Over the
Legal limit, Drive Motor Vehicle with
no Validation on the Licence Plate
and Fail to have Insurance Card.
(GRAND BEND, ON) On June 15 at
around 2:45 a.m., Lambton Count
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
stopped a Nissan vehicle on Main
Street in the area of Kitchener Ave.
While speaking with the driver, it
was determined that he had been
consuming alcoholic beverages,
The driver failed to provide a breath
sample into the approved screening
A 19 year old man from London,
Ontario will appear in a Sarnia court
on August 5 to answer to the charge
of Failing to Provide a Breath Sample
in to the Approved instrument.
" FORE "
THANK YOU $8,726.00
Once again, our Community has pulled together to help our committee orgmuuie our Sth Annual
Golf Mayday Fundraiser fur the Grand Bend Nursery School.
We would like to thank everyone involved, as this event would not he possible, it not tor the
generous support of our sponsors and you out goiters.
PAIR SPONSORS: finely Mea Market; Lake Smith Conservationist Russ 1layter
DOLE SPONSORS: 1'. Ilutiv (ionium & Sons; (irund Bend Sanitation; Ricco Foods
Distributors; Riverlend Bur, ('rill; 1) Canada Dust; Nick's 1.uwn & Property Maintenance;
Kelly & Ryan Gilmore; Rice Homes;'Iluhull Plumbing & Electric; Bob ('use !leafing &
Plumbing Ltd.; Jennison Construction; ('aim Ivey; Stewutt \Vehb & Sons; Klondyke'I'railer
Pork; Smith feat Rooting & Sheet Metol; ELS And Company; L,5, Philatelic Applications; Kim
& Jacqui Scrimgeour, Mr & Mts.'lettunce Sweeney; Mike Williamson; Jett & Kate
Southwc.f Manse 1uSet M uIene DicIiich Im ; Re. Mus Sin Mil Re:Illy; AlirhieI I t It'Ste)
IX/NATIONS: Hrrt Allleitson: Exeter Toyota; Jody Chet wonak; Jenny & Shelman Roth.
AUCTION (i1F-1'S IR)NA'1'EI1: fine Mule Motor Inn; Oakwood (jolt Result & Spa; Labatt's
Cot potation; Ironwoxxl (io11 Club; Solon (MS; Bluewutrr \Vtntlows & 1)tots I.td.; Suverio
Sch rush Agencies 1.td It's I'hyme-Jackie Stenhouse; Sum Ise li.uden ('elitte; Pizza Delight;
I'eckitt's Men's Wein; South halon Vetettnaty; and Bend 1'atasail; Sweitier Electric: I'm
Stinvin Road House; (hog's; Macl'herson's Remain ant; ( Bend Mototplex; Jessica
Motrtce- Ln; Aunt (tussles; St hi tdlhouse Restaurant; Blue Water Motel; Prospers ( image;
Kelders Mushroom Furm; Sun 1.11e 1inuncntl; (ireene's Optical; Sand !fills (holt Club;
A Restaurant; Island Beach Co.; (linden (hate (fills & floral; Shaklee Ptodurts; 1 Wails
l.'oldwell Itunket & Appleby Real Estate; The'llisenn ('reek;1;randpa Jimmy's Scottish Hake' y:
flay Mutual Ins; Sund Iulls 1olt Resort; (hand Bend 1'ioduce, ('atop & Al (iledlull; Kuninut
Inc. (London); Ilome Condon Set vices; The 1Iuvwoxxl family;'fender Spot; UBU 1 ushtuns;
Jinn Moffat; 1{NJO • Judy Irwin; teddy Rus elle, (musty Lynn Photography; Drayton
Entertainment; 1•:dwurd Jones, Shoielme 1 omputets; Bayview Goll flub: Forest City National
Golf Club; I.uke Smith ('onservuUonist; Kendta's !lair & Make up; Tender Spot; Nick's 1.11wn
�1v Property Maintenance; Ridley )'hi lugtaphv; Salon 21; Smack Water Jack's; !lair by Joycey;
Ernie & Miriam Lewis.
Special Thanks
,Ism & Chris Masse • Bayview Godr flub
Luncheon: supplied by Ricci) Foods Emcee: Itryan Beattie
Water & Chips • Mix's & Hitstcss: Bryan Beattie Entertainment: Brian Dale