HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 81
TINES, JULY 2, 1914
ey. • MI, 1. 4(6,00 M1 0 000
-The High and Public Schools
elosed for the summer holidays.
- Canadian Express Co's money teeie rs
are eow iseued at the 'Ems oin.y.
Regular monthly meeting of the
Town Council will be held next Monday
-Get your money orders at the
Teals office. We now have a branch
agency for the Canadian Express t7o's
money orders.
-Owing to the Dominion Day holiday ,
'falling on Wednesday this year, the
Tains le this week published en Tues.
day evening in order that the members
of the staff may have the holidey.
-Buy your railway ticket., at the
TraRs office. Tickets issue.' so ell
points. The best route to . tneeteen
Canada points. Also steamship (ick.
H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the
-A number of young frien,11 met, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. V." Certer,
Josephine street on Monday last, this
occasion being a birthday party in
honor of their tiatifthier, idiz:ss Kathleen,
'rho young itoeple; niter port eking of a
sumptuous repaet, eajoyod themselves
at Various games of enitlzi,erit.
New is the time when tellers feel
toward the garden patch
And humans get a hatilie.rice
To set a yaller hen to hatch.
Its in the one, ifs in the eir,
And everywhere the same is found-
Folke want ter hatch some chickens eut
.Aml wailer ifl the moist, rich ground,
They want ter set some onions out;
They love to smell them onions grow.
They want ter sow a salad. bed
And drop (tut titer s in a row.
They want ter rise at early morn,
While birds are singire all around,
And hoe a big, long. even row
And drop eweet corn into the ground.
They want ter f eed old Mother Hen
And her her call, "Come, children, quick!
i've caught an etre), worm for you
That's bigand juicy, fat and slick."
Oh, if you've got this feelin', friend,
Go out and play in the moist dirt!
Go take the hoe down off the hook
And in the garden sweat your shirt.
Go zet a hen; go breathe the air;
Go bask in springtime's sunny rays.
Ton% have less use for I:)r. Dope
And add to life more golden days.
Q. -How many feathers are there on
a good sized hen? A. -One party
claims to have counted. 8,120. When
YOu have time to kilt pick a hen and
prove the truth of this.
Q. -Ir you were going in for brollera
what breed would you use? A. -White
Wyandottee. They can be forced
harder and plump prettiest and qtdck-
Q. -What causes ducks to go ofr their
feet? A. -Damp quarters, bard floors,
sleeping on frost, forced growth, hot
brooder floors. This may be exPected
In ducklings from weak stock.
Q. -What is the purplish sack that
protrudes from a hen when she lane?
IA. -The oviduct
Q. -Is it true that if a hen paint oft
laying her egg the shell gets thicker
all tile time? Ae-No. When the egg
shell is finished in the uterus it is pro.
pelled. down into the cioaka, and frona
there it passes through the rectum to
the nest. It only gets shell in the
'uterus and when past there the job is
Q. -What breeds get bumble foot
more than. others? A. -The heavy
breeds. Burable foot is generally,
caused by a bruise, and jumping down,
Of course, affects big birds more thtut
Q. -Do you consider these electie
alarms attaelled to incubators to give
notice of overheat and lack of heat of
much account? A. -It depends on the
kind you buy. Some work well and
are It convenience; but, of course, many
poultrymeu get along well without
them. If a man is absentminded, care.
less, gets brainstorms or gets drunk,
such an alarm will often prevent troll.
Q.-Wbich variety or turkeys is next
in popularity to the Bronze? A. -
White Holland.
Is one of the best Lung Builders
guaranteed cure or prevention for
Coughs and Colds
Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1 .00
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
One Thoughtful Editor.
The proprietor of the local pnper at
Bberswalde, a small Prussian town not
far from Berlin, does his best to make
his paper useful as well as instructive.
Two days a week he has the General
Anzeleor printed on only one side of
the [Japer so that It ean be used. for
wrapping up provisions without any
danger of contamination from printers'
1 I Ink. On these dive the paper is twice
as largo as on ordinary days, so that
the public loses nothing in the way of
reading matter.
Struck Him Ali Right,
Judge -You say you saw that prison-
er strike the complainant. On what
provoeation? Withees-Why, be pulled
out a roll of bills, your honor. Judge -
And you mean to say the prisoner
etruck him for that? Witness -Well,
he strnek him for some or it. -Roston
Proved His Kindnees.
"I Wonder why Amy refuttee to
marry Mr. Dooling."
"She's afraid he won't he kin d to
"Won't be kind to her? Goodness gra.
Mous! Ittesnit she Aeon the beautiful
Inentlatent Int put up for hiS first
lw AI
eitS' -
Rev. J. E. Cooke, B.D., pastor of the
Methodist Church, has just closed his
third year of successful work, and prior
to his departure for Grand Bend, where
he is stationed for the next year, the
members of the circuit, to the number
of about two hundred, assembled at the
parsonage to spend a social even:Jig.
At the close of a short program, Rev.
and Mrs. Cooke were precented with an
address of appreciation, also Mr. Cooke
was presented with a gold -headed um-
brella and Mrs. Cooke with a set of
table linen. Mr, Cooke made a suitable
reply, thanking his friends for their
kindness and loyalty to himself and
family during the last three years.
After refreshments had been served,
the company broke up, all wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Cooke God's blessing in their
new circuit.
William Harris, the farm laborer w ho,
maddened by whiskey, secured a re-
volver and threatened to shoot his em-
ployer, Adam McQueen, at his farm in
Kinloss on Wednesday, pleaded guilty
this afternoon, when he appeared before
Police Magistrate Murdoch. He gave
as his excuse that he was under the in-
fluence of liquor. The magistrate com-
mitted him for trial at the next assizes,
which will be held in Walkerton on
charges of threatening to kill and also
of carrying firearms. Donald McKen-
zie, who was with Harris when he was
arrested, and was also drunk, furnished
S200 bonds to keep the peace for one
yearttoward Mr. McQueen, and was al-
lowed to go. McKenzie was held as an
accomplice, but the charge was later
changed to that of using threaten-
ing language.
A very pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday, June 2eth at Maple Grove
Farm, Kinloss, when Annie Pearl,
youngest daughter of Mrs. Thomas
Mirehouse, was united in marriage at
high noon to Mr. James E. Middleton,
of -Whitechurch, fotmerly of Brantford.
The ceremony was performed under an
arch of evergreens, maple leaves and
the wedding bell, Rev. D. D. Thomson
of Grand Bend officiating. The bride
dressed in white paillette silk carried a
bouquet of carnations and was given
away by her uncle, Mr. John Mirehouse,
of Langside. Miss Gertrude Middleton,
sister of the groom acted as maid of
honour. Lohengrin's Bridal chorus was
played by Miss Lizzie Mirehouse, sister
of the bride, After the ceremony the
guests thirty-five in member sat down
to dinner, after which the bride and
groom with some friends left in an auto
amid showers of rice, confetti and old
boots for Brantford, where they are
spending their honeymooe. On their
return they will reside on the 2nd con-
cession of Kinloes. Among those pres-
ent at the wedding Were Mr. and Mrs.
L. Isaac mid Mrs. Hawthorne of Brant-
ford, Mrs. D. Kendall of Ohio, Miss
Lizzie Mirehouse of Toronto.
Richard J MI, a C P.R. sec tionma
while working beside the track, was
:tot, in the eye by one of the soldiers of
the 45th Regiment, Lindsay, returning
from Petewawa, and may lose the sight
of it as well as being effected in the
A dispatth from Ottawa says: A
drop of a little over 8300,o00 in the ex -
vise revenue fer the month of May and
corresponding drop in April, as compar-
ed with April and May of last year, in-
dicate that the financial depression is
having an effect on the manufacture
and consumption of liquor and tobacco
in Canada. The total excise revenue
last month was $1,621,375, as compar-
ee, with $1,948,M10 in May of lag year.
k.lx-President Taft and Mrs. Taft and
party are summering at Murray Bay,
Que., for the sixteenth time.
George Blair, of Chatham, who was
married two weeks ago, died of acute
indigestion shortly after eating his
breakfast, about as usual.
Via all steamship lines, outward or.
prepaid from the Old Couutry.
Lowest quotations current for rates
or tickets by any route. Apply
Times Office, Wingham
Eeteh Trade or Profession, as a Rule,
Flocks All by itself,
Undoubtedly one of the tuost curious
features of London is the manner in
which Mell engaged in particular busi-
nesses and professions have congre-
gated, for some mysterious reason,
in certain streets or areas. This pecu-
liarity is recalled by the suggestion
that Harley street will before long
cease to be the abode of doctors, on
account of the fact that it is becoming
in these days of motors too neisy.
Where, should the doctors decide to
desert Harley street, they will move to
is, of course, diMcult to say, but it is
almost safe to affirm that .when they
do migrate they will finally settle down
again all together in some quiet corner
of the metropolis.
There are many Londoners who still
remember the time when London's
chief doctors congregated in the neigh-
borhood of Finsbury square, which was
deserted for Harley street on account
of the many businesses which Set up
in the former neighborhood.
There are many other curious In-
stances, however, of the manner 'in
which professional and business men
flock together. Tottenham Court toad,
for instance, is the great furniture tho-
roughfare of the metropolis, while
Long Acre is raonopolized by motor
ear firms and carriage builders. Avia-
tors have made Piccadilly the, head-
quarters of the aeroplane industry, In
width street the Aero club and the
offices of the Aeroplane are situated,
while film manufacturers have congre-
gated in the immediate neighborhood
of Charing Cross.
Why is Hatton Garden the home of
diamond merchants and why do so
many music hall artists insist on living
at Brixton? A stroll down Holborn
reveals the fact that it is a favorite
street for the show rooms of bicycle
manufacturers, while there are prob.
ahly more typewriting firms in Queen
Victoria street than any other part of
the metropolis. Gerard street, Rupert
street and some, of the other streets in
&the appear attractive to the cinema
trade, and many private theaters are,
found in that classic neighborhood.
Hat manufacturers seem to have a
great liking for Blackfriars road, while
Willesden can probably boast of more
laundry firms than may other district
in London. Most or the btdlders are
In Wandsworth, the bootmakers and
cabinetanakers in Bethnal Green, tan-
ners in Bermondsey, potters in Lam-
beth, brewers and printers in South.
Hoxton seems to be the home of lam
manufacturers and Houndsditch that
of toy dealers, while Cleritenwell road
Is the greater tenter a ice cream raer-
chants, makers of street organs arid
mosaic floor clinkers. Charing Clross
road is a street of bookshOps and Fleet
sstreet the hub a the newspaper world.
-London Tit -Bits.
He Knew That Much.
"Do 'you think you will be able to
keep me out of jail?" he asked after he
had made a full confession to his law-
"I may not be able to do that, but
can make the state spend a lot of
money in, putting you there." -Chicago
Record -Herald.
Couldn't Pool Artie.
Little Arthur's mother, after trying
in vain to get him to SWallOW tt pill,
concealed it In a banana, evhieli she
gave him. Present), when she asked
bftn if he had eaten the battens., be re-
plied. "Yes, mamma all but the seed."
-Boston Transeript:
Changed Places.
"Dld you see 'where it women in
eago has a dog In the house that talks
"Well, there are plenty in more towns
than Chitago who have a man in the
boast that growls All the titne.",w-Baltl-
more A.raerican,
36 inch Raw Silk
$1.00 per yard
This is a very serviceable ma-
terial for Bummer dresses, stands
the wear and washes well. Colors
tan, grey, copenhagen and black.
36 inch Black Messaline
SiIk '$1.25 per yard
A Silk we cati recommend with
a rich finish and very fine weave.
White Critton Voile
25c and 50cIper yard
Very sheer material for cool
summer wear and good washing
Roman Stripe Silks
$1 50 per yard
This Silk is very fashionable
for trimmings and in all shades
to go with any color.
Penmans' lisle Hosiery
Black, White and Tan
25c„ 35c., 5gc. veins
These Hose are made from the
finest inateriale in seamless style
and are perfect fitting.
Kayser Silk Gloves
16 Button Length $1.25
short 5i1c.
The Kayser Glove is famous
for its wearing and fitting qual-
ities, made by the best American
Glove Co.
Crompton Corsets
160 to $3.U0 a pair
Manynew styles for summer
wear, n low bust styles and
made from fine light weight
Summer Parasols
In White, and Colors, new
shapes and styles, from $0e to
Awning Duck For Verendahs
25c to 35c a yard
Colors in plain stripes, red, blue
brown and green.
Japanese Rugs
for Verandahs
Sizes 3x6, 6x9, 9x9, and 942 ft.
Prices 50c, $1.00, $2.00
and $3.50
Lancaster Linaleums
2, 3 and 4 yards wide, in pretty
floral and block designs, best
wearing qualities and patterns.
Inlaid Linoleums
2 yards wide, in block and tile
patterns, suitable for kitchens,
and bathrooms. Get our prices
before buying.
Window Shades ani
Curtain Poles
at all prices
Cash or Trade.
Phone 71
Extra Values in Yarns, Woollen Blankets, Sheetings,
Underwear, Clothing etc., in exchange for Wool.
Notice is hereby given, Pursuant ta Section
80, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statute f Ontario,
that all persons having claimeleigainst the
Estate of Kate Campbell, Deceit , whe died
on or about the Fifteenth der f Aprii, A.D,,
1919, at the Township of Mor in the County
of Huron, arerequirecl to sen by post, pre-
paid, or to deliver to 1 V stone, Wingham,
Ontario, Solicitor for te ecutor, on or be-
fore the Twenty -sere clay of July, A. D.
1914, their names a ,' addresses, with full
particulars of their cla nts in writing, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them,
duly vertilled by a statutory declaration.
And furtherba ke notice End after the said
Twenty-seventh day of July, 1914, the assets
of the Fetid estate wiil be distributed by the
Executors among the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice, and the estate will not
be liable for any- claims not filed at the time of
the said distribution.
Dated at Wingbam this 24th day of June, A.
D., 1014.
Wingham, P.(0,
Solr. for the,Executor,
Boyon-In Wingham, on June 25th,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyce, a daugh,
GIDDIES -In Teeswater, on june 23rd,
to Dr. and Mrs. Mies, a son.
Pfne-In Morris township, on June
16th, 1014, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pipe,
a son.
STonns-In Howlett, on Jene 22nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes, a soh.
SM1TH-In Morris township, on June
23rd, to Mr, and Mrs. David Smith, e.
Bon -KELLY -In Wingham, on Mon-
day, Jnne 29, by Rev. Father Blair,
Edward Bak to Miss Lillian Kelly,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly,
all of Wingham.
HUTTING-WooDe-At the rectory,
Witg,hain, Saterday, June 27th, by the
Rev. E. G. Dymond, Mr. William
Hutting to Mrs. Annie 'Woods, both of
hintn-Smint-In Wroxeter, on June
176, at the home of thebride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Smith, by Rev. R.
S. Laeltland, Miss Elle Smith to Mr.
Garvin Muir, of Stratford.
ANDERSow -In Wroxeter, on Juno
21st, James Anclereon, aged 60 years.
I3ovet ---In Winghtm, on June 27th,
Ineous Elizabeth, infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Boyce.
Chtstee-In Grey towttship, oti Jute
18th, 1914, Alice Douglas, beloved Wife
of James Critic, it) her 58th year.
CAmtaoet-In Ashfield, on June 25th,
John Catrieron, formerly of Lower
Winghare, eged St yeas and 6 nionthet
CROWDenteeIn Leedom On June 25th,
Robert H. Crowder, formerly of Wing -
bans, aged 43 years.
10 -'At Woodstock Hospital, Thurs-
day, inc 25, Agnes Fortune Roy, widow
of the late David Roy, of Listowel.
W/Ltrrs Turnberry, on June 25th,
Mary Evans, wife of Mr, John Willits,
in her 70th year.
Notices Under This Head ten cents a line
for first insertion; tme cents for subee-
quent insertions,
.11/INWIWVIVIOWV11.1~1414.49.41011)104* 01001"11.1.101401/1)"4.1141,11.41/WAWVII
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
WANTRD -Good general servant
Apply at the Timm office.
. Now's the time to buy your wall pap-
er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's.
Rooms TO RENT over W. J. Greer's
shoe store. For particelars apply to
Dr, A J. Irwin.
select from at lowest pric, e
W4 J. GREElt.
Experienced marrie man waets
work on farm. Anpietto P. Nourian,
Fon SAte-A comfortable seven -
roomed house, with cement cellar and
coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good
garden. Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min-
nie street or at his office, Salt Block.
NOTICE -Our dental offices will be
eloeed every Wednesday afternoon from
May 1st to October lst.
G. H. Ross, D.D,S,
Teacher Wanted.
Qualified teacherefor School Section
No. 5, East Wave nosh, Duties to
commence on Sept ber 1st. Apply,
stating salary anjbxpenience to
J. W. ONE,
Belgrave, Ont.
Special Closing
July 82 August
W. H. With & Co.
Sole Agents - sg„,,1 For Ladies
120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres
hard wood bush; well fenced; good state
cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank
barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two
storey brick cottage, 11 rooms.
XotICA IA hereby given, pursuant to Seetien
118, Chap 121 Of the Revised Statutes On
a that all peesime haeing eliding against
the Estate of James Angus, Deceased, who
died on or about the Twenty-fitet day of April.
.A.D. 1914, at the 'Town of Wingham in the
Cotinty of Huron, ere required to send by post,
prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vensterie, Wing -
ham, Ontario, Solieitor for the Executorn,on
or before the sixth day of July, A.D 1914,
their names and addresses, with full pertieu-
litre of their eirti1115 in writing, and the nature
of the seetititiee tif tete held by them, duly
verified by a statutory deelerettou.
And !nether take notice thet efter the
said dixth day of Jely, 1019, the assets ef the
Mad estate will be distributed hy the Mae:ti-
ters among the perties entitled therte, having
regard only to the drams of whith they Abell
then havt notice, and the estate wilt not be
fieble for any, claims not filed at the time of
the mid distribution
Mired at Winglisin thief Rth deg Of Jane,
.A 1014,
11. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O.
Solicitor for the iliteeutors.
Large quantities of Wool
Cash or Trade. We pay the highest cash price
A large range of
All -Wool Sheets Blankets
made by the best mills.
Bring your Wool here and get
best value for your money.
A large assortment of
Men's Suits
20 per cent. off
regular cash price in exchange for Wool.
Over 100 Suits to select from.
Successor to T. A:Mills