HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-06-12, Page 16LOOKING BACK: Blake Presbyterlan Church, ward of Stanley East Lakeshore Advance When the Township of Stanley was young, homes, industries and churches popped up in small pockets. A natural spring aided the development of a hamlet on the southern boundary of the township, named since the 1870s, as Blake. Monthly church services were held in the Blake school until 1870 when one tenth of an acre of land just east of the village was purchased from Joseph Foster. A Gothic Revival frame church was built on a knoll and hosted its first service on Miarch 12, 1871. In those days, the United Presbyterian Church had congregations in Brucefield, Bay- field, Kippen, Varna, and in Blake. Associa tions adjusted with the times however the congregation at Blake remained self suffi- cient. Margaret Elliott wrote in the Township of Stanley 1listory Book that the Blake congre gation supported several "schemes" including, in the early days, 1 lame Missions, I Irnrh l?vangelisrn and 11'irlo\vs and l )i plums. Collections too these schemes \vete taken by the young women of the church who sepa- rately ret'oitlt'tl 1Ionutit111S irt1111 each town ship concession. For many yea's, garden par ties followed anniversary set vices. After supper, musical eine' laintuent was provided by hired hands or local talent. Parishioners made their owl) ice creast tot the };stolen patty. wrote Ates. Elliott, as records showed in 1')17 an expense of $6.35 to purchase eggs and cream. The congregation funded guest speakers and creature comfort intploye nit`11ts, In 1875, they Moved the woodstove 10 the rear of the building and purchased stove pipes lo will it. 'they hired a caretaker who provided wood and lit the fires for $:1 per veal, \n o1 gun was purchased and placed on a newly built platform and (dales \ver* put chase(( tot the choir.:\ snail room lo the west oldie platform was built to accommodate the I'i ltnuty Sunday School class. 111 19•I6, the Blake church c*Iebrated its i 5th itiotivt'tsary however it was only five yt'ai s Iiltl'I \viten declining attendance t'iltlst'd its closure. It\ this time, the community's Industries and businesses were also declin ing. Since 1863, Blake's commercial district contained Adam 1{dighoffer's shoe shop, a leather unmet y, it postal and telegraph office, aiul a steam powered twill thus ground apples in fall (to make apple butter and cider) and grains in winter, 1Ite hamlet was home to silt' of three hotels in the township. r\ blacksmith operated from the late 1800s until the early 1150s. A general repair shop and a general store operated into the 71)s, 'the building was sold to the Blake Mennonite congregation which used it for several years as it church hall. A few years ago, the abandoned building \\'a` moved 11t1rtilwest 10 private properly at Carolyn Van Sllgtenhont, photo the intersection of Itltlt'watt'r 1 ilghwuy and Mafia Road. Source: Inu'n.chip (('Stanley Ili: tory Book 183 19101. the photO,1?'(l►h of the church at its o►'igilllll location was supplied h1' ('a' oh'll Van Sligtt'nhorst. nor y BaIt urch Highway 21 at Ausahle Cut Church 519-243-2144 Pastor Doug N'ulson Sunday, June 16 10:30 a.m. Worship and Sunday School (nursery provided) Kidz Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games and more, SK -(,r 6, 6:4-8p.m.,onthe second Wednesday of each month Midweek service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together Zurich Mennonite Church 1 tS 15 Iiia, h 11rn..111 Rtl . \\'t•.1 nl /u11t h 511) ;16 .1011 N w\r,k{ngsarldconmm•cu kittpttvId Pastor: M•n 1i.11 /.\t(' Ih�stor: Ibm !roc. Sunday, June 16 9:3() a.in. Worship Gathering Pastor Ken (Ha/ley 11:011 a.m. Sunda(' School Everyone Welcome ST. JOHN'S BY-TI-IE��-LAKE s SLtCAH CNVICH l lwy. 21, North of Grund Vend 519-238-2.180 sI,johns(lihuy.nct Web: \\'w\V.stjohmgrandhend,ca St. Anne's, Port Franks: Sunday, June 16 Fourth Sunday tiller Pentecost 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Fr. Andrew Wilson Celebrant St. John's By -The -lake: Sunday, June 16 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Fr. Andrew Wilson Celebrant "A Community of Faith to Call Home" The Reverend Father araithame R. 13owcott St. 1tei's 1.utlieriu1('hian'h (11:[ Zurich, Ont. Ret N,ntulr Sehii''dei Ki.ini if 1 ii',llu.t \II\ t .ht l\ane 1 ,1pit`\On ll Srrn I,n \ Irnnllt t Srhrlicnly Il rl, t )11tcc S I') : Ih 1697 Sunday, June 16 2nd Sunday atter Pentecost with Holy Communion Service 10:00 am. Sunday School 10:15 am. Welcoming for Confirmation Class and Coffee Hour at 11:00 am 11e the /sly'/e ../ ‘t I'elrr'.t u►r rdI!td, h\ the e t1' 1'e II 111'1, rnuntz .( 1111►,heels.( e11n.1rr.1,u11' 1, C6n11n1:111 A 11111 I/ut Vtv11 t►M \\ tto / ,( /11 11 /wig I V11101 Yu I I VIYINYNII ,( 1!1,• 111.'41 Grand Bend Church of (; (1 Come worship with us I‘% N. 81 and (;tII Road Phone 519-238-2142 Sundae' ,lune 16 11) 1(1 ;I 111 :\I;c\ 11) 11) 11 15) .1 111 roller flmr 11 110 •1 111 \\'nlshit, Novice Come Join our Youth (;roup for ages 11 -IIS at 6:45 pan, SillI(kr►' !i l'evrinl,�s Ila a1,t� 1 01) r m Itlhlr \lady \\'t lne\t1,i, 1 101 I1,m 5'i o 't Bible Srluh www.grundhendchurehofgod,org (:rand Bend United Church faunNovel ,1tQueen SI') 23K•2402 tinolet Rev Unity I)i\her �1 t11g1un\I Viva McIntyre 41' ptntnthcittl 51ceim 11.'.c11111 • Sunday June 16 11:00 a.nl. Pentecost IV Communion Guest Speaker: Cheryl Bolton .all Welcome I��il>tu'i Faith "... (,('(l has 1'1'o'11t1'(/ 111 11111/1 I/h' pOIt'('/' of 1't'11sO11. it'll('1'('/1l' 111(111 i.' enabled to il!'. ('\•li,t,'(l((' front the 1111111)'1 11'ritings Itis Intt,rnr,ltu,n on local ('hlithen'\ And IIS' (mot fault hntikmrnnen( Vulcan 1;111 514 ' 15 8010' (11 %I (hese %% C11 \Ile\' w\tlt.cu.huhuLurg www.hahu{lumhtonshores.org Zion Lutheran Church LC-(' f 1.18 Frederick St., Dashwood Rev. John 1:, 'l'remhulak 519-237-15.18 Sunday, .lune 16 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.nl. Adult Bible ('lass 1 1:00 a.m. Family Worship Everyone Welcome 11;1)/net/-1 n/ hni(IL haynet forest BAPTIST CHURCH arwollvely proclaiming ('FII?IS I without c.ompromise Sunday June 16. 2013 9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages 10:50 am - Morning Worship 'By His Wounds' Pastor Mcauffln speaking 6:00 pm - Evening Service Tyler Strickler speaking Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest 519-786-3480 wwyV.forestbaot1it.c8 We welcome everyone of all ages to join usll }