HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 7'11
they rolleddown the stair% The ate
tient and rkliety strneture c•ould »ut
witizetatel the strait! of taht unwonted
weight flue jerking.. With nereaktott
and rentliug or breaking wood it ece
lapsed beneath the A et let, lea vl Ta
zan, Abdul and the girl alone tipop the
frail platform at the top.
"Con eV cried the Onkel-Nail. "They
will reach us trotu negate"r stairway
through the room next to mine. We
have not a moment te spare."
Just :Is they were entering the room
Abdul hearcl and translated a cry from
the yard below for several to hastett to
the street and cut off escape front that
"We are lost now," %aid the girl sine
"We?" questioned Tarzan,
"Yee, m'sleur," she responded; "they
will kill me as well. Have I not aided
Alone Taman could have sprung lute
the raidst of that close packed mob
and, laying about him after the fash-
ion of Numa, the lion, have snuck the
Arabs with each consternation that es.
cape would have been easy. Now he
must think entirely of these two faith-
ful friends.
He crossed to the window which
overlooked the street. In a minute
Copyright. 1913, by W. G. Chapman
*doii, sheik „ 0sfellaerdewsuersK
t tribe far south of 'Djelfa.
• gbrough Abdul Taman invited his now
.acquaintance to dine with him. As the
;three were making their way. through
;the crowds of marketers, camels, don-
:ketts and horses that filled the market
place with a confusing babel of sounds,
'Abdul plucked at Tarzan's sleeve.
"Look, master, behind ns!" And be
.turned, pointing at a figure in Arab
f garb which disappeared behind a cam-
el a Tarzan turned. "Be has been
following us about all afternoon. He
must be a bad man or he would have
;honest business of his own to occupy
his time."
, "He is on the wrong scent, then,
`'.A.bdul," replied Tarzan, "for no one
here can have any grievance against
me. This is my first visit to your coun-
try, and none knows me. He will
goon discover his error and cease to
'follow us."
Kadour ben Sade o having dined well
prepared to take leave of his host.
'With dignifled protestations of friend-
ship he invited Tarzan to svisit him in
his wild domain, where the antelope,
the stag, the boar, the panther and
the lion might still be found th suffi-
cient numbers to tempt an asdent
ilk-- It was after 8, and the dancing was
'An full swing as Tarzan and Abdul en-
tered a Moorish cafe. The room was
filled to repletion with Arabs. Ail
were smoking and drinking their
thick, hot coffee.
Tarzan and Abdul found seats near
the center of the room, though the ter-
rific noise produced by the musicians
upon their Arab drums and pipes
°would have rendered a seat farther
frona them more acceptable to the
quiet loving ape -man. A rather good
,A looking girl was dancing, and, per-
etving Tarzan's European clothes and
scenting a generous gratuity, she threw
her silken handkerchief upon his shout -
der, to be rewarded with a franc.
When her place upon the floor had
been taken by another the bright eyed
Abdul saw her in conversation with
two Arabs at the far side of the room
near a side door that let upon an inner
court, around the gamy of which
were the rooms occupied by the girls
evho danced in this cafe.
At first be thought nothing of the
• naotter, but presently he noticed from
t the corner of his eye one of the mete
nod in their direction and the girl turn
and shoot a furtive glance at Tarzan.
Then the Arabs melted through the
dootway into the darkness ee the
When it came again the girl's turn
to dance she hovered close to Tarzan,
and for the ape -man alone were her
. sweetest smiles. Many an ugly scowl
wee cast upou the tall European by
swarthy, dark eyed sons of the desert,
but neither smiles nor scowls produced
any outwardly visible effect upon him.
Again the girl cast bez• handkerchief
upon his sboulder, and again was she
rewarded with a franc piece. As she
was sticking it upon her forehead,
after the eustorn of her kind, she bent
low toward 'Amon, whisoeving a quick
word In his ear.
"There are two without in the court,,"
she said quiekly, in broken Freed'.
"who would harm metieur. At first I
prom'secl to lure yeti to them, but you
have been Med. and I cannot do it. Go
quickly, before they find that I have
them. I think that they are
ery blicl men."
Taman thanked the girl."assuring her
tiler be Would be careful, and, having
finished her damp, she crossed to the
tittle doorway and went out into the
court,. But Taman did not twee the
•cole as she had urged.
' For another half hour nothing un-
usual occurred, then a surly looking
:Arab entered the eafe from the street.
ne stood near Taman, where he de-
liberately made ineulting remarks
,P, nbout the European, but as they were
in his native tongue Taman was en-
tirely innocent of their purport until
Abdul took it upon himself to enlighten
"This fellow is looking for trouble,"
'warned Abdul. "He is not alone. In
fact in ease of a disturbance nearly
every num Iiere wonid be against you,
It 'would be better to leave quietly,
"Ask the fellow what he wants,"
commanded Tarzan. •
"Ile sot that 'the dog of a Christian'
insulted the Ouled-Nail (dancing girl),
Who belongs to him. tie means trou-
ble, ra'sieur."
"Tell him that / did not insult his
.or any other Outed-Nail, that I wish
itIni to go. avtay and leave me alone;
that / three 110 ,quarrel With him nor
bee he nett with me."
"Ito says," replied AbdUl, after de.•
liveripS this inestlage to the Arab,
'that betides being, a dog yourself that
you are the Ben of one Ind that your
grandmother was a hyena. Inciden-
tally you are a liar."
The attention of those near by had
now been attracted by the altercation,
awl the sneering laughs that followed
this torrent of invective easily indicat-
ed the trend of the sympathies of the
majority of the audience.
Tarzan did not like being laughed at,
zielther did he relish the terrns applied
to hint by the Arab, but he showed no
sign of anger as he arose from his seat
upon the bench. A. half smile played
about his lips, but of a sudden a
mighty fist shot into tbe face of the
seowling Arab, and back of it were
the terrible muscles of the ape -man.
At the instant that the man fell a
half dozen fierce plainsmen sprang into
the room from where they had appar-
wetly been waiting for their cue in the
street before the cafe. With cries of
"Lillt the unbeliever!" and "Down with
the dog of a Christian!" they made
straight for Tarzan.
A number of the younger Arabs in
the audience sprang to their feet to
join in the assault upon the unarmed
white man. Tarzan and Abdul were
rushed back toward the .end of the
room by the very force of numbers op-
posing them. The young Arab remain-
ed loyal to his master and with drawn
knife fought at his side. .
With tremendous blows the ape -man
felled all who came within reach of
his powerful hands. So closely packed
was the howling, cursing mob that no
weapon could be wielded to advantage,
and none of the Arabs dared use a fire-
arm for fear of -woundene, one of bis
Finally Tarzan succeeded in seizing
one of the most persistent of his at-
tackers. With a quick wrench he dis-
armed the fellow, and then. holding
him before them as a shield, he back-
ed slowly beside Abdul toward the lit-
tle door which lett into the inner court-
yard. At the threshold he paused for
an instant and, lifting the struggling
Arab above his head, hurled him ae
though from a catapult full in the
faces of Ms onpressing fellows.
Then Taman and Abdul stepped into
the semidarkness of the court. The
frightened Ouled-Nails were crouching
at the tops of the stairs which led to
their respective rooms. the only light
lu the courtyard comiug from the sick-
ly candles which each girl had stuck
with its own grease to the woodwork
of her door frame.
Scarcely had Tarzan and Abdul
emerged from the room ere a revolver
spoke close at their backs from the
shadows benestb one of the stairways,
and as they turned to meet this new
autagodst two muffled figures sprang
toward them, flring as they eame. To.r-
San leaped to meet these two ncw as-
sailants. The foremost lay a second
later in the trampled dirt of the court,
disarzned and groaning from a broken
wrist. Abdul's knife found the vitals
of the second in the instant that the
feliow's revOlver missed fire as he held
It to the faithful Arab's forehead.
The maddened horde Within the cafe
were now rushing out in pursuit of
their quarry. The girls bad extinguish-
ed their candles at a cry from one of
their 'lumber, and the only light with -
In the yard came feebly from the open
and half blocked door of the cafe. Tar-
zan had seized a sword from the man
who bad fallen before Abdul's knife.
and now he stood waiting for the rush
of men that was cowing in search or
them through the darkness. '
Suddenly he felt a light hand upon
his shoulder from behind and a wow-
an's voice whispering:, "Quick, &steer;
This. way. Follow me!"
"Come, Abdul," said Tarzan, in a
low tone to the youth; "we can be no
Worse off elsewhere than we are here."
The woman turned and led them up
the narrow stairway that ended at the
doer of her quarters. Tarzan was close
beside her. InstinctIvely he knew that
she wag the sante who had whispered
the warning in his ear earlier in the
As they reached the top of the stairs
they could hear the angry crowd
searching the yard beneath.
"Soon they will searchhere," whis-
pered the girt "Ittesthn; you ecu drop
from the farther window of My room
to the street beyond. Before they (lite
cover that you are no longer in the
court or the buildings you will be safe
Within the hotel."
Bet even as she spoke several men
had stinted up the stairway at the
heed of which they stood. There was
a sudden cry flute one Of the Search -
ere. They had been diScOVered. Qtlick-
ly the crowd rushed for the stairway.
The foremost assailant then leaped
npward, but at the top lm met the mid -
den sword that he had not eXpected—
the creme had been unarmed before.
With a cry the Matt toppled book
wen those behind Ws. Like tenpin
,IrLY 2, OH
Get Full Value
From It
the cioly restirinable" solution of the
paebered at the Seale time
Presently the men in the street went
atvaY, The OPartyard find the cafe
were deserted, Cautiously. Tarzan
lowered hireself to the sill of the girl's
window. The room •was eMptY. Be
returned to the roof and let Abdul
' down; the be lowered the girl to. the
• arms of the waiting Arab.
Froth the selectee,' A.baul dropped the
short distance to the street bets,
i while Tarzan took the girl in his mane
mid leaped down as he bad done On So
1 mitey other occasions in his OWn for.
est with a burden in his arms. A. Itttie
' cry of alarm was started from the
girl's lips, but Tarzan landed in the
street with but an imperceptible jar
and lowered her be safety to her feet.
She clung to hint for a moment:
"flow strong paonsieur is and tiove
active!" she cried. "El adrea, the blank
lion, himself Is not more so."
"I should like to meet this el aclrea
of yours." he said. "I have heard
much about him."
"Ane you come to the douar of my
father you shall see him," said the
girl. "Ile lives in a spur of the moun-
tains north of us and cowed' down
from his lair at night to rob my fa-
ther's dollar. With a single blow of
his mighty paw be crushes the, skull of
n buil, and woe betide the belated way-
farer who meets., el adrea abroad at
Without ftu:ther mishap they reached
the hotel and sent a messenger for Ka -
dour ben Saden. They had waited
perhaps half an hour when the mes-
senger returned with the old sheik.
Pie entered the room with a question-
ing expression upon his proud face.
"Monsieur has done me the honor
to"— he commenced, and then his eyes
fell upon the girl. With ontstretched
arms he crossed the room to meet her.
"My daughter!" he cried. "Allah Is
merciful!" And tears dimmed the
martial eyes of the old warrior.
When the story of her abduction. and
her final rescue had been held to Ka -
dour ben Saden he extended his hand '
to Tarzan.
"All that is Kadour ben Saden's is
thine, my friend, even to his life," he
said very simply, but Tarzan knew
that these were no idle words.
Early next morning the party was
on its way south toward Bou Saada.
For a few miles the road was good,
and they made rapid progress, but and-
"denly it became only a waste of sand,
into which the horses sank fetlock
deep at nearly every step. In addition
to Tarzan, Abdul, the sheik, and his
daughter were four of the wild plains-
men of the sheik's tribe who had ac-
companied him upon the trip to Sidi
Aissa. Thus, seven guns strong, they
entertained little fear of attack by day,
and if all went well they should reach
Bon Sawa before nightfall. But soon
Abdul announced that they were being
followed by six horsemen.
"At the next village. I shall remain
and question these gentlemen while
you ride on," said Tarzan.
''If you stop we shall stop," said Ka -
dour ben Saden. "Until you are safe
with your friends or the enemy has
left your trail we shall remain with
you. There is nothing more to say."
Tarzan but nodded his head. He was
a ma.n of few words, and pbssibly it
was for this reason as much as any
that Kadour ben Soden bad takento
him, for if there De one thing that an
Arab despises it is a talkative man.
All the balance of the day Abdul
caught glimpses of the horsemen in
their rear. They remained always at '
about the same distance. During the
occasional halts for rest. and at the
longer halt at noon they approached
no closer.
"They are waiting for darkness,"
said Kadour ben Saden.
A.nd derkness came before they
reached Bou • Saada. The pursuing
horsemen rapidly dosed up the dis-
tance; that intervened between there
and their intended quarry. Aerial
whispered this fact to Tarzan, for be
did not wish to alarm the girl. The
ape -man drew buck beside him.
. "You will ride attend with the oth-
ers, Abdul,': said Tarzan. "This is my
ventheee fel-
iqouwasr71. I shall wait at the next con-
enit spot and interview "Then Abdul shall wait at thy side,"
replied the young Arab, nor would any
threats or commands move him frozn
his decision.
"Very well, then," replied Taman.
"Here Is rts• good a pinee as we could
wish. Here are roeks at the top of
this hillock. We shall remaie bidden
here and speak witb the gentlemen."
They drew in their horses and dis-
mounted. The others, riding ahead.
Were already out of sight in the dark-
ness, Beyond them shoue the lights of
Bou Sande. Tarzan metered his rifle
from its boot and loosened his revolver
In its bolster. Ile ordered Abdul to
withdraw beidell the rocks With the
horses so that they would be shielded
from the enemies' bullets shOuid they
fire. The yonett Arab pretended to do
as he was bid, but when ho hnd fasten-
ed the two animate Remelt,* to a low
shrub he erept back to lie on his belly
a few paces behind Taman.
The apeenan stood ereet in the mid -
die of the road, waiting. Nor dM he
have long to wait The sound of gal-
loping horses env suddenly out Of the
darkness bolo* hint, and n Mon:fent
later he ditteerned the ineving blotched
of lighter eoior epithet the solid back-
ground ef the night.
"Halt," be erica, "or nte firer
The 'White figeres Cattle tO "a sudden
step, Mad for a Moment there Was el -
tenet). Abdul teleed hintself to one
knee. Tatzen cecked
ed eate, and presettlY there Caine to
him the sound of hOrites Walking Tilt+
ly through. the and to the east Of Wm,
"We are lost now."
there would be enemies below. Al-
ready he could hear the mob clamber-
ing the stairway to the next quarters
—they would be at the door beside hire
in another instant. He put a foot upon
the sill 'and leaned out, but he did not
look down. Above him, within arm's
reach, was the low roof of the build-
ing. He caned to the girl. She came
and stood beside him. He put a great
arm about her and lifted her acrosg
his shoulder.
"Wait here until 1 reach down Per
you from above," he said to Abdul.
"In the meantime shove everything in
the room against that door—it may de-
lay them long enough." Then he step-
ped to the sill of the narrow window
with the girl upon his shoulders.
"Hold tight," he cautioned her. A mo-
ment later he had clambered to the
roof above with the ease and dexterity
of an ape. Setting the girl down, he
leaned far over the roof's edge, calling
softly to Abdul. The youth ran to the
"Your band," whispered Tarzan. The
men In the room beyond were batter-
ing at the door. Virith a sudden crash
it fell splintering in, and at the dame
moment Abdul felt himself lifted like
a feather on to the roof above. They
were not it moment too sow;
As the three squatted upon the roof
above the quarters of the Ouled-Nails
they heard the angry cursing of the
Arabs in the room beneath. Abdul
translated from time to time to Tar-
"They are berating those in the street
below now," said Abdul. "for permit-
ting us to escape so easily. Those itt
the street say that we did not come
that way, that we are still within the
building and that those above, being
too cowardly to attack us, are attempt-
ing to deeeive them int° believing that
we have escaped. In a moment they
will have fightIng of their own to at-
tend to if they continue their, brawl -
Presently those in the building gave
up the search and returned to the cafe.
A few remained in the street below,
smoking and talking.
Tarzan spoke to the girl, thanking
her for the sacrifice she had made for
him, a total stranger.
"I; lilted Yoh." she said simply. "Yen
were intake the °there win) come to
the daft. You did not speak coarsely
to me. The manner in which you gave
me money wan not an
'What shall yea do after tonight?'
he asked. "You cannot return to the
cafe. Can you &et' remain with safe-
ty In Sidi Alma?"
"Tomorrow it will be forgotten," she
replied. "Brut 1 abduct be glad if It
might be that I need never retura to
thls oe another cafe. I have not re-
mained beeause I Wished te. I have
been a prisoner."
"A prisoner!" ejltetilated Tarzan tn
"A stare world be the better Word,"
she answered. 4,11 as stelen in the.
night from nay father's dem by a
band of marauders. They brought me
here and sold me to the Arab who
keeos thts eafe. It has been nearly
i*Vo 1AOY1 itd**; !!,1,1,10.11411.1„0..4
THIS paper is. yours. It is
what you make. It It
Will serve you as well as you
will let it. And it is only
through the united torce of
the big fanally of readers that
such a paper is possible at
such a price.
But do you get all out ot
the paper that you can get—
all that you are entitled to?
You do not unless you read
the advertising columns.
Besides the news of the day
and the happenings of the
world, there are advertise-
ments that will keep you
posted on business affairs.
that will give you the news
of commercial life, These ad-
vertisements tell you which
are the most reliable stores,
what are the purest foods to
eat, the most serviceable ad
fashiohable 'merchandise and
the most x•ellable products.
mine own people,' They are very Per
to the south. They never ethne to situ
"you weted !Ike 10 returxl to your
;)eoplet" aeked Tarien. -Then, 1 shall
;neenise to see sou safely so far as
Bott Saadit. at least. There we can
dentglees arrange with the coalman -
dam to send you the rest of the way."
"Ob. neelenr!" she cried. -How can
1 ewer repay yea? My father can re-
ward you, and he will, for is he not a
greet titACIV: 110.10 Kadour ben Sa-
"Eadour ben ,Saden!" ejaculated Ter -
me "Why, Kadour ben Saden Is in
Sidi Aissa tide very night. He dined
with me but a few hours since."
"Iilushi" cautioned Abdul. "Listen!"
The Fight In.the Desert. '
ROM below came the sound of
voices, quite distinguishable
upon the still night air. Tar-
zan could not understand the
ltvoerads, but Abdul and the girl trans-
at"They have gone now," said the lat-
ter. "It is yon they want, m'sieur.
One of them said °that the stranger
who had. offered money for your slay-
ing lay in the house of .A.kmed din Sou-
le with a broken *mist, but that he
had offered a still greater reward if
some would lay in wait for you upon
the road to Bou Searle and kill you."
"It is he who followed m'sieur about
the market today," exclaimed Abdul.
"I saw him again within the cafe -
111111 and another—and the two went
out into the inner court after talking
with this girl here. It was they who
attacked and Bred upon us as we came
out of the cafe. Why do they wish to
kill you, m'sieur?"
"/ do not know," replied Taman, and
then, after a pause, "unless"— But
he did not finish, for the thought that
had come to his mind, while it seemed
Thought S•hP
‘4.':144 "it to, co.
• k
From Sauce Stittlitiq
Mrs. Wm. Ilirst, It 1Palmerston
Avenue, Toronto, Oat., writes as under
date or January 2:lrci, 1914..
The T. Milburn Co., LimiLed,
Toronto, Ont.
Dear Sirs:—" Last summer I had grave
anxiety for my th.tk girl, who was just
one year old in July last. She had con-
etant and severe attacks of Strthtliet
complaint, anal it seerned to drag on her
tee long despite the many remedies I
tried. My neighbors told me she had
-Town so weak they thought I would'
loose her. One night while nursing her
at old friend of minehappened to come
io see me, and after telling her about niy
Ittesde liretering illness she asked me to
try .Dr. Vowler's :Retract of Wild Straw -
terry, I" sent it litth girl to Our drug
nml bought it bottle, and after
in.ving given the baby one dose
r•otieed a remarkable change, and after
giving her three or four doses she was
well ttgaia, and beeatt to walk, which
:del hurl Int been able to do prior to her
attack. She is now a fine healthy child,
and 1 one her life to that kindly advice
of an cid friend. / would. advise aft
mothers to give "Dr. Pewter's" A prom -
Lica place in their mediethe chest."
Yours truly,
(Sgd.) Matt. Wet, Rintr,
When you ask for Dr. Powler's
traet of NVild Strawberry see that you
ret it, .
IV rim Thun ost Tun 1Lanrt rOlt NW17.-
1W i;V,V1:11‘rrY *SNARL DoN'T ACCE.vr
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OpiutitIvierphine poreraL
Thigokb 4'ced-
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evaded Remedy forConstipe:
tion. SourStomach,Diarthm,
ness and LOSS OF bLEEP.
eacSimile ilsnattunof.
• avorthre,.
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5 .12.2,5, 2 .5.23.•
to 'The west, to the north and to the
south. They bad been surrounded.
Then a Shot came,. from the direction
in .tvlatch he was looking. A bullet
whirred through the air above his
head, and he fired at the flash of the
enemy's gun.
Instantly the soundless waste was
torn with the quick staccato of guns
upon every hand. Abdul and Tarzan
dred only at the flasbes. They could
not yet see their roemen. But one
came too close, for Taman was accus-
tomed to using his eyes ill the dark-
ness eV the jungle night. than which
there is no more utter darkness this
side the grove, and with a cry of pain
a saddle was emptied.
'The odds are ereuing, Abdul," said.
Tarzan. with a low laugh.
But they were still far too one sided;
and when the five remaining horsemen
whirled at a signal and charged full
upon them it looked as if there would
be a sudden ending of' the battle. Both
Tarzan and Abdol sprang to the shel-
ter of the rocks that they might keep
the enemy in frout of them. There
was it mad clatter of galloping hoofs,
a volley of shots from both sides, and
the APUIJS withdrew to repeet the ma-
neuver, but there were now only four
against the two.
• From one direction came the sound
of a new charge. But scarcely had the
first gun spoken ere a dozen shote
rang out. behind the Arabs. There
came the wild shouts of a new party;
to the controversy and the pounding
of the feet of many horses from down
-the road to Bon Sande.
The Arabs did not wait to learn the
identity of the oncomers. With a part-
ing volley, as they dashed by the posi-
tion which Tarzan and Abdul were
holding, they plunged off along the
road toward Sidi Aissa. A moment
later Kadour ben Baden and his men
dashed up.
"Why did you not tell me that you
contemplated ambushing those fel-
lows?" asked the sheik in a hurt tone.
"We might have had them all instead
of killing only two if the seven of us
had stopped to meet them."
"It MIA to prevent the transfer of
my own quarz•el to another's shoulders
thnt Abdul and I stopped oft to ques-
tion them. Then there is your daugh-
ter. I could not be the cause of ex-
posing her needlessly to the marks-
manship of six men."
tendour ben Staten shrtigged his
„ .
Could Not Get it of Them
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alt kinds of Pimples an my face, fro,s
early in the Spring in the Vall.
One of my friends told 1 about zaoar
medicine, and that: I Iv, to get scuie-
thing to ,ttrify Moo.. r.r.tr. ttv.,
bottles of your Burdnek Blood titters,
and in n short time 1 i.a eurgd,
have never been troubled isrqh
Pimples slate."
Burdock Mood Bit ere is nutnufaertm il
only by TItta T. Milburn Co,, Limited,
Tomtit°, Ont.
ernAtt• 11,
"Why did you not tell me you cone,
templated ambushing those fel !mar
shoulders. He did not reRsb having
been cheated out of a tight.
The little battle so close to Bon Sat -
da had drawn out a company of sol-
diers. Tarzan and his party met them
just outside the town. The officer in
eharge halted them to learn the sig-
nificance of the shots.
"A. handful of marauders," replied
Kadour ben Baden. "They attacked
two of our number *he had dropped
behind, but when we returned to them
the fellows soon dispersed. They ieft
two dead. None at my party was to-
. a. - •
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You're Tirod--,Out of
Sorts—liave no Appetite.
will put you right
irk s few days
They do
their duty,
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Genuine mut bear Signature