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4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda June 12 2013
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letters to the editor
Grand Bend & Area Horticultural
Society notes that teamwork
makes all the difference
To the Elinor;
What a tremendous planting
day we had May 30th, over 1,100
plants, many, many volunteers
(over 50), sun and no rain.
(Spoke to a lady who had been in
London most of the day and she
said there had been heavy pouts
of rain. Guess we just had
Mother Nature smiling on us
here in Grand Bend).
Planting day is a key day for
the Society's garden schedule. It
all starts in the fall with a request
to the Team Captains to snake
their plant requests for the fol-
lowing spring. 'these are com-
piled and a request to tender is
sent to our local growers. By the
New Year the Society selects the
grower. Huron Ridge Acres sup-
plied our plants again this year.
13y March we have to start the
process of fine tuning the order,
"that plant is not available sug-
gest you substitute this": lhen the
planting teams are set up and
the gardens prepared. 'there are
constant adjustments to the
plant order and minor revisions
to who is available to plant. And
this year the weather played a
key role. if you recall, Wednes-
day, right on cue the skies
opened up at 9:00 am and it
poured. Apparently it was a good
choice to change the date...'Ihe
weather on 'Thursday was great
and the freshly planted gardens
got another boost from Mother
Nature with a nice light rain in
the afternoon.
Many thanks to all the volun-
teers (planting and selling mem-
berships, plants), your combined
assistance each year help to
make planting day a success. 'ihe
plants arrived on time and so did
the sorters and planting volun-
teers. Volunteers, you worked
hard, had some laughs, and
must be very proud of the result!
'thank you!
Doris Semple, Volunteer
Coordinator will be looking after
the equally important mainte-
nance phase to keep our plants
going through the rest of the
summer and fall for the benefit
of all of us...those who are Grand
Benders along with our many
visitors .
'ihe plant sale generated some
excitement, it raised alwarent'ss
of the l lorticultural Society in
our community, and we made
some money, too. Thanks to all
who donated the plants and to
Anne Wilson and Dale Wilson,
Who managed the sale.
Our Membership Drive Com-
mittee had 2 stations this year,
again raising awareness and sell-
ing several memberships. We
expect to exceed our goal of 200
General Memberships this year.
When we add the Commercial
Members, currently at 61), we
realize how much support the
GBAi IS has in the community.
'Ihe Beach 104.9 radio station in
Goderich gave us lots of airtime,
recognizing our Volunteers and
our first new Commercial
in short, this is what we do.
We mtake'1he Bend more beauti-
ful, generate a wonderful aura of
excitement while Going it, and
have a great time with some spe-
cial people who make up the
I fort. Society Membership.
Congratulations to all those
who participated. 'she gardens
look fantastic!
Note: Our next General Meet-
ing is June 2,1th, with speaker
Ron Rossini, A'laster Gardener
talking about "Vegetable Grow-
ing': Everyone is welcome to join
us at the Legion and it starts
""lo Plant .1 Garden Is 7i)
Believe In 7ornorrou'"
Judy McDonald, President and
David Boyle, Planting Coordinator
Grand Bend and Area
Horticultural Society
The Musical Ride for Bob front page photo in the Lakeshore
Advance June 5th edition should have read Bob Williams. The
Lakeshore Advance regrets this error.
Optimist Drive and jive June 15th
To Ihe Editor,
The Grand Bend Optimist
Drive and Jive, June 15th is
slated to be a day filled with
fun for the whole family. Eve-
rything takes place at Grand
Bend's main beach.
Beginning at 8 a.m. the vin-
tage cars will arrive with the
result being an amazing car
show on site all day.
(:orale to the site hungry
because the Optimist is host-
ing a pancake breakfast from 9
a.In. until 11 and then the soap
hox derby will begin at 1 p.nl.
'There are two categories with
an open Section lvith no age
restriction and "imagination is
the only limitation" and a
youth category for 12 years
and under. 'Ibis includes
wheels and a light lunch. For
rules and regulations e-mail
Scott at scottwbqiphotmail.
'lhere will be a silent auction
set up for the evening and din
ner at 6 p.m. followed by danc-
ing to the sounds of the band
Radio at 8 p.m. 'There are
prizes for hest dressed 50s an(1
60s table.
All proceeds from the Grans
Bend Optimist Club go to local
youth projects. For dinner
tickets call 1-8811-338-2001.
Janet Coleman
Reader corrects ownership
7o the h(litor,
Re: Correction to letter to
the Editor in Lakeshore
Advance dated June 5, 2013
in my letter to the editor
titled 'NextEra vs Esther
Wrightnlan' from the June 5
edition of the Lakeshore
Advance, I mistakenly claimed
that Nextl:ral Was owned by
Florida Power and light. In fact
it is the other Way around. Flor-
ida Power and light is a
subsidiary of NextEra Energy
Inc. and is the largest producer
of wind and solar energy in
North America. However it
seems to he true that they do
have deep pockets. Per annual
reports their net income in
2012 was just under two billion
U.S. dollars.
My apologies to NextEra for
the error.
Roy Merkley
Grand Bend, Ontario
Algarve Fun Day
this week
7o the Editor;
For the 13111 year, the
Algarva Caravan of the Order
of Alhambra, an orgalli/atiOn
dedll'ated to assisting the men-
tally challenged, is offering an
opportunity for up to 450 men-
tally challenged adults and
their caregivers to gather at the
Legacy Centre in 'Medford for
a day of gargles, food, dancing
and fellowship.
lhis all happens on June
19th from 10 am until 6 pm
and the public is invited to
(hop in and find out what
Alhambra sloes.
Fun Day began in 2001 with
80 in attendance at Lions Park
in Grand Bend. Since that
tilnc' its popularity among the
mentally challenged commu-
nity has grown and now peo-
ple participate, mostly frurn
group homes and agencies,
from Huron, Lantbton and
Middlesex Counties.
Funds to put on this day are
raised by Algarva Caravan
through the running of a golf
tournament i1) July and a (.ash
Draw/Dance in November
each year.
Lakeshore Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signa-
ture (for verification. Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clari-
fication, style and length. Letters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.