HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-06-12, Page 3BUILD CANADA: Delay due to scope change, says federal agent Lynda HIIIman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Although some people in the community are convinced the reason Build Canada has not given the okay for sewage treat ment plant grant dollars is because of hump up requests, Build Canada says it is the signif- icant scope change that is to blame. While council member Doug Bonesteel wants advice from the solicitor regarding what he calls it "breach of contract" regarding Build (ulada and partner South 0 r11 wondvrs why they are Baring about this atter the fact and community member Hob Sharon Inas gone to the Privacy Commission to find out who complained under Part 11 bump - up requests, the government says they are doing their titre diligence. "As you are aware, under the terms and conditions of the pro- gram, any proposed changes to the scope of work for an approved project is subject to the consideration and approval of the fe'de'ral and provincial gov ernnlents," said 'I he i 1011Otlrabll' Gary Goodyear in a letter to Brent Kittmer, Director of Com- munity Services. "'ihe Municipality's proposed scope change is considered sig- nificant and is being carefully assessed to ensure it falls within the terms and conditions of the program." Goodyear said 1)B appreciates and recognizes the concerns regarding the tinning of the deci- sion and to assure Klttnler the Ageny is reviewing the changes and will be notified as soots as that happens. Bonesteel was not satisfied with this latter stating, "It is ironic that they were tolls by tic F staff they (the municipality) was taking too long to make a dec'i sion, and they can't snake a decision." in a motion to council, Bon's tees said, ':..that staff be directed to obtain legal direction regard- ing possible breach of contract re: 'The agreement with Building Canada for the proposed GB sewage treatment plant, If the municipality has not received an answct by lune G, 2013 to the scope change application sub witted October 4, 21)12 ants our subsequent request to sleet with the respective ministers as sub routed some six weeks ago" Bonesteel explained that Dino Radocc'hia, ;t representative of Build Canada came to Land)ton Shores 1(*1)ruary 161112012, and said everything was good to go in regards to Wall( 111g a scope' Chang(' of the project. ;\t that nu'rting Rad1rc1a proceeded (0 g)rtvide details on the delivery of infrastructure programs by OMAFRA. Ile said that there had been 29)1 pro- grams across Ontario that was funded by OMAFRA, and 97°1% of these projects were underway. in the official approved coun- cil minutes it states, "Radocchia advised Council that the pro- posal submitted by the 'seri Municipal Board for the sewage treatment facility had been well received by Build Canada and that any change to 1I)e original proposal would need to be reviewed by the Build Canada's Oversight Committee to ensure that the original goals under which the grant was approved \Vere still being met. The impli- cations of adverse change to the project or abandoning the project in whole or in part were discussed with Mr. Radorrhia. who advised that this could result in the loss of Build Canada funding." During that meeting Council went in camera and afterwards a rise and report carne forward stating," the Municipality Of 1.anlbton Shores Council directs statt to put sue other less expel) sive options %till its Inlllliripal partners and report hack 11) l'c)llll�'ll with rel'111111neIlldatio1ls ao allot\ 111t' funded project to C(1111111111.." .\nd W1111 that the ch.ingt' of the scope 10) tit' plojert cane' to be. Bonesteel told council at the Ione lith meeting that he was f)ust,atecl \yith the bureaucrat chronology of events. 1 It said the government has been pushing for answers and they gave answers in April and now in lune, two months later they get a "(:heck is in the mail" response and 111' wants a legal Mettler lot options. Ile said the manager on record (liadocchia) told therm they were doing everything right and now "they ( B(:1') are not paying the bills" "I don't get it, don't under stand. lilts need has not l•hangt'ld-jtlst the size. Ile was encouraging and now all of a sudden theft' is no recognition." (:ounrilor (ohs Russell said they (it(:1) have been dragging their heads because of objections. Councilor Martin Underwood OFFICE HOURS The New Office 1Iours for The Lakeshore Advance will he as Mondays - 8ain - 4pm Tuesdays - CLOSED Wednesdays - 9am - 4pm Thursdays - 9 ani - 4pm Fridays - 8am - 4pm 58 Ontario tit. N., (;ran(1 Bend PH: 519-238-5383 g:MAII,: lakeshore.advanceOesunnudia.ca tlkeshore Ailvanoe, • INV thought maybe they are jumping the gun in regards to the legal route. "'Cwt. do something; will they clans up and get \defensive?" I le asked, "(:311 %Ve just ask fol clarification?" Bonesteel also asked for a time frame for something tions their solicitor and was told they could live something hack for the lune 20tH meeting. In question period council was asked by Cam Ivey if South I duras was aware of this request as they are the partner municipality and deputy mayor Eliza- beth Davis Dagg said they would let them know. \'Then the Lakeshore Advance contacted (:AO Roy [tardy regatdtng liont'stct'I's motion, asking if they had been apprised of this, 1 tardy said, "We know low., PART 11()I1l)FRS 1 hell' vele 1;i 1)111111) 111) t(g11eslS made Iasi t\;o\emilet and 11 was 1t'It1e(I at that time that the Part II order plor ess is adroilisteted by the Ministry of the Environment, and the municipality pal ticipates 1)y providing information to defend itsell against the submitted requests. the X11)1' is the keep(*) of the public tilt' for the Part II order process, ,tn(i offers requesters the right to hay(* their personal information kept coal deltial (subject to a fteedonl of infer nlatiol request). "Copies of the Part II t(*quests have been provided to the municipality, but will not 1)c made /wh- ite as we have not been advised 1f the requestors requite their information to he kept confidential. Copies of the requests will be provided to Council in hard ropy format in closed session," said Kittnler explaining if a person were interested in obtaining copies of the submissions, he/she would have the option to subunit a request under the "Municipal Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act": As the I\lunicipality is not the custodian of the information, the request would be for- warded to the Ministry of the Environ- ment for response. And that is what community member Bob Sharen did and received the copies of the I3 requests with the names redacted. Ihe' people who submitted the requests are now giving asked to call Suzanne Brock Irhurst, mediator with Information and 1'rivacv (;otntnissiou to allow Sharon to have their names. Some of those people called the Lakeshore Advance asking what Shin en's 111ottvat1on was and ask ing hiu1 this question Sharon responded by stating, "'111e letters are actually part of a public forum. Everyone who sent a letter either in support of or against the project received a notice that they multi or would be considered public. As such 1 requested to receive signed copies of the letters.'1he matter has progressed to this point and will be resolved in due course." "There should he no problem in such a disclosure since it is the right of every- one to have knowledge of what is going on in this process. I gave permission for my name to be given out quite freely," Shawn concluded. Arbortech/Taylor Professional Tree Care Inc. Within this past year Arbortech Professional Tree Care and Taylor Tree Service became one company. Both businesses have operated in the area since the early 1990's, run by people who have been in the trade for over 30 years. 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