HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-06-12, Page 2•
2 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June 12, 2013
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Oakwood group will work with South Huron regarding trunk line
environmentally sound ways of meeting
the needs of South iluron taxpayers
today and into the future. While you
have approved monies to conduct a
design study of a trunk line up highway
21, we still encourage our council to talk
to Liunbton Shores' Council about shar-
ing costs and continuing to share and
expand the present trunk line, Just as
you share all other parts of the sewage
collection and treatment infrastructure.
It is our hope that both Municipalities
exercise their political will to find an eco-
nomically viable solution for
both Municipalities and taxpayers, thus
avoiding the expense and maintenance
of duplicate infrastructures," said Deb
1)ie Kirkwood (:hair of the Oakwood Park
Environmental Committee in a Tetter to
South Macon.
Don Giberson, Environmental Serv-
ices Director for South l luron recom-
mended to council that they accept the
proposal from Gamsby and Mannerrow
1.td. For professional services associated
with the Grand Bend Area Sewer'I'reat-
rnent Plant Project (Pump Stiction 2 to
Indian Road Oakwood Park) at the cost
of $42,150 plus 1 IST.
Giberson presented a report at the
May 27th meeting that provided addi-
tional information regarding proceeding
with this engineering design. 1 Ie listed
ten items that began with completion of
the final design of the first phase of the
GBA1'SS is consistent with their strategic
priority to protect the lakeshore at its
most vulnerable point, which is the
same priority as the residents in the
• Completion of the design at this time
ensures our readiness for unexpected or
catastrophic events of senior govern-
ment regulations anywhere along the
•'this demonstrates to Provincial and
Federal funders that we are committed
to the phased use of the new Grand
Bend Area S'l'I'.
•'Ihe trunk sewer would satisfy South
I luron's commitment to installing a per -
sanitary outlet for the Oakwood
Links condo rather than continuing
indefinitely with a "temporary" connec-
tion. (This temporary connection is doc-
umented in the approved ESR.)
• South I luron currently has an agree-
ment in place with 1.itlnhton Shores that
would allow and ensure construction of
the trunk sewer along their Ontario
Street to the mutually slimed PS2. There
is a risk that in the future 1.ambton
Shores may have an alternative use for
the space on Ontario Street that is desig-
nated now for the sewer route.
•Proceeding now with final design
would facilitate the conclusion Of nego-
tiations with the Mtmicipallty of Illuewa-
ter to (confirm their commitment to par-
ticipate in the project and their financial
•Without sanitary sewer outlet on the
South Huron section of the Bluewater
Highway (Iiighway 21) there is no
chance of economic development to the
lakeshore amt.
•Completing the engineering and
obtaining MOI: approvals this year,
would allow the municipality to tender
and construct the sewer the following
year. Completion of the sewer construc-
tion by the end of 2014 is co-ordinated
with the construction of the Grand Bend
Area STE
•there is a very real concern regarding
the sewage system at the Grand Cove
Estates and the trunk sewer would be an
opportunity for a more efficient way for
their sewage conveyance. This would
also provide servicing enhancements by
transferring capacity from the sanitary
sewer n I lighway tl l to the I lighway 21
trunk sewer and allow financial contri-
bution to the trunk sewer by Grand
Cove. 'Ibis would be Tess expensive than
replacing their private sanitary pumping
•It would satisfy the mandate of the
Source Water Protection association
with lake iluron water supply system.
Representing the Oakwood Park Envi-
ronmental Board at the June 3rd South
Huron meeting, Jennifer Mosso')
explained why they did not need this
trunk line.
"Initially, Oakwood Park was investi-
gated as to whether or not sewers were
needed or wanted. Residents felt if there
was an environmental need for theist,
then we should do that. The Ganlesby
and Mannerow study showed 110 envi-
ronmental need, as there is no negative
impact from the present septic systems
and no indication that there is a prob-
lem. Additionally, further investigation
showed that trying to install a central-
ized sewer grid into the neighbourhood
of sand dunes and little Lane ways would
cause Armageddon Alley as one engi-
neer called it. It would devastate the
area and would pose a more serious
threat to the shoreline. Sewers need a 10
to 20 -metre road allowance. Our roads
are mostly a car width or so wide and
our lots are non -conforming - officially
at least one road cuts through a cot-
tage. Thousands of mature trees, shrubs,
plants, habitat for wildlife including spe-
cies at risk, fences, stone retaining walls
and carports which sit on our non con-
forming Tots beside our wiggly tittle lane
ways would 'Meth he ripped out. In the
off-season there are only about a couple
of dozen or so year round households,
many of whom are away. So the system
would then have to he flushed with
freshwater to keep it functional. And if
the there were a break in the pipe you'd
have a potentially serious spill to the
shoreline, as opposed to a septic or two
than can be easily fixed. Privately
owned, sewage systems, like septics, and
ever improving green technologies are
far safer, much more functionally appro-
priate and effective, and way nlor(' cost
effective. And,110 burden to the munici-
pality. Oakwood Residents held a regis-
tered vote, 124 of 131 eligible ballots
were returned representing 94.7% eligi-
ble voter participation. 'lie results of the
ballots returned were: Yes to sewers - t1
ballots (6.5%) No to sewers - 115 ballots
(92.7%) Incomplete - 1 ballot. (0.8%)"
':..We were asking Council not to go
ahead with the design of a second sewer
pipeline up highway 21. South I luron
wants its own pipe, but we suggested
they continue to share the existing pipe
with 1.ambton Shores and share the cost
of expanding and upgrading that one as
needed, and save taxpayers of both
municipalities some money. Everything
else with the sewage system is being
shared - the plant and pumping sta -
tions. The present trunk line was appar-
ently its oversight in the original sharing
agreement. Also, we felt it was prema-
ture to do the design without really
knowing what the future need is. Blue -
water is out and there is no real develop-
ment demand or money. It's a good
tiling Bluewater is out, because a pipe-
line all the wiry up the highway adjacent
to the lake poses a great risk. If that eve
broke the potential spill could be devas
toting. Just Google sewage spills in
water. I found over half a dozen in the
last few weeks with huge costs. Munici-
palities everywhere are having problems
with failing water and sewage infrastruc-
ture because Of breakages and age, and
having trouble finding the money to pay
for the huge replacement cost (infra-
structure is not a one time cost, it's for-
ever). We suggested Council not move
ahead with anything until there was a
real need, and to continue to share and
upgrade the present line, as needed. We
are encouraging careful consideration
before committing to costs that will have
to be carried by tax weary citizens now,
and by those not even born yet:'
"We favour mandatory septic inspec-
tions, which are low cost and keep eve-
ryone responsible and accountable, and
the continued use of appropriate and
environmentally sound technologies
along the shoreline?' She explained
in the conclusion of her letter after the
sleeting, Kirkwood asked that they hold
off on the design study until, they know
what Bluewater plans to do, "ani per-
haps also the needs of Grand Cove. This
would give you a better sense of what
the real needs might be, and a better
idea of what to design."
"We also know that there is a need to
protect the Great takes waters from con •-
tamination and over use. While central
ized sewer collection systems may still'
be the answer for some areas, we know
that there are newer and better -decen-
tralized, green technologies that are
more effective in protecting the environ-
ment and cost far less money. We wish
to continue to work with you to ensure
the health of the shoreline," she said.
Giberson told the Lakeshore Advance
that, "The Motion passed and council
authorized the award of an engineering
services contract to Gamsby and Man-
nerow Engineers (executed lune 5th).
Accordingly, the detailed design will
proceed for phase one of the trunk sewer
(PS -2 to Indian Road). After conclusion
of discussions with our partner munici-
palities and other stakeholders, the
design will be finalized, approvals will
be obtained 1111(1 the necessary docu
mentation will be prepared for a future
tender. Council will decide when they
wish to proceed with tendering and con-
struction, as part of next years' budget