HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 5errea
- ••••••••••••• •••• • *P.R. ••••• • •••• • •••• • • • • • •
Seasonable Goods
Out go all our Suits for Men and Boys. All our Raincoats, our Straw and Felt Hats. our Toggery. Outgoes
everything at away clown below the regular prices. Nothing Reserved -Stock Up Your Wardrobe -Dress
Up The Boy -Buy All the Garments You. Can Wear -Buy for Future Use. Positively no goods charged.
All past due accounts must be paid at once. Sale starts THURSDAY, JULY 2nd.
There's no Sale as Important as This One. Pon't You Miss It
Men's Suits
$16.00 buys any $20, $21, or $22
Suit $II,5o buys any $15, t6.50
or $17.5o Suit
Youths' Suits
Long Pants 5h:es 32 to 35 $5.25
buys any $8,5o suit $7.25 buys any
$io suit $8.5o buys any $12.5o suit
Men's Straw Hats, soft felt and
stiff hats, regular $2,50 for $1,75;
reg. 2.00 for 1.35; reg. I,50 for
i..15;reg. r,00 for 79c. Panama
Hats at a sacrifice.
Men's Balbriggan d Merino Underwear,'
Socks, Neckwear, B ces, Cuff Links, Belts,
ICaps, Has etc., - :ular soc, for 39c,
Boys' Suits
$3.85 buys any $5.00 suit 4.85 buys
any 6.50 suit 5.25 buys any 7,50
suit 5.75 buys any 8.50 suits
Everything Cash
Boys', Balbriggan Underwear, Boys' Jerseys,
Boys' Cotton Stockings, Men's Socks, Braces, Rub-
ber Collars, Neckwear, etc., regular 25c for - 19c,
Rain Coats
$12,50 lines for 8.75 10.00 lines
for 7.5o 8.5o lines for 5.75
Men's Shirts
$1.5o lines for 1,15 r..25 for 90c
Loa for 79c. 75c for 59c.
We have riot space to give you
prices on every article in the house
but we will give. you any $1.50 art-
icle in the stot'e for $t.15; any
$1.25 article for 9oc.; any $1 article
for 79c.; any 75c. article for 59c,;
any'soc. article for 39c.; any 25c.
article for I9c.
These prices must convince YOU that we mean Business at this July Sale.
! 1 Come Early and Come Often! ! !
*Pl• W. A. Campbell,
•••••••••••••••r• 1••••••••••••••••••••=
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Ladies' Wash Dresses in the newest patterns in
Ginghams and Prints, sizes 32, 34, 36, 40, 42,
44. Made to
I .00 to $4.5'0
fit. Prices -
Children's Dresses in plain white Lawn and Voile,
sizes 6 years to 16 years. neatly trimmed with
Satin Ribbon Medium Prices
at -
‘.)10 10
10 10
10 10
1.0 /0
(0 10
10 31
Children's Rompers. Ask to see our assortment
in good washable materials in plain White,
Plain Blue, and all fancy patterns, All
zes, price - 5o and 7 5 cents
jo.,, fffi Kiddies straw Hats in fine straws 5oc each
4A the newest shapes at - 10
10 ft
It Ladies Towelling Hats in Plain White. ForVall l'f
ie. m
O /.0
ccasions 1.0uting at 5o cents each
1.0 1.0
* .t2Et#........,...-.i 1.0
* HANNA 8/ CO. /..0
'Phone 10Wingham.
AN. 10
• ct el
The Clothier
Can Be 'Averted by Feeding the
Starved Nerves With Rich,
. Red Blood.
Nourish your nerves -that is the only
way you can overcome life's worst
misery, nervous exhaustion. The fits
of depression and irritation, the press
trating headaches, the weakness and
trembling of the legs, the unsteady h'nd
and tha imperfect digestion that ark
the victim of, nerve weakness, mu end
in nervous break -clown if neglect .
Nourish your nerves by the tural
process of filling your nerves w rich,
red, health -giving blood. Yo nerves
are crying out for pure bloo and the
mission of Dr. Williams Pin ills is to
make new, rich bleed. s explains
why these pills have prov, successful
in so many eases of )sery s disease that
did not yield to qdis y treatment.
For example, Mr. W.,a . Weldon, Anna-
polis, N. S., says: "In the strenuous life
I have to follow the drain on my system
was so great that my nerves became
shattered, the blood impFerished and
my whole system undermined. I tried
a number of so-called remedies without
deriving any benefit. Finally having
read so much about Dr. Williatns Pink
Pills I decided to try them. The result
was beyond my expectation. I regain-
ed my energy; the blood and nerves were
rebuilt; I lost the sense of constant
tiredness I had felt and was filled with
new life and energy. I have since used
the pills with beneficiel results in my
family and will always have a word of
praise for them."
You can get Dr. Williams Pink 'Pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Presbyterian summer school of
the Synod of Hamilton and London
opened Monday last at the Sunset Hotel,
Rev, J. R. Hall and Mrs. Hall acting as
host and hostess. The sehool opened
with service at 8 o'clock in Knox aural],
conducted by Rev. II, Dickie, of Chat-
ham, and addresses by Rev, J. It, MI
and Rev. J. D. Cueninghatri, of Welland.
During the week addresses will be de-
livered by Rev. W. R. McIntosh, Lon-
don; Rev. G. A. Woodsidet, Brantford;
Miss M. Grant, Toronto; Rev. W. T.
Sedgewick, Hamilton; Rev. A. Mail -
Ian, Toronto; Rev. W. 3. Kao, Rev
E. It Armstrong, Toronto; Rev, D. C.
McGregor, Toronto; Rev. S. F. Sharp,
Exeter; ttev. J. Scott, Toronts; Rev.
Dr.Nelson, Hamilton; Rev. Dr. 113.1M.
sey, Toronto; Rev. J. D, Brynes, New
Ontario. Tuesday afternoon was devot.
ed to games and sports, and in the even-
ing Itev, A. McMillan, Toronto, gave a
demonstration on the book of praise,
assisted by Miss jenet Cringe', soloist,
of Toronto.
A very pretty wedding was sOlem-
aized in the Siaired Heart Church, on
Tuesday. June 244, at nine a. na where
Iiss Margaret Schiestel was married
Vs Mr. John %I.eCotirniek, a Culross,
the Rev, Father Capps officiating. The
aride who was prettily dressed in white
satin trimme1 with shadow lace and
tarried a shower bouquet of carnations.
he was attended by Miss Leah McCor-
mick, sister of the groom. who wora a
blue sill; crape de chine costume and al -
$o carried carnations. Mr. Wm. Schies..
tel supported the groom. After the
ceremony the bridal party :lrove behind
two w ite teams secured for the occasion
out to the home of Mr, Geo. Scrieatel,
father of the bride on the 2nd conces-
sion, where a splendid dinner was pre-
pared for them. Ove a one hundred
guests sat down to dinner, those at the
table of honor being beside the four
principals the Rev, Father Capps and
the Rev. Father Blair of Wingharn and
parents of the bride and bridegroom,
The tables were beautifully decorated
with flowers of almost every kind.
Guests were present from Walkerton,
Chepstow, Wingham and Detroit. In
the evening Miss Leah 1VIcCormick and
Messrs. Jas. Young and Moriee Fitz-
patrick supplied the music for a dance
which was thoroughly enjoyed. The
Trams extends hearty congratulations.
Misses Effiie and Genevieve McCor-
mick, of Detroit, are spending their
vacation at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick of Culross,
The Voters' Lists for 1014 for Grey
township are printed and were first
posted up in the Clerk's office on Wed-
nesday of last week. There are' 662
names in Part 1; 91 in Part II; and 33 in
Part III. 389 are eligible to serve as
Thursday, June 18th, Alice Douglas,
beloved wife of James Cusic, Lot 14,
Con 15; paid Nature's debt, in her 58th
year. She was born on Lot 9, Con. 15,
in 1855 and resided a mile from her old
home until the time of her decease.
The subject of this notice was united
in marriage to her now bereft partner
at Walton by Rev. IVIr. Ballantyne 39
years ago. There remains to mourn
her demine 8 of a family (Mrs. 3. W.
Taylor, Guelph; Mrs, R. W. Hoy, Myth;
Mrs. H. Last, Galt; Annie, of Fortier,
Man; Amelia at home; Wm. of Francis,
Sask; aim of Fortier, Man., and Albert,
who predeceased his mother 16 yeers
ago. The above were all present at
the funeral excepting Alice, Wm. and
John who were unable to reach home
in time. Mrs. Cusic's death was very
sudden. She had bee tt troubled with
her heart for the past two years but
was in her usual health a few minutes
before her decease when a stroke of
apoplexy ensued and within 15 minutes
she had passed away.
On Snnday, June 21st, Mr. Jatnes
Anderson passed to his rest. He be-
came ill somewhat more than a year ago
and although medical and surgical skill
did all possible for him he did not im-
prove. During the whole of the past
year he was confined to his bed and
suffered extremely at times. Mr. An-
derson was a native of Dumfriesshire,
Scotland, but came early to Canada,
and for many years resided in Turn -
berry. On retiring from the farm
abont seven years ago, he with his fam-
ily, removed to their present home in
Wroxeter. The deceased was a man of
rare simplicity of character' and won
the regard of all by his genial disposi-
tion. The sympathy of the community
is extended to the widow and daugh-
ters in their bereavement,
Cyrus Scott, 6th line, visited with
friends in Halton last week.
Road work and hoeing is the business
of the farmer these day.
Wedding bells will soon be ringing oa
the 9th lite, Partitulars later.
Miss ."4 Pearn and Miss Violet, former
residents of the Oth lite, were visiting
friends around Marnock last week.
Charles Wightnrian, 6th line, had the
misfortune to have one of his legs
broken by a kick frorri a colt.
Toronto, June 20 -The attendance a
the Union Stock Yards was noticeably
smaller this morning, many of the
drovers being absent on account of the
The run of cattle was light, but busi-
ness proved quite good and prices im-
proved generally.
Butcher cattle, if anything, were five
or ten cents higher than last week.
Best quality cows fetched about
twenty-five cents higher, but the bulk
sold between $6.50 and $7.00. In some
cases, however, the top price given be-
low was exceeded.
Demand for hulls was fairly active
and these spld at steady prices.
Few calves were offering, and prices
obtained were much the same as last
week. Lambs quoted up to $11,50, and
yearlings $7.50. Sheep were a little
The hog run was again small. The
general quotation for fed and watered
was $8.10, but a few were sold as high
as $8,25.
The receipts to -day were as follows:
91 carloads, consisting of 1,323 cattle,
261 calves, 2,236 hogs, and 634 sheep.
Export $ 800 $ 805
Butcher cattle choice8 15 8 50
do medium ,, 7 50 7 75
Butcher cows choice... . 0 75 7 25
do inedium.... 6 00 910
do common 5 90 6 00
do bulls. . 7 00 7 50
Feeders '1 00 7 25
Stockers " 0 75 7 00
do medium 6 00 6 5)
• do light 0 50 7 25
Canners and cutters 2 50 4 00
Milkers, ehoice70 00 80 00
Springers ... . . 50 00 80 00
Common and medium-- 35 00 45 00
Lambs 700 750
Light ewes ..... 6 25 7 25
do bucks4 50 6 50
Hogs fed and watered . 8 10
do f.o.b 7 75
Calves . .... 0 00 10 50
-Jack IVIcOrostie, of Chicago, is home
for the holidays.
It is Our sad duty this week to report
the death of Mrs. Robert McGuire, e
highly respected resident of onr
She had been ill Inc nearly' three motiths
and for sortie time it was not expected
that she could recover. Mrs. McGuire's
maiden name was Thom, being a mem-
ber of a family who have long been
residents of this vieinity. The funeral
was held to Greenhill Cemetery on
Thursday afternoon, The bereaved
family have the deepest sytnpathy Of a
large circle of friends here.
MaNGuAla MAKKET tP1111.T.,
Wingharn, May 20, 1013
Flour per 100 lbs 270 to 3 10
Fall wheat 1 00 to 1 00
Oats 0 40 to 0 4o
Barley .. .......... . . 0 52 to 0 :32
Peas . , 0 90 to 0 00
Butter dairy a .. .... 0 25 to 0 25
Eggs per doz .... .. .... 0 18 to 0 18
Wood per cord 2 26 to 3 00
Hay per ton. ... ... ...17 70 to 17 70
Bogs ..9 lo to 9 10
or Lehigh
Headquarters for
Spceill Values in
Men' ; and Boys'
Ready - to - wear
clot laing Oursurn-
Mr sale of cloth-
ing is now on and
you can count on
Big Savings o n
Men's Suits,
Boys' Suits and
Pants, Men's
Pants and Rain-
coats, Boys Wash
Suits and all lines
of Men's and f47:.
Boys' Wear.
Bargain Price on
Men's Suits, good
strong wearing Suits, cheap at
this line while they last $6.98,
$10 will buy a fancy Tweed or Worstead Suit tail-
ored in the very latest style, worth more money.
Men's fine Worsted and Serge Suits, navy or
black, special cut prices,at $12,00 to 515.00,
Overalls. We handle the best makes, See our
"Fast Mail- Brand of OveraUs and Smocks, guaran-
teed against rips, prices are $1.00 and 51.25.
Suits for the boys; all sizes from the smallest to
the largest size , at Money Saving Prices. Every
Suit well tailored, made to give excellent wear, some
low priced Suits selling at $3.50 and $4.50 and a
useful premium with each Suit.
3 Boys' Summer Jerseys in Navy, Cardinal, White
or Green with long or short sleeves.
Boys' Wash Suits made of Galitea or Stripe Lin-
ens, Sailor Blouse, or Norfolk. special at $1,00,
Straw Hats in a great variety of styles now in
stock. See the new. Sailor at 50c to $1.00.
510, our price
H. K. hard 82 Co.
Montretil.Toronta-Detroit-Chicago via
Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central
Railroads vie- Michigan Central Gigantic
Steel Tubes betwea Windsor and Detroit
Leaving Montreal 8,41 a.m.; Toronto 0.10
pan., arriving Detroit 12 Vo. am.. Chicago
7.40 am. daily Equal service returning
SINGLE PARE -Good going July 1, Re-
turn Limit July 1,
June 30 & July 1. Itetura limit July 2
Particulars as to llall or Ocean tickets
ft-om W A. Samierson, town agent
phone 47; J. 13. Beemer, station event
Phone 7; or write M.G. Murphy, D.P.A.
C P. Ry., Toronto.
Read the Advertisements
Dominion Day Fares
Between all Stations in Canada east of Port
Arthur and. Detroit and Port Huron, Mich.,
Buffalo, Black Rock. Niagara Valls and bua-
pension Bridge, N.Y
Single Fare -Good going and returning
July lat.
Fare and One -Third -Good going July
1. Return limit July 2.
Round:trio tieltots to points ia Western Cml-
1 ada via, t•t• NMI, Duluth t,r Sarnia and North-
ern Naviwytiop Company, on Rale oaeli rues.
day until anoluer 27th, inclusive, at very 1,,w
1 fares.
Fall a`Ienlar,oand*Ps.rvations from H.
13'14"11).i". "" P"1"n 4". aRn'a e.""t
goit, Plole 4. WIfBU
. , GL'MAN, tita-
Doti Agent. ehona 10.
Wood and Kindling
R. J. Cantelon
011'111 WITH
Do:1111041h E$Prett Co,'t Offike
e 1_
is the Sincerest
We are the sole
agents in Wingharn
for the D.L. 82 W
Coal Co.'s Scranton
Coal. Any other
dealers offering this
coal for sale are
merely offering an
Everything in the fuel line
for summer or winter burning
Dealer in
Henry T. Morrison
"The House of Quality"
Moue9 Fast Service.
4$ reit Delivery