The Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 4ME SEATS GAINED
Incompleted 11turns Give Gov-
ernMent 57 Majority.
Liberals fttlee licivanees Tliroughout
the Province Against Heavy Odds i
and Reduce AI:my 'Majorities— .
Titre() New Constituencies i
Captured—Four Supporters
of Mr. Rowell G'o Down.
TORONTO. :rune 30. — After a
herd contest, in which the province
evinced more enthusiasm on both i
aides than for many years, the voters 1
of Ontarioreturned Sir James Whit-
ney to power with a majority of
Afty-zeveu eeats, The latest returns
indicate that tlit‘ Otanding in the new
House will be as foRowe:—
Conservatives 83
Liberals 24
Laleor 1
Independeu (levanturel) 1
Total 111
The standing in the last Legisla-
ture was:—
Conservative 85
Liberal 19
Labor 1
Vacant (Prescott) 1
' Total 106
One Minister of the Crown was de-
teated in tbe person, of Hon. J. 0.
Reaume, Minister of Public Works,
Who lost the convention nomination
:in the new riding of Windsor and
rart aa au Independent Conservative.
The straight line candidate, 0. E.
Fleming, was defeated and the seat
went to Rev. J. C. Toiraie.
All the other Ministers were re-
elected with increased raajorities.
The Liberal party shows a net gain
of five seats in the old. constituencies,
and won three out of seven of the
new constituencies.
The actual Conservative gains are:
;south Bruce, Haldimand, East Lamb -
ton, South Ontario, and North Went-
worth -5.
The Liberal gains are: North
!Brant, South Brant, North Essex,
)South Eesex, North Middlesex, East
grttawa, West Ottawa, West Peter -
oro, Prince Edveard, and South
The new constituencies which went
Conservative are: Niagara Falls,
Riverdale (Toronto), Parkdale (To -
'onto), and South Victoria.
The new constituencies which went
Liberal are; Cochrane, Lincoln and
One of the most surprising events
.of the election was the return by the
)electers of Prescott of Gustave Evan-
*urel, the discredited Liberal who was
HON j. 0. REAU1V1E
,The Only Minister Who Went Down
to Defeat.
'read out of the party after the sen-
sational episode of last session and
:who resigned his seat in the House.
For all the number of independent
!candidates, temperance, labor, social-
ist, and one anti -temperance, who ap-
fpeared on nomination day ,only two
outside of party lines were returned,
Evanturel and Allan Studholme
(Lab., n. Hamilton)
There will be low changes of ire-
uortance in the personnel of the
House. Four of Mr, Rowell's follow-
ers . the last Legislature were de-
feated at the polls, namely: Dr. Mc-
Queere (North Wentworth), Messrs.
McCormick (East Lanabton), Ander-
son (Noeth Huron), Sinclair (Smith
Ontarie), Mr. C. Kohler flealdi-
viand) did not go up for re-election.
The changes on the Ministerial
side Were much more extensive. Not
a few etrorainent Conrervatives retir-
ed voluntarily, and members like
Messrs. McNaught (North Toronto),
Peck (West Peterboro), Norman
(Prince Edward), Galas (Parry
Sound), and Ebbs (South Lanark),
were defeated by the nominating eon-
veritheos. Among those rejected at
the polls yesterday were: Hon. J. 0.
Reaume. Minister of Public Works;
Messrs. Anderson, South Essex;
Westbrook, North Brant; Brewster,
&nab Brant; Cliampagne and Ellis,
Ottawa; and SchoIfieId, South Well-
The elected cendidate with their
approximate majorities are as
Addington—W. D. Black ....
Algorae-a-A Grigg.
IirockvilIe—A. 1. .Donovan
Bruce, South—V. D. Cargill.
C,arletoti—le. H. McElroy.. „
Duffertn—C. R. McKeown
Duedae --Sir ,I. P. Whitney
Durham, East—J. 3. Preston
Durham, West -3. IL Devitt
Eitet---C. A. Brower—
West—F. G. Mel)larmid
Fort Williana—C, W. Jarvis
3Prontenac—A. M. Ra.nkin
Granville—G. E. Ferguson
gratin. Contrew-/, B. tfticaa
- • • e
63 4
4 It —Dr. % ', Jacquee, . . 0
rey, North—C. Cameron..., e
eon Sou 11---D, amieeon. , . 2,000
lialtoe—A. W. Nixon 400
Haeniltoe, West—Col. Ilendrie 1,488
Hastings, East—A. Gran t . . . . 500
Haetings, North—R, 3. Cooke 1,000
Hastings, West—J, W. John-
son 174
Huron, North—ea II. niusgrove 153
Huron, South H. Leber 320
Benue—H. A, C. Maehin.. , teee.
Kent, West --G, W. Sulam15
Kingston—Dr. A, E. Ross1,466
La,nebton, East—Z. B, Martyn le
Lambton, West—W. 3. Hanna 847
Lanark, North—R, F. Proton 75
Lanark, South—F. W. Hall 539
Leeds—J. R. Dargavel
Lennox—T, G. Ca-scallen, . „ . 183
London—Sir Adam Beck 1,496
Manitoulin—R. II. Gamey...330
Middlesex, East—,T. IticFaxlan 898
nitieltoka—S. H. Armstrong, 928
Nipissing—H. Morel ... — . . 400
Norfolk, South—A, C. Pratt164
Nortinunberland, East — Sara
Nesbitt 700
Ontario, North—ev, In Boyle. 373
Ontario, South—C. Calder. 186
Parry Sound—J, Edgar 600
Peel—j, R. Fallis 619
Perth , North—J. Torrance . . 600
Perth, South—J. Bennoweis200
Peterboro, East—J. The/meson
Port Arthur—D, Hogarth500
Rainy River—T, A. Mathieu.,, 200
Renfrew, North—E. A. Dunlop 608
Renfrew, South—T. W, Mc-
Garry . Ace,
S.t. Catharines --E. jessop .... 1,200
Sault Ste, Marie — W. H
Hearst 735
Simcoe, Centre—A. B. Thomp-
Si. teoe, East—J. L Hartt... ,
Simcoe, South—A. Ferguson
Simcoe, West -3. S. Duff... .
Storrnont—R. T, Shearer. ,
Sudbury—C. IVIeCrea
Timiskaming—T, Magladery
Toronto, N.U, "A" — It
Toronto, N.E. "B"—M. Irish
Toronto, N.W. "A" — T. Craw-
Toronto, N.W. "B" — W. D.
Toronto, S,E. "A"—E. W. .T
Owens ,
Toronto, S.E. "B"—T. Hook
Toronto, S.W. "B" --J. 5. Foy.
Toronto, S.W. "B" — G. H
Toronto, Parkdale — W. IL
Toronto, Riverclale—Jos, Rus-
Victoria, North — Dr. R. M,
Vietoria, South—John Carew
Waterloo, North—C. II. Mille
Waterloo, South—Z. A. Hall.
Welland—D. Sharpe
Wellington, West — W. C
Wentworth, North—A. F. Ry-
Wentworth, South — Je T. II
York, East—G. S. Henry,..,
York, North—T. H. Lennox
York, West—Dr. F. Godfrey...
Brant, Nortle—Seott Davidson 34
Brant, South—Jos. H. Ham350
Bruce, North—W. McDonald7
Bruce, West—C. M, Bowman 600
Cochrane—MacLang 60
Easel; North—S. Ducharme100
Essex, South—L. P. Male, 120
Glengarry—Hugh Munro .... Ace.
Huron, Centre—W, Proudfoot 316
Kent, East—W. R. Ferguson 400
lancoln—T. Marshall .. , 257
Middlesex, West—J. C. Elliott 700
Middlesex, North — T. R. At-
kinson 1,268
Northumberland, West — S
Clarke 155
Ottawa, East—J. A. Pinard493
Ottawa, West—C. G. Hurdman 118
Oxford, North—N. W. Rowel" 120
Oxford, South — T. R. May-
berry ... 4
Peterboro, West—G. A. Gilles-
pie 200
Prince Edivard — N. Parlia-
ment 90
Russell—D. Raeine 300
Sturgeon Falls—Z. Mageau1,000
Wellington, East—"U. Richard -
San 437
Wellington, South—S. Carter90
Windsor—J. C. Tolmie 401
Hamilton, East—A. Studhoirae 990
Prescott—G. Evanturel 369
Arr. Rowell Regrets, However, Thai
Gains Were Not Greater.
WOODS-en:MC, Juae 30.—Mr. N.
W. Rowell received the results of the
election at the Woodstoek Young
Liberal Club room, and, interview-
ed later in the evenIng, made the
following statement:
"It is gratifying to find that, not -
Withstanding the whole weight of the
Government forces, aided by the or-
ganized liquor interests, we bane iro.-
proved our position in the 140t10e.
For the sake of the policy for WhiCla
we -were Aghting I regret that out
galas Were not numerous. We were
greatly handicapped by the short
period we had to prepare for the
election. It took up all our time te
get candidates in the field.
"I desire to thank the electors ol
the province who gave us their sup-
port, and particularly the large body
of 'volunteer workers who have free.
Iy giVen of their tim.e in WS con.
test. We have brouglat Into the poli-
tical affairs of the province a new
spirit of public setvice, and hundreds
of men who been not hitherto taken
an active interest In political attain
Will undoubtedly do so in the future,
This is the guarantee of the ultimate
"Of the policy of misrepresent*
tion peralstently and nYfstematicalill
pursued in order to minIend 014
electors as to our position and pOlicee
1 snail not apeak at preseat."
Many Are Parentless,
OTTAWA, June 30.—According to
an official report to the Labor De.
partraent from ite special agent, 1.
McNiven, who inveatigitted the 11111-
creet disaster, 80 married men and
four widowers, leaving children, !eel
their lives. The fatherleas ciIt
number 15
Csiontest Throuohout Province the
Keenest in Years.
eeppotter of Sani Carter Succumbs
to eart Failure at News of Elec-
tion of Ills Candidate — Evan -
tuna Is Returned In Preeeott
--Mr. Rowell Issues State-
ment to Temperance Forces,
TORONTO, June 30. — The vigor
with which the electioa was fought
throughout Ontario yesterday is ate
tested by the fact that the vote was
perhaps the heaviest ever polled iti
the province. From fragmentary re-
ports now at band records for hign
percentage of votes east were made
in nearly every riding,
Gustav Evanturel, who appealed
from the condemmation of the Legis-
lature to his constituents, comes
back. Flo beaded the poll in Prescott,
defeating both Liberal and Conser-
vative candidates, Mr. Evanturel's
re-election came as a big surprise. Ile
returns to the Legislature as an
InTorontothe poll' was exception-
ally large and the Tory metropolis re-
peated what it has done for years—
returned a complete Conservative
slate, The new faces in the Legisla-
ture from Toronto will be Wm. H.
Pries (ParledaIe), joseph Russell
(ex -M. P,) (Riverdale), Mark Irbil
(Toronto, N.B.), and Thomas Hook
(Toronto, S.E.), .411, both new and.
old members, had ample majorities,
Sir Adam Beck Breaks Reeovd,
LONDON, Ont., June 30. — Sir
Adam Beck was accorded a. record
majoeity by the electors of London
yesterday, defeating Dr. W. J. Stev-
enson, Liberal, by 1,496 votes: Sir
Adam received 4,353 votes, Dr. Stev-
enson. 2,857, and John D, jacobs,
Labor candidate, the third man in
the contest, 416. The Minister of
Power was given an acclamation in
1911, while in 1908 his mapority
over Je M. McEvoy, Ia.C., Liberal, was
1,404. The total number of votes poll-
ed yesteeday was 7,626. There were
12,050 names on the voters' lists.
Carter Supporter Drops Dead.
GUELPH, June 30. — The Liberal
temperance workers of this city held
a big celebration last night la leaner
of the election of Sara Carter, The
majority was somewhere in the
neighborhood of one hundred, prob-
ably a little less, which was some-
what of a surprise even to his most
coafident supporters.
John Black, an aged retired. farm-
er, of Extra street, this city, could not
stand the eeciteraent consequent up-
on the result of the elections. He
was in Samuel Carter's committee
rooms when it was announced that
Mr. Carter was electeca and without a
moment's warning he fell over on the
floor and died. Death was due to
heart failure.
Kingston Swept By Ross.
KINGSTON, June 30. — Dr. A. E.
Ross (Con.) defeated Aid. T. Pe Har-
rison (Lib.) in yesterday's contest
bo a majority of 1,466. The major-
ity was a great Surprise to both sides.
All day long it was believed Dr. Rose
would have a majority of about 600,
but not one of the supporters of Dr.
Ross dreamed of such a rciajority.
Ross polled a majorley in every Sub-
division in the city an . at the village
of ,Portsmouth as well.
Hamilton Backs Favorites.
HAMILTON, June 30. — In the
West riding, Col. Hendrie polled the
biggest vote of his career, receiving
a majority et 1,628 over Ald. Dr.
Davey, the Independent Liberal and
Temperance candidate, never seemed
In East Hamilton the figures for
Allan Studholme were 4,472 while
3,482 votes were polled for Controller
Thqmas W. Jutten, the Conservative
candidate, whiela gives the Labor can-
didate a majority of 990, nearly 300
more than he had in the last elec-
Close In North Oxford.
WOODSTOCK, Ont„ June 30.---
N. W. Rowell was yesterday re-
eleded in North Oxford, but his ma-
jority of 560 received in 1911 was
reduced to 115. While the eity gave
R. E. Butler (Con.) a majority, the
country went strong for Rowell and
the large city, majority was overcome,
giving the Liberal leader a lead in
the riding.
Proudfoot Returned.
GODERICH, June 30.—Centre The-
ron yesterday returned Wm. Proud -
foot with a, tuajority of 316, an in-
crease of 100 over his last election,
and had it not beeu for very bid*
raent weather, which retarded the
country vote, it is estimated his ma-
jority would have been tat least 400,
Tae urban vote was the largest polled.
for rawly years.
Sir SameSays Outcome bid Not
Wony llim.
TORONTO, June an. — 'Tins a
glortous victory—Just what I expect-
ed," was the brief comraent of Sit
jamee Whitney last night when ask-
ed for a statement: for the press.
The Prime Minister lett his office
early 1st the afternooa and reteived
trte election results at his home by
telephone. He followed the returns
from each cOrtstittioncy wtih keen,
interest and occasional expressions of
eatisfaction, but manifested no con-
eern at any tinse as to the outtome
During the latter psrt of the evening,
'When moot elf the returns Were In, Sir
YaMeS was literally deluged by tele-
grams of congratulation.
Beyond the brief expression
ed, however, Sir jaMea declined to
make any prononneeinent beat night,
110 'eared early and Will probably
make a more extended statement to,
Walking into the waiting -room at
Ilonaveature Station at Montreal a.n
-Unknown man shot himself in thti
bee& Before dropping dead he te•
placed the weapon in hie aulteasie.
r 2, 19
.,}1 5omoNt) 0. OSLER, M.o., PREsIDENT, W. D. MATTHEWS. %ea -summit,
0. A. BOGERT, Generet Manager.
This Bank Offers Farmers
a complete and satisfactory banking service.
Sales Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made
on such notes at reasonable rates.
The Savings Department is a. safe and conventeet depository
for your money. Interest at ourrent rates Is paid on deposits of
one dollar and upwanla.
One dollar opens an account In the Savings Department.
• VI
What counts isn't what you pay— •
but what you get for what you pay.
The Ford buyer gets the most value
for his money in the car and the
best service afterwards. Big pro-
duction, skilled workmen and best
materials make Ford quality high
and Ford prices low.
$600 for the runabout; $6,50 for the toUring car
and $900 for the town car—f. o, b. Ford, Ont,
complete with the equipment. Get eatalog and
particulars from A. M. Crawford, agent, Wing -
ham, Ont.
From Senior III. to Fourth.
(80 per cent.)—C, Baker, M. Coultes,
3. Doby, G. Fryfogie, R. Anderson,
E. Musgrove and S. Brown (equal), C.
Adams, R. Smith, S. Lockeridge, A.
Imlay, F. Hinscliffe, S. Robinson, M.
P, Joynt. (75 per cent.) —E.
Delete,. L Jarvis, M. Passmore, J.
Saint, C. Lloyd, H. Angus, T. Hamil-
ton H. Aitchison, T. Sanderson and E,
Arigus (equal) (60 per cent)—L. Sturdy,
S. Bell, IC. Nichol, C. Wild, W. Ander-
son, M. Robertson, C. Pocock, A Bloom-
Perfect in Spellings, S. Brown, C.
Baker.' Perfect in Arithmetic, R. An-
derson, G. ryfogle, A_ Imlay.
From Jr. III. to Sr. III.
Mildred Walker, Alfred Viekers,
Gavin Holmes, Aghes Williamson, Annie
Thomas, Lilian Casemore, Harold Show-
ers, Velma Johnston, Alba Galbraith,
Willie Currie. Harry Gannett, Sohn
Davidson, Mentie Reid, Oswald Hutton,
Mary Robertson, Alex, Taylor, Kath-
leen Wilkinson, Jarvis Lutton, Howard
Huffman, Clifford Roberton. Clarenee
Pocock, Clara Hardy, Vietta Hill, Ailan
Gilham, James Allen, '16061 Reid, Eva
Rintoul, Annie Mackhall, Charlie Hell,
Madeline Walker, Harold Hamilton,
Carl Dixon, Irene Day, George Scott,
Rollo Sandereon.
From Form IV. to Fara III,
Jean Vanstone, Doris Fells, Clayton
Children grow by nourishment—not
overloaded stomachs or rich foods but
qualities that are readily converted into
Itfe-euetaitting blood; too often their
digestive 'powers cannot procure these
qualities from ordinary foods which results
iu weakness, dullnese and sickness.
If your children are under -size, wider -
weight, catch cold easily, are languid,
backward, pale or frail, give them Scott's
'emulsion Width is pure uteclicinal nourish -
tient. It sharpen e the appetite, 1.nildn
healthy flesh, fitut Untscles and active
brains. Scott's i growing- food for
chalclren,_ Refost alcoholic au1stitutea.,4
Zurbrigg, Alan Munro, Kirkwood Hut-
ton, Evelyn Ricker, Archie Anderson.
Alex. Baird. Edith Kew, Nellie Board-
man, Laura Ellacott, Shirley Donald-
son, Harold Mills, Margaret Carruth,
Edith Hart, David Perrie, Downs Lyn-
ett Verna Joynt, Lillian Ellacott, Nor,
man Varey, . Sidney Holmes, Lezetta
Johnston, Helen Wilson, Maud Seli,
Frank Sperling, Rose Williams, Mar-
guerite Johns, Fred Seli, Willie Angus,
Ivan Bell, Arthur Sturdy, Wilfrid Ella-
cott, Fred Piper, Carrie Hingston,
Viola Foxier,
,Tr. II to Sr. II. Names in order of
merit • F. Fvost, M. Cosens, S. Harrison,
K. Donaldson, M. Redmond, M. Van -
stone, H. Williams, A. Gould, N. hard,
E. Wild, G. Flitter, L. Campbell, D.
Piper, R. Clark, S. Frost, A. Browii,
Irwin, 1, Wateon, N. Clark, G. Bowers,
V. Arrisbuiy, L. Lewis, 9, Robinson, M.
Dennis, M. Piton. F. Pocock, A. Scott,
G. Bisbee, E. Rogers, L. Bell, C. Mason,
E. Taylor.
From Sr. Pt 1 to Jr. XI. Names in
order of merit.—E, Currie, G. Gibson,
V. Robertson, E. Varey, IC. Cruick-
shank, B. Joynt, L. Holmes, R. Browie,
L. Zurbrigg, A. Mitchell, V. Robinson,
F. Aldington, I. Lutton, 1. Meteod, Bt
13oardman, L. Hanna, W. Lockridge,
R. Holleway, C. Cruickshank, A, Wil-
liamson, M. Bird, C. Denaldson, C.
Boyce, S. Hutton, G. MeTavish, 0.
Cooke, H. Aldington, V. Deenis, S.
Page, J. Casemore, 5. Ilayles, M.
Stratton, M. Angus.
VII—Marks obtainable 500.—
Marks required for passing 300.—J.
Carruthers 495, D. Lloyd 485, M. Holmes
470, H. Caalick 467, T. Stricker 458, B.
Dobie 444, E. Amesbury 423, 1. Carter
421, le. Hart 419, E. Blackball 418, A.
Field 417, T. Isard 409, W. Bailey 407,
E. Fergie 406, H. Wright 399, C. Patti-
son 387, W. Kew 382, E. Lytiett 377, 0,
Tennant 370, M. Hill 354,
The Empress of /rebind *reek in.,
tpiiry was atlionrned for the eOtemissitiri
to eontider it guditg.
'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel
Almasswarra,—.....—. —....ammennium
Oar •
Some of
At Knox's
3 -stone diamond ring reg. $55.00 Saturday $39 00
r -stone diamond ring reg. $too,00 Saturday 79 00
r_stone diamond ring reg, $85.00 Saturday 65 oo
37 oo
42 oo
9 50
4 25
4 25
7 50
2 95
12 00
14 oo
3 75
7 25
5 35
8 day mantle clock reg. $6.5o Saturday 4 95
Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg, $6 Saturday 3 75
I only Casserole reg. $6.50 Saturday 4 25
only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday 2 10
Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao 85
Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.25 Saturday
r -stone diamond ring reg. $5o.o9 Saturday
2 diamonds and i ruby reg. $6o,00 Saturday
5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.00 Saturday
5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday
Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6.5o Saturday.
34 doz. 10 k Birthday rings reg. Sp:Jo Saturday
Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday
Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday
Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday
only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday
Pair ro k solid gold cuff links reg. $5 Saturday
8 day mantle clock reg. $r r.00 Saturday
8 day mantle dock. reg. $7.50 Saturday
These are only a few lines of ,bargains. Watch
he winlows for the others.
oarampumrsimorrailiormi wayaratris
How's Business?
Advertising, backed up by the right spirit
the right goods and the right service,
can rescue a sinking business and will
make a prosperous business more master-
ful in its own community.
When John Wanamaker, the Prince Of Merchants, be-
gan business, he resolved to force matters. He was
not content to WAIT to be found out—he DETER-
MINED TO BE found out, In short, he advertised.
He threw on his business, small as it was, the light of
publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the
shop on which the light shone.
In this community the Public is entering those shops
on which the light of advertising is falling.
Be sure of this: those who are using our columns
week after week do not give you poorer goods
or service, ler have higher prices.
Shops which are illumined by advertising ,court
with full confidence your favor.
Shop Where You are Invited to Shop
No. 5003, 0. II. A, Canada.
xe,14,835, D. S„ of Great Britain and Ireland.
Enrollment Ne.isso.—Inspeoted and approved.
3. W. KING, Proprietor,
Sollowing rooter Will he taken this sefts0h
by' the above horse:—Monday--wilt leave his
own 'stable, Moorage, to Thos. Abraham's,
eon, 1, ISIorris, for noon; then to Geo, War.
wick's,. eon. 2. Morris, for night, Tuesday—To
shodderera, ton, 4, Morris, for noon.; then
to Geo. Warlarte'S, ton. 7, Grey, for night,
WoduOstlar—AftorilOon to Waiter VoreSeff
don. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Beuf,
euneets, ewe, A., Vornberry, for noon; then
to King Edward Efotel stable, Wrorater, for
night. Priday-,-Te David eon. 1,
Toraberry, for noon; then to ITIS owner's
ratable, Bluovale, and remain. mitt the follow -
lug Monday morning.
ItEA.1) TUE k.)i13:16NITs
No. Old, Vol. 14, C. A , Canada.
No. 12,243, Vol. 28, 0.83. of (3lreat Britain and
Enrolment No. laza—inspected and Approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
Vonowing route win be taken this season by
tittr abave ItorAO:—KOncloy Will leave Geo. T.
Robotrson's sale stable and proceed to- Sam%
Borchelt's, Cuirass boundary for noon; thence
to his own staine, Wingham, for night. Tues-
day by way of gravel road to ltobt. Cooltes't
cod. lo, East Wavrattosh fon noon ; then to Ins
own stable, Wiughatn, for night, Wednesday
to 4os, Smith's, con. 8, Turnberry, for noon;
then to James McDougall's, Wylie fartu, Odd 64
Tornberry, for night. Thursday to Thos. Me -
Michael's, Wrotrotor gravel, for noon; then to
Ring Edward Rotel, stables, Wroxeter, for
Melt. Vriday to John MeNaughton's, con. 2,
Turtiberry, for noon ; then to J. W. gimes,
idtuovale, for night, satorday to N. B xers-
Muevalerood,for noon; then to his own
stable. Wtegiutta, where he volli remain until
the following Monday moreirtgell
I 601}40.4 ...144.110
Bank of Hamilton
Capital Authorized $5,000,000
Capital Paid-up, 3,000,000
Surplus - - - 3,150.000
The money you save, instead of being
a comfort, may be a care, if you have
to worry as toits safety. Banish wcrry
by depositing it in the Bank of Hamil-
ton, which has safe -guarded the earn-
ings of the thrifty for over forty years
in good times and bad, building up,TO
year by year, a Surplus now 25 per
cent. greater than its capital.
C. P. SMITH, Manager
Wingham, Ontan—
t ;
• VI
What counts isn't what you pay— •
but what you get for what you pay.
The Ford buyer gets the most value
for his money in the car and the
best service afterwards. Big pro-
duction, skilled workmen and best
materials make Ford quality high
and Ford prices low.
$600 for the runabout; $6,50 for the toUring car
and $900 for the town car—f. o, b. Ford, Ont,
complete with the equipment. Get eatalog and
particulars from A. M. Crawford, agent, Wing -
ham, Ont.
From Senior III. to Fourth.
(80 per cent.)—C, Baker, M. Coultes,
3. Doby, G. Fryfogie, R. Anderson,
E. Musgrove and S. Brown (equal), C.
Adams, R. Smith, S. Lockeridge, A.
Imlay, F. Hinscliffe, S. Robinson, M.
P, Joynt. (75 per cent.) —E.
Delete,. L Jarvis, M. Passmore, J.
Saint, C. Lloyd, H. Angus, T. Hamil-
ton H. Aitchison, T. Sanderson and E,
Arigus (equal) (60 per cent)—L. Sturdy,
S. Bell, IC. Nichol, C. Wild, W. Ander-
son, M. Robertson, C. Pocock, A Bloom-
Perfect in Spellings, S. Brown, C.
Baker.' Perfect in Arithmetic, R. An-
derson, G. ryfogle, A_ Imlay.
From Jr. III. to Sr. III.
Mildred Walker, Alfred Viekers,
Gavin Holmes, Aghes Williamson, Annie
Thomas, Lilian Casemore, Harold Show-
ers, Velma Johnston, Alba Galbraith,
Willie Currie. Harry Gannett, Sohn
Davidson, Mentie Reid, Oswald Hutton,
Mary Robertson, Alex, Taylor, Kath-
leen Wilkinson, Jarvis Lutton, Howard
Huffman, Clifford Roberton. Clarenee
Pocock, Clara Hardy, Vietta Hill, Ailan
Gilham, James Allen, '16061 Reid, Eva
Rintoul, Annie Mackhall, Charlie Hell,
Madeline Walker, Harold Hamilton,
Carl Dixon, Irene Day, George Scott,
Rollo Sandereon.
From Form IV. to Fara III,
Jean Vanstone, Doris Fells, Clayton
Children grow by nourishment—not
overloaded stomachs or rich foods but
qualities that are readily converted into
Itfe-euetaitting blood; too often their
digestive 'powers cannot procure these
qualities from ordinary foods which results
iu weakness, dullnese and sickness.
If your children are under -size, wider -
weight, catch cold easily, are languid,
backward, pale or frail, give them Scott's
'emulsion Width is pure uteclicinal nourish -
tient. It sharpen e the appetite, 1.nildn
healthy flesh, fitut Untscles and active
brains. Scott's i growing- food for
chalclren,_ Refost alcoholic au1stitutea.,4
Zurbrigg, Alan Munro, Kirkwood Hut-
ton, Evelyn Ricker, Archie Anderson.
Alex. Baird. Edith Kew, Nellie Board-
man, Laura Ellacott, Shirley Donald-
son, Harold Mills, Margaret Carruth,
Edith Hart, David Perrie, Downs Lyn-
ett Verna Joynt, Lillian Ellacott, Nor,
man Varey, . Sidney Holmes, Lezetta
Johnston, Helen Wilson, Maud Seli,
Frank Sperling, Rose Williams, Mar-
guerite Johns, Fred Seli, Willie Angus,
Ivan Bell, Arthur Sturdy, Wilfrid Ella-
cott, Fred Piper, Carrie Hingston,
Viola Foxier,
,Tr. II to Sr. II. Names in order of
merit • F. Fvost, M. Cosens, S. Harrison,
K. Donaldson, M. Redmond, M. Van -
stone, H. Williams, A. Gould, N. hard,
E. Wild, G. Flitter, L. Campbell, D.
Piper, R. Clark, S. Frost, A. Browii,
Irwin, 1, Wateon, N. Clark, G. Bowers,
V. Arrisbuiy, L. Lewis, 9, Robinson, M.
Dennis, M. Piton. F. Pocock, A. Scott,
G. Bisbee, E. Rogers, L. Bell, C. Mason,
E. Taylor.
From Sr. Pt 1 to Jr. XI. Names in
order of merit.—E, Currie, G. Gibson,
V. Robertson, E. Varey, IC. Cruick-
shank, B. Joynt, L. Holmes, R. Browie,
L. Zurbrigg, A. Mitchell, V. Robinson,
F. Aldington, I. Lutton, 1. Meteod, Bt
13oardman, L. Hanna, W. Lockridge,
R. Holleway, C. Cruickshank, A, Wil-
liamson, M. Bird, C. Denaldson, C.
Boyce, S. Hutton, G. MeTavish, 0.
Cooke, H. Aldington, V. Deenis, S.
Page, J. Casemore, 5. Ilayles, M.
Stratton, M. Angus.
VII—Marks obtainable 500.—
Marks required for passing 300.—J.
Carruthers 495, D. Lloyd 485, M. Holmes
470, H. Caalick 467, T. Stricker 458, B.
Dobie 444, E. Amesbury 423, 1. Carter
421, le. Hart 419, E. Blackball 418, A.
Field 417, T. Isard 409, W. Bailey 407,
E. Fergie 406, H. Wright 399, C. Patti-
son 387, W. Kew 382, E. Lytiett 377, 0,
Tennant 370, M. Hill 354,
The Empress of /rebind *reek in.,
tpiiry was atlionrned for the eOtemissitiri
to eontider it guditg.
'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel
Almasswarra,—.....—. —....ammennium
Oar •
Some of
At Knox's
3 -stone diamond ring reg. $55.00 Saturday $39 00
r -stone diamond ring reg. $too,00 Saturday 79 00
r_stone diamond ring reg, $85.00 Saturday 65 oo
37 oo
42 oo
9 50
4 25
4 25
7 50
2 95
12 00
14 oo
3 75
7 25
5 35
8 day mantle clock reg. $6.5o Saturday 4 95
Large fruit dish on silver stand, reg, $6 Saturday 3 75
I only Casserole reg. $6.50 Saturday 4 25
only Biscuit jar reg. $3.25 Saturday 2 10
Roger fruit spoons reg. $1.5o Saturdao 85
Rogers cold meat forks reg. $1.25 Saturday
r -stone diamond ring reg. $5o.o9 Saturday
2 diamonds and i ruby reg. $6o,00 Saturday
5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $15.00 Saturday
5 stone whole pearl ring reg. $6.5o Saturday
Solid Gold Cameo reg. $6.5o Saturday.
34 doz. 10 k Birthday rings reg. Sp:Jo Saturday
Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $12.00 Saturday
Gold filled Bracelet watch reg. $5.00 Saturday
Pearl and Cameo necklet reg. $20 Saturday
only 14 k pearl uecklet reg. $22 Saturday
Pair ro k solid gold cuff links reg. $5 Saturday
8 day mantle clock reg. $r r.00 Saturday
8 day mantle dock. reg. $7.50 Saturday
These are only a few lines of ,bargains. Watch
he winlows for the others.
oarampumrsimorrailiormi wayaratris
How's Business?
Advertising, backed up by the right spirit
the right goods and the right service,
can rescue a sinking business and will
make a prosperous business more master-
ful in its own community.
When John Wanamaker, the Prince Of Merchants, be-
gan business, he resolved to force matters. He was
not content to WAIT to be found out—he DETER-
MINED TO BE found out, In short, he advertised.
He threw on his business, small as it was, the light of
publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the
shop on which the light shone.
In this community the Public is entering those shops
on which the light of advertising is falling.
Be sure of this: those who are using our columns
week after week do not give you poorer goods
or service, ler have higher prices.
Shops which are illumined by advertising ,court
with full confidence your favor.
Shop Where You are Invited to Shop
No. 5003, 0. II. A, Canada.
xe,14,835, D. S„ of Great Britain and Ireland.
Enrollment Ne.isso.—Inspeoted and approved.
3. W. KING, Proprietor,
Sollowing rooter Will he taken this sefts0h
by' the above horse:—Monday--wilt leave his
own 'stable, Moorage, to Thos. Abraham's,
eon, 1, ISIorris, for noon; then to Geo, War.
wick's,. eon. 2. Morris, for night, Tuesday—To
shodderera, ton, 4, Morris, for noon.; then
to Geo. Warlarte'S, ton. 7, Grey, for night,
WoduOstlar—AftorilOon to Waiter VoreSeff
don. 2, Morris, for night. Thursday—To Beuf,
euneets, ewe, A., Vornberry, for noon; then
to King Edward Efotel stable, Wrorater, for
night. Priday-,-Te David eon. 1,
Toraberry, for noon; then to ITIS owner's
ratable, Bluovale, and remain. mitt the follow -
lug Monday morning.
ItEA.1) TUE k.)i13:16NITs
No. Old, Vol. 14, C. A , Canada.
No. 12,243, Vol. 28, 0.83. of (3lreat Britain and
Enrolment No. laza—inspected and Approved.
J. W. KING, Proprietor.
Vonowing route win be taken this season by
tittr abave ItorAO:—KOncloy Will leave Geo. T.
Robotrson's sale stable and proceed to- Sam%
Borchelt's, Cuirass boundary for noon; thence
to his own staine, Wingham, for night. Tues-
day by way of gravel road to ltobt. Cooltes't
cod. lo, East Wavrattosh fon noon ; then to Ins
own stable, Wiughatn, for night, Wednesday
to 4os, Smith's, con. 8, Turnberry, for noon;
then to James McDougall's, Wylie fartu, Odd 64
Tornberry, for night. Thursday to Thos. Me -
Michael's, Wrotrotor gravel, for noon; then to
Ring Edward Rotel, stables, Wroxeter, for
Melt. Vriday to John MeNaughton's, con. 2,
Turtiberry, for noon ; then to J. W. gimes,
idtuovale, for night, satorday to N. B xers-
Muevalerood,for noon; then to his own
stable. Wtegiutta, where he volli remain until
the following Monday moreirtgell
I 601}40.4 ...144.110