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Lakeshore Advance, 2013-05-29, Page 14
1111111111111111111111111 011111111111111111811111 14 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Klopp's motion for more money for roads fails Bluewater council le passes budge VARNA - Bluewater Council approved its 2013 budget Tuesday night, a 3.25 per cent increase, well below the original draft budget hike of 7.26 per cent. Mayor Bill I)owson praised the "countless hours" of work put in by staff to achieve a budget passed unanimously by council. The budget means a residential prop- erty owner will pay $1,218.70 on a $100,000 assessment. "'This is what we live with for the next year," the Mayor said. In her report to council, 'Treas- urer Ansberth Willert said the levy increase of $281,089 actually equated to a 4.96 per cent increase; however, income from real growth in assessment from last year dropped that figure. Capital projects, as always, are a major expense in the 2013 budget. Bridges, remedial bank construc- tion at Bayfield Terrace, Bayfield Storm Water Management Plan, York Street repairs and paving projects are part of construction projects expected to cost $3.22 mil- lion. A new grader, three -tonne truck, mower and pick-up truck are also highlighted under the roads budget. Willert noted an Asset Manage- ment Plan needs to be filed with the Ministry and funding of $22,959 has been received to offset that cost. A new rescue van for llensall, funded with 2012 reserves, and a new replacement tanker funded over the 2012/13 budgets are large expenditures for fire service expenses of $288,000. Replacing the Bayfield Arena roof, upgrades to ball diamond fencing, completion of the Bayfield Library project, construction of a new Zurich library and washroom facilities at the Zurich ballpark are among $1,702,892 in expenditures towards recreation/park facilities. Bluewater ended up with a $470,333 surplus on its 2012 budget. Willert, however, noted that if the $205,000 deficit in 2011 is factored in, the municipality's surplus is closer to $755,000 over that time period. Coun. Paul Klopp brought up $607,000 of reserve money pro- vided by the province that "has been sitting there for at least four years." "There are definitely projects that we need to start working on," Klopp said. "We need millions for roads... this (money) is sitting there with no name on it." Klopp made a motion to use the $607,000 for projects. Ile didn't gar- ner much support from council. 'the money is to fund infrastruc- ture, roads and buildings and was VERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. 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Given a facilities review is upcoming and taxpayers are often commenting about the municipality's facilities, he couldn't support Klopp's motion. Coun. John Gillespie noted there is also discussion on roads corning up. "I like the intent of the motion...it is well intended but a bit premature." Klopp said the public has giv' him the irnpression that they wt.. council to be frugal when it comes to spending money on buildings. Klopp attempted to withdraw his motion, noting it may be tabled again in the future, but CAO Steve McAuley said it was already before council and could not be with- drawn. Coun. John Becker voted with Klopp but all other members of council voted against it and the motion was defeated. i)owson said council spent a good 20 hours on the budget proc- ess and every detail was properly discussed. McAuley attends OPP meeting OPP representatives were a no- show for a planned delegation that will be rescheduled, but McAuley said he did get a chance to attend a workshop recently on how the provincial police service charges municipalities. McAuley said the workshop helped explain how the OPP recoups money for services and exactly what services they provide through contracts. Issues about the billing model were discussed. McAuley said municipalities are not charged extra for big cases when extra office ers are needed. The biker murc case in Perth County, for example; would have bankrupted that municipality, he said, due to the large amount of police resources dedicated to the case. "If we had a big case and more officers were needed here, we would not be charged for the extra officers;" he said. <\1unicipalities pay one-third of the OPP's $1 billion budget, he said. About 85 per cent of total ()PP costs goes towards wages. Municipal representatives offered suggestions on policing that would become part of a report, McAuley said. McAuley suggested it better explanation of the funding formula Neild be helpful. The current model, some municipalities have argued, is out- dated. McAuley said he could pro- vide council with copies of the 10.1 -page handbook on the l)I'I' billing model.