HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 2Grand TIVA 4 System TipEl wad, I ,T(S,' iit4 „sa.em. We can iesue though tickets via popular rotztee, to any ;mint in Anieriee, -East, West, Smith, Nee:thee:let, Mani- ' 'tobe, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage chocked through to destine- : time and full information given whereby : trevel/ing will be make pleeeent and . free from anneyeece. Tourist and return tit e to enave pointe also on Pale et loweat figneee, and with all prevailing advantoatee. Single and ret urn tickets to any point in Ontario, "s!nur business will be ap- preciated, be youe trip a short or a long one. I) anti e balg per c••nt. Upwards of istemr0 must he provieed by the people me the Dominion to pay the charges on the Government'e huge loans which have been necessitated by wastefullness and mat -administration. That amount must be diverted from puldie works and other develop:meet undertaking:. • Directly or iadivectly, the people of ; Canada must provide these mildonsee ; for the public treasury is no magic Meet whirl) is filled by a wave of a wizard'e wand -rad :Mist see them paid out for . ; interest charges while the country is denied necessary productive works • ; wince might otherwise qe undertaken. ; Spendthrifts and incompetents are ; ; tempecarily in control at Ottawa and ; Catieda pays through the nose for thief • condition. We can tieltet you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship linee. Prepaid orders also issued. If it'a about trowel, we have the informetion and will give it to you civet H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agcnt G.T.R. Times Offlc, Wingham, Ont. THE WINGHAN TIMES, JULY 2, •••••••••• 1914 A lady's comment— 'Tastes better—goes farther.' SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. I Special low rate round-trip tickets 011 sale from all 'mints in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Ste.: attle, Vancouvev, Victoria, Edmonton, eteltearrY, Benff, Yellowstotie Park, etc., during June, July, August and Septem- ber. Excellent train service, For rates, illuetratea folders, time tables and full particulars, address B. H. 13m - TO se.DVEP,TISERS nett, General Agent, 40 Yonge Street, me_ N otiee of changes mut be left at this effice net later than saturday noon. The eopy for changes must be left not litter then Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. I :.stiln.) TIESPliNZAAM IF:i.,LIOTT, ROW...WEER Atill PROPZETOR, •••••stre,....xman....ker.onal tr. pwleaar...el.nrcormacoosre•bawirctowato......... THURSDAY. JULY 2, 1914 BORROWING $224 PER MINUTE. Between September lst, 1913, and .Tune Oth, 1914, the Borden Government was compelled to borrow no less than .218,,a0,0 ;0. Taking a pound as equal to $487, the total borrowings have am - amounted to the enormous sum of $90,- 095,000 in tha period in question, It is diffieult for the human mind to comprehend such a huge amount, but the signficance of the figures becomes all too clear after a few ininutes' arith- metic. I3etween September lst, 1913 and June 6th, 1914, the Government has increased the indebtedness of Canada by $a23,921 per day. The increase per hour has been $1.3,455. Taking the per- iod as a whole, every minute has seen an jeerer:se in the 1 -abilities of Canada amountiag to $224! Taking the popula- tion of the Dominion as an even 8,00J,- 000, the Governmentin ten months, has increased the indebtedness of the coun- try by an amount equal to more than $11 for every man, woman and child. Put in still another way, the reckless extravagance and wastefulness of Pre- mier Borden and his colleagues has brought an increase. in Canada's indebt- edness equal to nearly $60 for every av- erage Canadian family. And this is the Government which promiaed care and economy in the administration of Cana- dian affairs. There is a temptation to treat nation- al borrowings lightly. The individual citizen does nOtsik-m any note when the Government borrows The b m• i °ow ng does not make him liable for the accep- tance of a particular draft at a particu- Clinton 2254 tar time. He does not sit down and Hullett 2409 figure that at such a time he must pay certain interest and certain principal. A government loan does not directly touch any citizen personally. But this A Year Indoors, do' 1 net Eean that the citizens of Can- "For thirteen tnonths I was so bad ada are not affeettd by the recklessness with chronic indigestion that I could of lierden management of the country's not go out of doors. Nerves were un- strung, the heart bad and smothering financial affairs -not by a jugful it feelings came on till I thought I would ' does'choke. Doctors' treatment failed me, Stene of the loans recently floated by se I began the use of Dr. Chase's Kid - the Government have at four per ney-Liver Pills, which I thank for my been present good health. I am now doing eerie. Others have been at four and a my housework and have a family of half per cent. Making a calculation ten." mar at the lower figure, it is seen that the Government has pinmel upon the coentry an seklitional annual interest Toronto, Ontario. THE NEW REDISTRIBUTION. The Bpdistribution Bill was passed by the House of Commons on Thursday, llth. In the provisions of the new bill the number of members will be increas- ed from 221 to 28.1. The increase, goes to the west, and to give the portion of Canada to the west of the lakes, its census quota all the eastern provinces, except Quebec, are deprived of repre- sentatives. New Brunewick and Nova Scotia each lose two seats, Prinee Ed- ward Island one, and Ontario four. Manitoba gains five, Saskatchewan six, Alberta five and British Columbia six. In Huron county there will be only two ridings as comrared with three, The new ridings will beknown as North and South. The following figures show the population and the votes in 1911 and 1908as the ridings are now composed: - NORTH RIDING Dominion 1911 INS Municipality Pop'n Con. Iib. Con. Ashfield. .... 2630 288 372 359 Colborne... 1602 179 184 2C6 Grey . 2850 300 383 321 Morris 2210 296 283 311 Wawanosh E1629 170 224 191 Wawanosh W 1843 208 210 235 Turnberry ... .1897 230 223 268 Howick 3403 522 819 549 Wingham 2238 288 166 302 Wroxeter 366 34 50 36 Brussels 902 95 96 107 Blyth ..... 704 85 78 92 Goderieh Town 4522 465 412 491 Lib. 354 212t 480 325 244 232 221 359 187 55 123 100 415 26886 3160 3000 3468 3307 SOUTH RIDING Goderich Tp -1920 Hayfield . 477 Stanley 1830 Hay 3014 Stephen..,. ..3453 Usborne ...1944 Exeter ...1555 Hensel!. ..... 792 Tuckersmith.. 2221 Seaforth 1983 McKillop 2239 26097 334 81 237 356 482 293 239 93 153 210 216 261 289 162 24 207 338 658 201 151 83 365 210 309 210 299 3244 2917 838 82 260 290 505 336 258 110 170 196 219 225 283 216 35 227 454 395 213; 137 ! 91 394; 275 365 292 354 3278 2448 QUALITY IN EGGS. chamte of no lees than a3,608,80O. That arneti le will have to be paid every year from tlei 'Annie treesery leemtme of the :;(: • Cwiadien. :Itrairs are be raisingnagA ');.• r;r,?s,..mt Min- . r. matter ef fact, of ciurg:?, be even !areal-, since some 'e• lemee have !men made at four ° "The Payment for Eggs According to Quality" is toe subject of pamphlet No. of the Poultry Division of the Live Stock Branch, prepared by W. A. ! Brown, J. H. Hare and W. II. Ault. ; Th13 pamphlet points out that as a re - suit of the 'flat rate' or 'case count' ; system of purchasing, Canadian far- mers during the past ten lost annually large sums of money I through marketing many bad, and in- ferior eggs. Investigation into this phase of the poultry indnstry evinced the fact that while the wholesalers were., , not themselves directly responsible for the losses and shrinkage, they had at their dispoanl the most effective means ? for improvement, viz: The rnaking of ! a difference, not only between the prices paid for good and bad eggs, but also ? between the prict.s paid for the various grades of good eggs. The objet e of I this pamphlet are to encourage the grading of eggs, which canonly be done by the use of an egg tester; the pay- ; ment of eggs according to quality, thus placing a premium of first class egg, ' and the adoption of a uniform system ; of marketing, which would protect not Gnly the producer and the consumer but ; also the merchant. Copies of this pam.; phlet may be obtained free Upon ap- plication to the Publications Brandi, Department of Agrieulture, Ottawa. 004 "is good tea" — . WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO im the Trerelo June 20, Ia04 ^ , ^ • - t Carr -In Wingham, on June 23rd, the svi; e of Mr. Freeman Carr; a daugher. LOCAL NEWS. i MARtnED It.•?v. Dr. Gitl'oed, the noir, pastor, will Netter11, 1.1 - Wil,o)o - In Wingham, occupy the pulpit of the Methodiet church : oa the 2 !Lb in'.., at tim re Hence of the /I on Sunday next. br•cle's mother, by Rev. 8, Sellery, M. ' Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., and family, ; A., B. D., Mr, James Netterfield to left on Wednesday for their new home Miss Mt-irt'" Wils)El'D. in Guelph. A large number of the i , townspeople were at the station to hld : Galllrin'th -In Winnipeg, on June them goo -bye. i 24th, Annie E. Galbraith, relict of Step - Messrs. John E. Swarts, George She* . hen W. Galbraith, late of the Wingham and Charles Knechtel attended the 1 Tmeas, and daughter of Mr. Samuel Orangeville races, this week, Yonhill, of this town, in her 37th year. Messrs. .7. E. Swarts' Erie Girl and Geo. B. Roe's Mise Garland took first There is more Catarrh in this section moneyin their classes at Harriston ? of the country than all other diseases races, last Friday, put together, and until the last few year was supposed to be incurable. "We are pleased to see from the daily / For a great many years doctors pro - papers that Mr. W. F. Brockenshire, nounceei it a local disease and prescrib- ed iocal remedies, and by constantly of town, has heen.elected Grand Couns ; tailing to cure with local treatment, cillor of the Grand Lodge I. 0. G. T., of ' ronourieticl incurable Hall's Catarrh Ontario. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney lit Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con- stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in eleses from 10 drops to a teaspooeful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars stir any case it fails to cure. Send for man from the head office. j circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J, CHENEY ez CO., Political problems are now of minor I Toledo, Ohio importance to perspiring manhood when I Sold by Druggists, 75e. compared with the perplexing one, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- MOf 11 tion "How shall we keep cool?" I Pa' • Miss Lottie McKenzie, daughter Mr. Geo. McKenzie, of this town, who FIELD HUSBANDRY EXPERIMENTS, has been attending the Conservatory of ; • Mr. D. Wilson, manager of the Bank of Hamilton here, has gone to take charge of the branch of the same in- stitution in Simcoe, for a few months, his place here being taken by a gentle - Music in Toronto, for some time, suc- cessfully graduated in Physical Culture and Elocution from that well-known in - The Experimental Farm at Ottawa and the Branch Farms and Stations make field husbandry investigations a stitution, the other day, and has been very prominent part al' their work. granted a diploma. For the information of those who are A. very pretty wedding took place in Interested the more important results the Presbyterian church, Blyth, on of last season's work over the entire Wednesday forenoon last, when Ella, system have been summarized and only daughter of D. B. McKinnon, Esq. issued in Bulletin No, 75 of the Experi- was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock mental Farms. It takes up the question with W. J. Milne, M.D., of that villageJ of rotation, cultivation, fertilizers, rates Misses Edith Clarke and Florence ; of seeding, cost of production, weed Hutton have returned home from the eradication and other points connected Oshawa Ladies' College, to spend the with field agriculture. The information vacation. is presented by Farms and Stations and Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Glencoe, was a , therefore, easily available for study. ; visitor at the Rectory on Monday. Re, This bulletin is for free distribution at had been spending Sunday at the lake the Publications Branch of the Depart - at Kincardine. !I ment of Agriculture at Ottawa. Mrs. Wm. Holmes returned on Thurs- day, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Hamilton. BORN. • Tervit-At Lower Wingham, on the S, Efforts to newer bodies from the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. John Tervit; Empress of Ireland have been abandon- , a son. ed. The loss of life in the Hillcrest, Alta., colliery disaster is placed at 197. .•••••=••••••••••mmre. ..... ... . 11 . , • • • • :,••••••••;;;Ill" Concrete walks need no repairs THEY are not only best at first but are cheaper in the end than any other kind of walk. They are clean, permanent and safe. There is no- thing to become loose nor are they slip- pery. They improve the general ap- pearance of a house and are a source of great satisfaction to every housewife be- cause they keep children out of the mud, prevant colds from wet feet and prevent dirt from being "tracked in" on floors and carpets. Equally important is the fact that they never wear out and never need repairs. This free book "What the Farmer can do with Concrete" tells all about concrete walks and how to build them, and a score of other things needed on every farm. Write for it to -day. Farmer's Information Sweatt Canada Cement Company Limited 521 Herald Building Montreal TOWN DIRECTORY. • BAPTIST CHURCH—Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U, meets Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CH/Moil-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every. Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CM/nil-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perm, pastor. Dr. A. 3, Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL—Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Snnday School at 2:30 p. rn. Mr. . C. Riley, Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S, S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL.—Service at 11 a.m., 3p., and 7 p.m. on Sunday, At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE—Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. PUBLIC LIBRARY—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon f,^ en 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- rarian. TOWN Co/mom-Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W. G. Patterson andD. Bell, Councillors; John F (.111 eves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meet5, first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD—H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, .4. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robe Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. 12310311CMIEMSM79 HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS—Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R. Smith, B. A., Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH.—Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. 'South Vancouver gets 8227,000 for local improvements. Regina is to.have a large glass plant. So are Selkirk and Calgary. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A B 1' 0 FZ 1 A A test has been made in Vancouver proving a new method of fruit curing to be successful. It means millions to Provincial growers. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING; Orders for the insertion a advertisements such as teachers wanted, bueiness ohanoes, mechanics wanted, artioles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the TIMM °Moe. This work will receive promptattention and wlll save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be rmoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TI11111424 OFFICIO. Wirighttats Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed phyaiciana. RATES FOR PATIENTS—Which include board and nursing), 84.90 to 815. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. fiR AND T RUNK RAILWAY SYS T el. rk WO( tor 4 VC ron London . , 9,85 min— .. 8littp.m. Toronto MItast 11901..m 045 *7 dine -11.59 s.na,.. 2.3.) — 9./4 p.m. AREZIVId R1201.1 Kincardine —5.80 a.m —11.00 it.m 2.89 p.m. London. — 11.54 a.m.... it.81 Po1ner400....----- 11.24 a.m. Toronto As Nast-- 0.80 pan— — 9.15 pan, W. F. BURGMA.N` A gent, Win 94. am CANADIAN PACIFIC 15AILWA. TRAIN'S LHAV% ton Toronto and. East.. f1.40 — 8.05 Treswater ...... 1.00 p.m— —10.22 ton. AnItXVII exOnt Teeswaier... ...........0.40 a.m.— 11."5 p.m. Toronto and Best— _..12 50 p.m....10:4.1 p.m. 3. H. RESNIIIR. Aitent.Winghana • OVER SS YEARS' EXPERIEIVOE ,PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS tIO. Anyone sending a sketeh and description May quieltly aseertaln tiptillOtt troo whether an invention ks Or011 &Mr pater tftble„ tIonsturlotlyeennoentittl. HAN08005 on Patents sent free. Oldest agouti for escurir JIatents. Patents taken through Munn c.f. Waive Ityeeist Mks, without charge, In e Stielitifie A handsomely Inustreted weekly. Largest ter- ea/talon of wny determine joinnAl. Terms for usnada, to.% e year. postage Prone/At Sold by au newsdealers. t MEI& co 3satItoadwar, New/ rk • .0eace, a5 8t,, woblugtou. • : E'E.'SEEDI THE WINO110 18 PUBLISHEID EVEl'a THURSDAY .MORNif4(il The Times °Mee Stone 'Mock. WIN(.411A.51, ON241110. advanee, 41.0 if not so fte..td No pap*' 411"". TIMMS ow SttnfestarPnou—ZI 40 Per canon, in tinned till .411 nrrearq era 2 aid, except at the option 0 thoAnt;efoltil bICr RA.Ti13 nismit,v .(1.r0rEaTIM2I4INT.i One Year 54-10 (So each insertion) Six Months Three Mouths 2 50 110' " 41 LW 084 " One Month One Week ole " • Legal and other similar advertisements, 10o per line for first insertion and 4o per lino tor each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpariel smile, twelve lines th an inch. Business cards of six lines and under, $5,50 per year. Advertisements of Situatians Vacant, Situa - tions Wanted. Houses for Sale or to rent, Articles for Sale, 810,, not exceeding eight lines, 25p each insertion; 51 for first month. 50o for each subsequent month, Larger at - 10 proportion. Business notices (new( type) 0) per counted. line; ite moat or news matter. 100 per line each insertion. Tan aOn DYIPAMtirog: n ItS0tilt+36. witt extensive assoriastont of all requisivesfor print. lug, affording tie/1111es not squalled In She oonntyfor turning out Ant Mass wort. Laroe t ype and appropriate onts for ail styles of PoKt- o-s, and Bills, eta., and the %test cifTles uf bloke fancy- trpe for the after o'leasee of prink Ing. H. B. 15LL10:0T, Proprietor and Pabileher DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER °pistons -Corner Patrick and Centre Sts. Pluming: Offices 45 Residenee, Dr. Kennedy Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery, Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Dia eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, Glasses Properly fitted. DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND, Id. B.(2. H. (Bug) L. R. 0. P. London, PHYSICIAN and. SURGBON Office. 'with I)r. Chisholm. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late Member House Staff Toronto General Hospital. Post Graduate London and Dublin, Successor to Dr. T. H. Agnew. Office Macdonald Block. w.11.Rambly,,B.Sc., 0.27. Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, betiteen the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church, All business given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DR. R.. PARKOR, D.B.0,A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested. Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.m. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. , J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in such difficult cases as Insanity, .Eptlepsy, Asthma, Rheuma- tism, lloodaelies, Constipation, Chronic Stom- ach, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Female Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, 13.1). S., S. Dootor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvanta D. 'tal College and Licentiate of the UnYni ouliege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 011ie.) odonald )3Iook, Wingloam. ee closed every Wednesday' afternoon from May lst to Oat. lat. * R. ROSS, D. 13.8., L. D. S. Honor gm duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgesans of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the LTS1 varsity of Toronto, IP/malty of Dentistry. Office over H. E. Isard 84 Co's„ store, Wing - ham, Ont. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. 1st, R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BTO Private and Company funds to loan at Towett rate of Interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Beaver Blot*, Witten= r A, istotyrori, tt • BARRT6TIIR„ ett. %qua/Jam, 0 it. DUDLEY HOLI1E5 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Meyer Block,Wingham. FARMERS tua anyone having live Steck or otber 1 Johnston's Pressing Parlors For DYEING and FRENCH DRY CLEANING • Give us a trial. Clean- ing, Pre;sing and Repairing neatly and promptly attend- ed to. Clothes called for and delivered. Shop one d )r.27Pit':eron's Jewellery Store. IIMED.VOLFRIASTIOXINEVIIMIgila. Fred Johnston PROPRIETOR PHONE 151 1211151.111***1MIIMIIIMI*C16 BUSINESS AND SI-10p,THAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the c_fdeikffileifed Y M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal CENTRAL 1211/ STRATFORD. ONT. Become a specialist in husiness. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's best Business School. We give individual attention. Yon may enter our classes any time. Three departments: Gommercial Shorthand and TeleAraphy Write at once for free catalogue. D. A. MoLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE **ea* LIFE A.CCIDENT PLATE 03L403WEATHER RucuPP Insurance Coupled with REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. Office over the Advance Office. WANTED. Good Local Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable Foothill Norsories A splendid list of frtit and ornam,mtal stock for Fall Delivery in 1913 and Spring Delivery in 19 t 4. Start at once and secure ex - elusive territory. We supply handsome free.out- fit ancl pay highest com- missions. artioles they wish to dispose of, ehould /aver. In ,,t,., z„ g it title the seine for sale In. the TIMPs. Our largo ty rite tur full particulars. ofroulation tells end it Will be sirenge Indeed if roc do not get A eustomer. We °isn't guaren toe I II 1 Oustyou win sell because you may tisk inore for tine artiole or stook than it is worth. Send I our advertisement to the Toms and try this plan of disposing di your stook and other otidlea, Toronto - - Ontario CRITICISMS DO you ever criticise your own invest- irtents? It is an exceed- ingly hard thing to do, and some im partial advice is often of great assistanee. Upon raquegt w� shall tm piegkard to *utmost teat. abla hrvestwouto foe you. A. H. Martens & Co. Merobtro Toronto Stock flattops BOND oted SHARE BROKERS C. P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO 244 ° "The Payment for Eggs According to Quality" is toe subject of pamphlet No. of the Poultry Division of the Live Stock Branch, prepared by W. A. ! Brown, J. H. Hare and W. II. Ault. ; Th13 pamphlet points out that as a re - suit of the 'flat rate' or 'case count' ; system of purchasing, Canadian far- mers during the past ten lost annually large sums of money I through marketing many bad, and in- ferior eggs. Investigation into this phase of the poultry indnstry evinced the fact that while the wholesalers were., , not themselves directly responsible for the losses and shrinkage, they had at their dispoanl the most effective means ? for improvement, viz: The rnaking of ! a difference, not only between the prices paid for good and bad eggs, but also ? between the prict.s paid for the various grades of good eggs. The objet e of I this pamphlet are to encourage the grading of eggs, which canonly be done by the use of an egg tester; the pay- ; ment of eggs according to quality, thus placing a premium of first class egg, ' and the adoption of a uniform system ; of marketing, which would protect not Gnly the producer and the consumer but ; also the merchant. Copies of this pam.; phlet may be obtained free Upon ap- plication to the Publications Brandi, Department of Agrieulture, Ottawa. 004 "is good tea" — . WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO im the Trerelo June 20, Ia04 ^ , ^ • - t Carr -In Wingham, on June 23rd, the svi; e of Mr. Freeman Carr; a daugher. LOCAL NEWS. i MARtnED It.•?v. Dr. Gitl'oed, the noir, pastor, will Netter11, 1.1 - Wil,o)o - In Wingham, occupy the pulpit of the Methodiet church : oa the 2 !Lb in'.., at tim re Hence of the /I on Sunday next. br•cle's mother, by Rev. 8, Sellery, M. ' Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., and family, ; A., B. D., Mr, James Netterfield to left on Wednesday for their new home Miss Mt-irt'" Wils)El'D. in Guelph. A large number of the i , townspeople were at the station to hld : Galllrin'th -In Winnipeg, on June them goo -bye. i 24th, Annie E. Galbraith, relict of Step - Messrs. John E. Swarts, George She* . hen W. Galbraith, late of the Wingham and Charles Knechtel attended the 1 Tmeas, and daughter of Mr. Samuel Orangeville races, this week, Yonhill, of this town, in her 37th year. Messrs. .7. E. Swarts' Erie Girl and Geo. B. Roe's Mise Garland took first There is more Catarrh in this section moneyin their classes at Harriston ? of the country than all other diseases races, last Friday, put together, and until the last few year was supposed to be incurable. "We are pleased to see from the daily / For a great many years doctors pro - papers that Mr. W. F. Brockenshire, nounceei it a local disease and prescrib- ed iocal remedies, and by constantly of town, has heen.elected Grand Couns ; tailing to cure with local treatment, cillor of the Grand Lodge I. 0. G. T., of ' ronourieticl incurable Hall's Catarrh Ontario. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney lit Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con- stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in eleses from 10 drops to a teaspooeful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars stir any case it fails to cure. Send for man from the head office. j circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J, CHENEY ez CO., Political problems are now of minor I Toledo, Ohio importance to perspiring manhood when I Sold by Druggists, 75e. compared with the perplexing one, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- MOf 11 tion "How shall we keep cool?" I Pa' • Miss Lottie McKenzie, daughter Mr. Geo. McKenzie, of this town, who FIELD HUSBANDRY EXPERIMENTS, has been attending the Conservatory of ; • Mr. D. Wilson, manager of the Bank of Hamilton here, has gone to take charge of the branch of the same in- stitution in Simcoe, for a few months, his place here being taken by a gentle - Music in Toronto, for some time, suc- cessfully graduated in Physical Culture and Elocution from that well-known in - The Experimental Farm at Ottawa and the Branch Farms and Stations make field husbandry investigations a stitution, the other day, and has been very prominent part al' their work. granted a diploma. For the information of those who are A. very pretty wedding took place in Interested the more important results the Presbyterian church, Blyth, on of last season's work over the entire Wednesday forenoon last, when Ella, system have been summarized and only daughter of D. B. McKinnon, Esq. issued in Bulletin No, 75 of the Experi- was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock mental Farms. It takes up the question with W. J. Milne, M.D., of that villageJ of rotation, cultivation, fertilizers, rates Misses Edith Clarke and Florence ; of seeding, cost of production, weed Hutton have returned home from the eradication and other points connected Oshawa Ladies' College, to spend the with field agriculture. The information vacation. is presented by Farms and Stations and Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Glencoe, was a , therefore, easily available for study. ; visitor at the Rectory on Monday. Re, This bulletin is for free distribution at had been spending Sunday at the lake the Publications Branch of the Depart - at Kincardine. !I ment of Agriculture at Ottawa. Mrs. Wm. Holmes returned on Thurs- day, after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Hamilton. BORN. • Tervit-At Lower Wingham, on the S, Efforts to newer bodies from the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. John Tervit; Empress of Ireland have been abandon- , a son. ed. The loss of life in the Hillcrest, Alta., colliery disaster is placed at 197. .•••••=••••••••••mmre. ..... ... . 11 . , • • • • :,••••••••;;;Ill" Concrete walks need no repairs THEY are not only best at first but are cheaper in the end than any other kind of walk. They are clean, permanent and safe. There is no- thing to become loose nor are they slip- pery. They improve the general ap- pearance of a house and are a source of great satisfaction to every housewife be- cause they keep children out of the mud, prevant colds from wet feet and prevent dirt from being "tracked in" on floors and carpets. Equally important is the fact that they never wear out and never need repairs. This free book "What the Farmer can do with Concrete" tells all about concrete walks and how to build them, and a score of other things needed on every farm. Write for it to -day. Farmer's Information Sweatt Canada Cement Company Limited 521 Herald Building Montreal TOWN DIRECTORY. • BAPTIST CHURCH—Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U, meets Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CH/Moil-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every. Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CM/nil-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perm, pastor. Dr. A. 3, Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL—Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Snnday School at 2:30 p. rn. Mr. . C. Riley, Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S, S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL.—Service at 11 a.m., 3p., and 7 p.m. on Sunday, At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE—Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. PUBLIC LIBRARY—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon f,^ en 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- rarian. TOWN Co/mom-Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W. G. Patterson andD. Bell, Councillors; John F (.111 eves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meet5, first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD—H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, .4. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robe Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. 12310311CMIEMSM79 HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS—Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R. Smith, B. A., Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH.—Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. 'South Vancouver gets 8227,000 for local improvements. Regina is to.have a large glass plant. So are Selkirk and Calgary. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A B 1' 0 FZ 1 A A test has been made in Vancouver proving a new method of fruit curing to be successful. It means millions to Provincial growers. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING; Orders for the insertion a advertisements such as teachers wanted, bueiness ohanoes, mechanics wanted, artioles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the TIMM °Moe. This work will receive promptattention and wlll save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be rmoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TI11111424 OFFICIO. Wirighttats Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed phyaiciana. RATES FOR PATIENTS—Which include board and nursing), 84.90 to 815. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. fiR AND T RUNK RAILWAY SYS T el. rk WO( tor 4 VC ron London . , 9,85 min— .. 8littp.m. Toronto MItast 11901..m 045 *7 dine -11.59 s.na,.. 2.3.) — 9./4 p.m. AREZIVId R1201.1 Kincardine —5.80 a.m —11.00 it.m 2.89 p.m. London. — 11.54 a.m.... it.81 Po1ner400....----- 11.24 a.m. Toronto As Nast-- 0.80 pan— — 9.15 pan, W. F. BURGMA.N` A gent, Win 94. am CANADIAN PACIFIC 15AILWA. TRAIN'S LHAV% ton Toronto and. East.. f1.40 — 8.05 Treswater ...... 1.00 p.m— —10.22 ton. AnItXVII exOnt Teeswaier... ...........0.40 a.m.— 11."5 p.m. Toronto and Best— _..12 50 p.m....10:4.1 p.m. 3. H. RESNIIIR. Aitent.Winghana • OVER SS YEARS' EXPERIEIVOE ,PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS tIO. Anyone sending a sketeh and description May quieltly aseertaln tiptillOtt troo whether an invention ks Or011 &Mr pater tftble„ tIonsturlotlyeennoentittl. HAN08005 on Patents sent free. Oldest agouti for escurir JIatents. Patents taken through Munn c.f. Waive Ityeeist Mks, without charge, In e Stielitifie A handsomely Inustreted weekly. Largest ter- ea/talon of wny determine joinnAl. Terms for usnada, to.% e year. postage Prone/At Sold by au newsdealers. t MEI& co 3satItoadwar, New/ rk • .0eace, a5 8t,, woblugtou. • : E'E.'SEEDI THE WINO110 18 PUBLISHEID EVEl'a THURSDAY .MORNif4(il The Times °Mee Stone 'Mock. WIN(.411A.51, ON241110. advanee, 41.0 if not so fte..td No pap*' 411"". TIMMS ow SttnfestarPnou—ZI 40 Per canon, in tinned till .411 nrrearq era 2 aid, except at the option 0 thoAnt;efoltil bICr RA.Ti13 nismit,v .(1.r0rEaTIM2I4INT.i One Year 54-10 (So each insertion) Six Months Three Mouths 2 50 110' " 41 LW 084 " One Month One Week ole " • Legal and other similar advertisements, 10o per line for first insertion and 4o per lino tor each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpariel smile, twelve lines th an inch. Business cards of six lines and under, $5,50 per year. Advertisements of Situatians Vacant, Situa - tions Wanted. Houses for Sale or to rent, Articles for Sale, 810,, not exceeding eight lines, 25p each insertion; 51 for first month. 50o for each subsequent month, Larger at - 10 proportion. Business notices (new( type) 0) per counted. line; ite moat or news matter. 100 per line each insertion. Tan aOn DYIPAMtirog: n ItS0tilt+36. witt extensive assoriastont of all requisivesfor print. lug, affording tie/1111es not squalled In She oonntyfor turning out Ant Mass wort. Laroe t ype and appropriate onts for ail styles of PoKt- o-s, and Bills, eta., and the %test cifTles uf bloke fancy- trpe for the after o'leasee of prink Ing. H. B. 15LL10:0T, Proprietor and Pabileher DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER °pistons -Corner Patrick and Centre Sts. Pluming: Offices 45 Residenee, Dr. Kennedy Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery, Dr, Calder devotes special attention to Dia eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, Glasses Properly fitted. DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND, Id. B.(2. H. (Bug) L. R. 0. P. London, PHYSICIAN and. SURGBON Office. 'with I)r. Chisholm. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late Member House Staff Toronto General Hospital. Post Graduate London and Dublin, Successor to Dr. T. H. Agnew. Office Macdonald Block. w.11.Rambly,,B.Sc., 0.27. Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, betiteen the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church, All business given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 118. Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DR. R.. PARKOR, D.B.0,A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested. Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.m. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. , J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in such difficult cases as Insanity, .Eptlepsy, Asthma, Rheuma- tism, lloodaelies, Constipation, Chronic Stom- ach, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Female Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, 13.1). S., S. Dootor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvanta D. 'tal College and Licentiate of the UnYni ouliege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 011ie.) odonald )3Iook, Wingloam. ee closed every Wednesday' afternoon from May lst to Oat. lat. * R. ROSS, D. 13.8., L. D. S. Honor gm duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgesans of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the LTS1 varsity of Toronto, IP/malty of Dentistry. Office over H. E. Isard 84 Co's„ store, Wing - ham, Ont. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. 1st, R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BTO Private and Company funds to loan at Towett rate of Interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Beaver Blot*, Witten= r A, istotyrori, tt • BARRT6TIIR„ ett. %qua/Jam, 0 it. DUDLEY HOLI1E5 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Meyer Block,Wingham. FARMERS tua anyone having live Steck or otber 1 Johnston's Pressing Parlors For DYEING and FRENCH DRY CLEANING • Give us a trial. Clean- ing, Pre;sing and Repairing neatly and promptly attend- ed to. Clothes called for and delivered. Shop one d )r.27Pit':eron's Jewellery Store. IIMED.VOLFRIASTIOXINEVIIMIgila. Fred Johnston PROPRIETOR PHONE 151 1211151.111***1MIIMIIIMI*C16 BUSINESS AND SI-10p,THAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the c_fdeikffileifed Y M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal CENTRAL 1211/ STRATFORD. ONT. Become a specialist in husiness. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ontario's best Business School. We give individual attention. Yon may enter our classes any time. Three departments: Gommercial Shorthand and TeleAraphy Write at once for free catalogue. D. A. MoLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE **ea* LIFE A.CCIDENT PLATE 03L403WEATHER RucuPP Insurance Coupled with REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. Office over the Advance Office. WANTED. Good Local Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable Foothill Norsories A splendid list of frtit and ornam,mtal stock for Fall Delivery in 1913 and Spring Delivery in 19 t 4. Start at once and secure ex - elusive territory. We supply handsome free.out- fit ancl pay highest com- missions. artioles they wish to dispose of, ehould /aver. In ,,t,., z„ g it title the seine for sale In. the TIMPs. Our largo ty rite tur full particulars. ofroulation tells end it Will be sirenge Indeed if roc do not get A eustomer. We °isn't guaren toe I II 1 Oustyou win sell because you may tisk inore for tine artiole or stook than it is worth. Send I our advertisement to the Toms and try this plan of disposing di your stook and other otidlea, Toronto - - Ontario