HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-07-02, Page 1T
VOL. XLIII.—NO, 2110
A Carlsbad
At Home!
Carlsbad Springs are the most cele-
brated in the world for Liver
Troubles. Every year thousands go
to the springs and are delighted with
the resulte obtained. R you lack
energy anti feel depressed the dances
are your liver is inactive and you
peactically she same foemula as Carlss
bad water,
We Personally Guarantee
that one or two teaspoonfuls taken
before breakfast every morning for
a week or ten days will put the sys-
tem in splendid condition.
Yucca Talcum
The newest andbestefor a limited
tizne we will give Free Face Chan
os with every tin of Yueea Talcum.
1 W. Mann
defer ees2dgeedeedase StroreC
ix TE ARE Sole
vy Agents for
the famous Lehigh/2,,
Valley Coal Co.'s
Best Anthracite --
It's harder and
will last longer
than any other.
Leave your order
Rae4 Thompson
Hardware Merchants
Phone. 27
Chr!stie's Grocery
Store opens '7 a.m. Closes 7 P.m.
Agent for Fleischman's Yeast.
Kneels they can buy the purest, finest
and best at this store with our gime-
antee back of every perdue,
Were not perfect but we are
careful. We valtie your trade
and every legitimate means
is used to peefect our heel -
nese relationship.
We sell only reliable brands of food
of Well eatablished teputation-foods
Of purity and geality.
100 per cent. Value
Wear Oreer'a Shoes and BaBbere
With the odds against them the Lib-
erals of North Huron and tbeir candi-
date, Mr. J. G. Anderson, made an ex-
cellent showing in the campaign on
Monday last. The Conservative majer-
ity has been cut into in nearly all of the
municipalities. Mr. 1VIesgrove and his
Mende were active from the opening
of the campaign and the different erye
used against Mr. Anderson had their
desired effect and the zriost prominent
of which Was the "outsider" cry. In
the different municipalities a number of
Conservatives put principle before par-
ty, but not in sufficient numbers to
change the result Owing to the fact
of our going to press early this week
we cannot give blither comment, The
vote in Wingham for 1911 and for 1.014
is given below: -
Ward 1
e 2
< 8
" 4
if I 5
0 43
34 57
36 64
45 74
65 67
198 309
1911 •
35 59
.38 59
53 79
68 86
17 54
201. 307
This week we can only give the ma-
jorities in the different municipalities: -
et (3) 43
0 0"
1911 .1911
Ashfield 71 14
West Wawanosh 15 8
East Wawariosla 45 54
Blyth 20 12
Wingham 111 136
Morris. 3 26
Wroxeter 20 28
Turnberry 19 47
Howick 134 205
-.154" "284
129 396
First Game Next Wednesday.
The lovers of the national game will
be pleased to hear that definite arrange-
ments have been made to play a double
schedule with Orangeville. The first
game to be played here next Wednesday
afternoon. The schedule is as follows:
Orangeville at Wingham, July 8th
Wingbam at Orangeville, july 15th
Orangeville at Wingham, July 22nd
Wingham at Orangeville, July 29th
The Wingham Club has lots of good
material this season to make up a fast
team, and as the Orangeville team are
also a fast aggregation, a good game is
looked for on Wednesday next,
Honored Their Teacher,
YThe Young Men's Bible Class of
the 1VIethodist Church gave a
strawberry social on Thursday even-
ing last on the lawn of Mr. T. Kew,
in honor of their teacher, G. R. Smith,
Who is about to leave for his summer
vacation, and the Sunday School superin-
tendent, P. Buchanan./ Strawberries
and cream, and ice cream and cake were
served by the soeial committee.
A program was given, consisting of
addresses by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hib-
bert, the pretident of the class, W. 11.
Gerney, and Messrs. Smith, Buchanan
and Cavan. Vocal and instrumental
solos and duets were also rendered.
Pretty Church Wedding. 4
)t A very pretty wedding was solemnized
at the Chureh of the &teed Heart,
Wingham, Monday, June 29th, at nine
O'clock a. m., when Miss Lillian),
daughter ofMr. and Mrs. William Kelly,
and Mr. EdwerdBok, ofWingham, were
united in marriage by Rev. Father
13Iair. / Only the immediate relatives
witnessed the ceremony. The bride
was prettily dressed in white orgendie
With trinnelegs of shadow Iace, and hat
to match, tarrying a bouquet of white
carnations and fern, and was attended
by Miss May Bok, sister of the groom,
Who wore a gown of white silk crepe
with princess lace and hat to match,
carrying pink carnations. The groom
was attended by Mr. Sohn Xelly, ef
High River. Aita., as best man. The
groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a
pearl ring, and to the best tnan a peal
tie pin, After the wedding dinner the
happy couple left for Detroit and NeW
York, the bride going away in al suit of
pearl grey with utbite warns hat with
willow plume. Mr. and Mrs, Boic will
be at home to their friends after July
lfitir at their home in Wirighatrt.
IRead our ad4 on last page
ad Dog in Turnberry.
strange dog came to Mr. Willits'
farm, 9th concession, Turnberry, en
Friday last, and after biting his home
and a pig ehased his little son into the
house, The animal was snapping vicious.
ly at everything that came near it. Mr,
Willits at once took after it with his
shotgun, and on locating it be killed
the animal and at once sent the head to
Toronto to have it examined. Be re-
ceived word back that the dog had the
Hutting -Woods.
A quiet wedding took place at the
rectory on Saturday last when Mr.
William Hutting was united in marriage
to Mrs Annie Woods. After the cere-
mony about twenty-five friends gather-
ed at their residence and sat down to
a splendid wedding supper, after whieh
a very enjoyable time was spent The
bride was the recipient of many beauti-
ful and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs.
Hutting nave taken up their residence
on Bristol Terrace, The TINES extends
Lakeside League.
A good crowd gathered at the park
to witness the baseball game on Friday
evening last, when Lucknow came
down to try conclusions with the
Wingham nine Unfortunately rain
came on shortly after the game started
andalthough it cleared off at intervals
the game was called off at the conclu-
sion of the seventh innings, when the
N e or e stood 14 to 41n favor of the home
Wingham .. 1 3 0 1 5 4 0-14
Lucknow 1 0 0 1 0 1 1-4
Batteries-MeCoy, Johnson and Tel -
far. Referee, Hiscox.
A House for Laying Hens,
A plan of a permanent laying house
for poultry, with brief description and
an estimate of material required for
the house as planned, is contained in
pamphlet No, 6 of the Poultry Division
of the Live Stock Branch a the Dom-
inion Department of Agriculture. This
plan has been especially prepared for
use in the Province of Prince Edward
Island by W. A. Brown and T. A. Ben-
son; however, it includes a number of
features, which in the opinion of the
writers, could be advantageously adopt-
ed throughout the greater part of the
Dominion of Canada. Copies of this
pamphlet may be obtained free upon
application to the Publications Branch,
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.
The services in the Methodist Church
next Sunday win be conducted by Rev,
G. W. Rivers, B. D.,of Gerrie.
Rev. J, W. Hibbert will preach an-
niversary services in Methodist church
Gorrie, next Sunday, In the afternoon
he will preach a special eermon to the
Orangemen at Lakelet.
The Rev. B G. Dymond will be in
ducted to the rectorship of the Chureh
of St. Paul the Apostle by the Venerable
Archdeacon Richardson on Wednesday
evening, .Tisly 8th. A number of the
clergy from the neighboring towns and
villages will also be present,
Died in Ashfield.
An old and highly esteemed resident
of this section passed away itt Ashfield
on Thursday evening last in the person
of Mr, John Cameron in his 85th year.
The funerartook place an Sunday after-
noon to Wingham cemetery. Further
reference will be made in our next
Fifty Cents.
Will pay for the Tam to new sub-
scribers in Canada from now until the
end of the year. If you are already a
subscriber aceept the chance to send
the TIMES for the balance ef the year
to your distant son, daughter or friend
who will appreciate reading the home
Death of Former Resident.
There passed. away at bis home in
London on Thursday last, a former well-
known resident of Wingham in the per-
son of Mr, Robert IL Crowder, in his
43rd year. Mr. Crowder had been 111
for only a few days. The bereaved
family will have the sympathy of many
old friends here.
Old Boys' Excursion.
The citizens of Wingham and vicinity
enjoyed the borne coming of a lot of
former toivnspeople, who come on the
armee) excursion of the Toronto Huron
Old Boys on Saturday last. This excur-
sion is always looked forward to by the
whole coenty, as former Huron County
residents all try and make it a point to
come honae for the weak end this ex-
cursion affords.
Newspapers are Hit.
Hon. L. P. Pelletier has struck at the
newspapers. Last session a committee
of the Canadian Press Association pre-
vented the postmaster -general getting
through a bill allowing him to fix the
rates on printed matter. Since Con-
federation postal rates have been fixed
by act of Parliament. 1•Ion. Mr. Pelle-
tier told the press delegation that he
would make them regret what they had
This morning he issued an order pro-
viding a special charge of one cent a
copy on every newspaper delivered by
a letter-carriet. Heretofore the charge
on all publications has been a quarter
of a cent a pound. The order is made
under section '71 of the postoffice act
In addition to the one -cent rate for
newspapera delivered by letter -carrier,
the bulk rate of a quarter of a cent per
pound is done away with, and hereafter
newspapers will have to pay postage
at the rate of a quarter of a cent for
each copy put into the mails.
Presentation to Teacher,
XOn Friday last the dosing day of
school, a pionic was held for the schol-
ers at the Wingham Junction School. .e -e•
Miss Gretta Kennedy, who has taughe
there for two years has severed her
connection with the school, as she in-
tends entering the University in the
fall, /
She was presented with the following
address: -
Miss Gretta Kennedy, Wingham,
Dear Teacher: -It is with feelings az
greatest regret and sorrow that we have
learned of your intended departure from
our midst. During your short time
with us you have been so eonstantly
our Weed and adviser, as well as teach-
er and instructor. You have shared our
joys and sorrows and by your ready
sympathy have so endeared yourself to
everyorie, that we feel it will be diffi-
cult to fill your. place,
As a tender your example has al-
ways been of an uplifting nature, and
we feel deeply grateful for the influence
for good which you have scattered in
our midst. Moreover, we feel that our
time has not been misspent, but that we
have profittecl very materielly, and that
the knowledge which we have obtained
Will be remembered in the years with
pleasure and profit.
In our game and amusements you
have always been a willing sharer, and
we feel that the pleasure which you
have brought into our lives will not
soon be forgotten.
While we regret your deeision to leave
tie, we hope and trust that your field of
labour and usefulness may be broadened,
and that wherever you may go, prosper-
ity and happiness may follow.
Feeling as we do We could not allow
yen to depart withoet some tangible
tribtite of our love end esteem so we
beg you to aecept this email gift as a
slight taker, of our regard for you and
hope that we may often act as a re-
minder of the many bappit been spent
together ie the Jusicticai sehool.
The addressee behalf of the pupils
was read by 1,4(aster Lawrehee Lemma
and Master • Harold Moffatt presented
Miss R`egeedy With a handsome silver
ehatelaine purse.
Death of Old Resident,
There passed away on Thursday,
Jeine 25th, an old and highly respected
resident of Turnbeery itt the person of
Mary Evans, beloved wife of Mr, John
Willits Deceased was born itt Water-
loo County sevehty years ago, where
she married her bereaved husband
forty years ago, and moved to Turn -
berry two years later she resided with
her husband ever since. Mrs. Willits
was taken ill with pneumonia only five
days previous to her demise. She
leaves besides her husband, two sons
add four daughters, to motirn the lose
of a faithful wife and kind mother.
The children are, Webster at home and
Melvin, of Turnberry, Mrs, Jan Fiteh
of Turnberry. Mrs, Percy Copeland of
Turnberry, Mrs. John Henry of Harris -
toe, and 011ie at home. Besides these
there IS one nephew, Mr, Samuel Woods,
Who had made his home with her Sin&
his thildhood. The feteral, WW1 Vas
Very largely attended, took plare to
the Wroxeter eemetery, the servites
Were eoridneted by the Rev, Mr, Leek-
land,of Wroxeter. Her death makes the
third in the family 'within tea- weeks,
two small grandthildree, Samuel Woods
of Tarriberrv end John Henry of liar-
riston, having been vietims of whoon-
ing eough. Mrs7ftUtt was an aunt
of MiSS Struthers of Wirigharn,
A few days ago, Liberal incompetence
and real -administration in the handling
of publie contracts was a favorite theme
with opponents of the Laurier cabinet.
Theee were insinuations of rake -offs,
graft and naiddleznen. There were
assertions that contracts were given to
favorites and that the interests of the
country queered in consequence. It
was charged that men and firms were
given contracts whice they were not
competent to handle. That was the
Conservative story in the years preced-
ing 1011.
There is another story now. It is
told by no less an authority than a mem-
ber of the Borden Government.
"When we took office," declared Hon,
Sam Hughes, inspeaking of work under
his department, as reported in the Ur -
revised Hansard for June 6,th last, "we
became virtuous and tried to change
the eontractors, but we met with loss
and delay and all sorts of trine:de on the
part of men, who, in the course of years,
would probably have become as expert
as the employees of the old contractors.
The old men have been doing this kind
of work for years and can do it mud
more satisfactorily and, therefore, we
are still giving them the contracts.
The Government has found that the
best work was done by the =traders
who were employed by the former ad-
ministration. It cannot have found that
there were improper acts on the part of
these contractors in other years unless
it is to be assumed thatPrernier Borden
and his colleagues are prepared to trust
the business of the country in tbe hands
of men whom they know to have been
guilty of wrong -doing. The feet is
plain -and it is emphasized by the ad-
mission of Colonel Hughes -that under
Liberal rule contracts for public business
were awarded only to eompetent men
or firms and that the country received a
dollar's worth of value for every dollar
paid. Slander cries were used by Mr.
Borden and his allies in gaining power
The Government's acts expose the eland
er now.
Mr. F. G. Sperling was visiting for a
few days in Toronto and Whitby.
Mr. and Mrs. John,Tervet spent Sun-
day with the Iatter's sister, in Mitchell.
Mr. Geo. Scott, of Winnipeg was visit-
ing for a few days with old friends in
Mr. George K. Powell, of Toronto, is
visiting his cousins in Wingbam and
Miss Glenn, of Listewel, spent Sun-
day im town the guest of her friend,
Miss Bertha Krotz,
Mrs. James Smith has returned after
a week's visit with friends in Galt,
Reveler anti Toronto.
Dr. Margaret C. Calder left on atur-
day last for Edmonton, Alta., where
she will spend a few weeks.
Mrs. W. A. Campbell returned home
on Thursday after sending a month in
Kincardine at the Lakeside,
Mr. Harry Manuel, of Syracuse, .Y.,
was visiting for a few days with rela-
tives and old friends in Wingham.
Miss Cooper, of the High School
teaching staff is spending her vacation
With relatives and frends in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kechnie, of Ber-
lin are visiting for a few days with Pars.
Keehnie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Misses Mabel and Luella Campbell,
of Wingham, were the guests of Miss
Gladys Kernaghan during the past week.
-Goderich Signal.
Miss D. Sperling left on Thursday
last for Montreal and sailed on Saturday
for the Old Land and will spend several
weeks on the continent.
Mrs, Alex. Moffatt, of Morris,. and
Misses Mary, Annie and Carrie Diment,
Of Bluevale are visiting with Mr, and
1Virs. Win. Maxwell at Leamington.
Ernest Buchantee of Toronto,
came up with the Hertel Old 13oysEx-
eUrSion, and spent the week end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Buthanao.
(Intended for last week)
Miss Lillian Longman is apending ber
summer vacation a. her parental home.
Mrs, (Dr.) jarniesou and son, Deyitl,
aecompauled their uncle, Rev. Mr. Hen-
derson, on a few days' visit to friencis
in and about Teeswater lase week.
Rev. Andrew Henderson, of Kipling,
Sask., occupied the pulpit of the Pres-
byterian Church here last Sunday eve.
rling, Ana preached an eloquent sermon
to a very large congregation.
The Young People's LiterarY Societe
purpose holding a big, picnic at the 100.
bridge on July 8rd. The whole com-
munity are most cordially invited to
attend and a splendid good time is an-
John Campbell, our general agent
here for verious kinds of usefel ar-
ticle, sold a high-class organ of the
Dominion Organ Co's -make, last week
to Mrs. Geo. Garton, jr. Tbe case was
of higbly polished mahogany.
The Presbyterian Summer School
opens at Goderich on the 2oth inst., and
continues until July 70. Alex. Henry
is a delegate from the Young People's
Society here, and Miss Mary Ferguson,
of Langside, is a delegate from the
Young People's Society, of that place.
Capt. It, Carrick and wife took an
auto erip to Point Farm last Wednes-
day, where the captain took a go at
the ranges in the county of Huron con-
test. They heel a swift ride and an en-
joyable time. At the same the cap-
tain won some of the prize money.
%Cupid, that funny little chap, bas let
fly another arrow right in our midst.
This time it hit two of the most popu-
lar young people of our neighborhood,
Miss Pearl Mirehouse, and Mr. James
Middleton, The nuptial knot will be
tied by Rev. D. D.Thotripson, of Grand
Bend, tomorrow (Wednesday) at the
beautiful home of the bride'a mother,
Mrs, Jane Mirehouse. Scores of friends
wish them Bon Voyage, /
The Lantern Lecture and picture
views given in the Methodist Church
lest, Thursday night under the auspices
of the Foreign Missionery Society, by
Mr, W. D. Clark, of Toronto, was a
most gratifying success, and a very
large attendance enjoyed a delightful
evenings entertainment. Mr. Clark,
the travelling representative of the So-
ciety, was very entertaining, and the
views of Mission Schools, Churches and
residences of China, were well worth
seeing. There was also some of China's
great Moguls mid Miss'onary workers
tbrown on the curtain.
The following were the team chosen
be the Rifle Association of this place
to represent them at the County of
Huron Rifle Association Tournament
held at Point Farm on Wednesday last,
and their score follows:
Capt. R. Crrrick 63
G. T. Robertson. 60
T. Elliott ....... .... 58
D. Beecroft, ..58
A. Beecroft ... 54
A. Robertson., a ...... , 54
T. Deacon... .......
A. King, 54
C. Leaver ... . . ...52
C. King ..... ,49
P. Leaver .... . ........ ......40
The trustees of Simpson's saloon
Oulross has had the well -driller, Mr.
Davidson, of Wingham, employed in
sinking a well at the school -housed for
some time. Mr. Davidson has met
with all kinds of hard luck and almost
met his first defeat in many years of
experienee; but he tenacieuely held on,
and overcoming the bad obstacles of
quick seed god stones he won out in
lime style. Yesterday, when at the
depth of 160 feet he struck a gueher
and now everyone is delighted.
The Foreign Missionary Soeiety of
The Home Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian chureh are now amialgee
mated and the societies will now start
Work under the new order of things
with bright prospeets far the future,
The ()Mute chosen are: Pres., Mrs
(Rev.) S. Ure Stewart; Vice Pres., Miss
RObina Henry; Rec, and Cor, See'Se
Mrs, A. Emerson; Treas., Miss Emma
Davidson; Sec'y of Literature, Mrs.
(Dr.) Jamieson: Stratigers Seey, Miss
Cbristena Laidlaw; Committee to plan
program for the remainder of the year,
Mrs. Stewart' Mrs. Henry and Mrs.
Friday, July grd, being Civie holiday
all business will be suspended and
everybody will be out for a good time.
The whole populitee frees far and near
is going to the big /genie at lgth bridge
given by the Young People's Literary.
There will be baseball garnet, football
games and all kinds of sorts for young
and old. Bring aka* your hamper and
have a jolly good time.
blr. and Mr. J. F. IVIcCreeken Air(
Mies Burdetta McCraelten, Motored to
'London on Friday last to attend the
wedding of Mrs. McCracket's sister,
Miss Effie Perrin and Mr. jeek Fere, of
Loedon, which took Place on Saturday,
Magistrate Roger McGill of Flesher -
ton, while trying a liquor ease With
Magistrate McMullen, was seized with
heart failure and died iri a few Minutes.
Mr. George C. Publow, Chief Dairy
Instructor for Eastern Ontario. reports
the quality of cheese this season AS be-
ing above the average for years,
illustrating seven lines made
by "Empress" shoe -makers.
There is beauty in every line
and every detail is perfected by
experts. Made in Canada.
We are " Empress " agents.
Immediate Possession /
if Desired
Not often do we have an oppor-
tunity to sell a farm with the crop
growing thereon, but just now we
can do so. It is needless to say that
this is a great adviititege to the pur-
daser, as he has an aiinost immedi-
ate return on his investment. The
farm contains 15,1 acres near to
churches, school and only 6 miles
from Wingham, Frame house,bank
barn, cement stables, driving shed.
Terms $2000 to $2500 cash, balance
on mortgage. Further particulars
will be given to intending purchasers
by phone or at our office. We have
no time however for answering
questions of the information hunter.
We also offer 3 acres of land near
Wbsgbarn with necessary buildings
taitrcalibfaarrgmaeinr: A fine bonze for a re -
Don't forget a call and inquire
about Tornado Insurance,
Ritchie & Cosens
When you want flour, tome and speak
to us about it. We are millers and
make a studyof each kind of flour, and
know whii
th s best for each need.
We have different makes -
Blended Flour
Quality -which is our biggest
of all flours
Milverton and Exeter
Manitoba Wheat Flour
Five Lilies Five Roses
Purity Royal Household
Ontario Flour
Puteaelsan-best of all Pastry.
Only special prices on five bag lots
We have a qnantity ei'. choice pota-
toes on hand order now
Plume 40
PURE stnns
Thooaaaaa a maw ttotta young, e, o.
Pie ere, fast ereoalana their own
hcrurs -Tu hlarntiTo positions as
stenographers, booltheepers, telegraph -
ere. etvil servants, in fact every sphere
of Business Activities. Yon may finish
as college if you, wish. Positions uusx-
enteed Rater college any day
vidual instruction, Bxpert teechers.
Thirty yea'e experience. Larits:t
trainers in Canada. Seven college/1.
t'IscOial course for teachers
A Billeted with COMmerchst t duce
tots' Association of Canada. Summer
School at the famous Spotter!. Business
Oallage, London,
Wingharn Business College
Cleo. apettion, von',,,,
nrezedent. l'eta,.1, al
MOdliTLt elifOoWalasbe
lee eseaseimille •