HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-22, Page 15Wednesday, May 22, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 15
Kids are seeing the water, earth, air and fire as sacred
Local Youth are hired to rule
Traveling Summer I)ay (:amp in
Many United Church Communities
with a Message of caring for the
Children are fantastic teachers,
When they care about something
they tell others. Instilling a sense of
awe and appreciation for the natu-
ral elements of air, water, earth and
fire, will generate positive results.
The lluron-Perth United Church
Traveling Summer 1)ay Camp
hopes that after a week at their day
camp, the children who
attend will be advocates for
healthy living. Lindy Mancroft and
Jenna I4eierling the young adult
coordinators for this program are
calling this year's camp, "Our BIG
Green Planet" and they want to
emphasize the sacredness of water,
air, fire and earth.'Ihey understand
that those who are children today
will inherit a world facing more
widespread and complex ecologi-
cal challenges than any of their
ancestors did.
As leaders they will help camp-
ers aged 4-12 tackle these chal-
lenges with creativity, exploration
and concrete experience. "'This is a
spiritual issue as well': says Beier -
ling, "we want to explore how our
spiritual lives connect to all of the
Beyond the important environ-
mental theme, The 'Traveling
Summer Day (amp gives full lime
employment to six youth from our
rural communities. 'There are team
teams that work in eight United
Churches...along with 411 teen vol
unteers to offer a program of crafts,
science, games and music. The
small rural church is alive with
youth when the camp sets up in
their community. Lindy Bancroft,
entering her second year on staff
explains, "1 think it's important for
kids to realize that church is fun
and exciting, and God is with then)
in all aspects of their lives. Each
activity that we do with the
kids excites thele! As for a job, it
is honestly the hest! !low many
people can say that they play with
kids for a job?" This day camp is a
half day, Monday -Friday program
for children 4-12 years of age. Reg-
istration is advised and partici-
pants are encouraged to contact
the church nearest then) to attend.
Our BIG Green Planet, Traveling
Sumner 1)ay (:amp, 2013 will run
in the following churches. All chil-
dren are welcome. If you are 13-15
and looking for a one week chance
to work/volunteer at the camps,
the pay is $50/wk or 25 hours of
community service. For more
information -call your local United
Church or Kathy Douglas, 519-52:1
July 8-12 Main Street United,
Mitchell 519 3.18-88112
Central United, Stratford 519-
July 15-19 hgnnondville united
St Paul's United, Milverton 519-
July 22-26 Lakeshore United,
July 29 -Aug 3 Fordwich United
St Mary's United 519-284-3016
August 6-9 lirucefield Commu-
nity (lilted Church 519-233-5755
Aug 12-16 Grace United, Tavis-
tock 519-(355-2992
Aug 19-2:1 Crediton United 519-
Grand Bend United 519-2:181-
Ba t
Highway 21 at
Ausable Cut
5 I ()-243-2144
Pastor Doug Watson
Sunday, May 26th
10:30 a.m.
Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
Kid/ Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games
and more, SK - Cr 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the
second Wednesday of each month
Mid -week service
Wednesday 7:I0 p.m.
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Zurich Mennonite Church
K 114 Yau 1i11 11cusall Rd , West ,at /wish
www,kingsNcldeom iton.tvr
KIngsf rltt Pastor: Ken l i,arlo
%Ml' Pastor: Tuan Roes
Sunday, May 26
9:30 a.m.
Worship Gathering
Pastor Tum Roes
11:00 8.nl. Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
1 Iwy. 21, North of (rand Bend
?Mail: st.johns(u hay.net
Web: www.stjohnsgrandlx nd.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, May 26
Trinity Sunday
8:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
lir. (irayhame l3owcutt
St. John's By -The -Lake:
Sunday, May 26
Trinity Sunday
10:01) a.m.
Iloly Eucharist
irayhante liowcott
"A Community of Faith to Call Ilotne"
The Reverent) Father Grayhanie R. Ilowcott
St. Peter's 1 utheraut Church (El ,CIC)
Zurich, Ont. 1.
Rev Nadine SC hit tiles Kt;fn/
Organist Mts. Cluistine 1'.aglesun
Serrctauy Jctu►ifer Seliellenherger, 011ier 519-236-4697
Sunday, May 26
The Holy Trinity
Confirmation Sunday
with Holy Communion
Service 10:00 am.
Sunday School 10:15 am.
Coffee Hour at 11:00 am
►ti•the /politic. ot .1't !',ter'C,u,' tilled. byth1',r!fh41,
11r hr ,r $,l•l,,'hump ,( 11or,hrlpanz ,nrr.ir,'.1,lh'n.vr„NInv in
fr ut!, d U, Nigh the ,(\ ly rel ,( h 1. Jun,, on/ A r OW , , 4ry/LUNh ,( the 1I, 44!
(:rand fiend Church of (
('clic worship with tis
11w'' 81 and (iill Road Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday May 26
9:30 10:3(1 a in. Sunday tirhooI tut All Ages
10:30 - 11 0) a in Cutlet- rune
11:18) ant. Winship Setvik:e
('onar Juin our )ouch (roup fur ages 11-18
as 6:45 pan. Sunday Evenings
Tuesday 7 00 p na Itihie study
Wednesday 1 (111, nt hay el ,\ Bible Study
►vww.graandbendchurehofgod.org Ltd,.
Grand Bend United Church
Minn Street at Queen 519-2 15 2.102 ,
Minister: Rev. !laity Dasher
Organist: !:Iva Mrintyrt' r4)
WWW.grandhend-greenwaYp ruin
May 26th
11:110 a.m.
Pentecost 1
Worship 1.eader:
Peter ('hallen
Sermon: "11S'1'"
All Welcome
llahai'i Faith
"/1 is t'►'i(h'lil...1/1(U the c/t'►'e/-
u/)!m'n! (??U/ growth o/•man on
iI,j.v yell/1, until lie rt'aeltec/ /tie
/N't',ve!1t perfection, resembled
Ilse growl's (113(/ development
n/•1111' embryo in lilt' womb o/
!lit' mother"
from The 11ahai'i Writings
I'ut intimation on laaral Children's ('Lasses
and the Junior \',zone 1anlxtwentx'nt Pnagtant
call 519.2 15 8091 or visit these web sites:
Zion Lutheran Church 1 4C -C
t 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. '1'retubulak
Sunday, May 26
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult 13ihle ('lass
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/nett--hni hn/ut'hay.net
t.reotivoly pro( Iotminp CHRIS 1 without (.ampromisk'
Sunday Mav 26. 2013
9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages
10:50 am - Morning Worship
'The Cornerstone' Pastor McGuffin speaking
6:00 pm - Evening Service
Geoff Greening speaking
Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest
519-786-3480 ltlgNw.forestbatntlst.ctl
We welcome everyone of all ages to join usll