HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-22, Page 13Cleaning IT OUT L&A Mobile Wash We will come to you for all of your spring power washing needs. Specializing in storefronts, cottagos, docks, siding, wood, concrete, driveways, boats and docks. Please contact for details - crkennetb coca or 19 2$1-499 LAMBTON CLEAN- ING SERVICE: steam cleaning, of carpets and upholstery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson: 519-296-4721 New Service: flooring, drywall and renova- tions. Chris Sheriff: 519-615-4721 Public Notices Public Notice' WINNER of the 50/50 draw on May 9, 2013 for Huron Country Playhouse Guild Fashion Show was Pat Hendrick, of Grand Bend. The prize $1,110.00. Congratulations Patl GRAND BEND ART CENTRE Annual Gen- eral Meeting: May 27, 5pm at the Grand Bend Art Centre, 63 River Road, Grand Bend. 519-238-6873 Services Offered "HONEY DO" Property Maintenance Home repairs, odd jobs, grass cutting, trimming, snow -removal. Large properties easily maintained. Glenn Pfaff 519-237-3835 Wednesday, May 22, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 13 VERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. LOOKING FOR NEW BUSINESS and added revenue? Promote your com- pany in Community Newspapers across Ontario right here in those Network Classified Ads or in business card -sized ads in hundreds of well- read newspapers. Lot us show you how. Ask about our referral program. Ontario Community Nowspapors Association. Contact Carol at 905- 639-5718 or Toll -Free 1-800-387-7982 ext. 229. www.notworkclassified.org .THE ROSEDALE Cli•r ()P,'pha r'r 1ko It 1':7r1(>t.'r1 ROSEDALE TRANSPORT requires Owner Operators for our U.S. lanes Requirements: Tractor 2007 or newer, clean driver's abstract & CVOR, FAST card preferred, nlininunn 2 years cross-border oxperionco. 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