HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-05-22, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Lambton Shores says `I do'
for wedding on the beach
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
QMI Agency
Council have agreed to let it wedding take place on
(rand Bend's Observation Deck of the beach house
on September 1 st which is against their beach
'I he Community Services Department received a
request from Monica Bladek and Matt Wroblewski to
hold their wedding ceremony on the Observation
)eck of the (;rand fiend i;each I louse on September
1, 2013. The event would fall on the Sunday of the
Labour Day weekend, which the (rand Bend Beach
Use Policy does not permit.
'Ile current policy states:
"9.3 Long Weekends: No event or activity of any
type will be permitted to operate on the (;rand Bend
Beach during a long weekend. This includes: Victo-
ria Day, Canada Day, Civic Weekend and Labour
)ay. 'I his sloes not apply to pre- existing Canada Day
Brent Kittmer, Director of Community Services
said Ms. Bladek and Mr. Wroblewski are requesting
an exemption to this part of the polity in order to ful-
fill their dream of a beach wedding.
"'the ceremony would take place at 3:(X) pm. 'Ihe
simple ceremony will require
little set up, which would continence at 2:30 pot.
'Ihey expect all guests will be off to the reception and
all remnants of the ceremony to be cleaned up by
4:00 pm. This would mean the Observation Deck
would not be available to the public for2.5 hours that
"'they are expecting around GO guests who will all
be notified of the limited parking at the beach at this
time of year. They will also be made aware that it is
paid parking. If approved, a parking plan will be sub-
mitted with the application form, "
Kittmer said staff is recommending that Council
approve this request, as the Labour Day weekend is
not typically as busy as the other long weekends dur-
ing the prime summer months. "The ceremony is
short in duration, which should cause little disrup-
tion to anyone wishing to use the Observation I )eck,"
said Kittmer.
The notion carried with Deputy mayor Elizabeth
Davis- Dagg, and councilors John Bussell and Doug
Cook voting against.
The Municipality of Lambton Shores
A weakly Updafo on fho Municipal Events on your Community
Administrellon Department - 7883 Arntolecorn Parkway. Forest, Ontario NON 1J0
Tel 1.877.786.2335, 519-788.2335 Fax 519.7882135 1 moil edminrsbalionCiamblonahores ea Veit out Web Site 441 www rarnbtonetswes , e
1 hero aro ninny options In our local community
and surrounding nroa to dispose or donate bulk
Items you may no longer need or that do not
1 tbo flyer available on (e Municipal wobslte lids
many business options ns well as social service
options whore hems can bo disposed of,
recycled, or donated
For more Information plunsn visit
WWW.IOIPUtonstiQft18 (4 or call 510.243 1400
Notice to Property Owners
In accordance w$th the Wood Control Act, R S 0
1900, c W 5, Suctions 3, 13, 16, 23, notice Is
given to all persona In po len of land that
unless noxious woods growing on their lands.
wllhln tho Municipality of Lambton Shores. are
destroyed by June 15, 2013 and throughout Oe
season, tho Municipality may enter upon Ile
said lands and have the
woods destroyed, charging
the costa apninst the land,
OS sot out In the Act
The co oleretion of
all cltlrons Is npprodatod
Olefin Holl, Weed Inspector
Tondo documents are now available for the Church Strout 411141 Jn Street Wnlouauain
Replacement project
Pru qualified contractors will be bidding on Ml things no(:essary to supply and replace
approximately 450m of watorrnaln. 100nn of storm sewer, 150hnm dkunetm road
cuIven, and road works consisting of curb and gutter, sklewatks, and sanitary dean outs
Tho Project location includes both Church Street and Janes Street tit the Lown of
Interested contractors may obtain the tender documents for n rwm n,fundable dnposil of
$50 00 from
Municipality of l nmbton Shores - Forest (Mfko
7883 Amtoiecom Parkway
Forest. ON, NON 1.10
Tel 519-786-2335
The closing date for submissions Is Tuesday May 28, 2013 at 11'00am (local time)
Mont Kittmor, Director of Community Sonar els
510 243 1400
Plonso to advised that the 2' tax Installment Is due on May 31", 2013 Payments con
bo rondo by PRI --AUTHORIZED withdrawal (forms aro available) at the Municipal offices
or on our wubslto www Inmbtonsh(xos ca). moll. Intranet o 11Mpleno banking, or In
parson at any o1 the 3 offices
1 ho l ambton Shoros' Volunteer I Ira
Department, Forest Is sookhng applications
from probationary or firefighter applicants.
Preference will bo given to those applicants
with training and certification In CPR, First
Akt, and U or 01 driver's license certification
would be an asset
Applications and a lob description can be picked up at the
Municipality of Lambton Shores Forost Administration
Office located upstairs at The Shores Recreation Centre,
7663 Arntelecom Parkway.
Interested candidates are asked to submit nn application
and resume by hand or mall. Including relevant
experience by 4.30 p m May 31st, 2013 to
Ms Janet Ferguson,
Acting Chief Adminlstrative Officer
MunkApallty of I ambton Shores
7863 Arntelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 'JO
Tonder documents aro now available for the Lemblon Shores 2013
water meter replacement project
Pro qualified contractors will be bidding on all things necessary to utstdl
100 residential water meters
The Project location Includes the former Village of Grand florid and
Interested contractors may obtain the tender documents from
ilttp / 43111Litlnitttg.[lkh4Tlib IRLiltYMIALIQgttiiL oL rn 11Vci )141PIVioi is been
The closing data for submissions Is Tuesday May 2e, 2013 at
11:OOam (local time)
Ouostlons related to the tender shoukf be directed to Jeff Wolfe. Project
& Infrastructure manager (519-243-1400)
I(1 MIND! It: All (:( tome 11 meetings aro held .at the Legacy Centre in Thedford
Beachgoers now paying )
for parking in Port Stanley
Eric Bunnell
QMI Agency
Starting Saturday, Beachgoers
headed to Port Stanley this summer
will have to pack spare change along
with sunscreen.
After more than a year's debate in
the community and in Central Elgin
council chambers, paid parking has
arrived at Main Beach.
The municipality has installed pay -
and -display parking machines in five
lots where motorists will be charged
$2 an hour up to $10 a day, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. seven days a week through
Labour l)ay,
While Central Elgin is waiting to
see just how much money paid park-
ing generates, Deputy Mayor Dave
Marr, a Port Stanley resident, says
revenue will offset the cost of beach
operations, about $200,000
Money on top of that would go to
beach improvement,
"We want to take the extra funds a
reinvest them in the area:'
Main Beach is an economic driver
in the community but Marr says rais-
ing taxes for capital work isn't an
alternative in council's eyes.
The advent of paid parking has
sparked a debate in the community
with residents arguing both for and
against it, as well as whether locals
should get passes.
There's also a concern visitors will
jam nearby streets where parking
remains free, although those spaces
are limited and Central Elgin says
parking regulations will be enforced.
But Marr says he believes a major-
ity has adopted a wait-and-see
"1 think most people are sitting on
the fence....
"They're waiting to sec how suc-
cessful it will be."
Free parking is one of the attributes
that Environmental Defence
acknowledges in its listing of Main
Beach as a premier Blue Flag Beach.
But Marr said he doesn't believe paid
parking will affect the designation.
Central Elgin is waiting word whether
Port Stanley has earned the prestige
honour again this year.
Parking machines will take credit
cards as well as coin. Season passes
are available for $155 through the
municipal office at 450 Sunset Dr.
and online through the Central Elgin
By-law officers ready for 2013 season
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
QMI Agency
Council voted unanimously for by -
law enforcement officers for 2013, and
Chief Building Official Bandy 1.ovie,
Building Inspector 1)on Welten, and
Community Services stuff members Bill
Bentley, Al little and Nick Verhoeven
are included in the list, as they can pro-
vide backup coverage in the event that
other Provincial Offences Officers are
not available and tickets need to be
Provincial Offences Officers for the
enforcement of Municipal By -Law
offences for the 2013 season are
Glenn Bell
Keith VV. Crawford
Natasha Vaessen
Mike i'oljanowski
Keith (: Crawford
Curtis Fisher
Brandon liogaart
Handy 1,ovie
1)o11 Welten
Greg Bell
Bill Bentley
Al Little
Nick Vet bosom
Amanda Wilson
I)erek Masse
Dim Nur